April 1904

15 April 1904 • Friday

This is my Brother Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday he is 69. today entering upon his 70th. Year {p. 52}

16 April 1904 • Saturday

One can scarcely recount the incidents of a day so full as this has been from early morning until late at night. Janie Birkbeck was here and we dined together and I had to dress and go to the D.R. Society at Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber’s– there were not many present and Mrs. Beatie Vice Regent presided in the absence of Mrs. S. W. Sears who could not go there, the Regents paper was a very good one and was upon La Fayette rather long read by the Secretary Mrs. Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith who is a great favorite of the Regent. Only a few were present. of members Mesdames Beatie, [Shamira Young] Rossiter, Smith, [Elizabeth Richards] Wright, Cannon <[Clarissa Young] Spencer> Farnsworth, [Julia Farnsworth] Lund Webber Wells and myself– Refreshments were delicious, three guests were there and thirteen in all {p. 53}

17 April 1904 • Sunday

This morning took a good rest and after having breakfast alone began preparing my annual report for Mrs. Horne who wished to be posted in regard to our work, I had made it a religious duty to attend to its being perfect. I went over to Belle’s and dined with the family– roast beef and altogether a fine dinner. Rested some and conversed then came back and finished, however I never do accomplish all I anticipate, but did my best as I had all the week been so upset, I needed to steady my nerves and therefore I held myself in restraint to keep under control. I read in Hearts Courageous which though uninteresting in the beginning grew more entertaining toward the last. I did not attend any meeting through the day. {p. 54}

18 April 1904 • Monday

This morning met Alice on my arrival gave her the Statistical & financial report of the Relief Society also the credentials of the Daughters of the Revolution as Delegate to attend the Annual Meeting in Boston, later on found I must go down home for something I had forgotten, and on coming up bought carnations to give Alice from Isabel and myself a parting gift– as she goes to Berlin & Paris across the water– at the depot were a few only and later went to dine with Sister [Maria Banks] Francis and Sister [Mary Francis] Kelly other guests were Sister [Mary Morton] Pye and Emily [Hills] Woodmansee & Annie [S.] Campbell. Went to see the comedy of “Caste” given by Mrs. Kelly and other home people– wind blew a gale when we came out and I went to Mrs. Sears and stayed all night {p. 55}

19 April 1904 • Tuesday

This morning went up in good time wind still blowing did some work, then dressed for Mrs. [E. Amelia Crossland] McDonalds At Home– drove down with Mrs. Alphonso Snow1 in her pony carriage, found about forty people assembled– very jolly– left at five p.m. to go to dine at Cannon Farm John Q’s birthday– Battle Lexington anniversary we had dinner and I had to leave to come up town and go to Sister Margaret P [Pierce] Young’s to her Birthday party in honor of her 81st. anniversary– about forty people present. President Jos. F. Smith Julina [Lambson Smith] & Edna [Lambson Smith] Dr. S. [Seymour] B. Young & Lizzie [A. Elizabeth Riter Young], Frank [Y.] Taylor and wife,2 Bishop [Millen M.] Atwood and wife,3 Br. McGee & wife Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Br. & Sister Ketch4 and many more came home with Sister Woodruff in her buggy– {p. 56}

20 April 1904 • Wednesday

This morning went up town in a rain storm– found Ida [Crippen] Haag in waiting for me and from that time a constant stream for favors. Man came and cleaned my carpet looked quite nice Br. Charles Wilkin [Carl H. Wilcken] called upon me today Belle Lucile Louise Margaret Catharine Daniel [H. Cannon] and lots of people not related. Alice Ellerbeck Clayton is dead of Bright’s disease she leaves a family of children very sad. B. H. Roberts testimony in paper tonight.5 terrible storm snow & rain came home 8 o’clock car went to Belle’s and had tea night very cold and dark made a fire and wrote & read until weary and just after going to bed became alarmed & did not sleep until five in the morning– suffered intensely with fear {p. 57}

21 April 1904 • Thursday

This is my brothers birthday– Manson [J. Woodward] if he were living 83 years old. The storm has been heavy snow crushing down rose and lilac bushes in my yard and everywhere of course. Went over to Belle’s and took her letters to mail for the D.R. Annual. It was a gloomy day and very little could be done. I am so much behind with my work and so bothered with Society affairs that mean nothing whatever, I must be patient and content if possible, a long screed from Mrs. Sewall asking for publication, News do not wish to use it and it is too long for my paper. Telephone wires are down all over, storm wide spread and so on Evening went to meeting of Ensign Stake Junius went with me, we sat together & talked saw Belle a minute when I came home. {p. 58}

22 April 1904 • Friday

Slept very well last night this morning got things ready but was late going to my office, found many letters and did what I could to my mailing, prepared minutes for meeting and sent Sister Thomas a birthday present Helen Hunt Jackson’s Poems– then went to the meeting at Sister Smith’s– she has a new iron fence with brass top– & fixed up fine in other ways. Louise came up telephones still out of order though mine is all right. Sister Dusenberry did not come up only four of us. Little Emme came to stay all night with me, Nett Culmer called on me today, saw May [Mary Wells Whitney] for a minute John Q. went to Carbon Co. with Dr. Beatty {p. 59}

23 April 1904 • Saturday

This is Percival [William Percival Woods]’s birthday he would be 26 years old that hardly seems possible. It is an unpleasant day. Emmeline is here with me and we had breakfast together, then went up to the office– no news of any consequence trying to get on with my mailing. Belle came in and John Q. Louise and Daniel also Miss Grace Cannon‒ I went to the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers at Bishop Beatie’s. Belle presided and though there were few present because of the storm yet the meeting was a very good one. I called in to see Sister [Clarissa Young] Dougall afterwards and then back to work– came home nine o’clock car and feel very weary the night is cold and sort of dismal, and the fire is not good– {p. 60}

24 April 1904 • Sunday

I rose late and wrote letters and as usual looked up and picked up and prepared some copy and wrote some wrappers, it was a fine day and I tried to rest– went over to Belle’s and she came over here too for a few minutes I felt myself that rest was the one thing I must have and of course one does find odds and ends that need a vast deal of doing. I wanted to do so much in writing and did so very little Still I meditated and in the end must have gained recuperation from the strain the whole week through {p. 61}

25 April 1904 • Monday

Went off in good time Reapers Club today and Committee meeting afterwards, so there was not much time to mail or do other needful things. My heart is very sore so many unpleasant affairs yet I try to keep up my spirits so as to be able to do my necessary work In the early part of the afternoon or about noon Dr. Read of Wallace came and after the meetings were just about over I went with him to see the Governor and others‒ {p. 62} Dined with him and took him down to Belle’s for the evening

26 April 1904 • Tuesday

Today I feel more hurried than usual and I have promised to go to Lyde’s to the lecture on Tennyson by O [Orson] F Whitney, before the Cleofan. It is in the evening for which I am glad– I cannot go home to dress consequently must go as I am. It has been warm today The lecture was excellent and I enjoyed it very much came home alone, Belle’s folks in bed– lonely indeed but managed to get on all right {p. 63}

27 April 1904 • Wednesday

Today Kate has a party for Cathie [Catherine Chapin] Culmer– Louise and Margaret went Lucile Gertrude [Trindle Sears] and Dot [Isabel Sears Buchholz] were all invited. I succeeded in getting a little done to my mailing– have had lots of callers. Had a talk with Apostle George A. Smith about my trip to Germany he seems very favorable but does not wish to have any say in the matter of raising money. I was not cheered with his advice as I had hoped to be I felt he was more or less powerless when I thought him strong6 {p. 64}

28 April 1904 • Thursday

Today Mrs. [Rachel Ulman] Siegel came to see me and Sister Smith was present so she talked to her of the estimation in which the ladies in Berlin and Dresden held me as a woman of merit. She told Sister Smith she ought to send me which Sister Smith did not relish I think as she is not in favor of women who tell her what she ought or ought not to do. I think Siegel went away quite disgusted with the meeting with Sister Smith– she does not care for her neither does any stranger; she does not present the best side to strangers {p. 65}

29 April 1904 • Friday

Today is a day of dread the meetings are generally disagreeable and give one a feeling of depression Sister Lambert came early then Sister [Elizabeth Du Fresne] Stevensen & were fixed off for trip to Cache Valley. Sister Smith came direct from the Temple and Annie and Katharine were here– Annie thinks best for them to come here and stay while they build and I told her yes I would be glad to have them.7 It will be a change from the lonely house but one for the better and I know these sort of changes enliven one’s life considerably {p. 66}

30 April 1904 • Saturday

Today is Leslie [A. Dunford]’s birthday of course Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] will think of it may be not with sadness now that she has taken such strange views of development. The past comes back on memorable days and times and we feel it keenly. I was so fond of the dear boy and so proud of him hoping he would grow up to hold the holy priesthood and be a minister of salvation for the living and a savior for our dead relatives {p. 67}

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April 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1904/1904-04


  1. [1]Perhaps Mary Loveland Snow.

  2. [2]Elizabeth Campbell Taylor. (1900 U.S. Census, Sugarhouse, Utah, 169A, accessed 26 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6L4S-MBG?i=34&wc=9B78-G5J%3A1030550201%2C1030789001%2C1031017801&cc=1325221; “Mrs. Frank Y. Taylor Claimed by Death,” Salt Lake Telegram, 22 June 1923.)

  3. [3]Mary Bird Atwood. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5B, accessed 26 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2Q-DXR?i=9&wc=9BQK-92R%3A1030550201%2C1030789001%2C1030789002&cc=1325221; Atwood, Death Certificate, 24 Jan. 1945.)

  4. [4]Probably Louis A. Kelsch and Rosalie Atwood Kelsch.

  5. [5]B. H. Roberts was called to testify before a U.S. Senate committee that was considering whether Reed Smoot, an apostle, should be allowed to keep his seat in that body. (“Senator Smoot Again Ignored,” Deseret Evening News, 20 Apr. 1904, [1]; “Roberts First Witness at Reopening of Smoot Inquiry at Washington,” Salt Lake Telegram, 20 Apr. 1904, [1]; see also EBW, Diary, 1 May 1904, footnote.)

  6. [6]At this point in late April, EBW felt so anxious about obtaining funds and church backing to attend the International Council of Women meetings in Berlin that she expressed criticism of even good friends who could not help.

  7. [7]John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon were leaving the Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon house on the Cannon Farm and building a new home. They arranged to stay with EBW in her house while their new home was under construction. (See EBW, Diary, 15 May and 29 Sept. 1904.)