November 1901

1 November 1901 • Friday

Went to the office and looked after my paper for November worked quite busily and was told in Deseret News office that Sister B. W. Smith had been elected President of the Relief Society in place of vacancy by the demise of Zina D. H. Young. I was very much pleased with the choice and reporters came to get items from me John E. Hanson of the Des. News & Horace Whitney of the Herald Later came Sister Smith herself and Sister Emma S. Woodruff with her. She was certainly jubilant, she had just been set apart by our new President Joseph F. Smith and his Counselor John R. Winder, Br. John Nicholson was present on that occasion. other callers were Sarah J. Cannon Emily S. Richards Margaret T. Caine, and others in the evening went to the opening {p. 298} Prof. Lamoreaux’s French class.

2 November 1901 • Saturday

Nov. 2. Belle’s birthday a fine sunny day, went over to call before going to the office– then returned home with a tie for her neck & book “Old Fashioned Roses,” by James Whitcomb Riley. after a busy day came home to supper at Belle’s she had, Ducks, at table were Mr. & Mrs. S. W. Sears, Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Buchholz and S. W. Sears Jun. Brenton Sears, Marian & Lucile Buchholz and myself‒ came over home to read & write, am reading one of Anthony Trollope’s Books I think the first one of his I have ever read. Have been elected one of the Directors of the State Federation of Clubs at the Convention at Provo which is something of an honor such as the world call honors. but not so considered by our people, yet we do many things for the good of women the world over {p. 299}

3 November 1901 • Sunday

Rose early and went to the Temple did not feel well yet managed to sit thro’ the exercises of the meeting, President Joseph F. Smith was presiding as President of the Church and very impressive were the words he spoke, Both his Counselors1 were with him, Hyrum [M. Smith] his son recently made an Apostle spoke and also his son George [C. Smith] and <his> wife Mary Schwartz [Smith]‒ also Bathsheba and Sister Stevenson and Tom Hull, Br. Christenson and Talmage and Angus M. Cannon, one or two more. I sat next Sister Smith, and Sister Woodruff on the other side. Afterwards went to see Annie & had dinner there came home at evening and alone tried to get over the revise and read more of the book etc. {p. 300}

4 November 1901 • Monday

Prof. Lamareaux’s French class opened, Press Club entertainment‒ Primary meeting in my office at 3. p.m. Celebration of Tenth year of Press Club‒ at the residence of Mrs. C. C. Raleigh Wells several members taking part in characters of Ladies of the White House,2 I took Abigail Adams, Louise came up as my guest came home and slept with me, new girl Ella Clark came today {p. 301}

5 November 1901 • Tuesday

Expecting Mell and Genevra Clark now all the time this is Ellen’s birthday she is 70, today, and I cannot even write her a letter, I am so anxious about Mell’s coming that I can scarcely do my work at all, and having a new girl in the house who is so young and can do so little, besides it is an anxiety having one’s relatives who are not in the Church not knowing how they will take things {p. 302}

6 November 1901 • Wednesday

Telegram from Pueblo that Mell & Ginevra would be here tomorrow morning and of course I must meet them‒ let Annie know today‒ very unpleasant weather much discussion among the sisters as to who should be the Counselors to Sister B. W. Smith‒ {p. 303}

7 November 1901 • Thursday

Rose early and left at 8‒ for the station to meet my daughter Mell & niece Genevra– train two hours late‒ went up town and got my morning mail and back again to Station after long waiting they arrived‒ Sister Annie Hyde was on & husband3 & Beatrice came home in a carriage went first to Belle’s and had lunch then to Annie’s in the afternoon and at evening had company to meet Mell. Net [S. Annette Wells Culmer] & Harry [Henry A. Culmer] & Catharine [Catherine C. Culmer] & Wells‒ Belle & Eugene Kate Wells, Mary {p. 304}

8 November 1901 • Friday

Today Mell & Genevra went over to see Adeline [Woodward Earl] and had lunch there‒ were very weary we dined at Beardsley’s Tavern and at evening had with us Ort & May Whitney also Emily W. [Whitney] Budd & Mable & Horace [N. Whitney] & Rule [Rulon S. Wells] & Jote [Josephine Beattie Wells], Mary Jane, Vilate [Groo Taylor] and Roscoe [W. Groo], Alice [Woodward] Godbe & Willie [Warren C. Godbe] Charlie Earl & Alta [Addie M. Earl]. We drove to the Graveyard during the afternoon and called at Ellen [Hitchings] Harrison’s and on Lydia Ann & Susan [Alley Wells], Martha happening to be there‒ Went to Nett’s where I had lunch and went thro’ Harry’s studio {p. 305}

9 November 1901 • Saturday

This is the last day Mell will be here, I took Ginevra to the Tabernacle & places of interest and bought a number of views and showed her all I possibly could Mell & Genevra went to Dot’s this morning and Mell had lunch at Belle’s and I took Genevra to Beardsleys again‒ Nett Harry gave Genevra a pretty little painting of his own work, she seemed much pleased with it.‒ we had the evening to ourselves here at home‒ {p. 306}

10 November 1901 • Sunday

This morning went to the train with Mell & Genevra and saw them start off‒ came back and prepared to go to the Special Conference4 was there in good time and saw the impressive services of voting by quorums of the Priesthood‒ This was the first time women had been honored in being presented before the solemn assembly in that way Bathsheba W. Smith President Annie T. Hyde First Counselor and Ida Smoot Dusenberry Second Counselor‒ Emmeline B. Wells General Secretary Clarissa Smith Williams Treasurer‒ came home and prepared copy and was very weary wet feet etc. {p. 307}

11 November 1901 • Monday

Today was Reaper’s Club and there was a good attendance, I gave the talk assigned me viz. Who were the Maccabees? afterwards went to the Social Reunion of the Primary Association <of> officers in the 13th. Ward Assembly Rooms, and was very weary Hannah Wells is very sick, there were at the Reunion Louie Felt, Lillie Freeze, May Anderson, Camilla Cobb, Lydia Ann Wells, Millie Barrett [Matilda Moorhouse Barratt], Julia C. Howe, Bishop [Nelson A.] Empey and wife‒5 young girls passed the refreshments among whom was my grand-daughter Louise B. Cannon, I spoke for a few minutes‒ it was a pleasant affair and after I came home I sat by the parlor grate and wrote an article Early Christmas Reminiscences for the Young Woman’s Journal, did not retire until 3. A.M. weary weary, weary. {p. 308}

12 November 1901 • Tuesday

This morning went off on 8 o’clock car to the News Office with copy then to Granite Stake to the Relief Society Conference6 which was held at Big Cotton Wood Ward Meeting House. On the Stand were Mrs. Emma S. Woodruff President and her Counselors Mary P. [Pratt] Young & Katharine H. [Howard] Brockbank and, President Bathsheba W. Smith, and her Counselor Annie T. Hyde‒ General Secretary Emmeline B. Wells and M. Isabella Horne of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion. Sister Horn was the first speaker, then Sister B. W. Smith and many reports were given by Presidents of Wards‒ I came home with Sisters Smith & Hyde and went to Phebe Beatie’s to supper‒ at Cottonwood we dined at Susie [Susan] Huffaker Brinton’s there were 13 at table‒ wrote until one in the morning {p. 309}

13 November 1901 • Wednesday

Today I feel myself thoroughly exhausted and can scarcely keep up‒ had tickets to buy for P[a]rowan Stake, Sisters E. J. Stevenson & M. A. Caine & Lydia D. Alder & Tooele Stake for E. J. Stevenson & Harriet Ann Badger & Margaret P. Young‒ went with Margaret A. Caine to lunch at Royal‒ had a fine lunch and felt somewhat exhilarated afterwards {p. 310}

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November 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]John R. Winder and Anthon H. Lund.

  2. [2]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, Dec. 1901, 30:53.

  3. [3]Alonzo E. Hyde.

  4. [4]“Special Conference: Relief Society Reorganized,” Woman’s Exponent, Dec. 1901, 30:52.

  5. [5]Emma Adams Empey.

  6. [6]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, Dec. 1901, 30:53–54.