The Church Historian's Press

April 1905

12 April 1905 • Sunday

Prest. Smith presiding sung How firm a foundation prayer B. [Benjamin] Goddard Quartette Give me thine heart Prest. Smith’s opening, R. [Rudger J.] Clawson C. [Charles W.] Nibley S. T. [Sophia Taylor] Nuttall S. Y. Gates Geo. A. Smith Should you feel inclined to censure Ruth Mary [May] Fox Kate Wells George A. Smith John M. Cannon Rev. July 29. 1839 Sep. 29. 1839 Aunt Margaret [Pierce Young] C. Langton Zina [Lyon] Wilson unknown boy A. M. Cannon John McDonald {p. 21} <unknown Elder> Asahel Woodruff Margaret C. [Swan] Hull Ellis Shipp F. M. Lyman Jos. F. Smith charged with commercialism2 {p. 22}

3 April 1905 • Monday

Margaret’s Birthday, could anything be a greater contrast than this to the day on which she was born, I was in Washington at the Capital Building and the telegram came announcing her arrival– how delighted I was and every one at home. She has been a blessing all her short life but there have been many dark days in the household, and now we are passing through a time of great sorrow, that to us who can realize such burdens are almost beyond endurance {p. 87}

14 April 1905 • Friday

I ordered a carriage and drove to the Kenyon and called for Eva Fay [Anna Eva Heathman Fay Pingree] to go down to Annie’s with me, Isabel was already there when we arrived, we had a pleasant time and a fine luncheon, during the time we were at the table Winnie Sylvester [Q.] Cannon’s wife came in with her new baby boy Julian Seville [Saville Cannon], and soon after May Hugh [J.] Cannon’s wife and Frank’s wife Mattie. When we left we took Belle home and went round so Miss Fay could see my home. {p. 89}

15 April 1905 • Saturday

Today [E.] Brenton Sears Belle’s youngest boy was married to Inez Van Zant [Van Sant], it was a great surprise to us all. I hope sincerely it may prove a happy union– and result in a blessing to Belle. {p. 90}

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April 1905, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024