September 1888

1 September 1888 • Saturday

<Eugene Hemri [Eugene Henri Harris]’s birthday> This morning had breakfast with Annie & the children, came with them in her carriage to the depot, kissed good bye Mailed today a letter to Geo. E. Littlefield Boston a letter containing 20,00 to purchase a book with five dollars sent before. Salt Lake Stake Conference today– lots going on, very hot, Such a tiresome day, strangers calling as well. O, the loneliness after our loved ones go from us. At evening I went up to see Ort. He is very ill indeed Zine seems to feel quite easy about him, but I am not so sure that he will soon recover, his fever is of the mild type but those cases are sometimes dangerous. I came home late past Mell’s so gloomy and enough to break one’s heart. How I wish we could rent the place [p. 269] {p. 272}

2 September 1888 • Sunday

Early Mell [Melvin] Wells came with Mr. Grant to inquire about the house. I fixed around a little then made ready and went to the Tabernacle– dined over at the big house, with Susan & the girls. Martha [Harris Wells] came in after meeting and talked a little of Emily [Wells Grant] and her exile. In the evening I wrote a letter to Belle and commenced one to my husband– wrote 16 pages.– Sat up late here alone, so very lonely and so many sad reflections. My thoughts were of the past, when many who are now absent were here with me occasionally or always near– now they are gone and I am indeed very lonely. This house is not at all like home to me, and never can be– I need an up stairs room [p. 270] {p. 273}

3 September 1888 • Monday

This morning I ate alone, Dr. Hughes [Martha Hughes Cannon] came in and several others early and the place began to seem more cheerful. I was reading proof and finishing the letter to my husband. A letter from him also came with the morning mail. In the afternoon I received one from Mell & Verona each written upon the train and mailed at Payette [Idaho]. They had enjoyed the trip– and been quite favored. In the evening I went to see Ort– felt very bad to see him so ill. It was late when I returned, went across to the big house a few minutes then home to this lonely place behind the wall. Sat up very late writing and reflecting on the past, my heart is broken with grief and I am totally unfit to do what seems im<perative> [p. 271] {p. 274}

4 September 1888 • Tuesday

A regular rush of work and preparation for the Board Meeting of the Hospital today. Walked down but came home on the car. Rushed around and made things strait so I could take the 7.20 train for Ogden. Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards was on the same train going home, and we rode up from the depot together. Annie was on the look out and after having some supper, Annie & I went over to the office of the “Standard” to see John Q. The home at Ogden is in a pleasant garden or orchard like. We had a quiet evening, though I was so weary I had to go to bed almost immediately after we came from the Office. Annie sat up reading and we talked on for awhile. [p. 272] {p. 275}

5 September 1888 • Wednesday

Annie brought me to the depot and little Sweetie (Louise) who came down with me for company, On the train from San Francisco were Sister Sarah M. Kimball and Lizzie just returning home from their summer out. News that Apostle Moses Thatcher had been arrested the night before and had given bonds etc. The Exposition Car came back from the East last evening Nett & Harry [Culmer] returned with it. Sister Maggie [Margaret Whitehead] Young called and introduced Mrs. Brockere and daughter from Denver– went over to Susan’s to lumch and took Sweetie. In the evening went up to see Ort– Br. [Robert] Patrick, [John] Nicholson and Rule [Rulon S.] Wells came to administer to him, and Rule came home with me. Emily Cannon slept here with Sweetie [p. 273] {p. 276}

6 September 1888 • Thursday

Br. Horace S. Eldredge died at 1/2 past seven this morning– He is one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. He held the position of Supt. of Z.C.M.I.1 and Pres.’t. of the Deseret National Bank also the Union National Bank at Ogden at the time of his death. He was born in 1816. 2 years younger than my husband. He leaves three wives & many children, and grandchildren. The paper will be issued today it ought to have been a week ago. Sweetie is here and seems to enjoy the visit very much indeed. Went up to see Ort towards evening. he seemed better. Jule [Julia Young] Burton Ria [Maria Young] Dougall & Phebe [Young] Beattie all called to see him but only Phebe went in. Jule asked me to ride with them, and brought me home. Sunset over the Lake magnificient– [p. 274] {p. 277}

7 September 1888 • Friday

This morning commenced with the mailing alone, so and O, the hindrances. I had hoped for a letter from Mell but none came. Worked diligently and succeeded in getting off city papers. went to the Lion House President’s and Historian’s Office with papers. Very dull and monotonous everything seems. Birdie Clawson Cummings & Nett [Jeanette Young] Snell each have obtained their a divorce thro’ the district court. Dr. S. B. Young and Abbie’s case come up today. He is discharged. Moses Thatcher’s case came up in Logan, he is also discharged. Went down town tonight with Sweetie to the Post Office. There is a dulness around that seems to presage the contrary, saw the new moon over my right shoulder, and carrying a heavy large valise. [p. 275] {p. 278}

8 September 1888 • Saturday

Busy and trying all day to make everything ready to go with my darling Sweetie to Ogden. Such a dust and so disagreeable, and I am lonely no two ways about it. Paper out and so little done; tho’ we have made an extra exertion. Sweetie and I had dinner here alone and we went down town and I got my watch from the Jewelers and we saw the crowds on the streets coming and going. Such a rush and hurry and confusion and I declare my own feelings are hurry hurry and yet I accomplish so little. At last off we started the sweet little thing so cunning and on the train were a lot of acquaintances whereas I had hoped to have quiet. Br. [George] Goddard talked to me all the way. John Q. and Annie came to meet me. Had a nice supper together. [p. 276] {p. 279}

9 September 1888 • Sunday

<Moses Thatcher preached in the Tabernacle today in Salt Lake– Two years ago, and such an event was transacted as makes one sad>2 This morning we went out for a ride Annie Sweetie Margaret & I. left John Q. in bed. He does heavy night work, that is Saturday night especially. Came home about 1/2 past 12. George Q. had returned from the S. S. Jubilee and we had dinner about two. Visited and read etc. Annie called on Hannah Pidcock whose sister Mary [Blench] Gibson had died last week at West Weber. Afterwards we went for a ride John Q. driving, the moon came up lovely and the air was cool and enjoyable. The little ones went to sleep and we took them home and finally drove to the depot in time to catch the 10.30 train for Salt Lake. came down alone and rode up in the Omnibus, came in and stayed here alone with my thoughts, very little sleep [p. 277] {p. 280}

10 September 1888 • Monday

Rose late soon after the office opened and so many came that I could not prepare any breakfast at all. John Q. Annie & baby [Margaret] came on the 11.10 train and we had a nice lunch, then Annie & I went out in the buggy and bought flowers pretty ones from Maxwell’s and drove to the graveyard. Such a sad day, it used to be a very merry one in the past. Now sad with many tender memories. September will always have sad recollections for me. Many unpleasant things have come to me in September. We Annie & I with baby strewed flowers upon the graves of our beloved ones, then we went to Belle’s children’s graves with some then to Mell’s then to Sister [Elizabeth Hoagland] Cannon’s, and afterwards wended our way homeward, had some dinner, and the folks left on 7,20 train and I alone. [p. 278] {p. 281}

11 September 1888 • Tuesday

<Received from Boston a book containing genealogical record of my ancestors.> Tried to write etc. last evening and to read a little had a letter yesterday from Mrs. Clara B. Colby Editor of the “Woman’s Tribune” and Mrs. Elizabeth Lisle Saxon who was here in 1882. They are coming this way from Portland [Oregon] and will lecture here if we wish. I was to have gone to North Point today but was hindered. Emeline [Young Wells] is here helping me mail. It has been very hot indeed. Did not get much done, but made a good beginning went down to the old house & into the dear old ruined & neglected garden. How sad it seems, strangers are there in my home, they have possession, how long, and how shall I regain my home? The evening was lonely again, no one to speak to gates closed and all silent too tired to enjoy anything [p. 279] {p. 282}

12 September 1888 • Wednesday

Have been to the Primary this morning a little while had breakfast at a restaurant. have been diligently working at copy and the mailing, Emeline is here with me and Sanford [Sandford W. Hedges] runs in and out and it seems more like some of our own little ones. have had ever so many callers and been hindered too but yet it makes time pass more pleasantly. Letters from Mell & Verona but none from Daisie Mell seems much pleased and I hope it will last for really she has had so many disappointments and so little real enjoyment. Ort is improving so I hear, and hope we will soon have him out and around again. Another lonely evening, not a soul for company only my own thoughts, my books and pen. Have answered some letters on business. [p. 280] {p. 283}

13 September 1888 • Thursday

This is the Conference of the Relief Society of this Stake of Zion. I ought to go to the meeting but have so much to see to. Pres. Cannon came to talk about the suffrage ladies who are coming and gave me his views upon the subject. Referred me to Bishop Clawson for assistance as he would be away. Went to the Afternoon meeting and addressed the sisters a short time. Emeline kept the office. Cal [Clara Wells Hedges] & baby3 have been over. called in to the Primary Fair as I came home from meeting. Rushed around and went off to Ogden by the 7,30 train, drove up in a hack from the depot. Annie rather expected me. We sat up late talking they have bought Gipsey from Belle, poor dear Belle how sweet she is. Annie has the toothache, we have been discussing Br. Eldredge’s will– [p. 281] {p. 284}

14 September 1888 • Friday

<Little Eugene [Sears]’s birthday he is six years old– dear little exile> Annie came to the depot with me Sweetie & Margaret in the carriage. John Q. came down to Salt Lake with me. Mr. & Mrs. [Thomas W. and Emma Spence] Ellerbeck and Edith [Ellerbeck] had just come on from San Francisco– had seen Belle and the folks. Came up home and opened the Office Sarah Kimball came in to say she was going off to Manti tomorrow morning. John Q. came and lunched with me. I fixed around a little dressed and went to the Assembly Hall to the Young Ladies Conference, was invited to speak very soon after I came in, occupied a short time, a subscription was being raised for the Elders in Tennessee who had been mobbed.4 I gave a dollar towards it. Sister Horne came home with me and we made some notes of her journey, had a letter from Mell– [p. 282] {p. 285}

15 September 1888 • Saturday

Am very weary, have had so much to do, and went to the Fair today and took elaborate notes.5 Have tried to fill in all the time I could and do as much of my work in the office as possible and get ready to go to Ogden. The weather keeps very warm and makes one so weary. It seems as though we could not accomplish all we desire whatever we might do to facilitate matters. Have been considering the propriety of asking for the Gardo House to hold a reception for the ladies who are coming here as visitors, representatives of the Suffrage work. Saw Mamie Cannon and talked with her about the affairs in progress to entertain Mrs. Colby & Mrs. Saxon [p. 283] {p. 286}

16 September 1888 • Sunday

Last night came to Ogden John Q. met me at the depot with the carriage found Annie waiting and glad to see me. We had a very nice evening together and we talked over the coming of the two lecturers and she told me that Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon was going to give himself up the following day when the Court opened in the morning and plead guilty, save a trial and go to prison. Of course it is as yet a secret but will be known to the people now very soon. Annie & I rode out a while in the morning and then we came in and had dinner and visited awhile, then John Q. took us out for a ride and, we called at Br. [Franklin D.] Richards and saw the family, took home with us ice cream & oysters [p. 284] {p. 287}

17 September 1888 • Monday

These are days of sorrow to our people, John Q. Annie & I all came down on the train and John Q. & Frank [Cannon] who came also went immediately to the Court Room, where their father, George Q. Cannon went to give himself up and go to prison. It was all over in a few minutes and everything was kept pretty quiet.6 Little Q. had six teeth pulled today, and Annie had one filled. I was quite busy but we had dinner for Annie, John Q. Q. and myself. In the evening I considered about the entertainment of these ladies, at the Spencer House. I have scarcely the time to think and reflect as I ought to do, so many items crowd upon me in such quick succession. I have tried to get my paper off but have not succeeded. [p. 285] {p. 288}

18 September 1888 • Tuesday

More work and visitors <C. W. P. [Charles W. Penrose] & the Dr.> [Romania Bunnell Pratt] and so on, I have been trying to talk up the matter of the ladies coming here to lecture with Pres. Angus M. Cannon & H. B. Clawson, and have succeeded pretty well, Went to Sandy this morning on the 7 o’clock train and we had breakfast at the President’s Sister Wilhelmina Olsen [Wilhelmine Petersen Olson]’s. Meeting at ten pretty good attendance, each of us spoke, Mrs. Horne, Mrs. Smith and myself. At noon we had a sort of grand feast and reunion in the Social Hall– it was the Annual Meeting day and there were about a hundred present. Fifty were seated at once. Afternoon meeting very full, we all spoke again, and came home on the six forty train. I hurried up and tried to get off to Ogden but failed, so came back and stayed alone. [p. 286] {p. 289}

19 September 1888 • Wednesday

This morning wrote to Pres. Woodruff and the brethren of the Apostles in reference to the Gardo House for a reception and as to the Theatre to lecture in. Took the letter to the President’s office and went to talk it over with Bishop Clawson. He saw the President in person and brought word directly that we could go ahead with our preparations. Also that I was to call upon Emily Richards to assist me in the matter– Accordingly I sent word though I should have done so without any advice. Dr. Pratt had been notified and I saw Amelia Young <Mrs. Jennings.> and Lizzie <F.> [Riter] Young and sent for Margaret Clawson Nettie Snell and Luella Young and we met and called ourselves a sort of Committee and talked over our arrangements [p. 287] {p. 290}

20 September 1888 • Thursday

This is Abbie [Wells Young]’s birthday, <36.> June [Junius Wells] has gone to New York. It is very lovely weather and we are getting along pretty well with our Committee work. The ladies are to go to the Spencer House, and we are to pay their expenses and they will lecture Sunday night & Monday night in the Theatre. Have sent off Mell’s machine and feel that <it> is a relief to have that done. I must write some letters to my dear girls. Have had a letter from Daisie it was a very nice one indeed. Almost all the work is assigned, we have in our plans the division pretty well marked out. Mrs. Richards makes cake so does Dr. Pratt, Mrs. Lizzie Young Sandwiches, Nett Snell, Talulah Young and myself furnish ice-cream Amelia & Mrs. Jennings fruit & olives Luella & others flowers. we went and looked over the Gardo– [p. 288] {p. 291}

21 September 1888 • Friday

Today Mrs. Amelia Young and Nett Snell took their list of names and invited on the west side of Main Street and Misses Talula [Young] & Fannie Young [Thatcher] on the East side then we had to have written invitations for some and Misses Hattie [Harriet Hooper] Young and Ivie Clawson came to write by my direction We wrote out about 60, and had them distributed. Meantime we arranged many other matters and counseled together Dr. Pratt took me in her buggy to do some errands and make some business calls. Someway I do not feel that I am doing as much good as I ought The deputies are annoying Br. Geo. Q. Cannon’s family very much indeed. I am here alone again tonight [p. 289] {p. 292}

22 September 1888 • Saturday

Rush and hurry and bustle all day– no end to the work must see to this and that had to go down to Claudius [V.] Spencer’s and engage the rooms positively and see to having flowers got ready for them. Saw Angus again today and called on Dr. Hughes at Sister Dunca[n[son’s Dr. Pratt is to go with me to Ogden, we had her buggy and drove to the depot in it I came away hungry and tired as well. Br. Lorin Farr Ben E. Rich, Bishop [Thomas J.] Stevens were on the train and we kept up a run of conversation all the way there. Annie and John Q. met us at the depot and we went direct to the house I was too tired to do anything but sit & rest. We had a nice supper and pleasant evening in Annie’s parlor. [p. 290] {p. 293}

23 September 1888 • Sunday

In the morning Annie Q. Dr. Pratt and I went down in time to meet the train from the North and we succeeded in finding our lady lecturers and getting on to the Utah Central at once. Dr. Pratt paid their fare down as their tickets were not good over this road. We went direct to Mrs. F. S. Richards to dinner and had a nice time Dr. Pratt and I meantime delivered some notes of invitation, went to the big Tabernacle in the afternoon. Elder John Nicholson preached. There was a pretty good attendance. In the evening Dr. Young S. B. introduced one of the ladies and C. [Charles] W. Stayner the other. the lecture was well received and the proceeds were 13.35–7 [p. 291] {p. 294}

24 September 1888 • Monday

This morning was out with the ladies, Amelia Young & Jane Richards in John W. Young’s carriage about 2 1/2 hours. Committee preparing the Gardo meantime for the reception. We went to Prospect Hill I paid for four of us ten cents each. Mrs. Richards paid for herself. then we drove to the Liberty Park and after to the Fair grounds. then home to get ready for the, Reception At the Gardo we fixed in this order Nett Snell and and Margaret Clawson on the outside of the door and myself first then Mrs. Amelia Young, then Mrs. Saxon, then Mrs. Richards then Mrs. Colby then Mrs. Pratt or Jennings Mrs. Lizzie Young farther on to attend to the East door. About two hundred people came the Governor among the number– [p. 292] {p. 295}

25 September 1888 • Tuesday

The lunch after the reception was lovely. Pres. A. M. Cannon & Dr. Young were the only gentlemen. This morning we had a meeting in the Theatre and Assembly Hall Mrs. Saxon wished me to preside and I did so. Congregation sung “O ye mountains high,” prayer by Sister Zina D. H. Young Saxon was the first speaker Colby afterwards, then Zina Young, then Charlotte Ives [Godbe] Kirby. then we sung Doxology then prayer by Mrs. Saxon I went with Mrs. Colby to do some of her errands and to Spencer’s to lunch and then to the Office again to dress for the Lake. We had a car tendered free for the party to the Lake enjoyed the ride and the bathing very much indeed came home and am here alone again– [p. 293] {p. 296}

26 September 1888 • Wednesday

Mrs. Richards (Emily) and myself went with the ladies to the Industrial Home, saw Mrs. Campbell the matron and heard what she had to say. There is really no one in the Home. one woman and five children and three children of another family whose mother is in the Asylum. It is an outrage to Mormon women.8 After that we went to the Day Nursery & then to the Cannon Farm tho’ we did not go in. Then we drove with them to the Depot etc. and bade them Good bye. I had much to do in the Office my work was so neglected and I rushed as much as possible and took the 1/2 pas seven train for Ogden. Arriving I found Annie & the children alone and Margaret very ill. So I stayed with Annie of course tho’ I heard the ladies were lecturing in the M. E. Church9 [p. 294] {p. 297}

27 September 1888 • Thursday

This morning came down on the train as Annie could not possibly go to the lecture and I was needed at home for many reasons. A day of callers for first one of the Committee and then another came in to talk matters over and my mailing was not finished. Dr. Pratt came to tell me with a most solemn air that, C. W. P. [Charles W. Penrose] had been notified he must get out of the way and she feared treachery on the part of the ladies who had seen him here on Monday evening. Preparations are being made for a very elaborate Fair. and the work is progressing rapidly. O how lonely it is for me to be left as I am. My heart is pained and yet I must submit for the present– I am ever so weary, and forlorn. [p. 295] {p. 298}

28 September 1888 • Friday

Today I have indeed been more than busy, and meantime Dr. Pratt came to ask me if she and C. W. P. could have a visit here tonight and perhaps remain all night here. We went out for a little while together and had dinner at the Arcade. I find Dr. Pratt the most genial of my associates taking all in all. There is much to admire in her, as well as her geniality of manner. She has great force of character, and I think C. W. P. ought to appreciate a woman of her mental status. He came and about eleven as we were enjoying the conversation intensely she was sent for to a patient in labor and of course obliged to go right away; he stayed an hour or so afterwards and we had some talk about political & church matters. [p. 296] {p. 299}

29 September 1888 • Saturday

This morning I was very tired but I summoned all my courage, and went to work with a will determined to get off to Ogden tonight I finished up some odds & ends and prepared copy etc. and arranged for the girls to come in to the Office to work next door to my editorial room. It has been a very great annoyance, in fact I cannot bear it with patience when I realize why it is, but I have tried to do right and feel satisfied. I have my rooms terribly upset but hope to get all right again after awhile. Drove my work so as to reach the depot in time and rested myself on the train. Cathie Wall [Catherine] Culmer is nine years old today. Annie & John Q. met me at the depot and we drove him to the Office– [p. 297] {p. 300}

30 September 1888 • Sunday

All day I have been helping Annie with the work, tho’ we did go out for a ride in the morning, went up on the hill to the Reform School ground, and around the city, took all the children with us. Called at Br. [Franklin D.] Richards last night to see Frank [Franklin J. Cannon] about the Industrial Home appropriation made by Congress or about to be made. In the evening we were all in the parlor and reading etc. John Q. went down town for candy, and the children and all of us had a fine time. We retired in good time I had intended to come down on the Sunday evening train but on account of Annie’s being alone it seemed cruel. So I stayed with them. Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards came up to see me and we had a little talk on local matters. [p. 298] {p. 301}

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September 1888, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution.

  2. [2]John Q. Cannon made a public confession in a tabernacle meeting on 5 September 1886 that led to his divorcing Annie Wells Cannon and marrying Louie Wells. (See EBW, Diary, 1 Jan. 1887, footnote.)

  3. [3]Emory M. Hedges.

  4. [4]“Elders Mobbed,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 9 Sept. 1888, 8; “Have Recovered,” Deseret Evening News, 28 Sept. 1888, 3.

  5. [5]“Primary Fair,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. 1888, 17:60.

  6. [6]“Apostle Geo. Q. Cannon was sent to the Penitentiary, having voluntarily given himself up, knowing that an indictment had been found against him for unlawful cohabitation, long before, on which account he had been a long time in exile. This is the second time an Apostle has been sentenced under the Edmunds law. . . . Now, instead of a seat in the house of Congress, he occupies a prison cell, but his heart is as pure, and his life as blameless as when he mingled with the nation’s statesmen.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1888, 17:69.)

  7. [7]EBW wrote an editorial describing the visit and speeches of these woman suffrage leaders: “Mrs. Saxon has the warm blood of the South in her veins, which rises to fever heat when dwelling upon exciting topics, and Mrs. Colby has the cool and calm manners of the North. She reasons more and is less emotional. Both are pleasing in voice and manner.” EBW also summarized their visit for the History of Woman Suffrage: “Mrs. Elizabeth Lyle Saxon and Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, who had been lecturing on suffrage in Oregon and Washington, visited Salt Lake City in September, 1888. They spoke in the theater, and on the following day a reception was tendered them in the Gardo House, where they had the opportunity of meeting socially between five and six hundred people, both Gentiles and Mormons, men and women. The same evening another large audience in the theater greeted them, and on the day succeeding at 10 a.m. there was a meeting for women only in the Assembly Hall. These meetings were held under the auspices of the Woman’s Relief Society, Mrs. Zina D. H. Young, president. Though they occurred at a time when the people were suffering from indignities heaped upon them because of unjust legislation, yet a strong impression was made on those (mostly Gentiles) who never previously had been converted to suffrage.” (“Visit of Mrs. Saxon and Mrs. Colby,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1888, 17:68; Stanton et al., History of Woman Suffrage, 4:936, 940.)

  8. [8]EBW published an account of their visits to the Great Salt Lake and the Utah Industrial Home, along with her own comments on why she considered the institution an “outrage.” (“Comments,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1888, 17:76.)

  9. [9]Elizabeth L. Saxon and Clara B. Colby spoke in the Methodist church in Ogden. (“Town Topics,” Ogden Standard, 27 Sept. 1888, 1.)