November 1894

25 November 1894 • Sunday

This morning rose late after a rather sleepless night– bathed and changed apparel– went over some old things that called up the past vividly, and also some old books– mailed my letters to Mrs. [Mary Ann Greenwood] White Beaver & Mrs. [Rachel Wright] Evans Brigham City in reference to sending delegates to W.S.A. Convention in Atlanta Georgia. Louise came to go with me to dinner at their house– when we had dined Emily [Wells] Grant and children arrived and we spent the afternoon together– Annie’s children except baby had gone to Mrs. [Theresa Rodemann] Zarbucks. Emily went away after tea about 8. and I came home about ten. Dot is here to stay all night Mr. [Charles W.] Betts from Murray [Idaho] dined at Belle’s today [p. 329] {p. 132}

26 November 1894 • Monday

sent letter to Mrs. Jennie Nelson, Ogden– meeting of the Silk Association– Mrs. Allen came Mrs. Salisbury had sickness so I had to preside– I had a very heavy mail this morning– but no money which is much needed at present to keep the paper going [p. 330] {p. 133}

27 November 1894 • Tuesday

An important meeting of the National Woman’s Relief Society– hurried all the morning and went over to the Temple, then to Phebe Beatie’s where we had lunch, and finally meeting convened at 2. p.m. with a sufficient number to transact business.

In the evening I went to the theatre to see [Thomas W.] Keene in the play of Louis the Eleventh <with Annie> a most tragic tragedy. Received letters today from Josefa Hempal Zeman and Louise Carry Smith, both asking for information, I came home late and very weary almost too exhausted to sleep even– [p. 331] {p. 134}

28 November 1894 • Wednesday

This is Annette [Wells Culmer]’s birthday and I have had a very busy time of it– went up to June’s and had lunch with June [Junius F. Wells] & Lena [Helena Fobes Wells]– he gave me “The Last Leaf[”] beautifully illustrated, and also “Icarus’ for a Thanksgiving gift– Mrs. Salisbury called and brought me a magnificent chrysanthemum white double leafed like a white lily. In the evening Elise came to help me and I wrote to Mell, Venona [Verona] and to Chicago for a copy of the Chicago Tribune containing a letter from Utah about Utah Women– mentioning me and others– [p. 332] {p. 135}

29 November 1894 • Thursday

This morning rose as early as usual– looked up on some of my books in library and read awhile then set to writing on editorial– kept busy for many hours a very weary Thanksgiving, at five p.m. dressed for dinner and went over to Belle’s Mr. Ed. Halton of St. Louis was there and Mr. Geo. Brasston [B. Brastow] of this City– we had a delicious dinner and everything went off beautifully– [p. 333] {p. 136}

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November 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 11, 2025