The Church Historian's Press

February 1846


27–28 February

Crossed the Mississippi River from Nauvoo into Iowa Territory and encamped with the Newel K. Whitney and Joseph Kingsbury families.

8 March

Sarah Ann Whitney Kimball gave birth.

22 March

Crossed the Chariton River and saw teams being dragged up the steep banks by men with a rope.

2 April

Sent letter to her sister back in Nauvoo with Orrin Porter Rockwell.

6–7 April

Heber C. Kimball’s special prayer brought a clear day before torrents of rain returned.

15 April

Celebrated with music late into the night after William Clayton received news of the birth of a son to his wife Diantha in Nauvoo.

17 April

Advanced through a prairie fire, clearing a road across blackened ground with ash blowing in their faces.

27 February 1846 • Friday

Friday Feb 27. 1846.

Mrs. [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney[,] Sarah Ann [Whitney Kimball] and myself crossed the river to go to the encampment of the saints. Br. Lot [Cornelius P. Lott] and his wife2 took Mrs W. and myself in their carriage. We crossed the river a part of the way on foot, and then went on to the encampment about 7 miles beyond; we reached the destined place about sunset when <came in> we view it looked like pictures I have seen of the ancients pitching their tents and journeying from place to place with their cattle and their goods. We repaired immediately to Br. H. [Heber] C. Kimballs tent [p. 21] {p. 19}3 took supper and slept for the first time on the ground. There was a snow-storm without yet all was peace and harmony within.

28 February 1846 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 28.

This morning Mrs Whit. felt troubled about the little children and Br Kimball prophesied they should all arrive today in safety. About twelve o’clock Joshua [K. Whitney] came on his _____, and immediately after John [K. Whitney], with grandmother, Olive [Bishop Whitney] and the two little children;4 Orson [K. Whitney] soon followed on the colt, bringing word that his father was behind with the teams; the band then started out, together with several other carriages to escort [p. 22] {p. 20} Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney to the encampment, he having stayed in Nauvoo so long after the rest came away: he came about five o’clock, pitched his tent, Joseph [C. Kingsbury] also pitched his, put up his stove, we put down the carpets and soon had a comfortable place to pass the night.5

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February 1846, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024