March 1908

1 March 1908 • Sunday

Stayed all night at Belle’s went off to Temple early and met more people, spoke in the meeting. 66 years since I was baptized just about this time of day eleven or near noon Sister B. W. Smith has a bad cold coming on, Sister Lyman sat with us. at noon went to Hannah Wells and from there to 18th. Ward Sacrament Meeting, called at Hebe [Heber] M. Wells on the way down, took the car for Waterloo, came home house cold and empty. Am worn out almost with exertion, Sister Buchanan gone out to visit– I cannot even write am so weary. Brother Naisbett [William H. Naisbitt] was buried today, funeral from 20th.Ward meeting house. Prest. Jos. F. Smith spoke in praise of the deceased. A poet a preacher a man of affairs. There are many sad deaths nowadays, that cause one to wonder and to grieve. {p. 94}

2 March 1908 • Monday

<Martha Brown Cannon died five minutes past midnight.> Today is Lucile Sears birthday, I must go up to dinner and take her something nice Dot went to Bingham this morning with Will for a change. I do hope it will do her good. Letters today from May Wright Sewall and Mell and others Ida S. Dusenberry etc. Busy day with work and callers. Have been to the Lion House and to Bee Hive and Photograph gallery and up to Belle’s to dinner, Mrs. [Emma Adams] Empey came and gave me a pair of white kid gloves. Others have been with congratulations & verses, and some with gifts. I am weary trying to get my presents arranged, sent home some of my flowers. Carnations, and stocks amethyst color very fragrant, the roses given me by Sister Relief [Cram] Atwood were magnificent Altogether the affair was very overwhelming. This death of Mrs. Cannon will be almost unbearable to the children and many friends. Louise & Richard have been to see me <today> {p. 95}

3 March 1908 • Tuesday

Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon came home from Alameda today. Annie has been up and stayed some little time. Sister B. W. Smith was here. Callers President F. M. Lyman Emmeline Cannon John Q. Cannon Clarissa S. Williams, Mrs. Alma Gardner [Sophia Stecker Gardner], Mrs. Julia P. M. Farnsworth, Miss Rinta [Parinthia] Snow, Kate Wells Dr. E. R. Shipp and others, have been to Bee Hive twice on business & to Utah Light & Railway Office had a visit with Jode [Joseph Smith] Wells & Tome Hall [Thomas Hull] & B. H. Roberts, Lucy S. [A. Rice] Clark was one of my visitors can’t remember them all. Have written a very important letter to Mrs. Gerda [Reinholdson] Hendrickson at Kirtland New Mexico {p. 96}

4 March 1908 • Wednesday

A very dark and miserable morning, one can scarcely see to do ordinary duties, went off late and at one p.m. Mrs. Farnsworth came and we went and ordered a spray of flowers for Mattie B. Cannon, I went with Sister F. to the Farnsworth Home and had lunch in the library, and visited for an hour or more then to the office in the midst of a severe storm, very wet and cold. Lula came to see me and Belle who had been to the Pioneer Committee meeting and also Ellen [Hitchings] Harrison who brought me a bottle of wine and stayed a couple of hours. I tried to get off some odd papers that seemed imperative but did not accomplish very much I was too nervous and cold & wet. The day has been dismal and dreary, very dark and foggy. {p. 97}

5 March 1908 • Thursday

Dark miserable morning could scarcely see to get ready went to office late, tried to work had to turn on light to see to write, Annie and John Q. went to Ogden to Mrs. Martha B. Cannon’s funeral, which was held today in the 5th. ward meeting house in Ogden– they went to the grave in a blinding snow storm. It has been a dismal day Sister Walden has been in and out and fussing over this and that. No letters of any great importance, I am so wrought upon that I cannot work Expecting Verona and her husband1 is one of the hindrances, if I could know it would be so much better. Kate came in to see me and several others but it is not the sort of weather one can go out in. Wrote a few letters and hunted up matters for Seventeenth of March to send away {p. 98}

6 March 1908 • Friday

<This morning when I rose> The sun shone brightly and the snow on trees and shrubs looked beautiful, the whole landscape a striking winter scene I was slow in getting off and found all in readiness for the meeting. Sister Susan Grant soon came and we visited a little, then came Sister B. W. Smith and, Sister Emma S. [Smith] Woodruff who has been some time in California and I had not seen her at all. Sister Farnsworth <came soon> and so one after another until the time for meeting 3.p.m. After meeting at which we did considerable business we had fruit cake and unfermented wine and peppermint creams served to all the ladies, some of us gave toasts and we spent a very pleasant hour or more, indeed it is good to be social in this way. Annie, Hattie Harker and Alice Horne <also> came later stayed awhile and we talked over the spray sent back from Mattie Cannon’s funeral.2 {p. 99}

7 March 1908 • Saturday

<Mamie Cannon Cannon had a little girl baby.3> This is Sister Rachel [Ivins] Grant’s birthday and she is 87 years old. There is a reception to be given her at Heber’s and Augusta [Winters Grant]’s, and it is an open invitation like mine our General Board are to go in a body and take a bouquet of flowers and I am to write the card to go with them. Sister B. W. Smith, and Ellis R. Shipp and a half dozen more have been in to see me. I am very much hindered in doing this sort of thing having no private room to retire to and be alone. I think Sister Grant quite a grand character and am very fond of her son Heber J. I went late with the Board who waited for me, I really had no idea of the time. Afterwards Margaret [Mitchell] Caine came and Annie stayed a little while and finally Sister Walden and I became quite nervous because I was hindered from doing the work I ought to have done. so sorry but I suppose I should not think I could do everything for everybody. {p. 100}

8 March 1908 • Sunday

This morning I tried to rest which is next to impossible for me with my temperament. I read and wrote in bed and then read my proofs. Annie went to the meeting in Pioneer Stake Hall and I only got Katharine to answer the ’phone. After she came from the meeting she called me up and talked with me. I have tried to rest but it has not been a success, for I am not free enough for that. There are so many things to do and I am so over-anxious. I wrote to Jode Wells and three articles for my paper & did some reading, had a bath and changed my clothes. I had a very peculiar dream last night. I thought I was in the Salt Lake Temple and made myself very free in moving about. I also saw a sort of silly exhibition but with that I really had nothing to do. I am more weary than when I go to the office and work all day. {p. 101}

9 March 1908 • Monday

Came up in good time and found lots of mail, but none from my own girls in the North,4 Afternoon Reaper’s club a good attendance and I served wine (unfermented) and macaroons and candy– some of us gave toasts I went off to do this and that and see to several matters and then tried to rest but was not at all well. Have been dizzy & sort of miserable in other ways {p. 102}

10 March 1908 • Tuesday

To day I recall with vivid distinctness Daniel’s birth and how overjoyed we all were and my starting off immediately to see the baby and how very happy we all were when I reached there. Sister Newton was there and Lizzie Shipp and attended her, 5|the day is fine much more so than my birthday Feb. 29. I am very glad as it makes one feel in better spirits. I bought Louise a copy of Longfellow Cambridge edition and took it to the bank for Richard to take home. Went down to Annie’s at half-past five John Q. on the car he had been to Granite Stake where he gave a sketch of his father from memory. We had a fine supper only some of the children were not there, Margaret was at her Aunt Mamie’s Louise came I gave Daniel a ring for his month. {p. 103}

11 March 1908 • Wednesday

I stayed all night at Annie’s did not rest well but enjoyed the evening– got ten o’clock car and found several waiting, letters to answer and much that requires thought and careful attention. So many things going on one gets flurried, Sister Smith comes in almost every day and we have many good visits, but it take up much time and one grows more anxious about accomplishing things as one approaches the age when work will not be possible President [Joseph R.] Murdock of Wasatch Stake was in here today and we had a long conversation on Stake Matters and missionaries6 Belle was here and we talked of the Murdock family, she told him how she used to play on the corner they formerly owned on 4th South & Main with Aunt Eunice [Sweet Murdock]’s adopted daughter Mary Mathews [Mary Matthews Larsen]. I told him of his grandmother’s7 friend– {p. 104} ship for the Prophet Joseph.

12 March 1908 • Thursday

Today is full of things to do and many have called to ask about the 17th. of March– Sister Smith and Sister [Bathsheba Smith] Merrill came after temple work, Sister Smith had a letter from South Africa and she wanted it answered immediately, so I sat down and wrote a long letter for her and also sent one of her books of Blessings to the sister who had written the letter. Then they went up to the Bee Hive House to see President Joseph F. Smith– Harry [Henry A.] Culmer came here and talked over the insignia for the Relief Society with me, he asked me to go to lunch with him {p. 105}

13 March 1908 • Friday

This is Frank [Frances L.] Wells birthday and I have tried to get time to telephone but am constantly interrupted. Sister Smith came in and we fixed off some letters and talked over many things and I read to her some of the articles sent to me. She rested here for awhile and then I went home with her but did not stay came back directly as I had an appointment to keep that was positively essential {p. 106}

14 March 1908 • Saturday

Saturday to-day I must make up the paper and it always takes two or three hours, and is very fatiguing. Sister Smith came with letters from Lillian M. Hollister Cor. Sec.8 National Council I had the same letters we decided to answer in the affirmative that is to comply with the request to assist in the London9 [7 lines blank] Grace Hardy [Hardie] Young died at seven o’clock this evening she had been unconscious since Tuesday night 12.M. {p. 107}

15 March 1908 • Sunday

Have had a very dreadful night felt as if I was dying, do not think I could stand many more such experiences. I did not call my housekeeper for I felt I must help myself I rose rather late wrote a long letter to Dr. R. B. Penrose and then dressed and went to the Tabernacle– felt pretty well there was a special delivery letter from Los Angelos [Los Angeles] asking for matter for 17th. of March.10 Apostle Heber J. Grant spoke in the Tabernacle occupied the entire time. powerfully on the Word of Wisdom, excellent discourse good music, came home wrote letter to Rachel Foster Avery and to Mary Burrows. {p. 108}

16 March 1908 • Monday

Today is the regular meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution and much business was transacted, appointing of delegates and so on. A pleasant time was enjoyed & a serene feeling. Ella Hyde Regent, Kate Wells Vice regent Lizzie [Elizabeth Richards] Wright Secretary J. P. M. Farnsworth Historian Lucy [Woodruff] Smith Chaplain, C. S. Williams M. E. R. Webber E. B. Wells Rachel Campbell M. Y. [C. Maria Young] Dougall P. Y. [Phebe Young] Beatie & Abby [H.] Wells member to join, present I was very busy with my revise and other matters. Sister Smith had been over in the forenoon with a letter from Sister Harris of Emmett Idaho who wanted information on R.S. etc. I answered it Sister [Abbie Hyde] Cowley came and one or two more, I went over to the Temple with Sister Smith Esther [Davey] Watson came about R.S. matters One gets so weary of the questions and the letters year after year. It is tedious and wearisome. One feels to urge more and more that the sisters get matter and keep it. {p. 109}

17 March 1908 • Tuesday

This morning went up in good time took the revise. It is Annie’s wedding day. At one o’clock I was in the 13th ward hall, a fine banquet for the two organizations of the 12th and 13th. Wards. Apostle H. J. Grant and Augusta were there. Rachel Grant former President of 13th. Ward and other officers past and present. Both Bishops of the 2 wards and C. [Charles] J. Thomas Margaret Romney. President General Bathsheba W. Smith at the head of the table where I sat and I was next to her on one side then Augusta Grant next Apostle Grant, who pronounced the blessing on the food. After dinner H. J. Grant sang a beautiful hymn. I went to the 18th Ward and spoke twice, they had fine music and an excellent spirit. Mrs. Grace Hardy Young was buried today. Pres. Jos. F. Smith spoke at the funeral, also Jas. E. Talmage– I was very weary after the meeting and began my minutes. I had proofs to read at least the revise. Wrote Verona a letter to night. {p. 110}

18 March 1908 • Wednesday

<Cannot keep track of all my letters or my callers either> Today took the revise over and Sister Smith came early. She had seen Dr. Shipp and been quite annoyed, I went up to the Bee Hive with her after we had conversed a while, and she would have a warm dinner there before going to the meeting in the 20th. ward. Finally she came back and we took a car out here. Br. Savage and others were on the same car and we had their company. The meeting was excellent. A very good spirit, good music, reminiscences of Joseph the Prophet and his teachings to the Relief Society. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith spoke and so did I and others, Bishop [George] Romney and C. [Charles] R. Savage who called us two Sisters B. W. S. & E. B. W. uncrowned Queens. Bishop Romney took Sister Smith into dinner and Richard W. Young took me. R. W. Young pronounced the blessing on the banquet. Wrote a letter to Mrs. M. D. [Massie Dickson] Hall Washington D.C. {p. 111}

19 March 1908 • Thursday

<Louise & Daniel have both been in today also Zina [Young] Card June Wells Dr. Shipp & Nellie> This morning Sarah Jenne Cannon was my first visitor, I hurried off to Amelia F. Young’s to lunch had a nice visit Eliza B. [Burgess] Young came and Louise Folsom Brown both came. The lunch was delicious. Amelia looks badly and seems much depressed and discouraged. It is very tedious for one so active to sit and think from morning until evening. Had a letter from Mell today, and felt much gratified even though she seems very delicate still, hope the weather will get more settled, there as well as here. Have been to Hebe’s to see them before they leave for Minneapolis [Minnesota] to see about a limb for Emily [Katz Wells], who lost hers in an accident last Spring. Afterwards went to Belle’s had supper and came back and down home. Wrote the Conference Notice for Relief Society and got it in the paper. {p. 112}

20 March 1908 • Friday

Today has been fine as to the weather and I have settled at the Bank for the Lock Box I have had so many years. It is a satisfaction but I had to take money given me to buy presents for myself on my 80th birthday anniversary. Our meeting was not very pleasant in some respects, but we got through it some way, and accomplished considerable. There were thirteen sisters present. B. W. Smith, E. B. Wells, P. P. Jennings, A. W. Cannon J. P. M. Farnsworth, M. H. James R. E. Little, C. S. Thomas, E. S. Wilcox, C. S. Williams H. B. Harker, A. M. Horne, E. S. Woodruff. Sister Smith came early and lay down on the lounge. She seemed feeble, and weak. I have had a letter from J. [John] H. Leyson Butte Montana making a request of me in reference to our Senators in Congress. T. [Thomas] R. Cutler came down tonight on the car with me and talked of Cuba & his trip there. <Very interestingly> {p. 113}

21 March 1908 • Saturday

Today Sister Smith was in the office when I came up and had a letter from the new Stake Rigby [Idaho], telling who the officers were, and I answered it off hand, we talked over a number of matters Alice Horne came in twice, and she was very much upset because of our not wanting to pay for music. Belle’s house on 8th. East took fire this morning in the roof was put out quickly but of course made one nervous. A heavy wind was blowing all day long, and weather cold. It is 23 years today since Belle was rescued from the burning hotel in Chicago and 37 years ago today that Herbert Whitney Sears was born. Letter from J. H. Leyson Butte Mont. asking me to write to our Senators in Congress concerning a Bill, and to introduce Mrs. [Maud M.] Ward to them.11 Have been looking up old letters, bills and accounts. wind furious. I am much more nervous than usual and cannot rest now I am at home. Wind still on {p. 114}

22 March 1908 • Sunday

<James H. Moyle spoke on Mexico in Tabernacle today.> This is my niece Carrie Louise Granger [Snyder]’s birthday she would be 56 years old if living. Her two boys are in the East Scott [L. Snyder] and Cory [Corydon G. Snyder]. Annie has done her work in the Temple.

The day is very fine and warmer than it was for that I am very glad. I wrote to Sarah Brown in Sheffield, England, who had written me concerning her coming to Utah. A word or two to Mamie Cannon and a list of names. Went to the Tabernacle and heard some good preaching, one sermon in proof of Book of Mormon including the new discoveries in Mexico of cities buried under lava also a pyramid.12 Went up to see Martha Wells & Emily Grant. Had dinner with Tom [Thomas W.] Sloan and Edna [Wells Sloan] Martha too. Enjoyed social time with Emily afterwards. Wrote a long letter to Mell after bedtime {p. 115}

23 March 1908 • Monday

This morning held conversations over the telephone, went to the office and Clarissa Williams came immediately and we went over all the reports from Stakes, then to Lee Richards Studio to ask about portraits13 and back again finished reports and it was time for meeting of Reaper’s Club, Ruby came in to see me a minute also Lucile Sears, Meeting was late– Sister Lambert gave a sketch of her trip around the Isle of Man very interesting. Meeting adjourned for four weeks because of Conference Clawson [Y.] Cannon reached home this morning from Belgium in Netherlands Mission. Have had a very tiresome day indeed, and feel exhausted completely. Hoped to have news from Verona but none came as yet. paper has not come over disappointing I brought home some valuables from the office today to take care of here at home in my own house. {p. 116}

24 March 1908 • Tuesday

<Mailed Mell’s letter this morning. It was left on the table yesterday> Today seventeen years ago today since General Daniel H. Wells died, how glad I am that I was with him that last night, it seemed most singular that it should have been so. I had only just reached home the night of the 19th, and went up the next morning and stayed except going backwards and up again I knew he would die. He did not want to go and leave his family. It is a warm day, and not very agreeable high wind. I have written a letter to Nephi– Pratt in the Northern [Northwestern States] Mission. Sister Smith came over from the Temple and we had a nice visit and then I went home with her. John Q. Annie and little Jack [John Q. Cannon Jr.], Louise, and several of my friends; selected a book to present to Mrs. Jennings, Sunday Symphonies, a dainty little gift. Came home weary. Wrote to Mrs. [Anna Lundmark] Stranquist & Mrs. [Margaret Wilcox] Manning sent off papers. {p. 117}

25 March 1908 • Wednesday

Today is so windy and blustering I had hard work to get to the car all forenoon doing odds and ends and Sister B. W. Smith came from the Temple and lay down while I was getting ready, so many interruptions, people after information etc. at last Sister Woodruff and S. J. Cannon and me went off together to Mrs. Jennngs birthday party seventy years old I presented her with a book dainty cover and by Henry Van Dyke “Sunday Symphonies.” There were quite a number of ladies when we arrived. Emily Wells Grant who is in a very critical state of health was there Pres. J. R. Winder and many of the Jennings family. There was fine music and singing by both ladies and gentlemen The wine and buffet lunch were appetizing and all very beautiful Mrs. Jennings in a grey silk gown very stylish. At the close of the party word came that Sister Martha V. [Van Cott] Price had suddenly died {p. 118}

26 March 1908 • Thursday

<Mamie [Mary Ann] Price was at the party also Lucy Van Cott.> This morning hurried away and felt much annoyed to find people there. Day most unpleasant wind and snow & rain. Sister B. W. Smith came from the Temple and her daughter, Bathsheba Merrill– they were about an hour then went to the Bee Hive I went to Belle’s to lunch and to try on my waist, a very pretty silk Belle gave me for a birthday present and is making it for me. Such an unpleasant day one cannot enjoy the storms. Have tried to get work done but have been so hindered. Have not felt well either, and most unpleasant about Sister Walden Mary A. Freeze has been in to see me and given me a Book entitled “The Other Man.” Have been fixing the Conference Notes with Lizzie Thomas Edward. for music. {p. 119}

27 March 1908 • Friday

This is Martha Wells birthday and she is 76 years old I have tried so hard to get there today but could not possibly the wind has been frightful and everything seemed to be against my going, cannot telephone to her as the Grants only have the Independent ’phone, have tried to think what I could give her that would be acceptable, finally I started off in a storm of wind and hail to Pioneer Stake officers meeting of the Relief Society to speak on Susan B. Anthony a woman as great or greater than any American woman, Annie came home with me and we went to the Royal and had lunch together. I worked hard at my papers afterwards and went home in a snow storm {p. 120}

28 March 1908 • Saturday

Today is Kate Wells birthday and the day of Pres. Wells funeral in 1891. always sad on that account, so much depended upon his living. Kate is an honorable single woman and highly respected and quite gifted in some ways I feel I would like to make her a handsome present, she is deserving of much kindness and love and I do esteem her highly, but just now money is so scarce and so hard to get that one hesitates to spend unnecessarily. I am writing letters every night to Presidents of Stakes14 to encourage them and to get an idea when visits of sisters are to be made Salt Lake Stake Conference today being held in the 14th.Ward {p. 121}

29 March 1908 • Sunday

Sunday Morning and I went off in good time to the Temple, sat by Sister B. W. Smith and Sister Lyman on the other side. Pres. Winder gave some very positive instructions and President Smith also spoke very strongly about the Senator15 being returned to Washington for another term Other matters were spoken of in very plain terms, and there was some eulogies of David [A.] Smith in reference to his call to the [Presiding] Bishopric. I went up to Martha’s. she had gone over to Jode’s I took her a photo of Sister Smith and myself and left it for her, had lunch and visited with Emily who is quite seriously ill. Went over to see Lydia Ann & Susan, stayed and had dinner– {p. 122}

30 March 1908 • Monday

All day working like a trojan and heard of the death of Louie [Louise] Shurtliff Smith wife of Joseph F. Smith Junior, she leaves two little girls,16 sad indeed for them doubtless Julina will take them home and mother them, in her best way. Last Saturday “Truth” a home magazine contained an Article by Harry Culmer about the portrait Lee Richards had made of me, and he wrote to the Editor that the picture was an adorable painting of an adorable woman which is certainly a very great compliment.17 {p. 123}

31 March 1908 • Tuesday

Today Sister Smith came from the Temple and we made orders for bills and salaries,18 Sister Farnsworth came and she walked home with Sister Smith. Have written letters to Senators Smoot and [George A.] Sutherland introducing Mrs. Ward of Washington also wrote Mrs Ward and Senator Smoot personal letters19 {p. 124}

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March 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Charles W. Betts. (1910 U.S. Census, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, 307B.)

  2. [2]Martha Brown Cannon served on the general board of the Relief Society from 1892 to 1907. Board minutes of 1 October 1907 note her resignation, meaning a request to be released, perhaps because of health concerns and distance, since she lived in Ogden, Utah, or perhaps because of tensions after her husband, Frank J. Cannon, lost his membership in the church. It seems that her survivors returned the Relief Society floral spray through Annie Wells Cannon. That may have been for practical reasons since flowers would not last in the “blinding snow storm” at the gravesite or because of residual negative feelings. (“Semi-annual Meeting of Board of Directors, October 1, 1907,” 2:123; EBW, Diary, 3 Feb. 1905 and 5 Mar. 1908.)

  3. [3]Josephine Cannon. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 29B.)

  4. [4]Daughter Melvina Whitney Woods and granddaughters Verona Dunford Betts and Daisie Dunford Allen.

  5. [5]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  6. [6]By “missionaries,” EBW refers to Relief Society representatives, usually members of the central board and Relief Society stake presidents, who visited Relief Society conferences in outlying stakes.

  7. [7]Sally Stacey Murdock. (“Murdock, Nymphus Coridon,” in Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1051.)

  8. [8]Corresponding Secretary.

  9. [9]A National Council of Women exhibition in London is mentioned in EBW, Diary, 9 April and 27 July 1908.

  10. [10]The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo was founded on 17 March 1842. Local ward and stake Relief Societies often celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the organization. (Relief Society Minute Book, 17 Mar. 1842, CHL.)

  11. [11]See EBW, Diary, 31 Mar. and 8 Apr. 1908.

  12. [12]The speaker, James H. Moyle, referred to the ruins of the prehistoric people in Mexico. (“Big Attendance of Ensign Stake,” Inter-Mountain Republican, 23 Mar. 1908, 8.)

  13. [13]Lee Greene Richards’s portrait of EBW is displayed in the Church History Museum in Salt Lake City.

  14. [14]EBW probably meant presidents of stake Relief Societies. Her 1907 diary contains listings of correspondence to stakes about conference dates, board representatives, and mailings of leaflets. In general, she addressed her correspondence to stake Relief Society presidents and secretaries.

  15. [15]Reed Smoot. (David Gessell, “Smoot, Reed,” Utah History Encyclopedia website, accessed 19 July 2021,

  16. [16]Josephine Smith and Julina Smith. (“The Life and Ministry of Joseph Fielding Smith,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, 13–14.)

  17. [17]Culmer, “The Art Development of Our West,” 3–4.

  18. [18]In 1902, during her first full year as Relief Society general president, Bathsheba W. Smith proposed paying a salary to the secretary and treasurer from the Relief Society’s general fund to compensate for the hours of professional work they provided. The amount was set at $10 a month. It was later raised to $25 and then in 1909 to $35 a month for the secretary. The board also began paying EBW $10 a month to cover stamps, telegrams, and other incidental expenses, and that sum was eventually raised to $15 a month. Amounts EBW received are typically listed in the “Cash Accounts” sections of her diaries under the descriptions “Salary” or “Church.” (“Meeting of Board of Directors, April 3, 1902,” 2:73; “Meeting of General Officers, July 4, 1902,” 74–75; “Meeting of General Board, March 6, 1909,” 130.)

  19. [19]See EBW, Diary, 21 Mar. and 8 Apr. 1908.