May 1898

1 May 1898 • Sunday

Rained all day long so there could be no May walking– [p. 153] {p. 134}

8 May 1898 • Sunday

Jethro Whitneys birthday born 1848– in Winter Quarters now Florence on the Missouri river– his mother was Ann Houston a Pennsylvania Dutch born– parents embraced the Gospel in an early day of the Church– [p. 160] {p. 135}

10 May 1898 • Tuesday

A very trying anniversary for me– many dreadful memories of the past rise up to distress me– and yet there are also pleasures– why must such ordeals be given us– is it to prepare us for sympathy and charity– to make us feel another’s woe–

Murray Wells Whitney was born May 10. 189[8]– what rejoicing there was in that family Lydia Ann’s first grand child out of three May is the only one yet married– the day is fine and all is well though times are exciting– troops going on to the war and from Utah too– a new phase of the experience for our people never before since the battalion marched out of camp at Cutter’s Park. [p. 162] {p. 136}

12 May 1898 • Thursday

Meeting in my office at 11. A.M. to decide on Volunteer Benefit– I was elected Chairman and Mrs. J. E. [Bertha Greenwald] Bamberger Sec. Committees appointed and much enthusiasm manifested– Mrs. Jake Moritz, Mrs. Samuels Mrs. Sal. Seigel Mrs. Allen Mrs. Arthur Brown and others taking an active part.

Word came today for John Q. to get Rough Riders and proceed forthwith to Ft. Russell via Cheyenne–

Meeting at Mrs. W. W. Riter’s at 3. P.M. Mrs. Brown opposed me in the nomination of Miss Julia Farnsworth for State Chairman of Correspondence [p. 164] {p. 137}

13 May 1898 • Friday

All day confusion I had some annoyance with newspaper notoriety– had dinner at Mrs. Salisbury’s after having had lunch at Mrs. Farnsworth’s dreadfully exciting day, [p. 165] {p. 138}

14 May 1898 • Saturday

Today has been very exciting for us Annie had so much to do that really one could not understand how she was so composed with the idea of her husband leaving her with such a family depending upon her– and the affairs financially in an unsettled condition. She is certainly a very brave and a magnificent woman– mentally and in every way womanly nothing masculine in the least. [p. 166] {p. 139}

15 May 1898 • Sunday

Little Katharine’s birthday. I gave her a silver spoon Colonial style name engraved on the bowl– her papa gave her a gold chain and heart Belle and the girls a fine white dress hand made & embroidery etc. children other presents– I went to see the Governor and had a talk with him Hugh [Jenne Cannon] & wife [May Wilcken Cannon]– Mamie and Lewis and Emily all came to see John Q. his father gave him a fine blessing and made many promises. We all feel very solemn. Belle Lucile & Emmie all came up also Eugene to bid John Q. Good Bye We had a carriage and went to the depot though I went down on the car and also Q. but came back in the carriage; there was no music or any kind of military demonstration as it was Sunday. [p. 167] {p. 140}

16 May 1898 • Monday

This is the saddest of anniversaries to me the day on which Louie passed away from us all after her severe suffering and intense pain, O how terribly we all mourned and our hearts were racked in agony until we knew not how to endure the parting, it has rained all day as if in sympathy with our tears. Belle & Dot were going to the cemetery but could not on account of the weather– I went to Annie’s at evening and stayed all night. I cannot talk much of the dreadful experiences of the time eleven years ago– as my heart is too full of pain and anguish. A day and time when the most severe ordeal was given me to pass through and the agony was past endurance [p. 168] {p. 141}

17 May 1898 • Tuesday

Today is President Angus M. Cannon’s birthday anniversary and a party is being given by the family at his son’s Bishop Lewis M.– the dinner will be in the large barn as the weather will not admit of setting the tables under the trees–

It is good we have the rain however and vegetation will flourish rapidly Annie has gone to the party Angus is 64 years old today he was born in 1834– in Liverpool– He has seen much sorrow and as he has been unkind and ungenerous to others harsh in his judgment one need not be surprised that it comes back upon him As ye mete it out to others so shall it be unto you, and therefore he should expect it. [p. 169] {p. 142}

19 May 1898 • Thursday

Right Hon. Wm. Ewart Gladstone died at Hawarden his country seat this morning. He was born in Liverpool Dec. 29. 1809 and was 88 years and nearly five months old. He was one of the great men of this century. [p. 171] {p. 143}

22 May 1898 • Sunday

Edward Bellamy the celebrated author died at his home in Chicopee Falls, Mass. this morning he was born in 1850. March 26. He wrote “Six To One” “A Nantucket Idyl.” Dr. Hiedenhoffs Proceess” Miss Ludington’s Sister” Afterwards his famous book Looking Backward Later “Equality”– He has distinguished himself greatly among the common people by advocating their cause in the way of living– [p. 174] {p. 144}

23 May 1898 • Monday

Temporary organization at the meeting of the Red Cross Society in the L.D.S. College Rooms of the Templeton this evening– about a hundred ladies were present. Annie was made Cor. Sec’y. [p. 175] {p. 145}

24 May 1898 • Tuesday

Sad indeed are the remembrances of this day of days. Arriving on the morning train being driven direct to the farm where one after another the friends and relatives came to see me and to express sympathy such as they knew how to give. Looking back upon the day I wonder that I could live and endure it– I was being crucified constantly and suffered anguish unutterable; to me it seems no joy can ever atone for the intense suffering.

The news from the seat of war is not very encouraging. So much bloodshed is terrible and one shudders at the thought of what the future is likely to bring– distress, sorrow and calamity worse than death itself. [p. 176] {p. 146}

30 May 1898 • Monday

Decoration day and many are strewing flowers upon the graves of loved ones– [p. 182] {p. 147}

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May 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025