September 1904

1 September 1904 • Thursday

Sixty years ago this morning my first baby boy1 was born, how strange it seems almost incredible, I was in hopes I might have had some extra time to think but it is not so– hurry and fatigue seem to be constant. Annie and the children are here and the house is full of work, and little time for poetic thought.

I saw the Governor and his wife2 for a few minutes, he is not down cast in the least apparently. I called on Mrs. Clint [Clarissa Young] Spencer, she is very warm-hearted and hospitable. I also called upon Mrs. Philo T. Farnsworth [Julia Murdock Farnsworth] and had a talk with her, she is not feeling very amiable towards the Board. At evening I succeeded in getting a few papers off Sister Smith our President and several others were in today and we had a very pleasant time {p. 153}

2 September 1904 • Friday

Today has been a trying one to me I had lost some money not a large sum but it upset me Jode [Joseph S.] Wells gave me a large bouquet of flowers, I did some work for the Committee on Literature and put all the things together that were ready. Meeting in the Business College 16. present and considerable business transacted. Pleasant in every way more so than usual. President Joseph F. Smith and party left for the Southern settlements, Anthon Lund & Hyrum M. Smith with him. The weather is much cooler in fact fall has set in. Sister Laura Hyde Merrill has two very sick children. Annie did not attend the meeting today‒ Isabel went though and Alice appointed some of her Peace Committee myself Thomas & Stevenson will appoint more later. word has come that Gem in Idaho is destroyed by fire. {p. 154}

3 September 1904 • Saturday

Had a very poor night and went off this morning feeling miserable. On reaching the office found considerable mail waiting letter from Mell and Verona and one from Lucynthia Robins [Lucynthia Hubbard Robbins] Oakley 2 from Julia A. [Peterson] Richards, Riverside. I hurried over my Saturday’s business and went off to the Conference in Liberty Stake held at 2nd Ward meeting house, Sister B. W. Smith and S. J. Cannon were there and it was a nice Conference lots of flowers and fine singing. It was very enjoyable Sister Lucy W. Kimball was taken ill in the meeting and that was depressing. Just after reaching home Col. [James S.] Clarkson called on me and we had a pleasant conversation, he is very genial and a good friend of our people The Governor had a reception of the Officers at Ft. Douglas John Q. attended {p. 155}

4 September 1904 • Sunday

This morning went early to the Temple, and as usual sat in my accustomed seat, a feeling of gloom came over me and all thro’ the meeting there seemed to be that solemnity I have never before experienced there. President J. R. Winder presided and only C. W. Penrose of the Apostles present. Prayer was offered by Samuel W. Richards, Opening remarks by Br. Winder upon prayer, C. W. Penrose J. E. Talmage, singing Isabella Beeching Alice Goddard Geo D. [F.] Gibbs, Sister Maeser Sophia T. Nuttall Tom. Hull Martha G. Wells James Woodruff E. J. Stevenson Ann M. Cannon Eliza [Slade] Bennion Alice K. [Kimball] Smith Agnes McGhee [McGhie] H. [Hamilton] G. Park C. C. R. Wells Closing prayer Adolph [Adolphus C.] Madsen. Went up with Hannah & Martha and to the 18th. Ward fast meeting gave donation one dollar, spoke in the meeting as I felt impressed. Bishop Empey. was prayed for in the Temple and in the 18th. Ward. Came home to visit with Annie, girls went to evening meeting in Cannon Ward {p. 156}

5 September 1904 • Monday

<Last night Bishop N. A. Empey died. Sister Beatie died at eleven A.M. today> Went up to the office to work as usual then over to Sister B. W. Smith’s asked her about the 2 Conferences a year in Pioneer Stake instead of four; she thinks it even better the same as we do, and so does Clarisssa. I received a letter from Ida S. Dusenberry from New York and read it to Sister Smith then we went together to Sister Hyde’s and read it to her. She had a great deal to say, I wanted to send a telegram but she over-ruled it. Labor Day and a fine parade on the streets, stores and shops all closed. Sister Marian T. Beatie died this morning, after an illness of a few days with paralysis. Towards evening I went to Sister B. W. Smith again for her to see and sign Ida’s letter that I had written in reply to hers received this morning. She told me Col. Clarkson had been to call on her with H. [Hiram] B. Clawson. He had paid her pretty compliments Belle came over this evening and stayed quite a while. Margaret went to a party at Gwenni [Gwennie] Starley’s {p. 157}

6 September 1904 • Tuesday

Mrs. [Lillie Moore] Pardee called to see me She has been away some years, She had a book on Astrology and wanted me to write my name in it which I did. I have had many callers and been hurried and worried considerably, and in trying to do mailing and reading proof at the same time, one does get very weary. Sister Jane S. Richards came and invited me to attend the Conference in Ogden on Thursday the 8th. inst. I intend going as I have not been there since the Relief Society Hall was dedicated, and I really feel I would like to see the dear old sisters once again. Sister Lambert and Sister Stevenson Sister Harker and others have been in and all the talk of the town is that there is a split in the Democratic party Bishop Empey will be buried tomorrow from the Assembly Hall {p. 158}

7 September 1904 • Wednesday

<Hattie [Harriet Bennion] Harker has been in & told me Augusta [Winters] Grant is sick.> Today I am trying very hard to get everything done so as to go to Ogden tomorrow. So many callers it seems quite impossible and after all I fear I will not be able to finish. Aunt Presendia Kimball’s birthday and one recalls how much the sisters thought of visiting her and the blessing she always gave them. At 1/2. past two the funeral in the Assembly hall took place, a long procession of carriages followed the remains to the graveyard. President Richard W. Young of Ensign Stake presided in the Hall. Remarks were very encouraging to the bereaved. Came home very weary Sisters M. A. Lambert & Leonora C. Gardner were here visiting with Annie when I came in. The girls went to Abram Gould’s [Abraham J. Gold] farewell party at Cannon Ward Louise Margaret & Daniel. {p. 159}

8 September 1904 • Thursday

<Abram [H. Cannon] fell in the Spring at Belle’s today David pulled him out> Went off early took proof of Program for Pioneers to George S. [H.] Horne in the Bank and found Emily Richards waiting for me on the corner, her husband Franklin S. joined us at the station, arrived in Ogden and went to the Relief Society hall before noon. A goodly number were assembled Br. F. [Franklin] S. Richards dismissed the meeting with a prayer. then all were invited to have lunch in the dining hall below. Hon. F. S. Richards sat at the head of the Table by his mother Br. C. [Charles] F. Middleton pronounced the blessing. In the afternoon we both spoke also Br. Richards Emily gave a little sketch of her visit to Europe, the Congress, the Art Galleries, River scenery etc. receptions etc. I talked longest and felt well in addressing the good sisters. Sister Marian Beatie’s funeral was held today at Rulon’s house. {p. 160}

9 September 1904 • Friday

A letter from Mrs. Sewall this morning rather complimentary it seems she has not cared much for the ladies who went over, yet one would suppose from reports she was taken quite by surprise with their eloquence and knowledge Visitors today one railroad man, for certificate of Sister Richards, and Sawyer Lindsey C. C. R. Wells, Margaret A. Caine several unknown there besides I finished some work that worried me very much indeed. It is something of a relief to get things off one’s mind, came home earlier than usual. Belle came over and sat a few minutes Annie went over there to lunch to day– she does not seem so very well and I am troubled, Mattie Cannon came to tell me she is going to take Elizabeth [R. Cannon] to Stanford University to see her situated in the school Margaret has gone out tonight with Hanson {p. 161}

10 September 1904 • Saturday

Mrs. Pardee & daughter Florence came Belle came in meantime I gave my picture to Mrs. Pardee Sister Smith and Clarissa came about letters and I answered them while Sister Smith waited we had a long talk about many things and both seemed in good spirits– Sister Smith looked very well indeed and happy about having her picture painted {p. 162}

11 September 1904 • Sunday

This is may be the last Sunday Annie will be here and so I stayed at home and did very little because I wanted to keep Annie company. I would like to have her stay if I could as it will seem lonely when they are gone but of course it is ridiculous to think about anything so inconsistent. The children all went to Sunday School except Margaret and baby.

Sarah Jane Jenne Cannon’s birthday 65 years old today I gave her a pretty book of poems {p. 163}

12 September 1904 • Monday

Monday morning Mrs. Pardee came in again and we went over to the News Building together and the reporters made a notice of her. Sister B. W. Smith and Alice came and talked of the picture Lee [Greene] Richards was to paint and we went up into his studio and looked through the collection, and talked of the dress she was to sit in and how she would look in this gown or that one I had a number of callers and no time to devote to them This is Sister Elmina S. Taylor’s birthday she is seventy four and in very poor health but better than she has been Annie commenced moving today, and clearing out things and bringing from the storehouse. The children started to school. {p. 164}

13 September 1904 • Tuesday

This is John [K.] Whitney’s birthday he was born in 1830 so is 72 today, many of those we knew long ago are gone behind the vail now, so few of the older saints. I have been specially busy getting my paper in shape Susa was here and we had a long talk afterwards Julina came and stayed all the afternoon {p. 165}

14 September 1904 • Wednesday

This is Eugene’s birthday he is 22. I gave him a book Eli Perkins “Thirty years of Wit” went over there this evening Annie was there making a call such a handsome bowl of nasturtiums on the table. Mrs. Pardee bade me Good Bye today I gave her a letter to Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman introducing. Susa has been in and brought more manuscript to be revised Today the dissatisfied Republicans are going to meet and organize a party of their own the meeting will be in the Grand theatre this evening. John Q. came home late he had been into the meeting, did not seem to think much of it or that it would result in much of an undertaking old liberals and some new ones {p. 166}

15 September 1904 • Thursday

This morning hurried off and went direct to Printers then to President’s Office saw President J. R. Winder and secured the Assembly Hall for Business Meeting Monday Oct. 3. and Wednesday Oct. 5. for the Conference, then went to the Temple and saw Sister B. W. Smith notified her talked about a notice for the paper and gave her Isabel’s invitation to come to the meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution at her home tomorrow, also invited Sister Emma Woodruff both accepted and seemed pleased. Margaret Caine had a letter from Fred Takio and he said he had translated my poem Little children love the Savior into the Japanese language. Went to the Peace meeting in Young Woman’s Journal office, just a few present. Have been five times to the printers in the Seventh story today {p. 167}

16 September 1904 • Friday

Today has been busy and I have gone up and down the elevator here and in the Deseret News Building to get my paper made up properly and be ready when it was time to go to Belle’s. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came and we started. Clint Spencer the Secretary on the same car. We had a nice Meeting and a fine paper by Ella W. Hyde Sister Smith opened with prayer and I closed. A good deal of business was transacted and we had refreshments after. The decorations were superb the most exquisite roses and naturtiums and sweet peas. Belle was a fine hostess the only guests were Sister B. W. Smith and Emma S. Woodruff Went back to the office with the ladies and did some extra work towards the paper then home Annie spent the day with May Hugh’s wife {p. 168}

17 September 1904 • Saturday

Today I am trying hard to work– sent notices of Peace meetings to the papers and fixed copy Sister Smith went up to the Studio of Lee Richards and had her first sitting, Alice M. Horne went with her and then she came into see me and brought letters for me to reply one from Mesa City about Outline and one from the Council. I wrote to Mesa and she signed it and mailed it herself Jos Cannon brought his wedding invitations for our folks he was not at all w[e]ll. Sister Carrie S. Thomas and Sister Rebecca E. Little came and brought the books to go to St. Louis. Louise & Margaret went to the Matinéee to see the Wizard Oz. they called and seemed quite delighted. After reaching home I learned Annie had not been well all day. {p. 169}

18 September 1904 • Sunday

This is a sad month for me and invariably I feel more or less the depression of past experiences during this month. There was a fine shower to cool the air and freshen the vegetation. All the children went off to Sunday School except baby and I stayed at home all day to keep Annie company. Belle came over for a time She is paying for a nurse in Granite Stake and I feel proud of it– the woman is 40 years old a steady looking [blank] name [blank] I did just a little writing for it seems to me I must give my time on Sunday to Annie while she is here Louise & Margaret went to the evening meeting and Al. Hanson came home with them. {p. 170}

19 September 1904 • Monday

<This morning Belle and Gertrude went to the opening exercises of the Nurse class.> This is the anniversary of Herbert Whitney Sears death and a sad one it was indeed. Belle mourned her heart away nearly; he was a fine child particularly attractive and very forward.

Sister Jane S. Richards came early to the office and then Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Alice M. Horne, they had been in the gallery studio with Lee Richards did not stay long. I took Sister Richards to dinner with me at the Royal. Afterwards went to the Peace Committee Meeting in the Young Woman’s Journal Office. Emily Richards is Member on Peace for the Relief Society now by appointment instead of Alice Horne, Sister Jane S. Richards attended the meeting. I went home in fairly good time, wrote a letter to Mary Wright Sewall. Lost my purse with 5 dollar gold piece and a quarter in silver {p. 171}

20 September 1904 • Tuesday

Went up in good time could not hear of my purse, secured Room Barratt Hall for Peace Meeting– paper came over, have not done much wrote another letter to Mrs. Sewall. Emeline came in lent her “The Jessamy Bride”– no letters this morning. I am upset about my purse, Margaret, Mrs. Martha West and several others came in at last Sister [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron forlorn indeed. I started off to catch the 4.30 car for Cannon farm to see Annie and the new house. found her and George Q. twins had gone to Primary also Emmeline Cavendish & Catherine. Emmeline was chosen Secretary of the Primary today. Went back to office and fixed things to come home. {p. 172}

21 September 1904 • Wednesday

Today took check to bank for Belle and several errands tried hard to get off papers, Sister Phebe Woodruff Snow came to see me talked of the Woodruff and Snow families. called on Dr. Pratt for a minute or two, she seems quite as busy as I am. Annie went over to the farm this morning and stayed all day Joseph Cannon who is to be married on the 28th. is quite ill. Hester [Cannon Richards] is getting better of typhoid fever. Today I was invited to go to Ogden to Mrs. Frank J. Cannon [Martha Brown Cannon]’s party and could not go. Louise wanted to go up to see the [Joseph B. and Olive Browning] Wallace’s but when I failed to go she decided to stay at home. I had a number of callers who hindered me with my work, no letters came today. {p. 173}

22 September 1904 • Thursday

This morning went up and found letter from Ida Dusenberry went over to Sister Smith’s at noon that is to the Temple and saw her and arranged for a meeting on Monday at 4. p.m. Louise and Margaret both came in, Hannah Wells and Emeline, and others, did not get very much accomplished 3|had a dreadful dream last night have felt depressed all day– no relief in any way Priscilla Smith came and related her adventure of getting lost trying to go to Kanab to visit the Conference. Clara Little Clawson was with her. Louise has gone to her cousin Elizabeth [H. Cannon]’s to a party.

Joseph J. Cannon has come down with small-pox and is at his mother’s. Karl Q. Cannon came home today from New Zealand where he has been on a mission. {p. 174}

23 September 1904 • Friday

Today the pioneers meet at Jote [Josephine] Spencer’s to celebrate the coming into the valley of Daniel Spencer’s company 1847. Belle has gone but I really could not go, Bishop O. F. Whitney gave the principal talk on the subject. It is the opening meeting of the season after the vacation and was very poorly attended. Today at the home of Sister Sarah J. Jenne Cannon Joseph and Florence Groesbeck were married by Dr. Wm. T. Cannon the attending physician as the young lady had been exposed & felt it was best to remain there. The ceremony took place on the piazza and the witnesses were outside the fence. A number of young ladies and she threw a bouquet to them Jean Hyde caught it and of course that decided her wedding to be the next. However it seems a sad ending to a happy courtship they were to be married next Wednes. {p. 174}

29 September 1904 • Thursday

Today Annie is finishing packing and goes over to the new house I feel very anxious about her and can scarcely keep from going to see how she is, and in the afternoon down I went to see her, I found her happy enough but the range was not put up and no cooking could be done still she is better to be there any way before Conference begins. The children are all delighted to be at the Farm once again. I am very fond of the Farm myself as it seems like an old Baronial residence and certainly the Cannon family have the greatest reason to be proud of the improvements made there by their illustrious father and it never ought to pass out of the hands of the direct heirs of the famous George Q. Cannon Lonely here tonight and yet I feel I must continue in my own home. {p. 181}

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September 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]Eugene H. Harris.

  2. [2]Emily Katz Wells.

  3. [3]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.