December 1917

1 December 1917 • Saturday

Went over to office about noon. Alfred Lambourn came to bring a book I had ordered went back with him to hotel and paid him, 1.00. Annie & I went to lunch at Z.C.M.I. then attended reception at Gardo House. Susie Riter Wells wants to go over my old Exponents to find out about Cleofan organization. Belle came to stay with me and we had dinner together in room Mrs Seigel took me for an Auto ride. [p. 335] {p. 322}

2 December 1917 • Sunday

Went to Fast meeting in Temple this morning and to 18th ward in afternoon. Went home with June to dinner and had quite a nice visit with Abbie & Lena Went to evening meeting in 18th ward and heard Edna’s boy Lawrence Sloan tell of his experience in the training camp. It was most interesting. Katharine came up to stay at night [p. 336] {p. 323}

3 December 1917 • Monday

This is the 100th anniversary of Sister Lucy [Woodward Granger Hewlings]’s birth. Belle went Katharine went off to school quite early [p. 337] {p. 324}

6 December 1917 • Thursday

Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s birthday. Belle wrote her a letter she would be 88. We had a very long protracted meeting of the board and did much business. There is a very great deal going on now because of the war. [p. 340] {p. 325}

7 December 1917 • Friday

To day is Annie’s birthday She is going to have her dinner how ever on Sunday and I expect to go down after the tabernacle [p. 341] {p. 326}

9 December 1917 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle in afternoon, then Daniel came and took me down to Annies for dinner. We had a fine dinner and Geo Q and his family and Daniel & his and Margaret and hers were all there. Em also came. We had a very nice time. Daniel brought me back to the hotel and Belle came up to stay at night. [p. 343] {p. 327}

11 December 1917 • Tuesday

Was invited to go to Primary meeting in 18th Ward but expected to go down to Annies to a meeting of Pioneer R.S. board but there was no one to take me and so I missed both. I did not feel very well and it was rather a gloomy day. Belle came up at evening and stayed at night. [p. 345] {p. 328}

12 December 1917 • Wednesday

Belle left early for the Temple and I went as usual to office. There were some letters and a meeting of women working on the registration cards Katharine came direct from school but rather late and stayed at night [p. 346] {p. 329}

13 December 1917 • Thursday

Had another long meeting of Genl. Board. Had a long letter from Clarissa who is in Washington attending National Council. A number of members about. Sister Jennings very sick and Sister Crismon in deep trouble because of her son’s illness.1 Belle came over from Temple and was with me at night. [p. 347] {p. 330}

16 December 1917 • Sunday

Went to Tabernacle in afternoon. It was the Conference of Salt Lake Stake. In evening I attended the conference again and spoke on R.S. work. It was held under the direction of relief Society and primary. Annie came to stay at night. she read a beautiful story about Lincoln & Mother Love. We had a most pleasant evening. [p. 350] {p. 331}

17 December 1917 • Monday

This morning Amy came in before I was dressed. She returned the evening before from Denver and was very enthusiastic over her trip. Annie went over to the office with me later and I had lunch in Z.C.M.I. Belle came up to stay at night. [p. 351] {p. 332}

18 December 1917 • Tuesday

The Jenning’s family sent their Auto down and I went up there and spent the day. Had lunch with Mrs Paul.2 Mrs Jennings did not seem to be aware that I was there, though I sat by her all day. Annie <Katharine> at night [p. 352] {p. 333}

19 December 1917 • Wednesday

Clarissa came home yesterday and we had much to go over when she came up this morning. There are certainly great things to be done she brought messages of love from many old friends in the east. Belle at night. [p. 353] {p. 334}

20 December 1917 • Thursday

The Pioneer stake women went to Temple today and took names for me. We had a very long meeting of the Genl. Board Sisters Williams & Lyman discussing Red Cross work and their recent trips to Washington & Denver. I was very weary after the meeting Annie came up to stay at night. [p. 354] {p. 335}

21 December 1917 • Friday

Annie went away about eleven and began her Xmas shopping. We had a rather busy day in the office. Amy is back and there is much new work. I went to the Pres. office with Clarissa Amy & Julina to get further advice about Red Cross work by the Relief Society. The interview was most satisfactory. and we were told to go ahead and organize and get into the work. Katharine stayed at night. [p. 355] {p. 336}

22 December 1917 • Saturday

Had lunch to day in Z.C.M.I. Katharine is there in candy dpt. her mother came up to do Xmas shopping. Cavendish was expected home but did not come [p. 356] {p. 337}

23 December 1917 • Sunday

Katharine was with me until I left for the 21st ward Sunday to speak about the prophet Joseph. There was a fine attendance. Had dinner then went to tabernacle. John Wells of Bishop’s office was the principal speaker. In the evening I went to the Religion Class conf. of Ensign Stake held in 12th 13th ward. I spoke again about the prophet Joseph whose birthday this is. Bro <Harold> [G.] Reynolds took me to both meetings & brought me home again Bro [William W.] Riter was there in eve. Belle stayed at night. [p. 357] {p. 338}

24 December 1917 • Monday

Annie came in quite early in morning to go out with Belle on an errand. They went away together about ten. I received a fine muff from Mell which I used immediately. Went over to office rather early. There was a good deal going on with Christmas preparations &c. Katharine came over from Z.C.M.I. rather late. We had a pleasant evening and a fairly good night. The presiding bishop gave me a turkey and I gave it to Belle. [p. 358] {p. 339}

25 December 1917 • Tuesday

Christmas again. I have had many cards & remembrances from friends and loved ones. Belle Katharine went home quite early after making my tea and breakfast. I dressed and went down stairs about noon and Daniel came to take me down to his mothers to dinner. We had a fine time the children all delighted with their presents Margaret & Q & Louise and their children all came in. Daniel brought me back to Hotel about 8 o’clock. Belle came up to stay at night. Dot Will & Lucile came up. [p. 359] {p. 340}

26 December 1917 • Wednesday

Belle did not go down until evning because she went to the matinee She took Anne Groesbeck <Ann Groesbeck & Susie took all the temple workers to lunch after matinee, manager of the Empress invited all the workers to matinee> Annie and Theodore [L. Cannon] came in for a little while. June brought me some wine and I had many more cards from friends. Jennie Hyde was not at office because of sickness in her family. A box of oranges came to R.S. from Mr McFaul.3 Annie went to a meeting in stake hall then came to stay at night Amy Lyman came in evening and stayed quite late. [p. 360] {p. 341}

27 December 1917 • Thursday

Heber Grant came in room quite early and left me a little book called “A Heap o’ Livin”. Annie left about ten thirty and I dressed and went over to office. Had lunch at Co’op and at 3 had a very important meeting of Red Cross committee and stake presidents. pertaining to Civilian Relief Work. Sarah E. Russell brought me a beautiful poem “Baby May” she is going back to Mexico. Annie stayed until six. Belle came in eve[n]ing and stayed at night. [p. 361] {p. 342}

28 December 1917 • Friday

Belle went home quite early and I went over to the office. There were not many people in the office to day and no mail of consequence. Mrs Ida Dusenbury and daughter Margaret came in the hotel in the evening and stayed quite awhile then went to theatre. Annie came up to stay at night. She and I went down town then had supper in room. read the paper & went over the letters & Xmas cards. [p. 362] {p. 343}

29 December 1917 • Saturday

At eleven o’clock attended a meeting on mezzanine floor to hear Mrs Baldwin of San Francisco talk on war savings work. Mrs Ferry the Mayors wife invited us all to luncheon at the Alta Club. following the lecture. Belle came up rather early and we had our evening together in the hotel. [p. 363] {p. 344}

30 December 1917 • Sunday

Went early to meeting in Assembly Hall Ensign Stake Conference. Had lunch at hotel and went to Tabernacle in afternoon. After dinner I went on car to 18th ward meeting and heard Jos J. Cannon tell his South American experience. The meeting was very interesting. Katharine came up to stay at night. [p. 364] {p. 345}

31 December 1917 • Monday

Every one seemed more than busy today and there was very little going on in the office. Cavendish came in to see me and June and some others. Annie was up to do some shopping but did not stay. Had lunch in Z.C.M.I. and spent the day at office. Belle came up to stay at night we sat up until the bells rang in the New Year. and Annie and others called us on the phone to greet us in the year of 1918. [p. 365] {p. 346}

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December 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]Joseph C. Crismon died of chronic nephritis on 14 December 1917. (Joseph Caine Crismon, Death Certificate, 14 Dec. 1917.)

  2. [2]Perhaps Louisa Bourne Paul, sister-in-law of Priscilla Paul Jennings. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, 51A; Louisa Bourne Paul, Death Certificate, 7 Mar. 1922.)

  3. [3]Perhaps Ralph R. McFaul of Los Angeles, California. (1920 U.S. Census, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, 180A.)