January 1914


8, 9, and 16 January

EBW noted in her diary her disappointment regarding discussions with the Relief Society general board about the future of the Woman’s Exponent. Unable to transfer the paper to the board, EBW ceased publication with the February 1914 issue.

17 March

At the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, the Relief Society celebrated seventy-two years since its founding in 1842. EBW spoke, followed by President Joseph F. Smith and President Anthon H. Lund.

17 August

As war spread through Europe, officers of the National Council of Women requested responses from member organizations. EBW sent a “str[o]ng p[r]otest” by telegram on behalf of the Relief Society and the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

30 September

Orson F. Whitney read EBW selections from his epic poem Elias for her advice.

15 October

The Relief Society presidency made plans for the war effort with a representative from the American Red Cross at the office of the Utah governor.

28 October

EBW and family members met Albert Emory Wells at the Salt Lake City cemetery. He was the oldest child of Daniel H. Wells and had stayed with his mother, Eliza Rebecca Robison Wells, in Iowa when Daniel joined the Latter-day Saints and came west.

11 January 1914 • Thursday

Whn the bells rung out for midnight and we were seated around the hearthstone we all burst forth with a Happy Nw Year to each at the Cannon Home & there was gneral congratulations on the Nw Year and aknowledgements of the good year just gone After having r[e]galed ourselves we retired, the children’s stockings had been gen[er]ously filled. Nw Year’s Day was one of snw and clouds, we hd a fine dinner & the day passed quietly as the storm continued there were parties & receptins but we were mostly at home [p. 1] {p. 2}

2 January 1914 • Friday

Nw Yearrs passed off in a quieet way and now the second mo[r]ning has come and I bade Good Bye to Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] & children– and came up to the office dressed and went to the Hotel Utah to a banqueet in honor of Dr. A. E. Winshiip [Albert E. Winship] of Boston About 20 guests and a nunber of distinctive toasts were givn impromptu a very fine and enjoyable gathering, this marks a red letter day for sure– [p. 2] {p. 3}

3 January 1914 • Saturday

A vry beautiful day2 sunshine and balmy air A very tiresome day with people calling and hindrances and no satisfaction in my work, then Br. Miner came up to tak me to the car and I be[c]ame vry nervous and did not dress myself properly to go home After reachimg home I did not find things I wanted and Ruby [Derr Cannon] was sicck and I was cold in the extreme, however I tried to feel humble & submissivee [p. 3] {p. 4}

4 January 1914 • Sunday

This is my grandson Geo. Q. Cnnon [George Q. Cannon]’s birrthday He was brn in our dear old house– I rose early and went to Temple Fast meeting– sat all alome in the acustoned seat wnt up to Jode [Joseph S.] Wells and had lunch thn to Fast Meeeting 18th. Ward thn to see Kate [Catherine Wells] & Susan [Alley Wells] and back to 18th Wa[r]d evening Comference & home from there almost [illegible] [p. 4] {p. 5}

5 January 1914 • Monday

Today came early no maiil Susa Y. [Young] Gates already here and also Isabel [Whitney Sears]. no maiil of any consequnce, I had expected theere would be all day the utmost confusion, Sister [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron came and was quite sad but went away much comforted– told me her troubles and promised to cheer up Annie John Q. [Cannon] & Cavndish [Cavendish W. Cannon] were here Elder Ha◊◊ called with a barrrister from Milwaukee [Wisconsin], several otherr callerrs) Vera [Cannon Sharp] & Jennie [Jeanette Acord Hyde] heere [p. 5] {p. 6}

6 January 1914 • Tuesday

Today the weather is mild and the air like Spring Everything is favorable and yet I am not quite content because I meed Annie to come and go over an article I have written3 Late in the day Jennie Hyde & Sarah NcLelland [M. McLelland] came and Susa was also here and they stayed late except Susa who was called home to Ceciil [B. Cecil Gates] wh[o] was ill. [p. 6] {p. 7}

7 January 1914 • Wednesday

Early today call from Jordan Stake about Genealogical classes. Cecil is still ailing with biloius [bilious] attack

din[e]d at Hotel– Utah with Prof J. J. McLellan [John J. McClellan] and wif,4 also Judge Herman [Herriman?] was presnted with a large bouquet of red & white carntions,5 gave some to Bishop [Charles W.] Nibley, went afterwads to Anericam Theaterre, came home very late– [p. 7] {p. 8}

8 January 1914 • Thursday

This morning received word that a Commttee had meet the evening previouss to talk over the postage on the Bullteins [Bulletins] etc. Annie came much disturbed we had Presiding Bishop Mibly [Nibley] to talk with us with the President6 So much unpleasantness has transpired that it seeems almost unbearablle and no teelling what dark schemes are yet to be meet & borne [p. 8] {p. 9}

9 January 1914 • Friday

went to a meeting where we all spoke Julina [Lambson Smith] took us in the President’s Auto Refreshmnts were served and met many dear sisters, many teestimoniees borne and enjoyed a good spirit and feeling– day very cold indeed– letters from several sisters quite tender and loving my own heart is heavy and my nerves are very linp [limp] and sensitive [p. 9] {p. 10}

10 January 1914 • Saturday

Slept late and went to the Tabenacle sat alone nome [none] of the sisterrs came Apostle Talnage [James E. Talmage] spoke upon Tithing a rather renarkable se[r]mon– went to seee Kate Wells & Aunt Susan after meeeting, wnt to the 18th Ward in the evening came down home and slept bettr than previous night, Gorge Q. is ill at Sumnit [Summit] Co. [p. 10] {p. 11}

11 January 1914 • Sunday

Saturday aftenoon was at Dr. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts and met many ladiees and made a speeech concernning my meeeting with great people Auto came and I went to the celebation of Geo. Q. Cannon’s birrthday in the Lion House fine affair. over one hundred and fifty descendants [p. 11] {p. 12}

12 January 1914 • Monday

Came up rather late Susa heere and work going on and I had to get my editorrial ready for the paper on Greeting. Counselors came and we decided on meeting Tuesday to arrange some important matters and to do certain work to help in reference to senders [p. 12] {p. 13}

13 January 1914 • Tuesday

This morning went to see President Joseeph F. Smith, he was not in and I wnt out and waited them returnd and had rather an interesting interview President Anthon H. Lund was present my heart was sad when he gave me his views on some important matterrs, cane [came] back to the meeting and finally dispersed [p. 13] {p. 14}

14 January 1914 • Wednesday

Only incidnt was an Auto ride with Mrs. P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings– a rather dismal day wind blew furioussly and we did not call anywherre. At evening went out a few minutes– and Calvin [S.] Smith and went to Franklins with me etc. [p. 14] {p. 15}

15 January 1914 • Thursday

This moning seemd tedious and finally Sisters came in for the meeting, a very p[r]olonged and tedious one, n[e]w businss introduced,

wnt down to Emm [Emmeline Cannon Martineau]’s this evning came too late– meeting altogether too

long & wea[r]isome [p. 15] {p. 16}

16 January 1914 • Friday

This morning was very late in rising had not retired umtil 2 this moning, and slept very little, had a tedious meeting yesterday and was very nervouss, wonder that I cou◊ld sleep at all. anbitious and aspiring wom[a]n7 seems to be destitute of fine feeeling I have never received so terrrible a blow as she has brought about I do not see how she would stoop to do so meean a thing8 [p. 16] {p. 17}

21 January 1914 • Wednesday

I arranged for the celebration of Sister Elza [Eliza] R. Snow’s birthday by the Gneral Board of the Relief Socciety and incdentally to have mntin [mention] made of otherr heorinees [heroines] of mornodom [mormondom] [p. 21] {p. 19}

25 January 1914 • Sunday

Went to the Tabrnclee and aftewards to Sister Jennings, The Tabrnacle servicees were conducted by President McCleclin [William McLachlan] Br. Rulon S. Wells and James E. Talmge were the speakerrs [p. 25] {p. 20}

29 January 1914 • Thursday

<John T. Caine’s birthday annversary> Most dreadfully low-spirited this morning Presidnt Mudock [Joseph R. Murdock] of Hebr [Heber] Wasatch Stake calld up[o]n me and wished counsel in rgard to wheat– most unhappy norning bcause of things said from head-quarterrs A fine lot of work acomplishd this aftenoon in Board Meeting. Nany [Many] Commttees appointed and 17th of March talked of as General Convention to celebate the day [p. 29] {p. 21}

31 January 1914 • Saturday

Went to have my picture taken with Annie and her twins9 and Louise [Cannon Andrew] and herrs,10 also do not know what it will be lieke– hope it will be good [p. 31] {p. 22}

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January 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1914/1914-01


  1. [1]text: EBW wrote entries for the year 1914 primarily in volume 41 of her diary. She also wrote two entries for November 1914 in volume 37 of her diary. Entries for 1914 have been pulled from those two diaries and arranged here into chronological order. Unless otherwise noted, entries come from volume 41 of the diary. As EBW’s eyesight worsened, her handwriting became less legible. She also sometimes lost track of where she was in some words. Words with extra strokes are represented as closely to the manuscript as possible. Letters with missing strokes are represented as complete, as are letters conflated together, as is common with the two letters in th.

  2. [2]text: An illegible mark is over the y here.

  3. [3]Because of her failing eyesight, EBW depended on her daughters and granddaughters to come to the office to read her mail to her, write letters, and review articles. (For example, see EBW, Diary, 11 May 1914.)

  4. [4]Mary Douglass McClellan.

  5. [5]text: EBW has added what looks to be an n here, perhaps to correct her spelling, but it does not clarify what is on the page.

  6. [6]Joseph F. Smith.

  7. [7]Younger, more progressive members of the Relief Society board devised a modern guide and monthly bulletin to advance Relief Society work in wards and stakes. They launched the guide in January 1914 with Susa Young Gates as editor. This represented a rebuff to EBW’s offer to turn over the Woman’s Exponent to the Relief Society if she retained control of content and style. As a result, EBW decided to discontinue the Woman’s Exponent with the February 1914 issue. Her diary entries express the pain she felt at the board’s decision, the demise of her paper, and the way actions had been taken without her knowledge. (Madsen, Intimate History, 459–461; “General Board of Relief Society in special session,” Relief Society General Board Minutes, 13 Jan. 1914, vol. 5, 13; EBW, Diary, 8, 9, and 16 Jan. 1914.)

  8. [8]text: The word “thing” is written adjacent to the entry on the next page, a page that is otherwise blank.

  9. [9]Abraham H. Cannon and David W. Cannon.

  10. [10]Richard C. Andrew and Denton C. Andrew.