September 1913

30 September 1913 • Tuesday

1Sep. 30. 1913. This morn[i]ng (Tuesday) Emmeline Cannn [Cannon] my beloved grand daughter was married in the Sa[l]t Lake Temple to Lymn [Lyman] R. Martineau Cermony solemnized by Presdent Joseph F. Smith in the Sealing Room of the sacred Temple– her father John Q. Cannon and Mother Annie Wells Cannon being present and myself also her Aunt Isabel M. Searrs and one or two others, none of the Martineau [p. 1] {p. 3} family were present– her uncle Junius F. Wells was present. After the ceremony the bridal party went to the home of the bride’s parents, and joind with other Cannons and Martineau’s who all partook of a wedding breeakfast– all seemd happy and delighted with what had transpired Junius F. Wells pronoun[ce]d the blessing at the table, ther were about 21 guests– Th bride was very beautiful and very charming in her manner. The host the bride’s father & the hostess [p. 2] {p. 4} the b[r]ide’s mother gracioussly recived the wedding guests and the affair was an asured success– John Q. Cannon is an admrable host at table, as was his h[o]nored and reverent father Gorge [George] Q. Cannon.

The time for l[e]aving by R.R.2 train on wedding journey shortend the br[e]akfast for the bride and bridegroom, and the leave taking was hurri[e]d– I insisted on going with the bridal party t the depot. Perhaps I was th only one of the guests who really mournd and it was not [p. 3] {p. 5} th for me to pass through thiss ordeal. I tried very hard to control my feelings, but it was difficult– I took my leave of her at the station and my feelings were almost too much for me.– the bride was beautiful beyond description and her dress and flowers were exquisite

I came home weeping and indeed my eyes are seldom dry, it is a great disappointmnt to me– I suppose it is w[r]ong for me to grieve and perhaps the sorrow will wear off in time– so lonely here when she brought so much gaiety [p. 4] {p. 6}

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September 1913, 30 September 1913 • Tuesday, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed January 17, 2025


  1. [1]text: The entries for 30 September–27 October 1913 come from volume 40 of the diary. EBW paginated this volume with spelled-out numbers—from “one” through “thirty four”—at the top of each page. Someone also penciled in numerals for page numbers.

  2. [2]Railroad.