April 1899

1 April 1899 • Saturday

This morning felt weak but free from pain Em’s cold is very serious, we all feel badly about it, a dismal morning with the appearance of rain, hurried away, paper being made up– Primary meeting very full, went to City and County Building to see about incorporating The Daughters of the Revolution and the Utah Woman’s Press Club. Saw Ann M. Cannon and had a little talk. Saw Minnie Snow on the street and had some conversation about several things, among others the International Council. Received a letter from Rebecca B. Chambers Penn. one of the opposition in Washington D.C. & from May Wright Sewall, Ex President, Mrs. & Miss Farnsworth called to see me, and several others. Had some talk with George M Cannon about Mrs. [Lillie Moore] Pardee {p. 90}

17 April 1899 • Monday

Senator Martha Hughs [Hughes] Cannon M.D. has a daughter1 born today– {p. 92}

19 April 1899 • Wednesday

This is not a very pleasant day but cleared up towards evening. John Q. is 42 today– is preparing for the Banquet of the Sons of the American Revolution at the Knutsford. I gave him Hugh Wynne in two volumes, and went down there and had dinner with Annie and the children, and spent the evening. Sister Richards from Ogden was here most of the day, Aunt Zina and Phebe, Mary [Ann Burnham] Freeze, Mary Stuart [Stewart] Burnham, and Amanda Smith Burnham and others were in to talk with me– it is Margaret Pierce Young’s birthday too and she invited me to be one of her guests. She is 76. today, she had a large gathering of the sisters and a very happy time. I stayed at Annie’s until Q. came home, he described the decorations and table to us. The children all gave John Q. presents {p. 94}

22 April 1899 • Saturday

I was weary this morning yet really had to go up in good time to get to the Executive meeting of the Mother’s Congress– had a letter from Mrs. Gaffney in New York City– went to the Woman’s Council in the afternoon– new officers were chosen and a reception planned for the new Supt. of Schools. Mr. [Frank B.] Cooper of Des Moines Iowa.

The day was very disagreeable and I was excessively nervous, trying to get ready to have the carpet up in the Office, so many things to be moved. Letter from Mrs. Sewall in the late mail and instructions about a memorial meeting for peace to be held on the 18th. of May in all the organizations belonging to the National Council of Women. I came home so weary I really could not do any work went with Belle over to Mrs. [Bertha Goss] Beck’s and then came home and read until very late. {p. 97}

23 April 1899 • Sunday

This morning rose earlier than I meant to do and had breakfast Em. brought over, then commenced writing on my Conference minutes and kept it up during the day. It was a most dismal day too. Did not go out any where, fixed correspondence for Dr. Pratt and Sister [Katherine Love] Paxman of Nephi– arranged for Mrs. Eulalie Walden to come and spend a week with me and help me with my cleaning. I re-read the Owl’s Nest a book I bought in 1888. translated from the German. At evening there was a lonely dismal feeling came over me, and I could not throw it off any way at all, I had looked for the woman and she did not come and I was alone. but I read on until half past 2 then went to bed, was very restless depressed and nervous, it seemed dreary and forlorn and I was over-fatigued, and near worn out. {p. 98}

24 April 1899 • Monday

This morning rose early after a disagreeable night, dressed and went over to Belle’s for breakfast then up town heard nothing from Mrs. Walden– man came and took up the carpet and I went out on errands then wrote a long letter to Sister Sorenson [Christena Wicklund Sorensen] Prest. of R.S.2 Sevier Stake, and then went over to Dr. Shipp’s and from there to Sister Stevenson’s where I had lunch. A package of letters from Mrs. [Hannah Greenebaum] Solomon arrived today. I hardly know how to dispose of them. I have been extremely nervous all day long and found it difficult to keep my mind on my work. Zine [Zina Smoot] Whitney the Bishop’s wife has twins born last night a boy and girl.3 both are all right and she is safely out of danger– It has been a most windy, dusty day and trying to rain. Mrs. Walden came this evening– seems quite content– do not know if she will stay. {p. 99}

25 April 1899 • Tuesday

Last night I wrote to Mrs. [Rosetta Luce] Gilchrist of Ashtabula Ohio, a long letter seven pages. This morning went up early and wrote on the wrappers, no letters by morning mail worth noticing; went up to see Sister Minnie J. Snow and took Mrs. Sewall’s last letter for Prest. Snow to see and give advice. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker went with me, then we lunched together at the Vienna café. I had a letter from Susa and from Eliza Oram of Pocatello [Idaho], and answered both off hand. Dr. [Elvira Stevens] Barney came & talked and talked me almost to death, about the plan to convert the block on which she lived into a public place etc. Wanted me to promise money for land to build Relief Society Hall. Annie came up today to the Dentists. Q. & Louise have been to see me. Drs. Shipp Pratt & Barney have been and others. Have had a very busy day and am very weary indeed. {p. 100}

26 April 1899 • Wednesday

Today Aunt Zina and Sister Smith have been to see me and have had quite a long talk with Aunt Zina about Relief Society affairs and about the land for building a hall. I went with Sister Zina over to Phebe’s and had lunch with her and then came back to work. Annie came and took me for a long ride, went to see Sister Fox a minute and came back again to go on with my editorial and other matters, wrote to Sister John at Provo in reply to my invitation to be at their Conference at Lehi, on Friday, and it was so late when I left the office that the Des. News4 was closed and I could not get a paper, the night was cold and miserable, I had a fire but could not get warm. I did some writing however wrote to a page or two of copy and then went to bed to get warm & to read it was just midnight. {p. 101}

27 April 1899 • Thursday

This morning went off early and found the paper hangers at work in my room, every thing turned out into the hall, had to skirmish here and there for a place to write in, and be any ways comfortable.

Br. Gates and Br. Farnsworth were both very nice and offered me every convenience. Went to see [Charles W.] Penrose about publishing International Council in London, he consented and I took over the material to the office,5 wrote letters to Mrs. Sewall and Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer. Mailed them had a letter from Susa today quite overpowering in sentiment. Letter from Washington D.C. about exhibit. Apostle Franklin D. Richards and Sister Jane S. have been to see me Prest. F. D. twice about R.S. affairs, yesterday had a lovely letter from Emily [H.] Cannon. {p. 102}

28 April 1899 • Friday

This morning had another letter from Mrs. Sewall with one from <Munich> Bavaria about the Peace Meeting and Movement– went to the President’s office and saw first Prest. Snow then Prest. Cannon Prest. Smith and Prest. Richards– talked over several matters of importance & had permission to use the theatre if it could be secured and if not the most available building on common ground. Took matter to Des. News yesterday to be published about the International Council. I am occupying one of Br. Farnsworth’s rooms because my own office is topsy turvy. Sister Snow came in to see me and we talked of the Peace meeting, Sister E. S. Taylor came meanwhile and we also counseled together about the meeting. She had letters just like mine. We spoke of a Call which I had intended making and agreed on it and a telegram {p. 103} to Mrs. Sewall about address and Resolutions to be sent to us. I went off early– Sister Walden left the office yesterday, in the midst of cleaning was taken sick. Called to show Sister Taylor the Call for meeting which she was expected to sign with me. She was satisfied I had written it late at night– did not get home until eleven and wrote until one. A.M.

29 April 1899 • Saturday

Today I <am> too busy with brain work. Saw the Governor6 and he very graciously promised to preside at our meeting. Asked Bishop Whitney to write a poem for the occasion, and have tried to secure some one to sing Rudyard Kipling’s Recessional at the meeting. Went to R. R.7 office and got tickets for Dr. Shipp & L D Alder to go to R. S. Pocatello– Press Club social meeting full room Miss [Annie] Cope & Miss Madson reporters present– had a good session came home alone very late & very cold & forlorn. {p. 104}

30 April 1899 • Sunday

Little Leslie Alma [Dunford]’s birthday he would be a young man now possibly married he would be 26 years old. It does not seem possible when one looks back upon the time. I really must and will write to Mell today– finished Mell’s letter, wrote to Maria M. Johnson8 and sent out ten invitations personally to people to attend preliminary peace meeting, felt lonely all day dismal wind and alone all the time. Em brought baby over and Louise and Margaret came in the buggy to see me; told me Will Brown of Ogden had been shot dead by a robber Frank Cannon’s brother-in-law.9 The wind has gone down some but no rain yet and we feel we must have rain. There is not much signs of vegetation yet and such dreadful tidings of storms and fires and calamities abroad in the world. May the Lord have mercy upon us all is my prayer {p. 105}

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April 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1899/1899-04


  1. [1]Gwendolyn Cannon.

  2. [2]Relief Society.

  3. [3]Paul V. C. Whitney and Virginia Whitney.

  4. [4]Deseret News.

  5. [5]“National Council of Women,” Deseret Evening News, 29 Apr. 1899, 11.

  6. [6]Heber M. Wells.

  7. [7]Railroad.

  8. [8]Maria Miller Johnson of Circleville, Utah, wrote occasionally for the Woman’s Exponent under the pen name Ruby Lamont. For the linking of Johnson with Lamont, see EBW, Diary, 5 Jan. 1898.

  9. [9]“Captain Brown and Bandit Slain,” Deseret Evening News, 1 May 1899, 1. William A. Brown was the brother of Martha Brown Cannon, who was married to Franklin J. Cannon.