October 1902

2 October 1902 • Thursday

This morning running about and telephoning for Mrs. Richardson & friend while out they came and much to my annoyance the paper hangers were doing the ceiling in my office. However I managed to go out calling with her to the Bureau of Information the Tabernacle and to Sister M. Y. Dougall’s and Phebe Y. Beatie’s and then to the Vienna Café where we had dinner and then back to the office where a few ladies called on us Went in the evening to Senator Kearns residence went thro’ the lower part of the house and saw the many beautiful things‒ Mrs. K. [Jennie Judge Kearns] had brought from abroad. My feet hindered me from doing for Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. [blank] what I would otherwise have done surely. [p. 307] {p. 195}

4 October 1902 • Saturday

This evening tired and worn out I went to the Fair instead of going to the entertainment given by the Utah Press Association at Sister Campbell’s much as I would have liked to go there. Belle and Mrs. [Emma Adams] Empey both insisted on my having supper and so I consented, my feet were aching beyond endurance‒ however I was glad to see the Fair at such good advantage [p. 309] {p. 196}

6 October 1902 • Monday

This is the last day of Conference and we sisters were obliged to call our meeting at 2. p.m. but only met as per Incorpored [Incorporated] Constitution and adjourned until close of Conference some minutes after 4. p.m. [p. 311] {p. 197}

13 October 1902 • Monday

This morning received a letter from Helena E. [Einersen] Madsen Gunnison and wrote a very important letter to President Smith & Counselors in regard to my book of Stories I am so anxious to publish. George Reynolds came to ask for a photograph to use in connection with the Poets, of the Church‒ Reaper’s Club met and I gave my topic Gregory the Great‒ Pope who was born 544. died 604. a wonderful character‒ we talked over many things in relation to club matters and Mrs. Alder coming in talked over Press Club matters also. Came home earlier than usual and went over to Belle’s. They had Mr. Sear’s mother1 to dinner and had invited me but I was late‒ Mr. Sears’ father2 would have been 80 today. eleven years ago he was at dinner with them I am very weary tonight‒ [p. 318] {p. 198}

14 October 1902 • Tuesday

Today is very beautiful indeed‒ the trees are handsome in brilliant foliage‒ and all nature is charming‒ only we poor mortals are not wise enough to enjoy the delights that surround us on every side [p. 319] {p. 199}

16 October 1902 • Thursday

Something very pleasant in the atmosphere this Autumn weather, and it is exhilarating one minute and depressing another‒ I am exerting myself to the utmost to get ready for publishing my book of S[t]ories, which has been so long on the tapis‒3 [p. 321] {p. 200}

17 October 1902 • Friday

Today I have had more excitement than usual‒ I felt very much upset‒ Adeline is going away and then I am getting copy ready for the press and Louise expects to go to Washington and Susa is leaving for New York and the Concert in the Tabernacle and a meeting in the office and altogether it is more than confusing‒ [p. 322] {p. 201}

18 October 1902 • Saturday

Today would have been Cory [H. Coryden] Granger’s birthday I remember well when he was born‒ he was killed in the Civil War a Lieut. I have had so many people to upset me‒ Louise has been getting her things together and her mother has been in once or twice. Louise went with me to lunch at the Vienna Cafe. I gave her a little book to put addresses in‒ Adeline has been in and Inez came towards evening and brought me a Beauty American Rose stem a yard long also gave me five dollars in gold. Raymond [Godbe] was with her. It has been an exciting day and will be until the folks are started off.

I gave Inez one of my books Musings & Memories leather bound‒ [p. 323] {p. 202}

19 October 1902 • Sunday

This morning stayed in bed & read the proofs of my paper‒ Adeline came just as I had finished, she was going to Dots to dinner and so was I, it is her birthday‒ I took her a new book of Marie Correlli’s “Temporal Power”‒ also gave Alice [W.] Godbe Rubayat‒ they go away tomorrow‒ John Q. starts for Canada tonight, with John M. Cannon‒ on business. Dot’s table looked lovely Will and Dot‒ Marian, Lucile, and Herman‒ Mr. Sears & Belle‒ Adeline Alta [Althea L. Earl] & myself ten in all. A fine dinner Turkey etc. Afterwards Sep. & Brent came. Belle brought me home in the buggy‒ Addie [M. Earl] came to see me this evening and say Good bye. [p. 324] {p. 203}

20 October 1902 • Monday

This is Baby John Q.’s birthday first anniversary, and I went down and spent the evening‒ came home late. Louise is getting ready to go away and we are all more or less busy and I have been writing letters for her to people [p. 325] {p. 204}

21 October 1902 • Tuesday

Annie and Louise went to lunch with me at the Royal, an awfully disagreeable windy day‒ [p. 326] {p. 205}

22 October 1902 • Wednesday

Louise went away this morning seven o’clock train with Mamie and baby4 I went to Mrs. Sal Seigel [Solomon Siegel]’s to a sort of party‒ met several old friends and some ladies I had not seen before‒ Mrs. [Clara M.] Brown wife of the Minister Congregational Church‒ I think Reverend Clarence Brown and Mrs. Daugherty5 and a few others‒ sat at table with those two also Mrs. Greenwald Mrs. Diehl6 Mrs. [Lotte Kannreuther] Hanauer Mrs. Amelia Young and one more [p. 327] {p. 206}

25 October 1902 • Saturday

Today the paper is out at last so unpleasant to have to tease and beg to have your work done even when you pay down for it. Went up to Ort with the sketch of my life that he had written and had some changes made in it. [p. 330] {p. 207}

26 October 1902 • Sunday

Today I remained in bed until one o’clock to try and recuperate a little‒ was writing on a poem for the birthday part of the time

John Q. and Annie drove over in the afternoon he had come home from Canada last night‒ had pretty good luck‒ George Q. has a sore throat and Emmeline is sick [p. 331] {p. 208}

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October 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1902/1902-10


  1. [1]Sarah Wagstaff Sears.

  2. [2]John Sears.

  3. [3]Idiom for “on the table.”

  4. [4]Robert M. Cannon.

  5. [5]Probably Emma Chase Daugherty.

  6. [6]Probably Anastasia Rothardt Diehl.