April 1908

1 April 1908 • Wednesday

Today is very cold and I am trying to get off mailing, have worked so hard that I am lame and weak in my hands and wrists. Several sisters have been in asking about the Conference and the musical director is very ambitious to get notice has sent for the type written program and I have had to hurry up the girl to get it done {p. 125}

2 April 1908 • Thursday

Today Relief Society Conference begun in the Assembly hall this morning and in the afternoon Sister Edward sp[r]ung a surprise on us by having a hymn sung composed for the occasion by my daughter Annie1 and I had not known a word about it. It gives me much joy to know she could do such an inspirational thing and I hope it will be a comfort and blessing to many and an honor to her. The Conference was a very good one today but the best feature was the new hymn, Annie went with me to lunch and she took the minutes for me I wrote to Sister Dusenberry tonight {p. 126}

3 April 1908 • Friday

<Dismissed the morning session yesterday with prayer> This morning went off early again and was in good time Sister B. W. Smith had a beautiful bouquet of roses presented to her in the meeting today American beauties and they were lovely 2|Today Annie’s hymn was sung again It is Margaret Cannon’s birthday she is 22 today a fine young woman she came up to see me and walked with me to Sister Williams gate where a number of us had lunch, Sister Smith [Emilie Damke] Maeser [Matilda Painter] Flamm [Louisa Ballif] Benson Annie W. Cannon and one or two more. Hattie Harker afternoon session I spoke some time and felt blest and somewhat satisfied with the Conference In fact it our best Conference {p. 127}

4 April 1908 • Saturday

This morning the 78th, General Conference of the Church began in the Tabernacle. It was indeed a glorious meeting. President Jos. F. Smith opened the meeting and each of his counselors spoke in turn, and in the afternoon Pres. Lyman and John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant of the Apostles, much had been said about the Word of Wisdom and a spirit of charity and of mercy towards the erring is manifest, I have had many callers and some business has been done. I feel the Lord has blest me in a very great way considering the past struggles & difficulties. I feel anxious about Isabel. Lord bless her and make her a joy and blessing to many {p. 128}

5 April 1908 • Sunday

Sunday rose early and was in good time, the Conference was in all respects a magnificent assemblage, meeting in Assembly hall as well as in the Tabernacle, Rudger Clawson Hyrum [M. Smith] and George Albert Smith were the speakers, at noon I went up to Belle’s and had lunch, Belle was just going off to the Doctor with Sep. Dot Lucile and Gertrude [Trindle Sears] were there and I had a good lunch and came away back to meeting Bishop O. F. Whitney and David [O.] McKay were the speakers in the afternoon, I came home and was alone until ten in the evening {p. 129}

6 April 1908 • Monday

<Sister Buchanan left today and another girl has come> This is the real anniversary of the organization of the Church 78 years ago in the little town of Fayette in New York state. The moning speakers were Anthony Ivins and B. H. Roberts who made fine addresses excellent music all throughout the entire conference, at noon several people came in and Annie came too. Went back to afternoon meeting Rulon S. Wells, [J.] Golden Kimball and Jos. McMurrain were the speakers then President Smith a few words and then Heber J. Grant read the conmittee’s report of Auditing Bishop [Richard] W. Young offered a Resolution and it was seconded and received by unanimous vote. Heber also presented the authorities of the Church who were sustained. Pres. Smith made closing remarks. <English girl Betsy Emma Walker came> {p. 130}

7 April 1908 • Tuesday

Betsy Emma Walker of Bradford Yorkshire England who is here alone came home with me last night to stay with me and wait upon me I hope it will be satisfactory. Yesterday McMillan left Belle’s house, and it did seem dreadful that they should be so reckless of the place destroying the property and paying nothing according to agreement. I feel so sorry and it has given me a feeling of loneliness to see the empty house, it is a gloomy view Suffrage meeting in my house this morning at 10. A.M. and Relief Society at 3. p.m. there were present at Board meeting Mesdames Smith, Hyde, Wells, Williams, Grant, Woodruff Smith, Richards Cannon, Farnsworth, Little, Thomas Wilcox James Harker Nibley. All went off well and much accomplished. {p. 131}

8 April 1908 • Wednesday

<Hugh Watson’s wife Sarah [Williams Watson] died this morning at 5.35. with cancer.> It has been a busy day many callers and some very pleasant things, letters from Washington Maud M. Ward one, saying she had already made some headway in the matter of the bill to grant a pension & as Mr. Leyson desired. Sister Harker, Mrs. Baker Mrs. McClure from Missouri was in to see me and is associated with Mrs. Baker in her work. The day is windy in fact this morning the wind whistled very much as it used to do in our house in the 13th. Ward, in the garret that I enjoyed so much– really it seemed like some wild instrument played upon by unseen hands, it is delightful to feel the ecstacy of music which touches the inmost springs of human life, and wild I love wild things wild birds, wild flowers nature in its wildest haunts waters that rush and tumble {p. 132}

9 April 1908 • Thursday

Today has been beautiful in sunlight and soft air. Sister Sarah Williams Watson died this morning at 5.35. how sad it seems, she had more to live for than ever before, and yet she could not stay. Emily Grant is suffering very much indeed Amelia telephoned me and seemed to be suffering very much, our first missionaries went away today I mean got ready to go tomorrow to Utah Stake No word from Ida yet and it is weeks since she has written, I felt impressed to write to her since and insisted on her replying. Wrote to Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister and sent five dollars to day, for the exhibit in London from our Society asked some questions, also wrote to Mrs. Hannah M. [Child] Russell in Canada about the lives of our leading women, have had very important letters today. {p. 133}

10 April 1908 • Friday

While I was working away at my mailing and busy to get through, visitors came an old friend Eunice Billings now Snow I had known her ever since I went to Nauvoo one among the very first of acquaintances made there her Mother Diantha Morley Billings attended me when little Eugene was born, and they were Kirtland Mormons, old friend of the Whitneys [Newel K. and Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney], whom I had not then met. her daughter Mrs. [Vilate Snow] Hawley was with her, they staid for hours and we conversed of olden times. Then I took them to dine at Franklin’s and I came back to work Belle is in great trouble over the sale of her house, McMillan who bought it has moved out and not stood by his bargain. She is in desperate circumstances with her affairs. I had other hindrances with people coming sisters from far off places, Wyoming and I answering questions all day long. Worked late at night. {p. 134}

11 April 1908 • Saturday

<I sat up writing wrappers until after one o’clock and slept very little.> Today all is confusion Annie came up and Belle was here early, and went in to see the lawyers, and I became so very nervous I could not do my mailing. Dot came and Lucile [Buchholz] and telephones came and so with this and that my morning went and then I dressed and went to the Lion House Pioneer encampment, and heard a very able lecture by W. [William] W. Riter on the Children of Israel and connecting links with our own Mormon travels in the West. Then went home or to the office and worked until nine o’clock. The day has been fine in sun and warmth. Annie is to speak at the funeral of Sarah Williams Watson tomorrow George Q. and Ruby and baby are moved out to a Bennion farm, I hope it will be a success I am so weary it is all I can do to keep myself in good spirits {p. 135}

12 April 1908 • Sunday

This morning it was my intention to rest in bed, but a telephone call roused me and I decided to dress, it was wll I did for a gentleman came and I had to go down into the parlor to meet him. He was a soldier friend of my son-in-law Major W. W. Woods had served under him in the Civil War. his name C. O. Harrington, he only stayed an hour or so meantime Belle came, and went over to her empty house. I remained at home all day and did some writing. Mrs. Hugh Watson [Sarah Williams Watson]’s funeral today at eleven Annie was invited to speak and responded. Lucile [Sears] was over at the old home with her mother {p. 136}

13 April 1908 • Monday

This is Emeline [Young] Wells birthday 51 years old. born 1857. the year of the famous Echo Caňon War. I could not get her even by telephone, she and Lyde [Eliza Free Wells] were out for a ride in an automobile, and had dinner at Cal’s, in the evening I telephoned again and got Lyde to answer I wrote letters today one to Eliza [Westover] Redd Bluff City San Juan and one to my Sister Ellen [Woodward] Fuller in Pine Arizona. Saw Newell Monk just home from a long mission to Australia. I named him when he was 8 days old, Newel Wells Monk.3 I have had many callers today some from a distance, came home very weary {p. 137}

14 April 1908 • Tuesday

Letter from Dr. Penrose this morning’s mail, she was just leaving for London with Br. Penrose, said she had sent 17th. of March money to C. S. Williams Treasurer– During the day Sister Smith came with a budget of letters, all had been delayed, most of them about the National Council, one from Sister Mary N. [Nielson] Jones President San Juan Stake, about Conference at Monticello. two sisters wanted to attend. Answered it same day and told her I would present the matter to Board meeting and notify her again, Sister Bennion of Independence came and wanted me to present the matter of the ten cent fund to Sister Smith and also wanted names for pioneer quilt for Society She is a very bright young woman. I am very weary and troubled. I wish Isabel could get her affairs settled. {p. 138}

15 April 1908 • Wednesday

My brother Hyrum [Hiram E. W. Clark]’s birthday, I wrote him a letter also one to my sister Ellen Although it is a holiday yet I am working as usual and have been up and down these long stairs 4 pair of them twice. I am writing another series of Women of the Past, for my paper. If I could only get time to write what is on my mind I should be glad. I did not go to see any of my friends nor to do any thing of my own things only regular duty. My head is so full of things I want to put in words and leave on record but my strength will not hold out nor does the time. I think maybe Mell & Verona are moving back to the summer resort That may be the reason of my not hearing from them. May Anderson paid me a great compliment which I shall never forget4 {p. 139}

16 April 1908 • Thursday

<Louise went to Ogden to a party of the Wallace’s,5 came home to-night.> Today I am to give a paper before the Daughters of the Revolution on the Critical Period between the close of the war and the Inauguration of the President of the United States. I sat up nearly all night to get it ready and today have had so many callers I really feel it too imperfect to give. The ladies came early and Mrs. Webber had the first paper which was along the same lines as mine. I gave it however and do not feel to regret it as all these things helps one more or less, even though one may know much of it– brushing up in matters once familiar is all right. Had some unpleasant callers, one strange lady about a Carnival in Portland [Oregon] Went over to see Sister B. W. Smith this evening found her in the midst of house-cleaning and quite upset in mind. {p. 140}

17 April 1908 • Friday

<Eliza [Tenney] Cannon died early this morning at her son (William [T. Cannon]’s residence aged 63–.> Last night sat up late again getting minutes ready for our regular meeting and going over letters to see which must be attended to for Conferences Dr. Ellis R. Shipp is giving a party tonight for the nurses and it is sort of a pic nic Betsy my maid is going, Sister Smith came over from the Temple and rested on the lounge a couple of hours. I think she enjoys that old lounge and being here with me very much and I am deeply attached to her. In fact I feel the greatest reverence, and also sympathy for her as she really is lonely though surrounded with her own kindred She was accustomed to having her husband’s love and devotion while he lived, and it was her all in one sense, but she has been have to go on in duty not repining but she feels the loss Only nine members at the meeting {p. 141}

18 April 1908 • Saturday

Bathsheba W. Smith, Emmeline B. Wells, Carrie S. Thomas Rebecca Nibley Phebe Y. Beatie Minnie Horne James Rebecca E. Little Hattie B. Harker Annie Taylor Hyde. members at the meeting April 17, 1908. Hard at work all day wrote important letters, Lillian M. Hollister Detroit, Mary N. Jones, San Juan Stake, Martha Hammond Moab, Nelly E. [Nash] Parkinson Hyrum Rebecca L. [Lewis] Rawlins Benson, yesterday I wrote to Maria R. [Reddish] Hyde Pocatello [Idaho]. Daniel planted the Maple tree given me by June Wells, it came all the way from Vermont. I had a reporter from the Inter-Mountain Republican here today asking me about prohibition, I am not very willing to be quoted in the papers on matters of this kind, The weather is superb and Spring is coming in with the geniality of climate that will produce hea[l]th & good nature {p. 142}

19 April 1908 • Sunday

This Easter Sunday and the ladies are out in new bonnets and gala costumes I went to Eliza Cannon’s funeral at Dr. Wm. T. Cannon’s home. She looked very sweet in the pure white casket and her Temple clothing, President Joseph F. Smith came and spoke at the funeral, and in the highest terms of her husband George Q. Cannon Julina & Edna were there. The funeral was quiet and peaceful and the day perfect. I went up to Joseph S. Wells and saw the new baby,6 and had some lunch then back to Main St. and to Annie’s, it is John Q’s. birthday Louise & Richard were there to dinner 13 at table again I came home just about 9.30 & Betsy had not yet come the place all dark and rather dispiriting but Betsy soon came {p. 143}

20 April 1908 • Monday

Went up in fairly good time but nothing much accomplished because of little duties necessary Annie came up and told me Emmeline was sick, but she wanted to go and see Emily Grant whom she had not seen for a long time, and who has a serious ailment, so she called there and then on Nerve [Minerva Richards] Young and Nett Culmer. Kate Wells came to see me this morning and told me about Race [Horace Newel] Whitney. I am very sorry for Ort [Orson F. Whitney], but such is life made up of disappointments.7 Reapers, Social met today and Sister Hammer had an excellent article on Denmark, then we had Church history, Emily Richards paid me a visit too and Harry Culmer, letter from Sister Nellie Parkinson of Hyrum, no word from my folks in the North whom I am anxious to hear from {p. 144}

21 April 1908 • Tuesday

This morning went up in good time and commenced work on the Conference minutes; a letter from Emery Stake and one from Benson Stake. Sister B. W. Smith came and brought a letter from Mrs. Elizabeth B. Grannis of New York asking Sister Smith to serve on her Committee on Marriage and Divorce or if not willing herself to appoint someone who would. Another letter from Mary Lundgreen of Cleveland Idaho asking her to send her a song published about a month ago in the Deseret News. That one I answered to-day. I went over home with Sister Smith and stayed a short time her house has been thoroughly renovated, new things and so on. Annie came up, Kate came and Josephine [Smith] Williams, and several more. Wrote a letter to Verona this evening. The Presidency sent word to me today that the flour sent to China arrived after the famine was over and had been turned into money which may be returned to us here. {p. 145} <a letter from the American Consul at China to Governor Cutler so states.>8

22 April 1908 • Wednesday

Have been reading proofs all day, and went about noon to dressmaker Mrs. Hill, wind blew furiously, Belle was down at her house today. I had a letter from Reed Smoot– very good in most respects Copy of letter from the President’s office came to me today, and also a letter from Pocatello declining to have their Conference in connection with Oneida. which I felt all the time would not be helpful as they were on two lines, of railroad. I went up to Emily Grants late and took her a book “Borrowings” and visited with her and Martha a few minutes, then went to Edna’s and had dinner, it was Sister Phebe [Watts] Sloan’s birthday she is 69. Edna seems very hospitable, her boy Lawrence [W. Sloan] is a manly little fellow, Heber J. Grant came to the car with me, and paid my fare. came home early that is before nine p.m. {p. 146}

23 April 1908 • Thursday

Had no sleep scarcely; felt very ill and weak this morning Tried to do regular duty had Kate in to see me and two sisters from Canada Sister Lydia J. [Brown] Brown and Rachel [Brown] Fullmer of City Athens on business as well, letter from Sister Stead Hooper and went to dressmaker’s with trimmings Amelia Young telephoned me she was feeling very miserable Sister Mary L. [Lois Walker] Morris made me a call this morning, we had a fine conversation on religious matters. Louise came up to see me and Richard called for her. Dot and Lucile [Buchholz] both came in. I wrote to Mell and to Sister Elizabeth [Williams] Layton and Selima [Selena] Layton Phillips[.] Nephi Pratts wife Hannah Phillips died in Portland today or yesterday, they are bringing her here for burial. How many sudden deaths do occur and accidents almost innumerable {p. 147}

24 April 1908 • Friday

<Letter from Verona today> Annie’s officers meeting today Louise came up and Belle’s girls, I am finishing proofs. wrote several letters Susie [Susa Young Gates] came and Emily S. Richards and talked about the Peace meetings9 and we decided not to hold separate meetings as we had done heretofore. I [it?] seemed unnecessary. Wrote a long letter to Margaret Dixon [Margaret Ranck Hixson] of Wanship on the money sent and enclosed Receipt etc. however in looking up the old accounts I found that they owed me much more than the money sent now for the present year, so they really ought to apologize for not sending back money. It has been a busy day and visitors have come that only hindered me. Sister Harker whome I do not quite understand. The one idea she has is the greatness of Clarissa Williams. I have finished my work on the paper and am so upset with Br. [Edwin F.] Parry he is so slow.10 {p. 148}

25 April 1908 • Saturday

<took up <April> Harper’s Monthly and Century for Annie & Munsens April & May.> This morning feel a little better but am still dizzy. Letter from Amsterdam urging me to come to the International Conference of Woman Suffrage to be held there. Br. [Achilles A.] Ramseyere came with Manuscript to read to me of the French man11 who called on me four years ago to have an interview and there were seven ladies present. He has published 2 volumes of “In America”12 including our interview in my office, Mrs. Salisbury has returned this week from California. Today I mailed a book to her “My Friend,” She is a dearly beloved friend, one whom I trust. I also gave to Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor whose birthday was yesterday a book called “More Borrowings” I am fond of her she is a lady and one who never presumes, or takes liberties. I answerd Dr. [Aletta H.] Jacob’s letter and wrote Governor Frank R. Gooding of Idaho, Press Club this evening, good papers. {p. 149} <Lizzie S. Wilcox on King Lear> poem Easter by Mary F. K. [Francis Kelly] Pye Mrs. [S. Amanda Forbes] Done on Parentage

26 April 1908 • Sunday

Sunday stayed at home, wrote to Dr. Penrose <Liverpool [England]> and to Susan Grant Bountiful, Lucy Cordon Logan, Nellie Parkinson Hyrum, Rebecca Rawlins Lewiston [Idaho], Daisie D. Allen Spokane Washington, Emily Sears Roberts Chicago Illinois read considerable, finished The Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke, a beautiful book, which gives a fine simile of the Savior’s words concerning Ministering To Others” etc. Last evening I met on the Beatrice Erickson of Mount Pleasant a beautiful little girl. I get along slowly with my work and feel I must persevere more because my time is only a few years at least and I do want to finish my record and make it complete if not other work so long calculated upon {p. 150}

27 April 1908 • Monday

Have had my proofs and read them all today perhaps can make the paper up tomorrow hope so and feel satisfied. Went over to see Clarissa Williams and had lunch there. Br. [William N.] Williams was at home, they are so happy and comfortable together, Had letters from Elsinore Utah and from Nellie C Parkinson Hyrum and Lillian M. Hollister, in Detroit, Cor. Sec’y N.C.W. and Great Commander of the Maccabees Supreme. Wind rose high this afternoon, terrifying almost I went up to Belle’s and had supper came home nine o’clock car– Miss Nielson came for clothes. No special news except accidents and dreadful calamities, Sister Sophia [Clarke] King who died in California is being brought here for burial her daughter Lizzie Guyon [Elizabeth King Guion] has charge. Sarah J. Cannon was an intimate friend of hers. Br. Wm. Eddington came to see me today and talked about the early literary work {p. 151}

28 April 1908 • Tuesday

This morning went up early and found proofs not yet corrected, Mail, from Vernal, Whitney [Idaho], Detroit– and other places. Louise came up and Belle and Dot, and Sister Lucy [Smith] Acomb and Edith [Ann Acomb] her daughter, day very cold wind high most of the time, Sister Mary E. [Le Gresley] Carter died this morning was a cousin or <very dear> relative of Sister Stevenson and Lizzie Wilcox has gone up to Bountiful where her home was. She was a fine woman 82 years of age, and well preserved, funeral will be on Sunday in the Tabernacle up there I wrote letters today to Sister [Louisa Ballif] Benson of Whitney to Sister Parkinson of Hyrum to the President of the United States.13 I am trying to write a poem for Sister Bathsheba W. Smith but do not suppose she will care in the least about it, Letter today from Sarah M. [Smith] Colton Vernal draft of five dollars returned from Mrs. Hollister Detroit. {p. 152}

29 April 1908 • Wednesday

Today have been very busy with proofs and finished them, have had many hindrances Junius has been in and told me his mother14 was very ill, he is alarmed about her and Martha is very bad indeed, singular how she is affected. I am so anxious to write a poem that will be creditable because people do not usually preserve all their faculties when they are my age, I hope the party will be a success as Alice has worked hard for it and it would be too bad if it were not. Made up the paper and was very weary, wrote some letters to the outside places of Conferences Sister Sophia King who died in California was buried to day from Joseph E. Taylor’s establishment15 John Q. conducted the funeral services, {p. 153}

30 April 1908 • Thursday

This morning was up early again and tried hard to do my letters and minutes, ready for the meeting tomorrow, but many things intervene, this is the anniversary of Leslie [Dunford]’s birth and of the wedding of Verona to Barrymore Nugent Hillard, how long ago these things were, and how fresh they come back to me– How much one has to reflect upon that has lived long in this busy active world, one sees and hears so much that it seems to crowd one’s mind and heart and the sympathy we extend to our own dear ones is a part of our existence {p. 154}

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April 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1908/1908-04


  1. [1]The name of the hymn was “Daughters of Zion Rejoice Evermore.” (“Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 4 Apr. 1908, 36:61.)

  2. [2]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  3. [3]It is unclear whether EBW recalled laying her hands on the child to bestow a name or simply suggesting his given name from the names of two of her husbands—Newel K. Whitney and Daniel H. Wells. For a distinction between offering blessings in faith and the appropriate use of priesthood power, see Historical Context.

  4. [4]EBW recorded the compliment at the end of the diary.

  5. [5]Olive Ann Browning Wallace family. (See EBW, Diary, 22 Mar. 1889; 22 May 1895; 25 June 1903; “Heart Trouble Proves Fatal to Ogden Resident,” Salt Lake Tribune, 23 Dec. 1933, 22.)

  6. [6]Margaret Wells. (Margaret Wells Olson, Death Record, 26 Mar. 1934.)

  7. [7]In April 1908, Orson F. Whitney brought his son Horace N. “Race” Whitney, who was suffering from neuritis, home from San Francisco. Race Whitney died on 14 July 1908. (“Race N. Whitney Called,” Deseret Evening News, 14 July 1908, 5; “Young Writer and Newspaper Man Is Dead,” Evening Telegram, 14 July 1908, 1.)

  8. [8]The Relief Society donated some of its grain stores to meet charitable needs in response to the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and later to the famine in China. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 165–166.)

  9. [9]Churches, political leaders, and women’s suffrage groups supported national and international efforts to encourage peace. (See EBW, Diary, 17 May and 27 July 1908.)

  10. [10]Edwin Parry supervised typesetting, preparing page proofs, and printing at the Deseret News, where EBW had the Woman’s Exponent printed. (Jenson, Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:645–646; “Veteran Printer Dies at Hospital,” Salt Lake Telegram, 16 Sept. 1935, 6.)

  11. [11]Jules Huret. (See EBW, Diary, 24 Apr. 1903.)

  12. [12]En Amérique. De New-York à la Nouvelle Orléans and En Amérique. De San Francisco au Canada by Jules Huret.

  13. [13]Theodore Roosevelt. (Cooper, “Theodore Roosevelt,” Encyclopedia Britannica, last modified 2 Jan. 2021, accessed 21 July 2021, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Theodore-Roosevelt.)

  14. [14]Hannah Free Wells. (“Wells, Junius Free,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:714.)

  15. [15]Mortuary or funeral home. (“Funeral of Sophia King,” Deseret News, 30 Apr. 1908, 5.)