December 1893

1 December 1893 • Friday

Letter from Sister Minerva W. Snow. Last evening could not attend the Meeting of the Relief Committee in the Assembly Hall as I was called away to Sister Brooks. Our Bishop O. F. Whitney was the first speaker and is reported as making an excellent impression The President called for the Gen. Com. myself included to come and sit on the stand– no ladies went up though– not many were there I think. the house was crowded– Bishop Scanlon1 was somewhat boisterous in his appeal I was told others more modified. Considerable money was promised and other available means to relieve necessities [p. 355] {p. 157}

2 December 1893 • Saturday

Have been busy all day with mailing and copy– have gone over lots of bills and so on looked up on the party contributions Meeting in the 14th. Ward2 Sister Zina <Horne> not well enough to attend Sister Zina presided after it was out Sisters of the party Committee came here and we went over the expenses and straitened up and found sufficient balance to pay some amounts due for the 14th. Ward and the same were paid and Reciepted bills handed to the Society– all the Committee were present except Sister Julia C. [Cruse] Howe. Just learned of Sister [Annie Adkins] Savage’s death3 and of Sister Brooks both funerals tomorrow [p. 356] {p. 158}

3 December 1893 • Sunday

<My sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] is 76. today> Slept at Annie’s, this morning rose early and went up to Sister Brooks found Lydia Ann & Susan both there also Sister Reading–4 We helped fix the body– Eliza [Brooks] Humes her grand-daughter was the principal one to be considered in the matter, she wanted to help– Susan [Paul Brooks][,] Phillps [Philip B.] Brooks wife was present, and gave her assistance– We fixed her beautifully and she looked well for a woman 88 years old– lovely flowers were sent in, she was laid in a white casket. The funeral was in the Ward meeting house immediately after Sister C. [Charles] R. Savage’s and the hall was decorated with flowers. the services were very good C. [Charles] W. Penrose the speaker gave an excellent discourse, singing very good– prayer fine– all good–5 [p. 357] {p. 159}

4 December 1893 • Monday

After the funeral went with Lydia Ann & Susan to dinner– Sister Rachel [Ivins] Grant was there–

Today Mon. Dec. 4. a very wet morning, went to Relief Com. Meeting in the afternoon. Mrs. Griffith presented a very dreadful case of destitution and crime also– Mrs. Richards presented Parley P. Pratt [Jr.] s case, which did seem terrible to me– however I was glad Dr. Pratt was not present to be humiliated by it. Such things are annoying to me, some people don’t mind them. I wrote to Bishop Whitney of the 18th. Ward asking him to call in reference to Br. P. P. Pratt’s application for help– I was very much exercised about it– went on with my regular work and down to Belle’s late at night [p. 358] {p. 160}

5 December 1893 • Tuesday

This is the anniversary of Aunt Eliza [R. Snow]’s death, I recollect the day 1887. Annie and myself were coming from Logan and I heard it on my arrival. I had hoped to be with her at the last moment Today a newspaper correspondent called upon me with a letter of introduction from Pres. Jos. F. Smith. He represents New York Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Boston Transcript and Frank Leslie’s Magazine– I talked with him answering his questions and referring him to papers and documents for about two hours and a half– Mrs. [Mary McKay] Mair came in and gave him her testimony on plural marriage. He made an engagement for the next day and I invited Dr. Ellis Shipp to come in and help me to represent our women, but she did [p. 359] {p. 161} not come.

6 December 1893 • Wednesday

Today is my Sister Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s birthday she is 64 today. Mr. Herbert Heywood came about eleven– I gave him some copies of our paper and the Book of Charities and Philanthropies and my photo– though I did hesitate over it– still it cannot be helped as it has already been used in cuts.

After he had gone I went down to Walker’s6 again to see about my carpet & decide permanently and pay for it– went to see some grates at Watson’s7 and to the Post Office and worked very hard to get my mailing all done which I really accomplished at last. I had a letter from Miss [Margaret] Windeyer daughter of Lady & Sir Wm. Windeyer– of New South Wales– she is now in Canada– [p. 360] {p. 162}

7 December 1893 • Thursday

This is not a very fine day, but a drizzling rain only, dreary however– I have been wondering what to give Annie, she came up and I had nothing– but went out and bought a book to send Mell An Egyptian Princess by [Georg] Ebers– I hope she will like it. Finally I decided to send Annie handkerchiefs and some roses– a small bouquet. John Q. bought her a handsome dress and the little ones all gave her useful articles, by their papa’s advice. I went down to dinner in good time, Belle had given her a fine linen handkerchief her first drawn work– very handsomely done. We had plum pudding after roast chickens and other things and the children were delighted to see it blaze– evening very social and pleasant tho’ no one but ourselves. Always plenty to converse about as we do not see each other so often– [p. 361] {p. 163}

8 December 1893 • Friday

This morning when I came found Mrs. Caine in the office– she came in yesterday from Chicago, stopped over at Council Bluffs to see some relatives. She had a great deal to tell me, of her experiences and what she saw and heard– she spoke in the Woman’s Building on Exhibitor’s Day on the Silk Industry in Utah8 and was very well received and complimented by Mrs. Palmer– she has more than satisfied Mrs. Salisbury in her capacity as Secretary and that is a point gained for our people. I worked very hard during the evening fixing up copy and went home so weary I scarcely knew what to do. Lucile was at [George T. and Florence Grant] Odell’s at a party given by Louie [Florence Louise] Odell– it was quite a stormy evening– I had a very peculiar dream about Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury– [p. 362] {p. 164}

9 December 1893 • Saturday

This morning had a long and pleasant interview with Maud May Babcock by appointment, had a note from O. F. Whitney asking relief for a poor family– two or three men on business for the Hospital. Belle and Annie both came up– Belle had a letter from Sep– Mrs. E. S. Taylor came with an invitation for Aunt Zina or myself to go to Tooele, but as the Conference is on the day of Juab Conference and also on our day for Salt Lake– it is awkward. Aunt Zina is promised for the Box Elder Conference at Brigham City & I am promised for the Juab Conference at Nephi Aunt Zina was here and suggested someone else. Lula Green Richards came to look up some of her old holiday poems for the Young Ladies Journal. Received an invitation to Mrs. Jennings Thursday next “Sweet Charity” [p. 363] {p. 165}

10 December 1893 • Sunday

<Slept at Annie’s with Margaret Bob [Margaret Cannon]–> This morning ate breakfast with Louise, read the New England Magazine Christmas Number– looked over many other books and magazines, John Q. was in a specially social humor and I fully enjoyed the morning. Baby Emmeline has a very bad cough– Louise has chicken pox– I stayed until after dinner then went down to Belle’s and over to my new house–9 Bobbie [Margaret Cannon] went with me. I do feel glad of such a pretty house, and that it faces the sunshine. May Wells birthday.

Went up to the office and looked over some mail etc. prepared copy and came home to Belle’s late, Went direct to the room and read in bed which I have done of late because I am so fatigued all the time [p. 364] {p. 166}

11 December 1893 • Monday

This is Verona’s birthday and I have no doubt she is having a few gifts if not many as this is the most stingent year in money matters,10 she may not have as much as usual. She is very much occupied with her children. Mrs. Salisbury is suffering from a severe cold and has her eyes very bad in deed. Relief Committee meeting today, Mrs. Mc’Comick [Hannah Keogh McCornick] spoke to me about the Relief Society receiving some aid from the Charity Ball. She is very friendly with me and intends calling at my new home soon. I must make an extra exertion to get it fitted up– it is really very difficult to get time to do what is really necessary to be done in the way of necessities [p. 365] {p. 167}

12 December 1893 • Tuesday

<Suffrage Meeting Went to East Bountiful> A very unpleasant day and I am trying very hard to get off to Nephi and attend the Conference there of the Sisters– children[,] also hold a Suffrage Meeting. When I decided to go I did not expect to have so much difficulty in getting my work done, but things drag on so when one has no money and everything has to be done in the most economical way. I have to read proofs and prepare copy and revise etc. and relief work intervening and Aunt Zina has her article in manuscript which must all be copied & rearranged. Mrs. Bennett has called and talked about the silk with Mrs. Caine This has been a trying day– Slept at Annie’s [p. 366] {p. 168}

13 December 1893 • Wednesday

Went up late to the office and hurried up with the work all I could but could not get the revise out today so must leave it for Annie to read. Sister Stevenson is going to Tooele & Sister Mary [Ann Burnham] Freeze, Sister Taylor will come to Nephi while I am there. I have had Sister Zina Sister Smith Sister Horne and others in to see me today– besides several other more frequent callers. I know Belle will try to move over some of my things while I am away. Mr. Sears suffers so severely with his injury it is pitiful to be with him poor Belle has a hard time of it too She has to devote herself to him constantly and it is wearing upon her– [p. 367] {p. 169}

14 December 1893 • Thursday

This morning rose early Belle & Elise were both up and ready to do anything to help me off– reached the train in time, and had a pleasant trip arrived however in a cold storm Mrs. Swann was on the train going to Provo Some of the sisters came to the train to meet me and we went direct to Sister [Mary Mitchell] Pitchforth’s where Sister [Hannah Pendlebury] Jones and [Ellen Firkins] Goldsbrough stayed to dinner, then we called on Sister [Eliza Rebecca May] Udall who was ill and from there went to the Suffrage Meeting. It was the election of officers Mrs. [Mary Richards] Grover is President I made quite a lengthy speech to them. In the evening we went to Sister Pitchforth’s and the May girls11 were there and we had a nice visit– and then to a Temperance meeting [p. 368] {p. 170} <at Sister Horne’s grand-daughter’s>

15 December 1893 • Friday

This morning the Conference begun and it was very interesting indeed. So much singing interspersed and Mrs. Andrews recited Emily H. Woodmansee’s poem Wherefore & Why.12 At noon had dinner at Sister Goldsbroughs and at night went to Sister Hannah Jones to supper. I spoke forenoon and afternoon and felt quite free in speaking and advising At Mrs. Jones we had quite a lively time and such pleasant entertainment went and came home in a large carriage. Sat & talked all the evening about the World’s Fair. Mrs. Sophia Wright has a son eight days old born in the house and the family are all quite occupied with her. [p. 369] {p. 171}

16 December 1893 • Saturday

This morning was the Primary Conference and it was excellent Emma Kofod has come over from Levan to see me & her sister.13 The weather is not very propitious. I spoke to the children for some time told them of Joseph Smith the Prophet. Mrs. E. S. Taylor arrived this noon– in the afternoon was the Conference of the Y.L.M.I.A. A very large attendance of young women very fine looking and very attentive. Both Mrs Taylor and myself addressed the Conference. We went to supper at the May’s and had a nice time, had dined at Rebecca Udalls In the evening went to Sister Lizzie [Elizabeth Schofield] Adam’s house to a sort of Council of the young ladies, each one spoke and it was quite interesting [p. 370] {p. 172}

17 December 1893 • Sunday

This morning went to Sunday School and addressed the children both in the Primary Department and in the General School. Afterwards dined with the Pitchforths and then we called upon Br. [Jacob G.] & Sister Bigler who are quite feeble. Altogether the visit was one of great interest and I feel grateful to have such an opportunity of associating with the Saints and especially the sisters in that Stake of Zion Came home with Sister Taylor as far as Provo where she stayed over to visit her son George [S. Taylor] and family. Arrived home late stayed at the office to do some writing then came on down and slept with Dot in her pretty room– [p. 371] {p. 174}

18 December 1893 • Monday

Today went to see Annie and the children and began mailing Dot had finished city papers and stamped them. So many called on me and it was the day of the Relief Committee and letters to be answered and the Hospital affairs pressing and disagreeable– and I am so tired, slept at Belle’s again for my rooms were scarcely ready and I had to get up early this morning and had a tiresome day and not much rest at night after going to bed. I dreamed of an eclipse of the sun which was a very uncommon dream indeed. I have no idea of its meaning but it seemed to indicate to me the death of some noted person or some general or special great thing [p. 372] {p. 175}

19 December 1893 • Tuesday

This is a very busy day and I tried to get my belongings moved down but found it could not be done as there are some regulations about the elevator which have to be observed.14 Elise has been helping me pack my books and I have succeeded better than I had expected she is such a strong girl and very obliging to me. I have worked so hard over my books and mailing that I am lame all over me and not able to sleep or hardly to be up at all yet must go on just the same. as though nothing were the matter. This will be my last night at Belle’s for the present and I have been so comfortable there [p. 373] {p. 176}

20 December 1893 • Wednesday

<The day I had the house dedicated–> Today I had my things moved down or some of them and slept in my new home for the first time and quite alone.

I have not yet decided what I shall do in reference to housekeeping and so for the present will simply sleep and write here and take my meals elsewhere except to make a cup of tea or some simple lunch alone– it does seem natural to be in my own home once more– and yet how strange to be on the old farm we used to think so far away– I sat up late thinking over all the sad & bitter past and its joys too for sorrows have their sweetness. I cannot describe my feelings tonight. A new house all things different, a new phase of life in some respects, and yet the old is ever present and hangs like a shroud around us go where we may [p. 374] {p. 177}

21 December 1893 • Thursday

This is my mother’s birthday.15 A hundred years almost since she was born and I am here alone this dismal morning, I have had very little sleep, for the very fact of my being here in my own new home was sentiment enough to hinder me from sleeping. I could not get through the day scarcely so much to rearrange and mailing on hand. This one and that one coming and going, and trying to get some ideas about what to do for Christmas. Belle is making me a purse for Mrs. Salisbury and I must try to get some other things for the family I have had a new carpet for my parlor and that has taken what I meant to save for Christmas gifts. At night here alone again. I wish I was more settled. [p. 375] {p. 178}

22 December 1893 • Friday

Today has been busy and confused, I went out and selected some books have not half-finished however and cannot contrive what to do to make money hold out for all. Rain has been pouring down bought some holly and took to Belle and Annie. Books have been the principal things I have selected. They will keep and bring bac remembrances when perishable gifts are gone, besides it is not money thrown away. I have had my photograph taken at Savage’s I do not know if I shall like it or not– but it seems it must be done somehow or I shall miss the opportunity of getting into the Book of Utah’s History [p. 376] {p. 179}

23 December 1893 • Saturday

I succeeded in getting some of my mailing done for the first of December. And sent off Mells, and Well’s Daisie & Harry’s Barrys & Verona’s and Sep’s also the children and hope they will be acceptable as it is the best I can do possibly. I was loaded down with Belle’s and the children’s things and left some to bring down tomorrow to Annie’s as am to sleep there Sunday night to see the Xmas tree and Santa Claus. Had a lonely evening and slept very poorly read until very late and dreamed of being out at sea and in an open boat and the clear water and the mountains in the sunlight were a perfect picture of delight [p. 377] {p. 180}

24 December 1893 • Sunday

Wrote to Mell and mailed letter to Wallace, the first letter written in my new home– Went up town and brought my things down to Annie’s where I spent a pleasant evening with John Q. Annie and the children. They arranged the tree and filled the stockings after they were in bed and Louise was so nervous she woke and talked and scarcely slept at all. I told her stories and tried to amuse her but all to no purpose. Baby is sick with chicken pox so is Daniel– & baby coughs incessantly, it casts a damper over our festivities & so does Mr. Sears condition. We have no news from Mell’s family. I sent her a dispatch tonight ten words [p. 378] {p. 181}

25 December 1893 • Monday

The children were up before daylight and their joy knew no bounds when they saw the tree covered with beautiful gifts and all a blaze of light Baby did not understand but was too sweet for words. We had a pleasant time looking at all the things, Each of the children gave me something both Annie’s and Belle’s. I went down to Thorndike to dine– on turkey and plum pudding and afterwards over to my own house and spent the evening. It was a quiet Christmas for us– and I did not do all I wished, it seems one never can Mrs. Salisbury was the only one who gave me anything beside my own family– she gave me the Book of the Woman’s Building and an Isabella coin [p. 379] {p. 182}

26 December 1893 • Tuesday

Today came back to work at the office [p. 380] {p. 183}

29 December 1893 • Friday

A heavy smow storm has fallen during the night and this morning tho’ I rose early, the cars were delayed and I was late in starting for the Temple It being Sister Sarah M. Kimball’s 75th. birthday we were some of us going to work for her dead and felt amxious to be in time. There were about 50 of us some men but mostly women I had the name of Ann Granger and Br. Penrose took me through the vail. I did not feel so strongly wrought upon as I have sometimes when working for the departed. I had considerable attention shown me more than I expected came out early and went to dine out. Mrs. M. A. Caine Florence Alder, Aunt Zina and Dr. Shipp were in and several others to see me came home between 9 & 10. and here I am as usual reading and writing and meditating [p. 383] {p. 184}

30 December 1893 • Saturday

wea. <clear & cold>

This morning went off in good time notwithstanding the fatigue of yesterday and found no mail of any consequence and felt very disappointed indeed– Mrs. Bennett came first of the silk committee– the meeting had been set for ten but the ladies were late. Mrs. Salisbury & Mrs. Allen came in rather late and Mrs. Caine very late indeed– Decided to ask the Territorial Legislature for a bounty on cocoons to encourage the raising of them that the Silk industry might be fostered in all parts of the Territory In the afternoon Mrs. Salisbury brought Mr. Cummings from Montana to see me– a mine owner and several others came in Sisters Horne - Alder Stevenson and several more. The Press Club met at [p. 384] {p. 184} Dr. E. R. Shipps and we had a fine expression of sentiments. I gave two from Tennyson. Came home late.

31 December 1893 • Sunday

wea. <clear & cold>

went to bed at 2 this morning & rose about nine o’clock the day is lovely, sun bright. I opened my East windowblinds to let in the sunshine Wrote letters and sent handkerchiefs to Mell Daisie & Verona each. Lucile & Em. also Elise have been in to see me. Belle came over early in the evening & later Annie came and brought me nuts candy & raisins. I wrote my wrappers until the bells rang the New Year in. And this is the last of 1893. one of the most eventful years within my memory and so we say Farewell 1893 may the new year bring peace & joy & love. [p. 385] {p. 185}

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December 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]Father Lawrence Scanlan (1843–1915) was appointed to Utah by the Catholic Church in 1873. He was ordained bishop when “Rome created the Vicariate of Utah and Eastern Nevada” in 1886 and presided over the diocese of Salt Lake City from 27 January 1891 to his death in 1915. He founded a newspaper, supervised a hospital, orphanage, and college, expanded missions and parishes, and oversaw the building of the Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene (later Cathedral of the Madeleine) in 1909. (Bernice M. Mooney, “The Catholic Church in Utah,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia.)

  2. [2]Lydia D. Alder, “Semi-monthly Meeting,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Jan. 1894, 22:85.

  3. [3]Emily H. Woodmansee wrote a poem, “Sympathy’s Offering,” dedicated “to the bereaved family of Brother C. R. Savage––in memory of his beloved wife the late Mrs. Annie A. Savage who was for many years the true friend of the Author.” (Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1893 and 1 Jan. 1894, 22:73.)

  4. [4]Likely Mary Ann “Annie” Brown or Annie Elizabeth “Lizzie” Isom, both of whom were married to John Reading, a nurseryman in the Salt Lake Thirteenth Ward. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City 13th Ward, Utah Territory, 186B–187C.)

  5. [5]Tribute was paid to Elizabeth Brooks in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Jan. 1894, 22:84–85.

  6. [6]Walker Brothers and Fyler Company general merchandise store was located on the southwest corner of Main and 300 South. (Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 811.)

  7. [7]Watson Brothers, stonecutters, contractors, and builders, were located on the southeast corner of South Temple and West Temple. (“Mantels & Grates,” Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 842.)

  8. [8]Margaret A. Caine, “Silk Culture in Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. and 15 Feb. 1894, 22:89–90.

  9. [9]EBW’s new home was located at 429 Westminster Avenue between 400 and 500 East. (Madsen, Intimate History, 323n20; see also EBW, Diary, 19 and 20 Dec. 1893.)

  10. [10]The financial depression of 1893 was felt nationwide. (See Mark Carlson, “The Panic of 1893,” in Parker and Whaples, Routledge Handbook of Major Events, 40–49.)

  11. [11]Mary Pitchforth May and Sarah Pitchforth May.

  12. [12]Emily Hill Woodmansee, “Wherefore and Why?” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1880, 8:169.

  13. [13]Emma Kofod’s sister, Mary A. Kofod of Levan, Utah Territory, may have been working in Nephi at this time. Emma worked for EBW between 1890 and 1892. (1880 U.S. Census, Levan, Utah Territory, 404B; EBW, Diary, 4 and 6 Sept. 1890; 7 Oct. 1890; 29 May and 5 July 1891; 9 Apr. 1892.)

  14. [14]EBW moved her office into the Constitution Building on Main Street. (See EBW, Diary, 28 Feb. 1893n.)

  15. [15]Diadama Hare Woodward Clark.