February 1900

1 February 1900 • Thursday

This is little Cavendish [W.] Cannon’s birthday, his mamma is giving him a party. She was invited to Mrs. Jennings Kensington and sent regrets. I went to Mrs. Jennings for a little while and then to a political meeting and had a good time at Mrs. Jennings‒ many ladies present whom I knew and cared for and I had to come away in the midst of it. I went down to Annie’s a little while in the evening and saw the children the party was over, Cavendish was greatly delighted with his presents and had a happy day of it with his little friends and playmates. He is a remarkable child. {p. 68}

2 February 1900 • Friday

A fine day the bear has seen his shadow so the wise-acres say. Work and hurry went to the meeting of the Republican State Committee‒ members from many counties present‒ decided on apportionment of Delegates and time of Convention. Mr. Walton the Chairman is suffering from la grippe. {p. 69}

3 February 1900 • Saturday

Hard at work completed paper Miss Evans started to make it up but did not finish Louise is in the Juvenile Went up to the President’s office with Lucy A. [Augusta Rice] Clark saw Jos. F. Smith and talked with him about the delegates to Washington {p. 70}

4 February 1900 • Sunday

Had a good morning’s rest and went to look up Sister Stevenson then to Fast Meeting and spoke in the meeting a short time {p. 71}

5 February 1900 • Monday

Sisters Zina D. H. Young and Bathsheba W. Smith came to the office and talked over several matters of public interest, Sister Emily S. Richards came in and Aunt Zina and Sister Smith blest her‒ I also administered with them Aunt Zina was mouth‒ Sister E. S. R. had previously been blest by Jos. F. Smith. She is much elated about going. Sister Caine has written the letter to send with the dress of homemade silk given to Susan B. Anthony for a birthday present. black brocade all Utah silk. She intends Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby to make the presentation for her & the Silk Commission. Reaper’s Club met today. We blest Sister Lucy A. Clark she was also blest by Geo. Q. <Cannon at the Prest’s office> {p. 72}

6 February 1900 • Tuesday

Today the ladies started I wrote letters of introduction for Lucy A. Clark to Belva A. Lockwood, Ellen Powell Thompson & Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Hall Washington‒ thought she was going alone but she went after all with Mrs. Richards, so there was not so much need of it. Had a letter today from Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio. This afternoon attended the Kensington at Mrs. Sazie Jennings given by her and her mother Mrs. Sophia Sharp. It was quite a sumptuous affair and I enjoyed it very well A storm came up and when I came to the office it was like a regular blizzard however the wind died down before I left for home {p. 73}

7 February 1900 • Wednesday

Today was very full of work sent off important letters and documents and felt my mind more at rest. Tomorrow I am to go to Sister Elizabeth [Cooper] Pixton’s birthday party,1 also Sister Stevenson’s and to Annie’s to dinner as it is little Emmeline’s birthday seven years old. Miss Irvine2 brought me six albums in which to write and get other sisters to do so also‒ wrote in them tonight‒ each one different. {p. 74}

8 February 1900 • Thursday

Rose very early and went up town to catch the Murray car‒ found Aunt Zina had not taken the car and so got off and walked up there, succeeded in getting her ready and we caught the 1/2 past ten car. Phil [Phillip N.] Margetts an old time actor was on it and also John [K.] Hardy, reached Murray all right though the day was bitter cold‒ rode over in a buggy with Jennie Bennion Gerard [Gerrard]‒ found all gathered. Meeting soon began with regular program, singing Our Mountain Home so dear Sister Pixton looked splendid in black satin with real lace bright and cheerful. About 300 people present all went off well Sister Zina & myself each spoke a short time. Went to Annie’s and had dinner and then to Sister Stevenson’s party at Dr. [Charles F.] Wilcox’s {p. 75}

9 February 1900 • Friday

Today I was quite worn out with over-exerting myself yesterday. Sister Horne spent several hours in the office wrote in the six albums, afterwards I took them to Sister B. W. Smith who did the same and then to Sister Zina after dark‒ at last I persuaded her she could write in them though she was in bed as they must go to the President’s office to night. I took them there just before ten p.m. came home very weary and cold. Had my supper and worked until very late, then went to bed my eyes aching terribly bathed them then looked over magazines and read a story in Zangwills book “They that walk in darkness”‒ it is sorrowful. Emmie sent me the book at Christmas. {p. 76}

10 February 1900 • Saturday

Today we have worked hard at the mailing‒ had some visitors, quite a number in fact‒ Mabelle helped me until rather late then I kept on until nine and after. Sent off some letters and looked up on bills and so forth. My work is very complicated. I came home so completely exhausted that I really could scarcely get through even one letter, to Mary Vance Humphrey’s Junction City Kansas asking about Social Science Federation. I wish very much to know how the term in [is] interpreted and what it includes in its general application. Have not seen Annie since Thursday‒ George Q. & David came to the office to see me today. {p. 77}

11 February 1900 • Sunday

Sunday I stayed in bed late‒ and after getting up tried to do some extra writing, I was alone in the afternoon Mabelle went to the Tabernacle to the services of the soldiers who had been brought from Manilla [Manila, Philippines] that fell in battle‒ the place was crowded to its utmost capacity people standing in all the aisles. Speakers were H. M. Wells Governor Dr. Seymour B. Young Dr. [Joseph T.] Kingsbury & Dr. Talmage of the University‒ music very excellent. John Q. & Annie were at Belle’s in the evening, but did not come over here‒ no one came all day except Dot‒ and Will just for a minute. I really did rest considerable. I am not doing my best work by any means and do not know when I can come to the period where I shall feel equal to the effort extraordinary {p. 78}

12 February 1900 • Monday

We are still working at the mailing‒ had a pleasant call from Mrs. [Emma Kelly] McVicker and Mrs. R. M. [Ruth May] Fox, a note from Mrs. [Ruth Priest] Igleheart inviting me to call on Mrs. [Bertha Kunz] Baker at the Kenyon in the evening. the day has been fearfully cold and uncomfortable. A letter from the Treasurer of the National Press Association announcing the payment of dues. I had to go home and dress which was very fatiguing, and supper too because I must have some warm tea‒ it was after nine when I reached the Hotel but others came even later. Mrs. Webber Mrs. Carlton [Georgianna Snow Carleton], Mrs. [Mary Vance] Gilmer Dr. Kingsbury Miss Babccock [Maud May Babcock] Miss [E. Angeline] Holbrook were there. Mrs. Baker was most genial. Mrs. Gray [Agnes Blize] Vincent Mrs. [Anna Colburn] Plummer, Rev. Mr. [Alfred H.] Henry and some others came afterwards I did not reach home until after eleven {p. 79}

13 February 1900 • Tuesday

This morning began to clear up for meetings when Sister Emma S. Woodruff and Maria [Burnham] Winder came for some instructions about Relief Society work which I was very glad to give‒ they were very glad to be told a few things. Sister E. Woodruff seems anxious to do all in her power to make a success of her work. The military procession with the five dead soldiers from Manilla passed our place. A Committee of the Primary met in my office. Annie came and brought Abram. The business meeting of the Press Club was held at 3. p.m. eight of the regular members present. I went this evening to hear Mrs. Bertha Kunz Baker in Cyrano Bergerac recite in Monologue the play with expression etc. Gov. Wells paid for me I sat with him & walked to Main St. with him John Q. was on the car coming <home> {p. 80}

14 February 1900 • Wednesday

This is Valentine day and I have been busy with my work all day long trying to finish my mailing. I worked very hard indeed and after persevering at last succeed in finishing, though I was so weary I could scarcely finish the last. A very unpleasant day and no good news of any sort, I tried to think what I could say to Miss Anthony in the telegram, and wanted to send one to Mrs. [Carrie Chapman] Catt. but decided I could not do both, succeeded in getting Miss Anthony sent off at last and then came home to work‒ almost worn out {p. 81}

15 February 1900 • Thursday

This is Miss Anthony’s birthday and of course everything will be done in her honor & certainly she deserves it all. I would be glad to be there to welcome her and <I do> salute her from this distance, which is a satisfaction to me. I have very intense love for her. It is wonderful that she could accomplish so much. I wanted very much to have gone onto Washington and been there for the Executive Meeting of the National Council tomorrow. Went to Annie’s in the evening and had quite a visit with Annie David is not at all well. Saw Q’s letter, and felt very sorry for him away from home and so little of home life I attended a Kindergarten meeting in the Ladies Literary Club House Mabelle went with me. the speakers were Miss May Prof [William M.] Stewart and a◊lso3 {p. 82}

16 February 1900 • Friday

Today is to be very full what I must see to certain things. Went up early Sister [C.] Armeda Snow Young came for instructions, and soon after Agnes Cutler and Mrs. [Elizabeth Irving] Gardner from East Jordan on the same sort of errand.4 Soon the ladies of the Society5 begun to come in, Mrs. Martha T. [Telle] Cannon, and others. A meeting was held tho’ all did not attend. beside the Regent there were Carlie Y. [Caroline Young] Cannon, Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith, Mabelle Snow, Clarissa S. [Smith] Williams Emily H. [Hoagland] Cannon, Julia F. [Farnsworth] Lund Mary A. H. [Alice Hoagland] Cannon. We did considerable business, adjourned to annual meeting March 1. appointed a gathering in honor of Washington’s birthday Feb. 22. at Bee Hive House Went to Mrs. <Tom.> [Mary Hooper] Jennings later to a “Tea” about 60 ladies present‒ came home late Emily H. Cannon gave a fine paper on A Day In Concord {p. 83}

17 February 1900 • Saturday

Came up late Sister Brockbank came to see me and talk over matters pertaining to the Granite Stake Relief Society‒ then Miss Keene came wants to join the D.R. asked for instruction, then Sister Margaret [Farquhar] Steele who wanted to talk to me about her affairs. Then Sister Harriet T. [Taylor] Badger about business of her Relief Society in the 15th. Ward. invited me to come on their annual day and speak upon Sister Sarah M. [Melissa Granger] Kimball. Went over to Woman’s Store6 and talked with Sister [Maria Banks] Francis and her daughter Mrs. [Mary Francis] Kelley. Worked late and came home too weary to do almost anything, was ill so faint I was obliged to open the window to breathe Mabelle Snow came and told me the reception could not be at their house as expected {p. 84}

18 February 1900 • Sunday

Stayed in bed late then wrote a letter to Lucy W. Smith and to Emma Woodruff I went to the Tabernacle and felt better both in mind and body. Prof. [Joshua Hughes] Paul of the Latter day Saints College spoke first, then President George Q. Cannon‒ came home and tried to rest. {p. 85}

19 February 1900 • Monday

This morning had a prolonged visit from Sister Jane S. Richards of Ogden, she went over all the ground of the Relief Society and expressed her views on the situation talked of many things. Soon after the Reaper’s Club convened and some good papers were read and quite a few interesting things were spoken of‒ a letter from Mary Vance Humphreys of Junction City Kansas. {p. 86}

20 February 1900 • Tuesday

This morning Mabelle was very ill could not fix the breakfast‒ I had to go over to Belle’s to get something for her to take, and stayed at home until about noon. Then Lucile promised to come over and see to her. I found ladies waiting for me when I arrived, Sister Stephenson and Emily [Till] Cluff and Margaret Caine came and told me about the funeral of her niece George D. Alders little girl7 who had just been buried 21 months old. Had many callers and Susa Young Gates for hours lying on the sofa. Mary & Martha Wells8 came to invite me to go to the Theatre in the evening with Mrs. Martha G. [Givens] Wells, and see the play of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. I came down home to see about Mabelle and then rushed back, sat by Martha and we enjoyed the play very much {p. 87}

21 February 1900 • Wednesday

Went up in sunshine but it soon began to rain, Sister Jane S. Richards came and spent a couple of hours with me, I took Susa Janice Meredeth to read. Richard Mackintosh died this morning early. He is one of the richest men in the community. His wife9 was a good friend of mine, she died about five years ago. There have been many deaths this last year, and some dear friends of mine, have gone. One cannot help feeling that the time is hastening on. We who are here now, are the few of those associated together some years ago. There are many conjectures in regard to the future existence, some entertain entirely different views to others even tho’ in substance much the same. John Ruskin the great writer died recently. {p. 88}

22 February 1900 • Thursday

<Early this morning a terrific wind arose that roared & shook the houses and trees.> This is Washington’s birthday anniversary and I had so calculated on keeping it‒ with some ceremony but was disappointed. We first decided on the Bee Hive and it was actually published and then we were disappointed & heard the inconvenience of it too late to make any other arrangement for the affair. I went up to Annie’s to dinner she was getting ready to go to the celebration of the D.A.R.10 Sons and Daughters and I stayed and saw her dressed. She wore the organdie Prest. Cannon brought her from New York, and looked lovely. John Q. was in full evening dress and they went away in a carriage for the mud was something terrible. I waited until all the children were settled in bed and then came home very tired. {p. 89}

23 February 1900 • Friday

The day has been specially disagreeable and windy, hail or sleet frost and no such thing as being warm in my room. I managed some work on the paper & sent off answers to letters; looked up some old accounts and so on. Lula Greene Richards came to see me, and had some conversation about going to visit Conferences. I had a few letters but none particularly helpful. Once in a while letters come that seem to cheer and encourage me. The sisters in the new Stakes of Zion are anxious to get instruction and seem full of enthusiasm in the work. I really feel some sort of loss in not having Dr. Pratt’s or Dr. Shipp’s society as much as formerly, and Aunt Zina not being able to come as she did formerly, really there seems a gap somewhere. {p. 90}

24 February 1900 • Saturday

This is a fine day and I have done considerable work. Margaret P. Young came to see me and spent the whole morning talking of the Lion House Brigham Young and Aunt Eliza R. Snow, then Sister E. S. Taylor came and spoke of Mae [Amira Mae Taylor]’s marriage to Theodore Nystrom, it is to be in the Spring, she also told me of the book in preparation for the Young Ladies Association. I had no very important letters but wrote a few myself one to Mrs. Bailey one to Mrs. Dickinson, and a dozen to subscribers. Saw Josie Simmons [Josephine Simmons Wilkes] who used to set type for me. she is very jolly‒ has three children now. Came home late and so weary. I am beginning work on my reports from Stakes to make my final report to the General Conference11 {p. 91}

25 February 1900 • Sunday

Intended writing a sketch of my life today, but has visitors all day long. First Belle and Brent then Louise & Emmeline then Q. & Eugene‒ Will and Marian [Buchholz], then Dot‒ and finally Brenton. Mabelle went to the Tabernacle and after coming home told me a returned missionary had spoken in tongues and given the interpretation which was very beautiful, His name was [Joseph P.] Emery and he had been preaching in North Carolina. I tried to get a little writing done but could not. I wrote to Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey and to Harpers Brothers New York City inquiring for The Martian & The Admirable Lady Biddie Fane. I fully intended to finish the sketch for Bishop Whitney’s History of Utah today but because of having so many callers failed to do so. {p. 92}

26 February 1900 • Monday

This morning went up and found Sister Horne and Annie T. Hyde in the office. We went over the Relief Society Record Book of Salt Lake Stake‒ the storm began to be severe, so much so that one could scarcely be on the street Sister Horne & Hyde left before the wind was so severe, but Beatrice [Corlie] Hyde came and we went over many files of the Exponent looking up Minutes of Conferences for the Record. It was very tiresome and meantime others came in and told us how the wind was blowing. Towards evening the wind became less boisterous and I went down to the Waterloo school house to the Republican Primary, very small attendance Mr. Sears was elected Delegate to the State Convention & Mr. [James] Metcalf alternate. Belle & Mrs. Betts added to the Committee {p. 93}

27 February 1900 • Tuesday

This has been a particularly fine day, bright sunshine and warm I have been reading proof and answering letters. Visitors early Kate Brockbank Julia [Stringham Woolley] and Fannie Woolley, then a Socialist with petition to get signatures for the Social Labor Party to get the chance of having their delegate’s name on the official ballot‒ wants five hundred signatures. Later Louise & Margaret, then Mamie Cannon and finally Alice Merrill Horne. Early this morning Lucy W. Smith came with the invitations for Annual meeting Thursday March first‒ I wrote a few letters & went over some old accounts and sent off Receipts. Word came yesterday from Nephi that the Conference would be March 23rd. News of Sua [Susa] Young Gates baby’s12 death from poison‒ {p. 94}

28 February 1900 • Wednesday

This is the day we generally keep for my birthday, had the usual custom been followed there would have been 29 days in February this year, but in each hundred years to preserve an equillibrium one of the four years has to be without an extra day and it has come in my lifetime however quite a number of gifts came, Mrs. Wilcox gave me roses, perfect beauties and Belle gave me a silk waist of homemade silk blue (check) and came over early in the morning to see me, Dot Lucile & Em. gave me a year’s subscription to Current Literature. Annie T. Hyde gave me a pretty booklet, Sister Stevenson a cup and saucer, Ellis R. Shipp sent a silk handkerchief and memento harp from Arizona Mell five dollars towards a bonnet Daisie a dozen handkerchiefs, Verona [Dunford Hillard] two pairs of stockings and lace tie Annie & {p. 95} John Q. a dimity dress (blue Louise a Roller blotter, Margaret a chiffon <& lace> tie, Daniel gloves, Cavendish tie Emeline stockings etc. etc. Mrs. Fixen of Chicago What is Worth While book

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February 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-02


  1. [1]Elizabeth Cooper Pixton, a resident of Taylorsville, Utah, was celebrating her eightieth birthday anniversary. (“Elizabeth Pixton: Autobiography,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1900, 28:106; EBW, “Birthday Gathering,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1900, 28:109.)

  2. [2]Perhaps Euphemia J. Irvine or one of her younger sisters, Bertha Irvine, Mary E. Irvine, or Ruby Rutherford Irvine.

  3. [3]For additional speakers and musical numbers at this meeting, see “Society Notes,” Salt Lake Herald, 15 Feb. 1900, 4.

  4. [4]The Jordan Stake was organized on 21 January 1900. The new Relief Society officers were Marinda Bateman, Hildah Ostlund Larson, and Agnes Cutler, with Elizabeth Gardner, secretary, and Mary Aggie Cushing, treasurer. (Elizabeth Gardner, “Relief Society Jordan Stake,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. and 1 Apr. 1900, 28:119; “Larson, John A.,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:587.)

  5. [5]Daughters of the Revolution.

  6. [6]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  7. [7]The child was a boy, Lawrence C. Alder. (“Lawrence Caine Alder,” Find a Grave, accessed 31 Mar. 2020, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/27721778.)

  8. [8]Probably Mary Beatie Wells and Martha C. Wells, daughters of Heber M. Wells. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 136B, accessed 24 May 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2Q-DYF?i=11&wc=9BQK-925%3A1030550201%2C1030789001%2C1030922501&cc=1325221.)

  9. [9]Emma Goss Mackintosh. (“Died,” Salt Lake Tribune, 21 Dec. 1895, 8; EBW, Diary, 22 Dec. 1895.)

  10. [10]Daughters of the American Revolution. (“Society Notes,” Salt Lake Herald, 23 Feb. 1900, 4.)

  11. [11]“Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1900, 28:124.

  12. [12]Brigham Y. Gates. (“One Family Group Genealogy,” accessed 20 May 2021, https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/assets?id=e52a2919-e434-4049-bf6d-8ee2dded5e69&crate=0&index=3.)