February 1846
- 27–28 February
- 8 March
- 22 March
Crossed the Chariton River and saw teams being dragged up the steep banks by men with a rope.
- 2 April
Sent letter to her sister back in Nauvoo with Orrin Porter Rockwell.
- 6–7 April
Heber C. Kimball’s special prayer brought a clear day before torrents of rain returned.
- 15 April
- 17 April
27 February 1846 • Friday
Friday Feb 27. 1846.
Mrs. [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney[,] Sarah Ann [Whitney Kimball] and myself crossed the river to go to the encampment of the saints. Br. Lot [Cornelius P. Lott] and his wife2 took Mrs W. and myself in their carriage. We crossed the river a part of the way on foot, and then went on to the encampment about 7 miles beyond; we reached the destined place about sunset when <came in> we view it looked like pictures I have seen of the ancients pitching their tents and journeying from place to place with their cattle and their goods. We repaired immediately to Br. H. [Heber] C. Kimballs tent [p. 21] {p. 19}3 took supper and slept for the first time on the ground. There was a snow-storm without yet all was peace and harmony within.
28 February 1846 • Saturday
Sat. Feb. 28.
This morning Mrs Whit. felt troubled about the little children and Br Kimball prophesied they should all arrive today in safety. About twelve o’clock Joshua [K. Whitney] came on his _____, and immediately after John [K. Whitney], with grandmother, Olive [Bishop Whitney] and the two little children;4 Orson [K. Whitney] soon followed on the colt, bringing word that his father was behind with the teams; the band then started out, together with several other carriages to escort [p. 22] {p. 20} Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney to the encampment, he having stayed in Nauvoo so long after the rest came away: he came about five o’clock, pitched his tent, Joseph [C. Kingsbury] also pitched his, put up his stove, we put down the carpets and soon had a comfortable place to pass the night.5
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[1]See Madsen, Intimate History, 75–78.
[2]Permelia Darrow Lott
[3]text: An unknown person inserted additional page numbers in pencil on this diary. Those numbers are not noted in this transcription.
[4]Don Carlos Whitney and Mary Jane Whitney.
[5]“At this time, Joseph C. Kingsbury had direct responsibility for four persons other than himself: Loenza, his wife; Sarah Ann Whitney and Mary Houston, plural wives of Heber C. Kimball; and eighteen-year-old Emmeline B. Woodard, plural wife of Newel K. Whitney. Mary and Emmeline traveled with Joseph because Sarah Ann was now in her ninth month of pregnancy and needed additional assistance.” (Cook, Joseph C. Kingsbury, 97–98.)