September 1891

1 September 1891 • Tuesday

Today Mell went to see Ellen This is a day to be remembered by me– how many recollections it awakens of the dead past– forty seven years ago–1 to me it seems ages– or as though the events had transpired in another world– long distances from here– Mell and I went up to the graves and from there over to Belle’s, while we were there Ort & Zine came and I left and went over to see some of the folks and Mell rode home with them, and we were all invited to Em [Emmaretta] Whitney Pypers the next Tuesday– [p. 274] {p. 251}

2 September 1891 • Wednesday

Today we have been so busy and towards evening Aunt Zina and I went up to see Sister Sarah Richards who is very low and not expected to live, she did not know us at all, after leaving there we came over the hill to Willard’s, and rode home in his carriage, Will Croxall driving. Mell and I had a nice evening together no other company– We talked mostly of books and of Daisie’s beaux– and were intensely in earnest on some special topics– she holds ultra views and has changed very much since she went away to the North country [p. 275] {p. 252}

3 September 1891 • Thursday

I went to the Fast meeting Aunt Zina called for me but I was not ready but went up afterwards & when the meeting was out we went to see Sister Sarah S. Richards together, she did not know us at all, and lay in a kind of stupor– I did not think we should see her again alive. We went over to Lydia Ann & Susan’s and had dinner, and I came home and made some preparations for copy and then we both went to the Second Ward to a meeting of the Relief Society called to reorganize– had supper at Br. Luch’s [James Leach] Sister [Margaret Mitchell] Caine was there, and after the company had gone except a few, we had a little time of administering and blessing the sisters– [p. 276] {p. 253}

4 September 1891 • Friday

Mell has gone to stay a few days with Rose Wightman & I am left more alone, Belle is quite ill and Elise had to go home and leave me, the weather is very warm. Mell Rose & May went over to the Lake for a bath, Mell enjoyed it very much indeed– I have more to do than usual and more anxiety and feel less able to endure it. I have not the repose that is required to do the sort of thing I am trying to accomplish [p. 277] {p. 254}

7 September 1891 • Monday

Aunt Presendia [Huntington Kimball]’s birthday but it was impossible for me to go– Sister Richards and Mamie & Pearl [Russell] came and Sister Richards took up the whole of the day almost– Sister Smith came over too– Aunt Zina could not be found and therefore messages were left with Sister Smith & with me– I have much to do because of writing articles for my own paper it really does take a lot of time and I feel that it is a hindrance to other things I might do [p. 280] {p. 255}

8 September 1891 • Tuesday

Today hurried and went to Hospital meeting [p. 281] {p. 256}

10 September 1891 • Thursday

My dear Emmie would have been 38 if she had been living so many years since she passed away. Belle went over to the graveyard and took what flowers she could. [p. 283] {p. 258}

14 September 1891 • Monday

Little Eugene [S. Sears]’s birthday Nine years old– I gave him a pair of stockings and his father gave him new clothes– his mother gave him a nice present too and he had Race [Horace N. Whitney] with him all day long and they went out riding in the tea-cart– [p. 287] {p. 259}

17 September 1891 • Thursday

This is such a day of work– and first thing came a lady to talk to me, and made an engagement for the afternoon, several others called later in the day, and then came Mrs. [Eleanor Walker] Long, who kept me busy answering questions and making explanations for two hours. then Zine Whitney came and invited me to go with Mell & herself to Uncle Lorenzo [D.] Young’s, as Mrs. Long was still here she included her in the invitation and we all went– Br. Lorenzo was very glad to see us I think and kissed me much to my surprise– we had a del[i]cious supper– and pleasant time altogether. Mr. [John] Long came to see me in the evening, he is intensely English a very bright man.– [p. 290] {p. 260}

18 September 1891 • Friday

Mell and I went to the sexton this morning on business and had to wait a long time– then I went over to Belle’s and had lunch, then home past May’s and asked her to go shopping with Mell, and called on Lena– then home to work at the mailing Belle went to the theatre with Sep Jr. to see the “Stranglers of Paris”– Dot stayed here. Mell went off to Rose Wightman’s. Dot was sick and I was weary and lonely– [p. 291] {p. 261}

19 September 1891 • Saturday

After a miserable night I rose unrefreshed and weary. Sister [Esther Wright] Fletcher was waiting for me to see about a sister going to the Hospital, I spoke through the telephone and informed them– Sister Kimball came in reference to the lady delegate from Wyoming to the Irrigation Convention Georgia [Georgiana Snow] Carlton–2 said she was officially delegated same as the men. We have been diligently working at the mailing Dot Em. & myself. Mell had letters from Will Mrs. Lucas & Eva Millspaugh. Belle came down was feeling badly. Mill [Melvin D.] Wells called to say Good Bye– [p. 292] {p. 262}

20 September 1891 • Sunday

Sat up until 2 in the morning and slept as late as possible afterwards, and then tried to straighten around and went to the Tabernacle, Br. Penrose preached on Faith and Christian Science & the choir sung “Let the Mountains shout for joy” and the congregation sung the Doxology–

Miss [Kate] Bridewell now Mrs. Anderson called and two Misses Reid & a Mr. Foster strangers called, then I had supper and Sep came and I did up a few little things and Mell came home I gave her Victor Hugo’s complete works and one volume of Bulwer [Edward Bulwer-Lytton]– [p. 293] {p. 263}

23 September 1891 • Wednesday

Mell has been making a number of calls last night she went with Mary Jane & Latie [Vilate Groo Taylor] to the theatre and staid all night and this morning had breakfast there and came home about lunch time. She is not very well pleased with the dressmaking that has been done for her. [p. 296] {p. 264}

24 September 1891 • Thursday

Francelle Pomeroy’s birthday born in Nauvoo 1845– I remember it well. up on Parley St. We thought then it was such a beautiful name– Francelle Eugenia Isme was very proud of her and so was the grandmother– those were queer days everything so new and strange and mysterious to me and to many others. Joseph was gone and the people were always telling of him and longing to hear his voice again. Brigham [Young] and Heber [C. Kimball] were the Apostles to whom the Saints seemed to turn. This is beautiful weather, the hills look grand in their purple and red with the golden sun glinting them like so much precious metal. [p. 297]3

28 September 1891 • Monday

Nett Wells birthday. She called but I did not remember to congratulat [p. 301] {p. 265}

30 September 1891 • Wednesday

Mell and I had a buggy and went out for a ride she called on some of her Gentile friends and then on some of our folks. Lydia Ann Susan Kate & May Wells, Hannah & Gershom & wife the bride4 and there we had cake and wine and wished them congratulations of course they seemed very nice showed us their presents and were quite like bride and bride groom. We called at Martha’s and at Flod [Florence Whitney] Dinwoodey’s also at Helen [Whitney ] Bourne’s who was not at home A storm came up so terrible that we could not drive any longer. It did seem too bad after we had anticipated so much pleasure. [p. 303] {p. 267}

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September 1891, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 11, 2025


  1. [1]EBW’s son, Eugene H. Harris, was born in Nauvoo, Illinois, on 1 September 1844.

  2. [2]The first National Irrigation Congress was held in Salt Lake City from 15 to 17 September 1891. Some 450 delegates from western states attended, including several women. The congress urged that the United States Congress cede public lands to states and territories that could be sold to advance irrigation. (“The Irrigation Congress,” Deseret Evening News, 15 Sept. 1891, 8.) One female delegate, Georgianna Snow Carleton, was the daughter of Zerubbabel and Mary Hawkins Snow and the first female lawyer in Utah. (“Editorial Note,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1892, 20:172; 1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City 12th Ward, Utah Territory, 179B, accessed 25 Feb. 2021,

  3. [3]text: The diary as it is presently available at (accessed 21 Jan. 2021) does not include an image for this page.

  4. [4]Ellen Sheets Wells.