July 1892

1 July 1892 • Friday

Last night the wind blew up very cool and this morning is quite pleasant I had so many callers I could not get to eat my breakfast and it was in the afternoon before I had anything. Josie [Simmons] did not come to work, as Sister [Elizabeth Wilkins] Wilkes a friend of hers was buried today and she attended the funeral. I tried my very best to get to the Sociable of the County W.S.A. but could not get away until after six o’clock and as it is a long distance to Calder’s Park1 where the affair was held the exercises were over when I arrived, I had a nice time however and went out in the boat on the Lake and there was music in the2

Rode home with Dr. Barney [p. 183] {p. 208}

2 July 1892 • Saturday

Belle & Dot came down early this morning, Miss Brown came in to see me and talk of her poems. and expectations. She is quite a poet and writer but very odd. Aunt Zina, Mary Jane Groo, Sisters Stevensen, <& [Elizabeth Cooper] Pixton> and a lot of strangers have been in today and I was hindered as much as yesterday about my meals. Reading proof is very disagreeable when one has to hurry or be bothered. Jote Spener [Josephine Spencer] Phebe & Jote Beattie [Josephine Beatie Wells] and several others called. News this evening that young Henry Richards died this afternoon. It is very sad indeed. Many people preparing to go into the caňons and the 4th. of July seems almost to have begun in earnest. [p. 184] {p. 209}

3 July 1892 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed late after Emma the girl had gone home, and tried to rest my weary limbs. At last I got up and read my proofs then made ready to go to the Tabernacle Annie Hamilton called to see me; I went to meeting and sat between Martha and Lydia Ann, Bishop O. F. Whitney occupied the stand & spoke to the people. I went home with Lydia Ann aftewards and had supper there. Saw May and baby Murray– a fine boy, and very like his father. Martha, Hannah, Lena [Helena Fobes Wells], & Sister [Rachel Ivins] Grant all called and at last Eva [Evelyn Young] Davis. I came away over the hill and after preparing some copy went up to Belle’s and saw them a few minutes. Then to my lonely home, though I am even grateful for a shelter– and wrote a letter to Miss [Rachel Foster] Avery.3 & all the time the bang, bang, is going on– [p. 185] {p. 210}

4 July 1892 • Monday

wea. hot

The cannons were booming nearly all night and one’s sleep so disturbed. I sat up late as I had so much writing behind I wanted to do and I tried to rest this morning– Went up to Belle’s to lunch, Belle and Mr. Sears and the children gone to the Park– Dot gone up to Edna’s only Sep Em & myself at lunch– This afternoon a gentleman from Las Angelos who visited here four years ago came to see me, his wife has died since then, he seemed to have been favorably impressed with my husband as well as myself– I worked hard preparing the Record of Y.L.M.I.A. for the Secretary it cost me a pang of grief to handle it and to pass it into other hands My darling Louie’s work4 Went to see Emeline Lyde & Cal tonight but found them all out– [p. 186] {p. 211}

5 July 1892 • Tuesday

Work again, weather very warm and people going to the caňons and the Lake to get cool air and rest. The paper had to lay over because the new type was not ready and now I must have this new volume commence late for which I am very sorry, however what can’t be cured must be endured and I must work steadily on and try to make some progress– with my pen and in a way that will leave its impress. It is Bishop Whitney’s birthday and I suppose he is having a pleasant time he has many ardent admirers Mrs. [Electa Wood] Bullock of Provo, Mrs. Jane Richards, Mrs. Salisbury have all been in to see me & talk of the World’s Fair [p. 187] {p. 212}

6 July 1892 • Wednesday

We are making the most of the new paper, had the copy off the press and read it and papers came in this afternoon– it pleases me very much indeed. I am getting ready to go to Willard tomorrow morning.

Mailed some of my papers. had a call from Mrs. Jane S. Richards who is going to Alaska starts tomorrow [p. 188] {p. 213}

7 July 1892 • Thursday

This morning we went off on the morning train at Ogden Mrs. Jane & Mrs. Emily Richards both came in to our car to see us; they were on their way to Alaska with their husbands, Mrs. Emily Richards wished me to suggest names in the different counties to act for the Fair and to call together Committees She asked me and in fact almost begged me to accept the position of President of Salt Lake County which I refused as I had also done when Mrs. Salisbury made the same suggestion– I feel that it is right to refuse– it will be a great labor and I have already too much to do– We arrived in time for dinner and went to the [p. 189] {p. 214} meeting at 2 July 7. another soon after and had a very nice time with the Primary then another in the evening where there were a great number of gentlemen.

8 July 1892 • Friday

This morning we came to the depot very early and had a pleasant ride through the fields of grain and took the train for home. Aunt Zina stopped off at Ogden to see Chariton [Jacobs]’s folks and I came on alone Miss Larson from Manti came over and told me how she had been deceived in Madame Ryan a Milliner. Came home and set to work with the mailing and had several strangers calling upon me– [p. 190] {p. 215}

9 July 1892 • Saturday

I fully intended going to a meeting at 10 o’clock but was prevented by strangers coming to talk to me. Went up later and lunched there, invited some of the friends to go to Cotton Wood for Sister Howards birthday Sister Horne & Smith were there. Dr. Barney came in the evening and took Elise up home in her buggy then came back and we talked until it was very late [p. 191] {p. 216}

10 July 1892 • Sunday

I wrote all morning & sent off about 20 invitations to different people to attend the birthday festivities at Howard Grove after doing so I made ready to go to Ogden, and went up on afternoon train found all well and glad to see me. [p. 192] {p. 217}

11 July 1892 • Monday

Came down on morning train with John Q. and set to work at the mailing and preparing copy. News of strikers troubles in the Coeur d’alene [Idaho] country and it is very terrifying to me,5 it spoils all the pleasure I can have in other matters. Hospital meeting went with Hiram [B. Clawson], we had quite a disagreeable day of it and I felt much embarrassed [p. 193] {p. 218}

12 July 1892 • Tuesday

Today had a dispatch from Will [William W. Woods] saying all was quiet at Wallace [Idaho] today is Sister Howard’s birthday and we had such a crowd that besides the big Utah we had to have another conveyance for 12 of us. There was a very agreeable gathering and lots of picnic and a jolly crowd and we had speeches after we had supper, reading a poem of Emily Woodmansee’s and speech by Br. Milo Andrus, speech by [Charles W.] Penrose also Zina Young, B. W. Smith M. I. Horne, Sister Howard response, Bishop [D. B.] Brinton myself– singing O. ye Mountains high, recitation Nellie Colebrook Taylor– etc.6 [p. 194] {p. 219}<12> This morning worked away to get ready for the afternoon ladies come in, crowds of them, the big Utah drove up and 32– got in and then we had to send for another conveyance for those who were left–

13 July 1892 • Wednesday

13– felt very uncomfortable about the strike at the mines in the North– such terrible reports by associated press one cannot but be alarmed Several ladies called to excuse themselves for not going. Ort Whitney came to see me in his usual easy and free way as in former days, had a very nice time for a couple of hours, in the evening sat here alone and went over the scenes through which I had passed in the days now gone forever– [p. 195] {p. 220}

14 July 1892 • Thursday

This morning felt quite ill could not get up, excused myself to every one– sat for a picture again, sent off a telegram to Wallace had an answer, troops arrived and fears subsided in a manner, not a very pleasant thing to be under martial law– May Preston came on the World’s Fair business, I gave her some necessary information and posted her a little bit, these are the days that seem to call me back to the time of my early marriage and the fascination of love’s young dream– the country fields, the meadows, the haying time, the h dancing in the old kitchens and on the sanded floors, the brooks the birds the swaying hemlocks the sighing pines and O so many sweet & tender memories– [p. 196] {p. 221}

15 July 1892 • Friday

This is such a sultry day and I have been so hard at work so absorbed too in my duties, such excitement in my mind that I can scarcely restrain myself–, so many things to ponder upon towards evening my mind was so exercised that I decided to go and see Ellen [Hitchings Harrison] and talk about Idaho and the strikes took Emma with me, such a distance up there, found her not feeling well and so could not introduce the subject nearest to my heart, she had a nice little home and all comfortable Jennie her sister is with her. Stayed a few minutes then came home and while sitting working about fifteen minutes to twelve, Edna [Cannon] Lambert came to tell me her mother [Rosina Matthews Lambert] was ill. [p. 197] {p. 222}

16 July 1892 • Saturday

wea. dusty & hot–

I went in and administered to Rose but found her in such a state that I called others to administer and sent away for her husband [George C. Lambert]. She continued very bad I sat up until three A.M. Emma stayed with her– this morning she is some better. Sister [Hannah Bunker] Crosby of Panguitch came in and we talked of the Southern trip and who should go etc. Ellen [Lee] Jakeman7 came and some others and the day sped away– At evening I went to Sister [Elmina Shepherd] Taylor’s to ask her about some young woman going to the South and spent an hour or so with her in conversation Belle has been to see me No news from the North– [p. 198] {p. 223}

17 July 1892 • Sunday

wea. hot

This morning I rested to try and keep up my strength Sister Taylor on whom I had called last evening came to see me & talk of the visit to Panguitch Stake which it is expected will be taken soon. Then I wrote three letters to my girls Mell Daisie & Verona read a poem that had been handed me to criticise and did some other literary work. Went up to the graveyard, to my own dear ones, Belle’s and to Mell’s returned late prepared editorial matter and wrote to Panguitch to say we would some of us be there at their Conference– Emma is home has been to Bountiful today– [p. 199] {p. 224}

18 July 1892 • Monday

Have written to Elizabeth [Baum] Bean Richfield and to Ruth W. [Welton] Tyler Beaver about the sisters visiting them– Aunt Zina came early this morning, Sister Pixton Dr. Pratt and so many more– received letter from Florence Percy Matheson San Francisco–8 hoped to have had word from the north but none received. John Q. came in said all were well at home. I have not been very well today and feel lonely tonight. It is so hard to be away from all my own yet I must not complain. The weather is very warm and that makes one feel weak and listless. I have tried so hard to get my work along and accomplish something tangible. I want to write a new poem this month– [p. 200] {p. 225}

19 July 1892 • Tuesday

Amelia Young came before I was dressed stayed about an hour or two, weather very hot– no news from the North– Aunt Zina came & Sisters Eardl[e]y Raleigh Phebe Young and also Belle & John Q. I wrote to Mrs. Boyden and to Florence Percy Matheson of San Francisco also to Sister [Elizabeth Francis] Yates of Scipio. Sent off Receipts for money rec’d wrote to Sister [Martha Clark] Woodhouse of Almy Wyoming. It was the W.S.A. of Salt Lake Co. today and the ladies some of them came in to talk about the meeting. I only heard today that George Harry Dunford was dead and buried– it does seem dreadful how many of them have died within a few years. I am here alone again tonight and too weary to do what I desire in writing [p. 201] {p. 226}

20 July 1892 • Wednesday

This morning a gentleman and lady called, strangers came in with Belle, and the lady was a member of the Chautauqua circle; her husband a minister, the name Miller. Sister Howard came and went over some Hospital work and stayed all night, We had quite a busy day of it. The Liberals are trying to get recruits and to put a stop to all the plans of our people towards any liberty of rights or privileges. No news from Mell or any of them, it does seem so terrible to be in suspense. Aunt Zina went to see Martha Bro[w]ett today with Sister Eardley Dot has been to the Lake with Brie [Briant H. Wells] and the crowd of the young folks, she generally goes out with, Allie [Alice] Hooper’s birthday [p. 202] {p. 227}

21 July 1892 • Thursday

The weather is very hot Sister Howard and myself went out to breakfast, and when we returned my mail had brought a letter from Minna Lewis informing me of the sudden death of Mrs. Dr. D’Evelyn a lady I met and was much impressed with when in San Francisco and who had written me very sweetly since my return.9 She died without warning of hemorrhage of the lungs in five minutes. So one after another they go– Mrs. E. [Elizabeth Taft] Webb came to see me, and two lots of strangers there in fact– two ladies from Sacramento who had been told to call by some one from Cal. who had called two years ago– Dot had company today Allie left for Alaska [p. 203] {p. 228}

22 July 1892 • Friday

I rose very late and set to work at the mailing, had some strangers and also callers of our own people, hindered me some, Sister [Emma Salmon] Spiring cleaned up my bedroom charged me a dollar, cleaned my silver etc. it was not very satisfactory, the day has been very hot and dull– I tried to get through an immense lot of work but did not succeed very well, some things to do that bother me considerably Q. is down at the Farm visiting and has been up to see us today– News from the North modified, Miss Kimball called with Lizzie [Kimball] she goes to Pleasant Valley tomorrow to rusticate a little– There is a liberal pow wow at the Exposition building in the 10th Ward and our people are silly enough to go some of them [p. 204] {p. 229}

23 July 1892 • Saturday

This morning I was up in good time, had written some on my story last night and felt anxious to do more. Mailing awfully behind. Emma going to the Lake with May Burrell and mother; Belle & Eugene & Brent [Sears] all went off to Ogden to spend the 24th of July etc with Annie & John Q. Mr. Sears went with them. The boys were so delighted. Dot is away too, the house seems almost deserted. Emma came home about 8– and all right– I went up to see how all were Had a letter from Bertha Honore Palmer of Chicago President of the Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition, also one from Alice Carry Waterman anmouncing Memorial services for the 25th. wrote letters to Mrs. Eyster, Mrs. Tyler of Beaver & Miss Lewis [p. 205] {p. 230}

24 July 1892 • Sunday

Had a very poor night for some reason, this morning, I went to the Post Office and found letters from Mell and Daisie, also Mrs. Yates of Scipio and one from Captain Thompsen of th Royal Arsenal–10 the account Mell gives of the trouble with the strikers is horrifying, it fills one with apprehensions of dread, for the country at large when such desperate men can call to their aid dynamite as well as powder. In the early afternoon at 2 p.m. went up to Belle’s & dined with Sep. Em. & Lucile, then after wards went to Sister Smith’s and had a little meeting with Aunt Zina & Sister Smith and prayers etc. then to the 18th Ward meeting & after to the new plat Thorndike–11 [p. 206] {p. 231}

25 July 1892 • Monday

This is a quiet 24th,12 no celebration except the laying of the corner stone of the City & County building– which exercises took place at 2 p.m. and lasted about two hours. I went up to Belle’s and had dinner after writing some letters to San Francisco one to Mrs. Eyster & one to some other lady and one to my sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings]– Emmie & myself went down to the new plat Thorndyke and then over to her grandpa [John] Sears and home again– I had an evening all to my self Emma went out & I sat here preparing copy and reading until very late. So many events of the past come up before me in this month– forty nine years ago this month13 how strange it all seems as though it had happened on another planet [p. 207] {p. 232}

26 July 1892 • Tuesday

Today I had to go to work & Emmie helped me all day and we finished the mailing in a certain way I had to work very steady, after dark Belle came down and then Elise for a little while and I got on with some of my copy and wrote a letter to Mrs. Bean of Richfield and took it out to mail it at midnight. Mrs. Elizabeth [Leaver] Sheets died today– she has been paralyzed a long time– News of intense heat and much sickness in Eastern cities. I have been formulating in my own mind a plan for a Club to glean facts and current events14 and help some of us to be come better speakers and more intelligent on all general subjects. the ladies I have notified will meet tomorrow at my parlor & talk it over– [p. 208] {p. 233}

27 July 1892 • Wednesday

Today I have been busy Dr. Pratt, Lillie Freeze, Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, Phebe C. Young, Ardella Eardley and Maggie C. Shipp answered to the call and I gave them my ideas on the subject. Lucile had a lot of company today– Marie Harvey Clare Clawson and some dozen or so others– I heard of the death of the young womn Mrs. Stoel of Willard to whom Sister Zina and I administered when we were in Willard on the 7th, of July. I went up to see Martha [Harris Wells] and family tonight little Daniel [W. Grant] I had never seen before. Brie came home with me on the car. Martha is very comfortable indeed. Such a nice family and such a good home, so comfortable [p. 209] {p. 234}

28 July 1892 • Thursday

I have been very busy trying to get ready for tomorrow I felt very weary and Ort came in and we went over some poems and talked considerably on that subject and he read some poems I had here in manuscript and then he asked me to read his description of Brigham Youngs entrance into this valley from the History of Utah– and I did so. The day has been hot and tiresome. It was ten o’clock when he left & then I had to commence reading proofs etc. so I could leave on the morrow– how I longed to be at liberty to write a poem but no! I must keep on at regular work [p. 210] {p. 235}

29 July 1892 • Friday

This morning rose early and went to depot, every appearance of rain, but had not yet begun. I felt miserable, Aunt Zina was waiting when I arrived Penrose & Lizzie [Louise Elizabeth Lusty Penrose] came later Reached American Fork all right and carriages were waiting to take us to Utah Lake which we very much enjoyed, the waves murmured like the sea almost and the surrounding scenery was charming in its effect. After the drive was the meeting hall handsomely decorated singing & music good. Speeches local people and excellent– refreshments and altogether an enjoyable affair, Aunt Zina young <Wm> Robinson15 made a fine speech and also Penrose & myself spoke– delicious banquet [p. 211] {p. 236}

30 July 1892 • Saturday

Little Louise Cannon’s birthday but I cannot go up I have so much on hand– paper went to press today & I could not get to the 14th Ward meeting as I very much desired to do– Press Club in the evening and fourteen members present quite a nice meeting, some visitors we had a very good programme16 and the ladies all seemed so willing to respond to a picnic in Liberty Park on the l0th of August. I am really very anxious to do something creditable in the way of helping others, if I had wealth I might then do more– I wish very much to write more than I do and help make the world better by having lived in it. [p. 212] {p. 237}

31 July 1892 • Sunday

This morning I rose in time to go to the depot and walked all the way, reached Annie’s before noon– found Daniel not so very well all the others middling however Louise was baptized yesterday by her father up in the caňon, and confirmed on her birthday which seems really the proper thing to do– I am very glad indeed– I had a nice day with Annie & enjoyed it very much, the evening was cooler than we have in Salt Lake, had the doors closed, Daniel seemed quite ill. Ogden is very dull like Salt Lake money scarce and very little doing, yet we have peace and plenty and should be glad of that– [p. 213] {p. 238}

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July 1892, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1892/1892-07


  1. [1]Calder’s amusement park, located at 700 East and 2700 South, Salt Lake City, was founded in the 1860s. The park was improved in 1909, and the name was changed to Wandamere Park. Later, Charles W. Nibley purchased the resort and presented it to the city, at which time the name was changed to Nibley Park. (“Calder’s Park,” Utah Division of State History.)

  2. [2]text: EBW left a blank space after this incomplete sentence.

  3. [3]Rachel Foster Avery was corresponding secretary of the National Woman Suffrage Association and organizer of the International Council of Women. (“Rachel Foster Avery, 1858–1919,” Women of America.)

  4. [4]EBW’s daughter Louise Martha Wells was the first general secretary of the Y.L.M.I.A. (Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, 95–96.)

  5. [5]EBW editorialized on the miners’ strike in “Notes and Comments,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1892, 21:12.

  6. [6]Details were given in “Notes and Comments,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1892, 21:12.

  7. [7]EBW published a poem by Ellen Jakeman, “The Pioneers,” in Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1892, 21:17.

  8. [8]Florence Percy Matheson was treasurer of the Pacific Coast Woman’s Press Association. (“This, That, and the Other,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1892, 20:180.)

  9. [9]EBW published Minna V. Lewis’s tribute to Susan Taylor D’Evelyn, “A Lovely Woman Passed Away,” in Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1892, 21:21.

  10. [10]Jocelyn H. Thompson was a visitor to Salt Lake City earlier in the year. (EBW, Diary, 11 Apr. 1892; Addresses, 1892.)

  11. [11]The city laid out or platted building sites in a new housing district.

  12. [12]In years when the 24th of July pioneer holiday fell on a Sunday, residents celebrated on the following day.

  13. [13]EBW married James Harvey Harris on 29 July 1843. (Madsen, Intimate History, 36n39.)

  14. [14]EBW and her friends officially organized the Reapers’ Club on 17 October 1892 to accomplish this purpose of “gleaning.” (EBW, Diary, 17 Oct. 1892.)

  15. [15]EBW wrote, “A young man William Robinson made a stirring speech, the best speech from one so young that we have ever had the pleasure of listening to.” (“A Grand Woman Suffrage Rally,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1892, 21:28–29.)

  16. [16]E. R. Shipp, “U. W. P. Club,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1892, 21:29.