April 1914

2 April 1914 • Thursday

<Receptin at 8 p.m.> Relief Society Confrence began this mornin at 10. A.M. in the Assmbly Hall in this City with my opning addreess afeter mu◊sic & prayer by Sister P. P. Jennings Response by Daisy W. Hendeson [Henderson] The Confernce was successful Annie spoke [p. 92] {p. 45}

3 April 1914 • Friday

Today 2nd day of General Relief Socieety Conferencee a very intresting meeting This is the 8th– Relief Socieety Conferenc wherein I havee presided This is President Snow’s birthday annversary one hundred years sinceee he was born. He was a very great man intelligent beyond most men in the Church [p. 93] {p. 46}

4 April 1914 • Saturday

Genral Confrence began went up to Presdent Smith’s at noon Aunt Martha [Smith Harris] was there gave me a Tenple Apr[o]n Sister [Romania Bunnell] Penrose and Press. Penrose were there also, the dnner was excellent and enjoyable wnt back in the auto [p. 94] {p. 47}

5 April 1914 • Sunday

Today after morning meeting wnt down with Julina & Martha S. Harrris, Pres. J. F. Smiiths sisters, she has given me a beautiful Temple apron had dinner with Pres. Smiith & Penrose Romania was also there Very good preaching Easter Sunday mext week mny bre[t]hren spoke and house and two others meetings crowded [p. 95] {p. 48}

6 April 1914 • Monday

Today the Confrence closed I have not been very well today Confrence closed at 4. P.M. until Oct. 1914. in the evening there were exercises in the Tabenacle Priesthood Meeeting– and the sisters were here until late– thn I wnt out and had supper, and came home to go on with the article I was writing [p. 96] {p. 49}

7 April 1914 • Tuesday

Today Gen[e]alogical classes begun1 and the Convntion was much larger than we had anticipated I h[a]d to consent to make a few remarks and to opn the convention with prayer– The event seemed quite a success I h[a]d been t[r]oubled with my article and w[a]s trying to finish it and get it type-written

There is a party up stairs and I am going up a few minutees [p. 97] {p. 50}

8 April 1914 • Wednesday

<Susa and others left at night> Today is the anniversary of Emmie [Emma W. Wells]’s death. h[o]w much has transpired since that time, we havee the Ge[n]ealogical class u◊p stairrs and it is well attndeed, the sisterrs seem to enjoy the work and the spirrit of it very much indeed, there are so many undertakings and one really feels burdened with the thought which is of the most importance Susa tonnight at six [p. 98] {p. 51}

9 April 1914 • Thursday

This is the last day of the regular session of the Genealog◊y– and the sisters have been very diligent in the Genalogical worke. It carrids [carries] a good spirit and feeling with it much energry seems to be put forth in the uupholding the classes and attndance has been excellent Go[o]d ressults will be sure to follow in many places. Many old frinds have called all regrent [regret] the [illegible] I knew this wrk is bringing great blessings on the p[e]ople [p. 99] {p. 52}

10 April 1914 • Friday

<Elln B. [Ellen Brooke] Ferguson Birthday> We had our regularr meeting today insteead of yesterday becausee of the gnealogy classs There is a great deal of business to be trans[acte]d. Em. came up and Annie was here and we had a very long meeting transaccted much business, I went to the Hotel Utah for supper [p. 100] {p. 53}

11 April 1914 • Saturday

<Wrote a letter to Vice Pres. [Maria] Ogilvie Gordon to Aberdeen [Scotland]> This morning is ve[r]y quiet A beautiful day and not much excitement, seems quite a chnge from the last few weeks, weather particularly fine. Quite a few callerrs was to go to Sister [E. Amelia Crossland] MacDonald’s at 5. P.M. with Julina L. Smith, she came for me and we went together President Smith came aftrwards. Pres. Pnrose was there whn we arrved he showed me great respect Dr. [Seymour B.] Young took me to dinner [p. 101] {p. 54}

12 April 1914 • Sunday

Came home last might late rose very late, went to the Tabenacle– sermon “Easter” by Jos. E. Robison [Joseph E. Robinson] of California Mission musice suitable, went to Annie’s to dinnr and spent the evening feel that I had done the best I could considering did not get much reading except the paper Annie read f[o]r me [p. 102] {p. 55}

13 April 1914 • Monday

Wrote letter to Countess Aberdeen [Ishbel Marjoribanks Hamilton-Gordon] to Ireland R[o]yal Palace President Smith and Julina started at 12. midnight train for Ocean Park [California] to have a rest– Some frind has sent me a bouqueet of carnations– large and fragrant– left h[o]me last evening– Isabel came but has very severe cold Several str[a]ngers called Emm [Emma Adams] Empey Jenny Hyde Amy [Brown] Lyman Sarah McLellan and others have been in Letter fron Verona [Dunford Betts] very sad Dr. Ellis R. [Reynolds] Shipp has gone to Colorado to Nelliei [Nellie Shipp McKinney]– have not had a very good day [p. 103] {p. 56}

14 April 1914 • Tuesday

<Veona [Verona]’s letteer mailed tday> Was up in good time and felt fairly well Isabel cam[e] but is not much better no n[e]ws, sent off letter to Countess of Abrdeen had sent one before to M. Marie Ogiilvie [Ogilvie] Gordon have not heard from Mrs. Gordon recently Isabel went home early Brent [E. Brenton Sears] and Gene [Eugene S. Sears] have both been in Jennie Hyde came and stayed until late Cavndish was here to see mee [p. 104] {p. 57}

15 April 1914 • Wednesday

My brother Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday 77 today no doubt th[e]y are celebrating his annversary

Author’s Club met here this morning and this aftenoon D.R.2 and the address on the Mo[r]mon Battalion by Mabel [Maybelle] Thurrman Davis– no mail today– dined at Sister Farnsworth’s elegant home, Emm has come home from farm at Riverside– Isabel is no better [p. 105] {p. 58}

16 April 1914 • Thursday

<No wo[r]d from President Smith> Today have been very busy, Meeting of the Gneral Board Relief Socieety and many thngs came to be considered– Mny of them of little consequence– a card from Alicce [Alice Merrill Horne] & Elizabeth [Stevenson Wilcox][.] Jennie Hyde has been here until late, so very great things Sisetrs E. L. S. [Eliza Luella Stewart] Udall paid me a visit [p. 106] {p. 59}

17 April 1914 • Friday

So much transpired daily that one cannot keep pace with it all Th[e] weather is very fine no special n[e]ws and only a Gnalogical meeting up stairss, people coming and going, President Smith still in California and President Lund in bed stiill, Presidnt Penrose at the office etc. Julina has gone to help Presidnt Smith to recover and get his rhumatism cured I hope he will get great bnefit therre & ren[e]w his e◊◊◊◊◊y [p. 107] {p. 60}

18 April 1914 • Saturday

Today is the anniversary of Dessie Wellss birth in 1853– she was very beautiful– married Charles Read and had one daughter wh[o] is now the wife of [blank]3 th[e]y hve tw[o] boys4 she has lived abroad but n[o]w expect to returrn home to Utah p[e]rman[e]ntly I think it sems strange that Martha [Harris Wells] should have died before mee, she semed so strng and so well-balanced and had m[a]ny blessings [p. 108] {p. 61}

19 April 1914 • Sunday

<Battle of Lexington anniversary> Went to the Taberncle. and Apostle Talmage spoke at somee lngth and was followed by Levi Edgar Young– excellent sernoms [sermons] It was the Liberty Stake Conference and Hugh J. Cannon presided. In the evning Emmeline and her husband5 and otherrs of John Q’s and Annie’s children came over and it was quite a meeeting of the Cannons’s on John Q. birrthday [p. 109] {p. 62}

20 April 1914 • Monday

I came up late and did not accomplish my work but there were somee letters and Isabel came and we had a few thngs done Dot came down and the day passed off all right Therre seems every prospect of war with Mexico, the Mexicans are very aggreessive and have kiilled several of coursse the Uniited States will not overloook it [p. 110] {p. 63}

21 April 1914 • Tuesday

Tday we decided on a little spiritual meeting and have called up our Board and a f[e]w others to meeet with us and try to awaken a feeling of devotion and of faith and inspirre more sympathy and union than has seemed to pervade our meetings, n[e]ws of deprdations along the coast of Meexico is causing uneasimeess [uneasiness] and it is the genral feeling that there will be war [p. 111] {p. 64}

22 April 1914 • Wednesday

Today Sister Phebe Stoen6 is 75 years old and she is having an old lady’s party I am invited– Albrta came and Emm came too for a f[e]w minutes and I bought Mrs. Steven a book and took it up with mee– Sitser [Sister] Crissmon [Elizabeth Cain Crismon] & Fanny Woolley Parkinson were at the table with mee, I am very lonely here tonight, cannot see to read and no one to speak to [p. 112] {p. 65}

23 April 1914 • Thursday

Today Genral Board Meeting [W. Percival] Woods birrthday and we all thnk of him as a prcious jewel in the family too soon lost to us but we shall see him again in his purified & glorified state. Toniight I am to leave on the nidnight t[r]ain for Casssia Stake Conference to be at Oakley It has ben an exciting day went to Emm’s and had a bath, she gave me the best attntion possible I came away quiite elated in spirrits– Board Meeting [p. 113] {p. 66}

24 April 1914 • Friday

Left on midnight tairn [train] with Sister S. J. Cannon I had been much upset not being able to find my things, to day was pleasant arrived almost noon, went to Sister Clarke’s Maiden name Hale [Rachel Hale Clark], had lunch and officerss meeting at 2. P.M. Very excellent feeeling Alicee [Bryson] Sessions President– a good atendance and thn a good supper thn we all wnt to the opera in the Oakly Acadeny, play [p. 114] {p. 67}

25 April 1914 • Saturday

Conferenc opend with Officers meeting at nine A.M. good attndance and good spirit, at 10.30 wnt in to the Relief Socieety Conference and went to dinner at noon afrnoon largely attnded & reception at 4.30 Refreshments served to hundreds. Apostle Jos. F. Smith Junior and Rulon S. Wells were the missionarries sent by the Priesthood Frances [Kingsbury] Thomassen and Beatrice Cannon we all had opportuntiy to speak, meetin[g] in the evening all spoke again went home late and [2 illegible words] [p. 115] {p. 68}

26 April 1914 • Sunday

Sunday moning house c[r]owded we all spoke some excellent reports given of Stake work went to Presidnt [William T.] Jack’s to dinner– thn aftenoon session closed and we went to the house and collected our tru[n]ks and went to President Jack is an exceedingly poliite & gracious person he went with us to Burly [Burley, Idaho] and we called on the Sessions family while waiting for train thn took train home The Princess of Poppy Land [p. 116] {p. 69} <was given by amateurs in Cassia Stake Academy>

27 April 1914 • Monday

Arrived home this norning at 8 o’clock found all well have been resting all day– Emn came in a few minutes Cavendish also came he has a party this evening of the French and German teachers and students frm the Univesity dorm home: I have been info[r]med that Pres. Smith will retu[r]n next Wednesday I spoke to Pres. C. W. Penosre [Penrose] & wife Romania over the phoone tonight I hope it will be a success Cavndish seems to get on with p[e]ople very well indeed– I am very lonely & weary [p. 117] {p. 70}

28 April 1914 • Tuesday

This morning did not feeel very well and was late in getting out felt vry fa[i]nt but revived and dressed ready to go to Sister [Maria Young] Dougall’s meeeting a sort of spiritual blessing[.] came homee in B[u]rton’s Auto There were quite a large number present R. [Richard] W. Young’s wife,7 Mrs. [May Booth] Talmage, Mrs. [Rose Wallace] Bennett Mrs. [Julia Gutke] Brixen, Mrs Sharrp8 Lizzie [Elizabeth Liddell] Felt Augusta Grnt [Winters Grant] Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton Dr. Roberts Zina Y. [Young] Card Zina Y. Card9 & otherrs Jennie Hyde and Amy Lynan [Lyman] spent the evening herre conversed with Anniie telephon [p. 118] {p. 71}

29 April 1914 • Wednesday

<Julina came home today> This morning heard Prof Snow of Maine in the Author’s Club on the Art of Conversation, he is also a poet, had the regular meeting of the R.S. Gen. Board10 today because missionaries are going away tomorrow to var[i]ous localitiees.11 I have not been very well– Emily [Tanner] Richards left for Canada and several of us go tomorrw weather very fine and moon very bright Prsident Smith returned today [p. 119] {p. 72}

30 April 1914 • Thursday

Hurried off and had dinn[er] and began to th[i]nk Sister Hyde was not coming Annie came and she wnt with me to the depot also Julina– g[o]ing to attnd R.S. Conference at Carey Idaho Boise Stake Reachd Shoshone [Idaho] near midnight found Br. R. Smith looking for us and took us to Sister [Mary Taylor] Draper’s where we stayed all night nicee placee– [p. 120] {p. 73}

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April 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 14, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1914/1914-04


  1. [1]The Relief Society general board sponsored a three-day course in “systematic” genealogical record keeping for women delegates from various stakes. It was held in the auditorium of the Bishop’s Building with Susa Young Gates as the instructor. (“Keeping of Records Is Being Taught,” Evening Telegram [Salt Lake City], 7 Apr. 1914, 16.)

  2. [2]Daughters of the Revolution.

  3. [3]Albert R. Hager.

  4. [4]Albert Read Hager (1905–1947) and Albert Ralph Hager Jr. (1907–1928). (“Albert Read Hager,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/L62D-YHW; “Albert Ralph Hager,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/K48V-7F6.)

  5. [5]Lyman R. Martineau.

  6. [6]Likely Phebe Watts Sloan, who turned seventy-five on 22 April 1914. EBW attended parties for Sloan’s birthdays in 1908 and 1912 as well. (EBW, Diary, 22 Apr. 1908 and 20 Apr. 1912.)

  7. [7]Minerva Richards Young.

  8. [8]Likely Sophia Smith Sharp.

  9. [9]Perhaps Zina Card Brown.

  10. [10]Relief Society general board.

  11. [11]The term “missionaries” refers to members of the board and other sisters called by the Relief Society general presidency to visit outlying stakes. (See EBW, Diary, 2 July 1914.)