October 1881

1 October 1881 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of Mellie’s wedding day1 and of Maria Whitney [Hall]’s birthday. It calls up many unpleasant recollections as well as much that is sentimental in its nature. So much misery for me and so much that is depressing in its nature, that one cannot help feeling sad & sorrowful. [p. 160] {p. 164}

2 October 1881 • Sunday

Orson Pratt is dangerously ill and there is but little entertained of his recovery to health. So many old members of the Church dying that one cannot help fearing and trembling. My husband seems aging very fast & I feel almost afraid disease of mind & body might cause him to succumb. Good news from the ladies in the East.

3 October 1881 • Monday

Mailing at last have been so aggravated in getting the printing done in time. Aunt Eliza is trying to get her new book out in time for Conference. It is a nice book of Bible Questions & Answers.2 She has done this and it was more than one could have expected and yet she wants to do more. [p. 161] {p. 165}

4 October 1881 • Tuesday

Still busy at the mailing yesterday the fair opened3 and Orson Pratt died4 news came too of the death of Ferrie [Feramorz L.] Young5 at sea just when he was expected him home it was quite overwhelming indeed. We all felt it very much knowing him so well. There will be some display for Orson Pratt

5 October 1881 • Wednesday

Just the day before Conference people coming in by thousands, the city seems thronged. We have the Monks [Charles and Emma Leywood Monk] from Spanish Fork & Sophia [Lyon] Hyde from Sanpete. Belle and all her children from Ogden The house seems full up to the very top of the garret noise and bustle. Yet we are all very well. [p. 162] {p. 166}

6 October 1881 • Thursday

Conference opened as usual but dismissed at eleven o’clock so the people could see Orson Pratt’s corpse which lay in state in the great Tabernacle for his friends and the Saints to view for the last time. At 2 the services begun which were for the two who had died so near together Orson Pratt & Ferrie Young

7 October 1881 • Friday

Conference continues, lots of people still coming in. Every place crowded with people. Preaching of an excellent character never better. music very fine meetings overflowing every day. Theatres in the evening crowded. In the Salt Lake Assembly Hall this evening. Pres. Taylor spoke upon priesthood in a very plain manner [p. 163] {p. 167}

8 October 1881 • Saturday

Conference is as interesting as it was at first. Good teaching from the Apostles and First Presidency. Elders called on missions Ort has been publicly notified officially, Home Dramatic Club performing with good success6 meeting of the young peoples associations in the Assembly Hall this evening

9 October 1881 • Sunday

This is the last day of the semi annual Conference. Missionaries all called today. John Q. who has been gone since August 9, was sustained by the vote of the people in Conference assembled. Some of the people are beginning to return home. Sunday school Union tonight7 [p. 164] {p. 168}

10 October 1881 • Monday

Today it is 29 years since my last marriage8 it calls up many tender remembrances of bygone days. My husband seemed to love me then, how is it today? Never has an unpleasant scene taken place between us, in all these years. through trials that would pierce the inmost recesses of the human heart I have risen triumphant.

11 October 1881 • Tuesday

Plodding away at my paper trying to get ready for the press work. Bishop [Edwin D.] Woolley9 was buried last Sunday, from the big Tabernacle, He was one of the oldest Bishops in the city. The brethren of the first presidency & twelve have gone north to Bear Lake Valley [p. 165] {p. 169}

12 October 1881 • Wednesday

It seems lonely in the city so many gone out of town. We are ever so busy Annie is learning the Kensington embroidery Louie has lessons twice a week for her pupils in painting. I try to keep everything going but it is sometimes difficult indeed, yet we must not complain

13 October 1881 • Thursday

Well, well, it is nearing publishing day and I do not feel as if it had been long since the last issue. Between writing visiting the sick answering everybody’s questions, keeping up correspondence & trying to please all parties I find myself pretty well used up and weary in the extreme. [p. 166] {p. 170}

14 October 1881 • Friday

Well it does seem just impossible to get the paper out on time, no matter how hard I may try. Went to the theatre this evening with Rob. Ort did well in the part he sustained. He does seem lucky in everything. He makes a great fuss over me now and professes a wonderful attachment for me.

15 October 1881 • Saturday

Lost my gold eye-glasses last evening but do hope to find them again. Paper not out on time– so much to do for Saturday Went with Belle to the Stores. she went to the theatre with Rob in the evening. Annie & I staid at home. Sunday went to depot with Belle and then to the graveyard [p. 167] {p. 171}

16 October 1881 • Sunday

Well this is Winnie [Winnifred I. Woods]’s birthday and we had a carriage and went up to the grave yard and took flowers called at Mellie’s but she was not in. A sad sad day came home and spent the evening in our own parlor, some young friends called but I was sorrowful.

17 October 1881 • Monday

Busy all day mailing papers have just got a new stove: it is damp and disagreeable. There are preparations going forward for a trip to St. George. Pres. Taylor and some others Mrs. M. M. Barratt expects to be one of the party it is disappointing some well, well all must be tried– [p. 168] {p. 172}

18 October 1881 • Tuesday

Mailing all done today Annie has been very helpful. Baby is well. We must not complain while we have health Sent Dot up a birthday present. She is going to give a party tomorrow on her birthday. Louie gave her a box of paper & envelops for us and Annie a collar her mama gave her a nice pair of kid gloves.

19 October 1881 • Wednesday

Nine years today since Dot made her debut the first daughter of Belle’s, born in the beautiful home in 20th, Ward. I hope she is having a good time we are all in health & surrounded with blessings, but when one’s heart aches like mine, what can be done? Where turn for comfort? [p. 169] {p. 173}

20 October 1881 • Thursday

This is the grand season of the year for foliage and sentiment. One whose mind is free to follow out his fancies can find intense enjoyment out of doors at this season of the year. Would that I had means and a mind at ease I would climb these mountains & satisfy my love of nature’s works.

21 October 1881 • Friday

Aunt Eliza & Sister [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze went off this morning to attend Conference at Morgan.10 I am so much in the habit of going with her that it seems almost out of the way for me to be left. I fancy she did not half like to go without me; however she has gone and I am here. It is allright and for the <best> [p. 170] {p. 174}

22 October 1881 • Saturday

A dismal day but I went off to the meeting in the 14th, Ward Assembly Hall; dull and dismal yet inside there was a good feeling and power manifested. I spoke freely and so did others. These meetings are educational in a spiritual and progressive sense They help us to reach the higher standard of excellence.

23 October 1881 • Sunday

At 10 A.M. Ort came and we went together to see mother Whitney. She was brighter than usual & we had quite a good time. I gave Ort a fine gold pencil & pen with his name engraven on it. He seemed much pleased. Louie & Annie & I all went to Mell’s took baby and had dinner there. Ort preached in [p. 171] {p. 175} the evening and I went to bid him Goodbye

24 October 1881 • Monday

Next morning he went off by the seven o’clock train.11 Belle met him at the Ogden depot it seemed lonely. his wife12 went to Provo with her father in the afternoon. I cannot quite reconcile all things as I would wish to. Annie & I sent to John Q. so did Belle

25 October 1881 • Tuesday

Sister Howard and I met Aunt Eliza coming from Morgan plodding along with her bundles. She came in and we had quite a little visit together. Sister H. and I called on Sister Barrett last evening & asked her to contribute to Mrs. Ferguson’s expenses. She gave us five dollars. [p. 172] {p. 176}

26 October 1881 • Wednesday

Busily the preparations are being brought forward for the journey South. I have been in the Office today more than once. Tomorrow I expect to go to Coalville to the Summit Conference of Relief Societies. I am making all needful arrangements. The girls do not like me to go at all.

27 October 1881 • Thursday

This afternoon Pres. Taylor and a large party left for the St. George Temple– by 2 o’clock train & at 20 minutes to 4. p.m. Sister Sarah M. Kimball and I took train enroute for Coalville. At Ogden we took Park City train and arrived at Coalville 1/2 past 8 o’clock safe & well in the rain. [p. 173] {p. 177}

28 October 1881 • Friday

Br. [William W.] Cluff has an elegant home and we were warmly welcomed. Conference was held here today we went to Litha [Talitha Free] Smiths to dinner– in the evening had a sort of Council Meeting where all sorts of matters were discussed. It rained all day long. Went over and saw the Ladies Relief Society Store which does them credit.

29 October 1881 • Saturday

Left Coalville by 8 o’clock train arrived in Ogden just after nine went up to Belle’s & staid all morning then went to see Co-op and Sister Richards took evening train for home. found all comfortable but baby had been suffering from croup very much & girls felt sorrowful. [p. 174] {p. 178}

30 October 1881 • Sunday

Went to Tabernacle. Lou went up to Sharp’s it came on to storm and she was out riding but I had returned home. We had a cozy time in the parlor. Annie writing to John Q. and I to Aunt Zina. Storms without but peace within. We ought to feel grateful that baby is better.

31 October 1881 • Monday

A miserable gloomy day calculated to depress one’s spirits. There are many disheartening things to struggle against but if we can only keep up good courage and persevere we shall win the prize at last. The girls mean to go up and see Belle tomorrow and spend her birthday with her and the children in <Ogden> [p. 175] {p. 179}

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October 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1881/1881-10


  1. [1]Melvina C. B. Whitney and William Dunford married on 1 October 1867 and divorced after they had three children in 1872. (Madsen, Intimate History, 124n46.)

  2. [2]Bible Questions and Answers was published by the Juvenile Instructor Office. “It is well calculated to give the children of the Saints a knowledge of the Scriptures, and little boys who commit those answers to memory will be better prepared with Scriptural arguments when they go out into the world to preach the Gospel.” (“Pen Sketch of an Illustrious Woman,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1881, 10:82.)

  3. [3]EBW reviewed this event in “Utah Territorial Fair,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1881, 10:80.

  4. [4]EBW published a tribute to Orson Pratt in “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1881, 10:76.

  5. [5]Feramorz Young, a contemporary of EBW’s daughters, was the son of Brigham Young and Lucy Decker. The Woman’s Exponent reported, “News was received in this city, by telegram, on Monday morning, Oct. 3, of the death at sea of Elder F. L. Young, of typhoid fever, one hundred miles out of Havanna, as he was returning from a Mission to Mexico, in company with Apostle Moses Thatcher.” (“In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1881, 10:77.)

  6. [6]A benefit performance by the Home Dramatic Club took place in the Salt Lake Theatre on 21 October 1881 for Orson F. Whitney before his departure to England on a church mission. (Untitled, Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1881, 10:75.)

  7. [7]A Sunday School union was organized by church leaders in 1867. General Sunday School meetings were held around the time of the general church conferences. For early Sunday School history, see Jubilee History of Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools, 14–16.

  8. [8]EBW repeatedly wrote the date of her marriage to Daniel H. Wells as 10 October 1852.

  9. [9]Edwin D. Woolley was bishop of the Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward, where EBW resided. His obituary appears in “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1881, 10:77–78.

  10. [10]A report of the trip to Morgan appears in “Conference at Morgan,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1881, 10:84.

  11. [11]Orson F. Whitney served a mission in England from October 1881 to July 1883, leaving behind a son, his pregnant wife, and his calling as bishop of the Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward. A previous mission in 1876–1877 took him to Ohio and Pennsylvania. (John Nicholson, “The Author and His Work,” in Whitney, History of Utah, 4:704–705; EBW, “Young Missionaries,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1881, 10:88; Horne, Life of Orson F. Whitney, 53–55, 69.)

  12. [12]Zina Smoot Whitney.