January 1905


2 January

EBW attended the inauguration of the new governor of Utah, John C. Cutler.

4 January

EBW went to the dedication of the W. H. Groves L.D.S. Hospital in Salt Lake City, representing the Relief Society and its interest in nursing.

3 February

Church leaders asked EBW, as general secretary of the Relief Society, to tell Martha Brown Cannon to stop attending Relief Society board meetings and submit her resignation. EBW felt she could not do this.

1 May

EBW accompanied Bathsheba W. Smith to Provo, Utah, where Smith received honors from Brigham Young University on her eighty-third birthday.

14 August

EBW stayed with Annie Wells Cannon’s family while Annie visited her husband, John Q. Cannon, in Canada, where he was working in ranching for most of that year.

8–29 December

EBW visited her daughter Melvina Whitney Woods and her family in northern Idaho. Together they read family letters from Daniel H. Wells’s deceased sister Catherine.

11 January 1905 • Sunday

Rose early after being up late went to the Temple was in good time, walked up from Cannon car and reached there early John Q. [Cannon] came also went to City and County Building. President Joseph F. Smith spoke in scathing terms of traitors. It was very solemn and impressive. No one who heard him can ever forget it, he said it was not a time for mirth or light-mindedness but for prayer and humility. He wept with emotion that could not be mistaken in spirit and fervency.

Afterwards went up to see Lydia Ann Wells she was 77 today, seemed not very well, had a fine dinner Kate [Catherine Wells] had prepared for the occasion Susan [Riter Wells] was also there and Kate & Louis [R. Wells] May [Wells Whitney] came in and stayed. I gave her Lamborne [Alfred Lambourne]’s Pictures of an Inland Sea, came back to Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s and had a fine evening with them. Stayed all night Louise [B. Cannon] slept at Sister May Rich Taylor’s {p. 37}

2Fast meeting in the Temple, Pres. J. F. Smith & [John R.] Winder & [Anton H.] Lund also [Francis M.] Lyman [Charles W.] Penrose and Hyrum [M.] Smith. {p. 5}

3Jan. 1. 1905

Sarah Eddington E. Langton John M. Cannon May H. [Booth] Talmage Della W Eardley Geo. H. Taylor Br. [Lorenzo] Snow called the brethren together and said we would have a fast meeting on each Sunday Fast4 E. J. Stevenson H. G. Park John McDonald Kate Brockbank A. J. [Augusta Winters] Grant[,] Bishop [Alfred] Solomon The spirit of God like a fire A. M. Cannon Thom. Hull. Rose Wallace5 Jos. E. Taylor Jos. F. Smith hoped we would have a successful new year a very narrow place that we are in {p. 63}

2 January 1905 • Monday

<Read my revise today for Dec. 1904> This morning lingered and missed the eleven o’clock car. George Q. [Cannon] took me in the buggy to the City and County Building to witness the new Governor’s inauguration. It was conducted by [William] Spry Ch. Rep. Com.6 John C. Cutler a business man, and one whom we never would have thought of is now Governor of Utah. One generally thinks of a candidate for Governor one who has rendered some service or whose parents have in some way helped forward the community in civic or some public progress. The Secretary7 is also unknown to the general public, both men are of very ordinary education and ability. After the ceremonies I went home and to Belles [Isabel Whitney Sears] had dinner there and spent the evening at Mrs. Kate Bridewell Anderson’s to meet Mrs. R. Anna Germaine [German] Author of some works one Pulse of the New Thought8 She comes from Southern California but is a Southerner in reality {p. 38}

3 January 1905 • Tuesday

Tuesday I worked very hard all day at doing things to make up for holiday times, wrote letters and picked up matters, looked over old accounts, had some callers not many, worked late in the evening, Louise has been up and Daniel [H. Cannon]. The day has been miserably cold and raw foggy too outside no particular news except about Subpoena’s, being served on those wanted for witnesses.9 *I have had peculiar feelings all day something in the way of ecstacy as if some good news had come or some wonderful thing was transpiring as if one walked above the ground. I do not comprehend the condition, there is no perceptible cause for it, and I do not feel natural. {p. 39}

4 January 1905 • Wednesday

This is the anniversary of our George Q. Cannon’s birthday, he is 24 years old today, it seems almost like a dream. The new Dr. W. [William] H. Groves L.D.S. Hospital was dedicated today at 2. p.m. Today Sister Bathsheba W. [Wilson Bigler] Smith had to sign certain documents to send down to Washington D.C. to the Committee on Privileges and Elections– she is not able to go as a witness.10 I went to the dedication by invitation, there was not a large number present. A male quartette sung

Bishop O. [Orson] F. Whitney made the opening prayer and Hon. F. [Franklin] S. Richards of the Board of Trustees made remarks Pres. Jos. F. Smith offered the dedicatory prayer then Bishop R. [Robert] T. Burton made some further remarks and John Smith Patriarch closed with prayer, I went to Annie’s to dinner gave George Q. A Book and 2 doz. carnations & one Rose American Beauty. We had a fine family dinner. The National Guard came in the evening to surprise John Q. {p. 40}

11Doctor W. H. Groves L.D.S. Hospital dedicated12 Singing Prayer Bishop Whitney. {p. 5}

5 January 1905 • Thursday

<Junius Wells went East this morning> I worked hard all day did not accomplish all I desired to but finally went over to see Sister Smith in the evening, she told me Dr. Seymour B. Young had just been there to tell her that word had been sent to Washington by physician’s signature that she could not go to Washington at her age and in delicate health, it would not be permitted. She seemed in fairly good spirits and we had nice visit, she spoke of Irene [I.] Carrington’s death, how sad it had made her and the funeral had been held while she was at the Bee Hive house. Her mother Mary Ann [Rock] Carrington died about a month before. I have not had a very satisfactory day nor accomplished half I intended to do. Went over to Belle’s and had a talk with her after coming home. Ida [Smoot Dusenberry] came up from Provo today {p. 41}

6 January 1905 • Friday

I have my minutes ready for the meeting13 but was late going up and the office was not in good condition, chairs engaged yesterday had not come, and altogether I was nervous, but as usual several came early and talked to each other, Annie came up to the meeting today the first time for several months. Annie [Taylor] Hyde had gone to her uncle Wm. Taylor’s to a party and so did not come. There were 20 members present. We carried a motion made by me for a Contingent Fund of five cts. per month for each member, also one to send a Circular Letter to each Stake in regard to educating nurses in the East for Hospital work. Altogether the meeting was a good one, There is a public reception at the Hospital this evening for going through and viewing it. H. [Horace] G. Whitneys birthday Congratulated him by Telephone {p. 42}

7 January 1905 • Saturday

Today I am calmer than before the meeting Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] is better and that is a source of gladness for me. She is a very sweet and lovable character and has such beautiful children. The paper came over and I feel I must do something towards mailing it I must write some letters it distresses me to be so far behind with my work I took the Contingent Fund money to the Zion’s Savings Bank and deposited it and also bought a Safe in which we may drop money later on, until we have enough to make another deposit. Col. [Samuel A.] Merritt who was struck by a Street car is much better– Letter from Lyceum Club London England– wrote to Emily Wells Grant & Alice Reed, New Zealand {p. 43}

8 January 1905 • Sunday

This morning rose late; a very cold day, did not feel well and decided to stay at home instead of going to the Tabernacle– have been reading Bible and current events, Dot came to see me, she is excessively nervous, and cannot eat, sleep or rest, a very pitiable condition, I hope and pray she will soon get quiet and sleep– Had dinner with Sep. [Septimus Whitney Sears] and Gertrude [Trindle Sears] down stairs today.14 Dot came over quite wild with pain had neuralgia could not rest felt she must walk. It is very sad children at her mother’s. I wrote to May Wright Sewall Indianapolis and to Rebecca Smith Barre Mass. then read in my diary of my visit East in 1885 & 1886. it was very mournful yet pleasant, a very cold night and I am full of thoughts of other days & especially of my early marriage and its sad realities. {p. 44}

15Matilda [Vance] Elliott

Alice Ferre


214 N. 5th East {p. 6}

9 January 1905 • Monday

This morning Dot came over had not been able to sleep has decided to have one of her teeth drawn, went to the office late again. Reaper’s club– Sisters came early and had a fine meeting Sister [Julia Jinks] Druce & Julia [A.] Druce M. W. [Maria Wealthy Richards] Wilcox, Lillie [Lilly Lambert] Woodbury and B. W. Smith. C. S. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas and myself seven. Sister Smith brought letters from Washington D.C. & Boise Idaho, Margaret [Cannon] came up Dot came in after her tooth was taken out. Went down to Annie’s with Margaret. Later Louise came with Lucile Wallace Daniel on his way to practise for his Grandpa Cannon’s birthday. Kate came this morning and we had a long talk Went to Lee Richard’s studio to see Dessie [M. Deseret Grant]’s portrait. Worked hard this evening at the mailing {p. 45}

10 January 1905 • Tuesday

Had prepared letters to be signed, day was dark and gloomy Sister Smith failed to come but sent for me to go to Bee Hive and I read the letters which she signed there, afterwards she came home with me and we went to the Era16 office and she paid her subscription to the Era for the year then to the Juvenile17 Office and paid that. At ½ past six I went to Annie’s and spent the evening. The girls went to Mutual and the wind blew so furiously I did not venture out but stayed all night slept with Louise in her room, yet I did not sleep. {p. 46}

11 January 1905 • Wednesday

Wind was still high this morning. This is President [Angus M.] Cannon’s birthday and the gathering anniversary is to be at Martha [Hughes Cannon]’s. {p. 47}

12 January 1905 • Thursday

Today we are to go to the Little Mansion a number of us B. W. Smith, E. J. [Elizabeth Jane DuFresne] Stevenson, C. S. Thomas C. S. [Clarissa Smith] Williams, J. P. M. [Julia P. Murdock] Farnsworth, Julina L. [Lambson] Smith, Mary A. C. [Alice Cannon] Lambert, Hattie [Harriet Bennion] Harker Emma [Adams] Empey Clara [Little] Clawson the hostess R. E. [Rebecca E. Mantle] Little, and myself besides the children I called upon Sister Thomas to tell us what to do equivalent to making her the Chairman Came back from the party to work we had a very fine afternoon, many good things were said among them Clarissa Williams said Sister Little was the most highly educated and best read woman in the Church, which I think was most unwise and questionable as to its truth. {p. 48}

13 January 1905 • Friday

More work and people coming the investigation at Washington still going forward, many things being said that seem out of place. {p. 49}

14 January 1905 • Saturday

Another busy day and much unpleasantness– many people calling and very many changes in affairs of state. Governor John C. Cutler is introducing new people and has not had good advisors or else he has poor judgment of men, however the state must stand by the man who is elected in this land of freedom {p. 50}

15 January 1905 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day did not do much writing changed my pictures from the little room and put trim [them] in yellow bureau looked them all over it brough many sad memories to mind– O the terrible scenes of the past, how have we survived them and still kept an even balance. My room is very full of magazines and books {p. 51}

16 January 1905 • Monday

Monday all morning trying to clear up the office had the flag hung and made all ready Sister Smith came early– there were present beside her as guest, Phebe [Young] Beatie Anna Lyman King her sister Mrs. [Mary Lyman] Gowans Clarisa [Clarissa] Williams Ella [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde Mrs. J. P. M. Farnsworth Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith C. Y. [Clarissa Young] Spencer, E. B. Wells

the paper was on Roger Williams Quaker or Friend– written by Alice [Merrill] Horne and read by Clarissa Williams quite unique and out of the ordinary style {p. 52}

17 January 1905 • Tuesday

<Spoke seriously to Joseph S. Wells to day of his future and of marriage> Sister Smith came over from the Temple early and Annie Hyde with her and brought a letter from the Cor Sec’y N.C.W.18 asking her vote on admitting the Local Council of Union City Indiana. I wrote the reply while they were there and Sister Smith signed it. She also affixed her signature to some of the Answers to Questions

This is Mary Jane Whitney Groo’s birthday, she is 61. born in 1844. blest by Joseph the Prophet– it is also Relief [Cram] Atwood’s birthday 86 years old today. Beulah Woodruff Beatie was buried today from the 18th ward Chapel. She died at the Hospital.

Mrs. Martin and Miss Julian called today, had an introduction from Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby in Portland [Oregon] {p. 53}

18 January 1905 • Wednesday

Many marriages in the Temple today– Margaret [Mitchell] Caine came Annie came up and we went to call on Maria Young Dougall who is going to Southern California, Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon has been in talking to me and a dozen more

I had an intervew with some of my sisters in the Church on the situation in Washington, they are very sanguine. {p. 54}

19 January 1905 • Thursday

Went over to the Temple to see Sister Smith and give her the invitation to Dr. Ellis R. Shipps birthday tomorrow. She looked very queenly in her white temple apparel.

Miss May Merrill came again about the banner and we went to the Store (Held’s) and saw him and brought the silk away and asked for the original design but he could not find it.

Tonight is the inaugural ball at the theatre. Joseph S. Wells at my suggestion is to take Grace [Telle] Cannon to the ball. {p. 55}

20 January 1905 • Friday

Today I have been looking up old matters and made myself late as usual when I do so. Miss May Merrill came and we had quite a talk over the banner Motto then Mrs. Dusenberry and her sister Mrs. [May Smoot] Glazier came and told me of the ball– and I had to go and see about the R.R.19 Ticket for them. Meantime Sister B. W. Smith came and others. Some letters Ida D. had not seen were shown to her I bought a very nice book for Ellis R. Shipp to give her and Belle and Annie both came up Belle gave her a dainty cup and saucer. We went up and found all beautiful. Finally some speeches were made and afterwards dinner Thirteen at table. Smith, Wells, Stevenson, Sears, Wilcox, Cannon Fox Farnsworth, Lund, Felt Pearson E. R. Shipp & E. H. Shipp20 It was a fine afternoon {p. 56}

21Dr. Shipps party 13 at Table– her birthday 58 years old gave her a book Belle gave her dainty cup & saucer {p. 9}

21 January 1905 • Saturday

Today is the Anniversary of Sister Eliza R. Snow’s birthday, I have thought of her constantly almost. I’ve been working very hard, Sister Smith has been here 2 or 3. hours and we visited confidentially. Margaret has been up, and Ells [Ellis] R. Shipp has been in and talked to me of her work, she is going to Price with a view of getting a class. Belle has a lame back so very bad she cannot scarcely move. There is much talk of the [Reed] Smoot testimony and various opinions. Tonight I talked with Joseph Wells quite a few minutes an hour perhaps on the serious aspect of affairs. I am so weary, and must stop. As a people we are making history at a rapid rate.

Fay [Lafayette T.] Whitney’s wife Minnie James [Whitney] had a little girl22 born today {p. 57}

22 January 1905 • Sunday

Made ready and went to the Tabernacle, it was a very dark unpleasant day, Belle is very sick, lame back and eyes are like one dead. The Conference of Liberty Stake Henry [S.] Tanner A. V. [Alvin C.] Strong [blank] [Albaroni H.] Woolley and Jos. E. Taylor I went direct to Annie’s and to the meeting with her John Q. came with her and Sarah [Jenkins Cannon] Abram [H. Cannon]’s wife. It was the Relief Society Conference of the Seventh Ward, and Sister Mary Alice Lambert the President presided. Annie spoke remarkably well and I occupied about 45. minutes. I went down home with them. and had some dinner, came home very late and read for some passed a miserable night. The Russians have an uprising in St. Petersburg and it will probably develop into a Revolution, something alarming {p. 58}


Henry Tanner

A V. Strong


Jos. E. Taylor {p. 10}24

23 January 1905 • Monday

This morning saw Belle a few minutes, at the office began answering letters that had accumulated the few days I had been mailing. Reaper’s C[l]ub today Sister M. W. Wilcox, E. J. Stevenson, C. S. Thomas, Emilia [Damke] Maeser, Lillie Woodbury, Julia Druce and myself. We spent the time in memory of Sister Eliza R. Snow, giving impressions of her and reading her poems or selections from them. Nothing very formal only voluntary expressions of esteem and love. Letters today were only business and so on. I am very desirous of hearing from Verona [Dunford Hillard], saw Jote [Josephine Beatie Wells] & Chetchie [Josephine L. Wells] told me Rule [Rulon S. Wells] had been sick. Charles Hyde’s wife25 has had a very serious operation. Br. [William] Eddington came to see me this afternoon. {p. 59}

24 January 1905 • Tuesday

Today is Sidney Whitney Sears birthday he would be 35 today if he were living it was sad for him to die the only one and we all felt it very much. Little Eleanor [A. Cannon] Annies baby would be 14 today she was a brilliant child. It is Amelia Folsom Young’s wedding day 42 years married. She is lonely. Yet she ought not to be for she has plenty, and many friends She came to the Daughters of the Pioneers meeting today. There was a goodly number, and responses in reference to Sister Eliza R. Snows life and works were made by many present. I spoke of my impressions of her and later when she was ill and I visited her at Br. Markham’s all testified to her excellent qualities and wisdom, her poem O, My Father which had made her fame immortal Went home with Amelia {p. 60}

25 January 1905 • Wednesday

I was busy all day with copy and as usual late in the morning, many hindrances through the day, went down to see Annie and the children early sent some flowers to Amelia in remembrance of her wedding day– really I was very weary have not heard from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] & the family in the north.26 These are stirring times and one feels anxious in looking at the situation from all sides. However God is at the helm, and we know that means All will be well if we are patient and humble relying upon Him in mighty faith. I rushed off to Annies on the Seventh South car and was successful in reaching there in time to catch the Cannon car– The evening passed quickly and I regretted not being able to do more to help Annie, but one can only give their best after all and one does not always know {p. 61}

26 January 1905 • Thursday

Today Annie and the children were never out of my thoughts but I failed to go down and as it is Sep’s birthday I was expected to go home to dinner early went at six p.m. Belle & all her family except Emmie were there Sep came home late. The dinner was a success. Will [C. William Buchholz] played the piano and the children danced, they are very graceful and musical, and seemed so happy it was quite exhilarating and seemed cheerful and to do one good. Belle has been very sick and it makes me feel depressed in spirit. I wrote all the evening finished the Conference minutes, that had been so long in copying My paper27 worries me so much and yet I cannot and will not give it up.

Belle is working energetically on the history of the Daughters of the Revolution. {p. 62}

27 January 1905 • Friday

This morning soon after reaching the office John Q. telephoned that baby28 was alarmingly ill <alarmingly> ill, and we could not get either Wm. [T. Cannon] or Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt, so we secured Dr. Van and I went down, found the child in a stupor and Annie more worried than usual with him. I stayed all day, Dr. Van pronounced it bronchitis, and I must say I felt it a serious case, my heart ached for them all, I stayed until after dinner then went up and closed the office and went back on half-past nine car and remained all night found baby better, had a good night and in fact I was much more composed than I expected to be. Martha [Telle Cannon] and Sarah Jane [Jenne Cannon] both came in and every one seemed to try to exercise faith for the dear baby My heart was full of supplication all the little ones prayed earnestly {p. 63}

28 January 1905 • Saturday

<fine day sun shining bright> This morning he seemed bright in comparison with yesterday. I came up at eleven reached here nearly noon– letter from Mrs. Sewall the only important one, Susa [Young Gates] came soon after. She was in a very excitable state of mind, her mother29 is very ill with pneumonia and she is much depressed in spirit, her boy Harold has had typhoid for weeks and not yet able to be up. Margaret came to tell me about baby and I have telephoned since to Anni Sarah A. and she let me know at nine this evening, [Utah Woman’s] Press Club in session <not> many 12 present fine papers on Washington & Lafayette also current events excellent poem on Betsy Ross by Susa Y. Gates and must say a good program, I came home late too tired to do my proofs. Read magazines Press Club in my honor next month. {p. 64}

29 January 1905 • Sunday

<Historical Society Committee met yesterday at Des. Book30> A dull morning sun shone yesterday beautifully. I rested until late then bathed and dressed to go to Annie’s felt nervous about baby, went on to the office and telephoned to see how Sister Lucy B. Young was getting along Br. [Jacob F.] Gates answered said it was a serious illness, Dr. [Joseph S.] Richards gave no encouragement. Went to Annie’s met George Q. had a talk with him, he was going to the Tabernacle, Pioneer Stake Quarterly Conference, I went on to Cannon Farm and found Baby better, stayed all afternoon came away on Nine o’clock car Annie & John Q. came with me to see me off Belle & Lucile [Sears] came over and stayed an hour had a pleasant time. Olive [Lincoln] Cannon’s engagement is out, she is to marry [C. S.] Paul Kimball[,] Vi [S. Elvira Free Kimball] Price’s boy, came home in a rain storm {p. 65}

30 January 1905 • Monday

I feel better about baby and yet uneasy I came up late Dr. Reed from Idaho was just coming in as I came. He is to all appearance a very nice young man. He only remained an hour or so– is stopping at the Wilson. I am sorry I could not do anything for him and Lucile has been annoyed with him. Weather very gloomy much sickness in the City and State, no letters that are very desirable or particularly pleasant. Went over to Book Store and bought 2 copies of the Life of Joseph Smith by his mother one for Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne and one for Sister Jane S. [Snyder] Richards, and came back & wrote a sentiment in each then took them over to Sister Smith for her to write her name in behalf of the Sisters had an hour’s conversation with her– went home on nine oclock car {p. 66}

31 January 1905 • Tuesday

<Sent J. S. Richard’s book by mail last night–12 cts.> This morning rainy but the weather did not prevent Sister Smith from coming to go with me to see Sister Horne. I had copy to finish then we went off in the rain and mud. Presented the Book to Sister Horne, found her better than we expected, stayed a couple of hours, passed pleasantly. Minnie Horne <James> Whitney named her baby Marjorie [J. Whitney]. We came home together and Sister Smith went to her own home. For many years we sisters were in the habit of celebrating Sister Zina [Diantha Huntington Young]’s birthday and along with it Sister Richards’ it seems strange not to do so now. I presume Sister Richards will have honors heaped upon her by Weber Co.– we cannot do much here only to send the gift of remembrance, So many veterans of the Church have gone or are going. {p. 67}

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January 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1905/1905-01


  1. [1]Unless otherwise noted, entries for 1905 come from volume 31 of EBW’s diary.

  2. [2]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary. EBW made entries for the year 1905 in two different volumes of her diary—volumes 31 and 32. Sometimes she made more than one entry for the same day. For the presentation on this website, entries from both volumes are arranged together in chronological order, and textual notes indicate the entries drawn from volume 32.

  3. [3]text: The following paragraph is a separate entry that also comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  4. [4]As EBW explained, President Lorenzo Snow originated the idea of a fast meeting in the Salt Lake Temple for general church leaders as well as others who might be invited. He became president of the church on 13 September 1898. (“Lorenzo Snow,” Prophets of the Restoration.) EBW recorded in November 1900 that she “went for the first time to the fast meeting in the Temple,” mentioning that “it was held in the Telestial room.” (EBW, Diary, 4 Nov. 1900.) When she attended the fast meeting on 29 September 1901, she observed that “President Snow came in rather late.” Remarkably, “although he was not at all well He seemed buoyant in spirit.” He spoke three times and blessed the people. Afterward, EBW noted in her diary, “I was forcibly impressed that this would be his last visit to the Temple Fast meeting and it was.” (EBW, Diary, 29 Sept. 1901.) Snow died on 10 October 1901. (“In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, Nov. 1901, 30:44.) The fast meetings continued in the Salt Lake Temple under the new president, Joseph F. Smith.

  5. [5]Likely Rosetta Wallace Bennett.

  6. [6]Chairman of the Republican Committee.

  7. [7]Utah secretary of state Charles S. Tingey. (“Republican Ticket,” Goodwin’s Weekly, 15 Oct. 1904, 1; “Inaugural to Be Simple,” Salt Lake Tribune, 2 Jan. 1905, 10.)

  8. [8]The title EBW mentioned is actually R. Anna German’s Pulse of the Advanced Thought (1904).

  9. [9]The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections held hearings in 1904–1906 to determine whether Latter-day Saint apostle Reed Smoot should keep his seat in the U.S. Senate. Opponents called witnesses to validate reports that some church members in Utah continued to practice plural marriage after the 1890 Manifesto. This was despite the fact that Smoot was monogamous. In December 1904 and January 1905, many Utahns, both Latter-day Saints and others, were subpoenaed to testify as witnesses for the defense. (See “Subpoenas Are Now in Salt Lake,” Deseret Evening News, 30 Dec. 1904, 1; “Serving Subpoenas,” Deseret Evening News, 2 Jan. 1905, 2; and Flake, Politics of American Religious Identity, 88–89.)

  10. [10]See previous note. EBW also mentioned the Smoot hearings on 5, 13, and 21 January 1905.

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  12. [12]“William Groves, a dentist, donated money for the hospital after seeing the community’s need for it. LDS Hospital, then named for Groves, opened on Jan. 5, 1905, with a team of 45 physicians.” (Hamilton, “LDS Hospital Celebrates 100 Years of Serving West,” Salt Lake Tribune, 6 Jan. 2005, B1–B2.)

  13. [13]Relief Society general board meeting.

  14. [14]Grandson Septimus Whitney Sears and his wife, Gertrude Trindle Sears, lived with EBW in her house from late October 1904 to early June 1905. (EBW, Diary, 24 and 25 Oct. 1904; 11 June 1905.)

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary. The address was entered in the handwriting of someone other than EBW.

  16. [16]The Improvement Era began publication in 1897 as the official magazine of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association. It continued as the major adult periodical of the church until 1970. (Jay M. Todd, “The Improvement Era,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:678.)

  17. [17]The Juvenile Instructor, founded by George Q. Cannon, began publication in 1866 to support the Deseret Sunday School Union. It continued as an official periodical of the church from 1901 to 1929, when it was replaced by the Instructor. (Ruel A. Allred, “Juvenile Instructor,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:777.)

  18. [18]Corresponding Secretary, National Council of Women.

  19. [19]Railroad.

  20. [20]Guests mentioned include Bathsheba W. Smith, EBW, Elizabeth DuFresne Stevenson, Isabel Whitney Sears, Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox, Annie Wells Cannon, Ruth May Fox, Julia Murdock Farnsworth, Julia Farnsworth Lund, S. Louise Boulton Felt, [unknown] Pearson, Ellis Reynolds Shipp, and M. Elizabeth Hilstead Shipp.

  21. [21]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary. EBW added an entry for 4 February 1906 above and below this entry. (See EBW, Diary, 4 Feb. 1906.)

  22. [22]Marjorie James Whitney.

  23. [23]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  24. [24]Names of speakers at the Liberty Stake conference and a summary of their messages appear in “Afternoon Session,” Deseret Evening News, 23 Jan. 1905, 5.

  25. [25]Probably Cecilia Funk Hyde.

  26. [26]EBW’s family “in the north” included her daughter Melvina Whitney Woods and son-in-law William W. Woods, who lived in Wallace, Idaho, as well as her granddaughters Daisie Dunford Allen and Verona Dunford Hillard, who lived with their families in Spokane, Washington.

  27. [27]Woman’s Exponent.

  28. [28]Theodore L. Cannon.

  29. [29]Lucy Bigelow Young.

  30. [30]At the time, Deseret Book was known officially as the Deseret News Bookstore. (“About Deseret Book Company,” Deseret Book.)