October 1898

1 October 1898 • Saturday

<fearful wind in the night no sleep for me–>

This morning great change in the weather rain and sleet, went up early fixed office for Primary meeting– went to Aunt Zina’s met Lyman Wight’s son & a Mr. Davis– also Mrs. Higgins and Miss Walker (short hand reporter) then Sister Caroline [Rogers] Smoot and Br. Penrose came the interview was most unpleasant and disagreeable– Came away in a rain of sleet and snow– the colored troops1 arrived today, and the City turned out to welcome them. Ladies served refreshments at Camp, under the auspices of the Red Cross Society– Annie had a letter from John Q. (and money) in which he said his hair had all come out on the top of his head leaving him bald– which he always dreaded. [p. 306] {p. 232}

2 October 1898 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day, and did a great deal of writing– wrote letters to Mrs. [Rebecca Douglas] Lowe of Atlanta Prest. of the General Federation [of Women’s Clubs] and Mrs. [Mary Bassett] Mumford of Philadelphia– and my sister Ellen and others– Em. came over to see me, and I had no other visitors– the pain in my side was very severe all day and I could scarcely keep up– prepared every thing ready for the meeting on Monday. The day was particularly fine Em. gave me a bouquet of roses the last of the season probably. I have rather enjoyed the day, the quiet and would have been glad to write some verses if it had not been positively necessary to write some letters– [p. 307] {p. 233}

3 October 1898 • Monday

Letters from Brigham City and other places Farmington and Kamas– all morning cold and dismal– many sisters asking questions about this & that some from the country. Prest. F. D. Richards came with an excuse about Sister Jane S. and her vote for the meeting. In the afternoon we held the business Meeting in the Assembly Hall, and accomplished quite a little in regard to money matters– Aunt Zina was very gracious and so was Sister [Julina Lambson] Smith and Emily S. Richards and Zina Card– in the evening I wrote a long letter to Mrs. Lockwood of Washington– and fixed my application for membership in the International Press Union– had mustard plaster on my side– suffered great pain during the night especially– [p. 308] {p. 234}

4 October 1898 • Tuesday

This morning expected the man to put carpet down in my room– and waited for him over time– Mrs. Richards came to see me Mrs. Layton Mrs. Standring and Mrs. Jennings– Board Meeting at 2 p.m. 13. Members present Aunt Zina in the chair. We passed upon several things that were done yesterday– A Committee was appointed to take charge of the Building fund– E. B. Wells J. L. Smith S. J. Cannon, E. S. Richards E. Woodruff– money to be deposited in the Zion’s Saving’s bank– Annie came up and several of the children, and were in the office– Aunt Zina little Zina Susa and others stayed talking with me until late– My head was in a whirl. I had a letter from Amsterdam telling me how much the Exponent was enjoyed– [p. 309] {p. 235}

5 October 1898 • Wednesday

Hurried off this morning to attend the Relief Society Conference– Sister Horne was on the same car also Mrs. [Luella M.] Rhodes– wife of Captain Rhodes who lives on 5th East corner of 12th. East South. Her folks knew the Snows in Mantua Ohio–2 this forenoon at the meeting quite a little was said about the Exponent more than ever before– at noon Emily S. Richards Sarah Jane Cannon and myself banked the money for the Building in the name of the National Woman’s Relief Society Mrs. E. B. Wells Chairman of the Committee– 125. dollars then 43. 50. 168.50– Afternoon meeting tiresome. And so many people coming in and wanting this and that Came home very weary– Photo from Amsterdam of Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs– [p. 310] {p. 236}

6 October 1898 • Thursday

This morning hurried off to the Tabernacle and heard the President Lorenzo Snow and George Q. Cannon and Mat. [Matthias F.] Cowley– It is always a pleasant thing to see the opening of a new Conference after the change in Presidents, the spirit of the meeting was fine. I sat by many of my friends and that is always a happy place– I thought Sister Horne was coming but she did not get to the office until after the afternoon meeting, and several other sisters were there, from a distance. Sisters from far away Stakes and needing information on a variety of subjects. Sister [Ann Cannon] Woodbury from St. George about the silk and Margaret Caine and I came home so weary it was all I could do to get the evening over– Went to see Belle & the children & baby– [p. 311] {p. 237}

7 October 1898 • Friday

This morning went early to the office– sent off draft to Hannal [Hannah] J. Bailey, Maine, fifty dollars; then had callers Mrs. Richards and Mrs. [Josephine Richards] West and others, I have striven hard all day– took notice to the Conference to be read at the meeting and also to the Deseret News to be published. Annie came up and wanted me to go for a ride with her which I did for a short time. Wrote to Verona last night also Sister Horne and today to Sister [Emilia Dahlgreen] Madsen of Brigham City– had so many callers and did not feel well– Quite a commotion on account of John W. Taylor’s sermon about impurity among young people– had to be called down by President Geo. Q. Cannon very strange procedure at a Conference– the most so of any we had heard of.3 Spent the evening at Annie’s came home late– [p. 312] {p. 238}

8 October 1898 • Saturday

This morning went early to the office and found several there waiting– Sister Jane S. [Richards] & Emily S. [Richards] and Josephine West kept me until meeting time with others– so that I could not get any lunch, or a moment’s rest– Meeting at 2. p.m. of the officers of the Relief Society and Zina D. H. Young presiding. A very full meeting of all the officers and much instruction given as regards grain and the building of granaries– also the celebrating the day of the first organization March 17. which is to be observed in each ward each year– and ten cents from each member given as a general fund. The Eisteddfod is still in progress and some fine music given Mrs. Emily Woodward of Boston is receiving great applause and carrying off many honors– telephon’d to Herald & Tribune about tha[◊] Press Club meeting. [p. 313] {p. 239}

9 October 1898 • Sunday

This morning had early breakfast and went to the Tabernacle service and enjoyed the day John Henry Smith, F. M. Lyman and Brigham Young were the speakers in the forenoon and in the afternoon the authorities were voted in, the Priesthood voting in the order thereof, First Presidency Apostles, High Priests Seventies Presidents of Stakes & Counselors Elders, Bishops & Counselors Lesser Priesthood– Congregation– Prest. Geo. Q. Camon [Cannon] presented the authorities, objections were made to John W. Taylor by men in the audience and by members of the choir. After meeting went to see Annie & the children and then had dinner and spent the evening– came home ten made a fire and wrote until late– last night I had a dream about John Q. that was very impressive and sad rather so at least– [p. 314] {p. 240}

10 October 1898 • Monday

<Letter from an eminent woman– Frone Eunice [Smith] Wait>

This is the anniversary of the day on which I was married to Daniel H. Wells forty-six years ago today– about six p.m. by Brigham Young. I went up early had a talk with Sister [Julia Parks] Lindsey then other sisters, then the French Professor– and Mrs. Siegel and Senator Frank J. Cannon and Jane S. Richards, then the Press Club and Reaper’s Club and Mrs. Arthur Brown– and finally after getting through more work than usual, drove down to Annie’s in the buggy and back to the office– attended to some business and came home on nine o’clock car– Constance was gone to her Shakespere Club and I was alone– she leaves me tomorrow morning to go to Dr. Pratt and study for nursing; so goes the day wrote to Mrs. Dyer in California [p. 315] {p. 241}

11 October 1898 • Tuesday

This is a very busy day and has been most disagreeable in many ways– people coming to talk of the political situation and to find out about payment of old bills.

Dr. Pratt, Dr. Shipp and others have been to see me & to get me to help them with various matters.

Constance Irwin went to Dr. Pratts today to study nursing– Annie invited the Governor and Briant [H. Wells] to dine at her house but neither one could accept. Hugh Cannon and wife Harry Culmer and wife Charles Cannon & wife4 and myself were the guests. A fine dinner ducks & green peas and a pleasant evening afterwards. I stayed all night and Annie & myself talked everything over together. [p. 316] {p. 242}

12 October 1898 • Wednesday

This is a day full of events of consequence, and of work for me– my heart aches and my hands are more than full and still more is coming on constantly– the French Professor has been in his lecture in the Assembly Hall upon Napoleon and Josephine is to be given this evening and I can scarcely get time enough to go home & dress myself. The letters I long for do not arrive and I weary with delay. Mr. Sears and Belle went to the lecture Annie came also– I enjoyed it very much and the pictures were especially fine– accent good French and rhymth all that one could ask. Came home late slept in the house alone Sister Susan Grant & Lula Greene Richards went to Grantsville as missionaries to attend Sisters’ Conference [p. 317] {p. 243}

13 October 1898 • Thursday

This morning delighted to have a letter from Mrs. M. E. Numford [Mumford] of Philadelphia about the State Chairmanship commending Miss [Julia] Farnsworth. took my first French lesson in Lecture Hall up stairs– showed Mrs. Mumford’s letter to Dr. Pratt and to Mrs. Salisbury– went up to Mrs. Salisbury in the evening and had dinner there Mr S. had just returned from New York & we had a talk about the political situation and of sending for Miss Anthony and Miss [Anna Howard] Shaw to come out from Omaha and upon other election matters, news came from John Q. and Annie is feeling better Briant H. Wells started for the Coast to join his regiment in Manilla– came home late and sat up writing letters of introduction for Mrs. Jennings [p. 318] {p. 244}

14 October 1898 • Friday

A very fine day again and all serene and peaceful except that there is so much work to be done and meetings to be attended Primary Committee meeting here at 2 p.m. Kindergarten at 4. p.m. and meeting of the Republican County Com. at 4. at their headquarters to register the names of candidates as they are to appear on the official ballots. Rode up on the car with President George Q. Cannon this morning when on my way to the office– he had been to invite Emma Woodruff to go to Omaha with the Presidency he spoke freely on some matters to me– but I did not mention the Roberts affair– have talked with Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune today and with Edna Smith and others and went with Edna to the Meeting of Candidates and afterwards to the office with Edna to see Joseph F. Smith and had a long talk with him. [p. 319] {p. 245}

15 October 1898 • Saturday

A rainy morning and I went up– had the paper made up– & looked after the coming of Mrs. Frena Eunice Wait– the lecturer had a call from the French Professor Antoine Muzerelli– and talked of plural marriage– several letters came from people on business & so on– Red Cross meeting in Supreme Court Room– 14th. Ward meeting today and much to do of a very important nature– Went to call on the lecturer Mrs. Wait at the Knutsford and took Dr. Pratt with me. Zina came to see me and told me of her mother’s condition and how she suffered with the pain in her stomach. Went to Mrs. Siegel’s5 to dinner, had a lovely time with her and came home on ten o’clock car– finished report for delegate Mrs. Jane S. Richards– [p. 320] {p. 246}

16 October 1898 • Sunday

This is little Winnifred Isabel [Woods]’s birthday she would be 23 years old, her mother will undoubtedly feel lonely and be thinking of her also the girls her sisters. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Blackburn of the English Woman’s Review for Mrs. Jennings, and sent the four to Liverpool by mail. Went to the Tabernacle and sat by Mrs. Wait & Dr. Pratt. C. W. Penrose preached a Gospel sermon– then called on Maria Dougall and then went to Annie’s and had dinner stayed with the children while Annie went to a meeting of a Committee of the Birthday for her father, spent most of the evening had a nice time when I came home Lucile & Em. were both here to sleep– and I tried to do a little of my writing the parlor seemed warm & pleasant– [p. 321] {p. 247}

17 October 1898 • Monday

Went to the Temple early in the morning according to appointment and was set apart by Prest. Lorenzo Snow to go to Omaha– a very good blessing and many promises. Jane S. Richards Minnie J. Snow & Maria Y. Dougall were also set apart to go. Afterwards went up to Aunt Zina and then to the office where Prest. Richards and Jane S. were and so on– had a very hard day and came home weary after all. Lucile & Em. were here and stayed all night. I had quite a long talk with Weslly [Wesley] K. Walton Chairman State Rep. Com. he seems very dubious on election business. Wrote to Mrs. Ellen M. Richardson of Boston and enjoyed a restful time after coming home [p. 322] {p. 248}

18 October 1898 • Tuesday

This morning had my lesson in French and had letters from Susan B. Anthony, May Wright Sewall, Frank J. Cannon and others– transportation came for Omaha, and had many callers Margaret A. Caine & Lydia D. Alder Mrs. Frena Eunice Wait the lecturer Prof. Done and many more. Em. Was ill and I was alarmed and I went to Joseph C. Kingsbury’s funeral in the Assembly Hall and heard some very good things said of him the speakers were H. [Hiram] B. Clawson R. [Robert] T. Burton O. F. Whitney H. J. Grant, F. M. Lyman, J. R. Winder. Went to the cemetery and to the grave of Loenza Pond [Kingsbury] his wife who died very young, this evening went to the lecture on Prehistoric America by Mrs. Waite in the Tabernacle very good subject and fine Speaker– [p. 323] {p. 249}

19 October 1898 • Wednesday

This morning first thing found Emily S. Richards, Mary A. Freeze, Ann [Seetree] Tate, and E. J. Stevensen waiting for me & all wanted me specially & of course I was hindered in my work– letters were waiting too and paper not yet out. so disappointing, went out to do some errands Dr. Pratt came and we had some talk over the lectures of Mrs. Wait. Fixed for the sisters to go to Emery Stake and saw Rie Dougall and had a talk with her Annie came up and baby and Emmeline and I went to the dressmakers and bought a present for Dot and did other errands that were necessary and tried hard get off to Belle’s to dinner as it was Dot’s birthday succeeded at last and then went back to the office wrote a letter to Miss Anthony and to Emily Richards [p. 324] {p. 250}

20 October 1898 • Thursday

Went up early took my <French> lesson saw the dress maker and all that– then went here and there wrote to Mrs. Sewall an important letter, went up to Aunt Zina’s to get some documents signed, had dinner there with Aunt Zina, Emily P. [Partridge] Harriet B. [Barney] Eliza B. [Burgess] Margaret P. [Pierce] and N. T. [Naamah Twiss] Young. B. W. Smith Susan [West] Smith, C. B. D. [Caroline R. Daniels] Smoot E. B. Wells, M. Y. Dougall, Z. D. H. Card Amelia F. Young all sat at dinner together– had a lovely time but ran away to get to Mrs. Salisbury’s party. A perfect cram– beautiful house and Capt Ducal [Arthur C. Ducat] gave a sketch of his own experience in Santiago de Cuba several songs were sung, [Mrs.] Dr. [Charles G.] Plummer [Anna Colburn Plummer] June [Spencer] Daggatt, Florence [Kimball] Dinwoodey the Orpheus Club and [Mrs.] Dr. [F. B.] Hamilton– Annie was there and Emily [Hoagland Cannon]– Mammie [Emily] Reed and so on– awful tired of waiting etc. [p. 325] {p. 251}

21 October 1898 • Friday

Could not begin to accomplish all I desired to but managed to cover some of the ground and get home at last, warm myself up by the parlor fire and pick up some few of my things and go to Annie’s to sleep. Then had to go back to the office where I had left the Credentials and my copy of the Report Q. went up with me Annie had gone to the Opera with Emily and we came home on the same car. We sat up and talked until late at night about 2 in the morning and then I was off to sleep quickly with Louise in the girl’s room my last night in Salt Lake [p. 326] {p. 252}

22 October 1898 • Saturday

Left Annie’s home in a gurney for the seven o’clock train, met Mrs. Caine at the depot, and went aboard car (Pullman) Manorica, changed later on in the day to Niebrara. We have <had> a pleasant time and we rested much of the way over, went to bed early and slept fairly well and I was rather ill in the morning so had breakfast in bed. and after feeling a little better got up <Oct. 23> 6|reached Omaha at 4.40 and took a bus for the Paxton House Arrived here found Miss Anthony and others were here– in less than ten minutes Miss Anthony Mrs. Sewall and Mrs. Robins [Robbins] were in my room. I was invited to sit at their table of eight and in the evening went to hear the Jewish Women in their <meeting> [p. 327] {p. 253}

23 October 1898 • Sunday

At the Sunday evening meeting besides Mrs. [Hannah Greenebaum] Solomon Mrs. Sewall spoke on Old Wine and Miss Anthony added a few words which were very telling as her words always are– and she looked grand then the Rabbi [Leo M.] Franklin gave an address that was startling denouncing women– I was astonished so were we all. but we took it as best we could with a determination to win <favor> whatever might be the opinion of the Rabbi or the whole Jewish fraternity. There is much to be done here one can readily see and it gives one much anxiety especially a thinking person. One can easily comprehend the prejudice that must be met when every one you meet wants to know directly if you are a Mormon, and would [p. 328] {p. 254} not think of asking a woman from any other state, what church she belonged to.

24 October 1898 • Monday

This morning was off in good time with others and reached the place of meeting in time the First Congregational Church corner of 21st. and Davenport Streets– and was in the parlor or Committee Room and only a few delegates present, but much business was transacted satisfactorily and in the afternoon was the formal opening of the Council, the Address of Welcome by Mrs. [Winona B.] Sawyer President of the <Woman’s Department> Board of Education of the Trans Mississippi Congress & International Exposition which was a most classical paper and given in a very eloquent style and manner. In the evening was a reception given by the Woman’s Department of the Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition– a very pleasant affair7 [p. 329] {p. 255}

25 October 1898 • Tuesday

The reception last evening ended in a rain storm and the ladies went and came in carriages, we had one for four of us. Miss [Octavia Williams] Bates, Mrs. Robbins Mrs. Foster and myself we paid 75 cts. each. I met many women whom I had previously known Mrs. Woods & Mrs. [Adelaide] Ballard of Iowa– Mrs. Aspecher a Jewess and her daughter who knew Mrs. Col. Crayton of Ohio the cousin of George Q. Cannon and who seemed very much in love with Angus M. Cannon etc. Morning meeting then the luncheon by the Local Jewish Council given to the National Jewish Council & the National Council of the United States to which Mrs. Dougall & myself went together. a very fine dinner and an excellent program of toasts etc Mrs. Pollok Prest. of the affair and having charge– evening session– [p. 330] {p. 256}

26 October 1898 • Wednesday

Yesterday went from the Lunchion to the Relief Society meeting, arrived late when all was done except setting apart and dismissing. Spoke a few words found Sister Richards had really been the chief one in organizing. Prest. Franklin D. Richards and Bishop [Peter] Barton of Kaysville with the Presiding Elder Br. [Richard E.] Yeates of Logan set the sesters apart to their several offices and then they were dismissed.8 I rode back to the Hotel with Br. & Sister Richards in their carriage Josephine was with them. Today has been full of interest and I have been to see Mrs. Beck at the hotel where she is staying, Madison Hotel Chicago & 21st. Street [p. 331] {p. 257}

27 October 1898 • Thursday

Last evening I read my paper and during the reading the flag was brought in which though an interruption was nevertheless a pleasant event as it were presaging good or so it seemed. Miss [Mary E.] Carty invited me to ride home with her and her sister9 in their carriage. 10|The weather is very cold and windy today Sister Richards went to Florence yesterday to try and find her baby’s grave11 and also that of the wife Elizabeth who died there but could not find them I was invited to speak at the Nebraska Suffrage Meeting but could not as I had to go away over to Sister Richards on St. Mary’s Avenue– Sent a telegram to the Governor of Utah Heber M. Wells of Joyful Greetings to the family assembled to commemorate the birthday. [p. 332] {p. 258}

28 October 1898 • Friday

Went to the business session in the morning although it really was a public session and Susa Young Gates of Provo gave her paper on Social Relations etc. which was very good and much commended, and elicited a great deal of applause, and was indeed a practically good paper. In the afternoon we had been invited to the Art Gallery of one of the citizens of Omaha Mr. Lunberger and enjoyed immensely his collection of fine arts & then to the Exposition where we were to attend a Tea to be given by the Woman’s Board of the Trans-Missippi [Mississippi] Exposition etc. & which was followed by a thunder storm and then we came back to the final public meeting of the Council [p. 333] {p. 259}

29 October 1898 • Saturday

Today has been uncommonly busy– Meeting of Business at Nine A.M. in Mrs. Sewall’s rooms and business brought forward first resolutions Mrs. Sewall stating no one scarcely had sent Resolutions to the Committee. I soon proved that I had and the Cor. Sec’y read mine. then Finance came up and we all did try to plead our own cause and succeeded in getting our two Associations set right. Mrs. Richards came and Mrs. West with her and Mrs. Gates & Mrs. Snow so we had our four votes besides Mrs. Caine who had the privilege of an observer. lunch from One to Two then taking up the Council and International Council and in all the phases of representation and papers on various subjects– met Col. Tarrey here in the hotel tonight knew him at <once–> [p. 334] {p. 260} by intuition.

30 October 1898 • Sunday

Br. & Sister Richards start home this morning I shall go in the afternoon, have attended to all my duties. Mrs. Sewall went this morning and Miss Anthony goes this evening. I wrote to Walton also sent telegram– packed up and so on– had a talk with Mrs. Robbins about next Prest. She is a little upset. Have not cared much for new women here except the Misses Carty from Canada. Miss Anthony is still my favorite and Mrs. Sewall but above all I think I love Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery. She is my choice for Prest. I do however like Miss Bates pretty well better than most of the others. Went to the train in Omnibus found Gov. & Mrs. Richards of Wyoming next to me and Charley [Charles W.] Nibley and wife12 opposite [p. 335] {p. 261}

31 October 1898 • Monday

Traveling all day to day Br. Nibley has been polite to me took me to the dining car and paid for me, his wife is Julia Budge, the day has been tiresome very I had hoped to do some writing but find it cannot be with people one knows; thinking over the women I met and recalling incidents I must not forget Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Manchester nor Mrs. [Mary] Newberry Adams nor Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Bigelow– but altogether I have not been greatly impressed with any new ones except Miss Bates & Miss Carty One after another goes home and it did not seem to detract from the circle Miss Burke the stenographer of Mrs. Sewall was very friendly, which is always favorable [p. 336] {p. 262}

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October 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1898/1898-10


  1. [1]The terminology EBW used here for African Americans was standard neutral language for the time. (For additional information, see Historical Context.)

  2. [2]Oliver Snow and Rosetta Pettibone Snow, parents of Lorenzo Snow and Eliza R. Snow, raised their children in Mantua, Ohio. (Smith, Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow, 1–2.)

  3. [3]In his October general conference address, John W. Taylor referred to stories he had heard of immoral conduct among Latter-day Saints, naming a specific town and accusing members of the Tabernacle Choir. George Q. Cannon recorded, “He said he believed these were exaggerations; but the manner in which he alluded to these things made us all feel very badly.” President Lorenzo Snow asked President Cannon to speak for the First Presidency and try to “remove the impression which Brother Taylor’s remarks had made. . . . I did it as gently as I could, but it had to be done plainly. I considered his remarks very unwise. I said it was not wise to single out places . . . or a body of people.” All residents and members, including the majority who were “pure and virtuous and exemplary,” would be injured by these statements. A better approach would be to speak with leaders in these areas, “learn whether it [the story] was true or not,” and deal with improper actions individually. (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 7 Oct. 1898.) The local press also covered this encounter. (“Accused of Immorality,” Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Oct. 1898, 1.)

  4. [4]Ida Daynes Cannon.

  5. [5]Probably Rachel Ulman Siegel, married to Solomon Siegel.

  6. [6]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  7. [7]“Visit to Omaha,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Nov. 1898, 27:60.

  8. [8]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Nov. 1898, 27:61.

  9. [9]Martha Carty.

  10. [10]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  11. [11]Wealthy Louisa Richards died at Douglas, Nebraska, on 14 September 1846.

  12. [12]Julia Budge Nibley.