January 1898


26 February

Friends gathered to celebrate the publication of EBW’s book of poetry, Musings and Memories.

30 March

Women formed a local chapter of the Society of the Daughters of the Revolution of 1776 in EBW’s office. When a statewide society was organized on 16 November, EBW was elected regent.

2 September

President Wilford Woodruff died in San Francisco. Lorenzo Snow succeeded him as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

23 September

At the county Republican convention, EBW was nominated as a candidate to run for the state house of representatives.

4 October

EBW was named to a committee appointed to handle funds and plan for a Relief Society building.

23 October

EBW and other Relief Society leaders attended meetings of the National Council of Women in Omaha, Nebraska.











[n.p.] {p. 3}

1 January 1898 • Saturday

Jan. 1. 1898

Was up in good time from Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s went over to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s gave each one a handkerchief and then came home and got ready to go to Lydia Ann [Alley Wells]’s– met Ort [Orson F. Whitney] on Main Street and went up with him did not go to the office all day had John Q [Cannon]’s tickets and went to opera in the evening– <took Lydia Ann> came home alone very weary and read in Hilda Straffords a book by Beatrice Harridon [Harraden]– took Lydia Ann one of Mary E. Wilkins New England stories called “Jane Field”– price 1.25 spent car fare– ’30 [p. 37] {p. 4}

2 January 1898 • Sunday

Jan. 2. 1898

Rose late in the morning and after preparing my own report set to work to arrange some of my papers and books (wrote a letter to Carol B [Caroline Beebe] Pratt and tried to rest myself for the excitement of the past few days had been very hard upon me Later I went over to see Belle and found that Emmie [Emma W. Sears] had been very ill indeed, came home and wrote in Helen [Kimball] Whitney’s album which I had promised long before to do. I had many serious thoughts of other days, and felt very sad– was here alone– thinking of many events past and present

3 January 1898 • Monday

<Jan. 3.> Wrote a letter to Mrs. M M [Maria Miller] Johnson1 Circleville who had sent me a very handsome booklet– [p. 39] {p. 5}

Monday Jan. 3, 1898

I went to the office this morning sad at heart and found a beautiful booklet from Ruby Lamont– one of the sweetest I had ever seen, it was as if some one thought of me and comforted me a little– Annie & Cavendish [W. Cannon] came up to see me– Aunt Zina [D. Huntington Young] came & staid to the Club– there were present besides Zina D. H. Young, Mary Ann [Price] Hyde, Elizabeth J. [DuFresne] Stevenson, Dr. R B [Romania Bunnell Penrose] Pratt, Clarissa Smith Williams, Julia [Jinks] Druce, Annie T. [Taylor] Hyde, Carrie S. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, Clara H. [Horne] James, Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor Ella W. [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde and E. B. Wells. We had the subject of Joseph [Smith] the Prophet and most pleasing reminiscences from Sisters Young and Hyde– testimonies of personal knowledge– Sister Mary A. Farnsworth of Mexico came to live with me today, I do hope we shall be comfortable together– [p. 40] {p. 6}

4 January 1898 • Tuesday

Jan. 4. 1898

Went up on the car and paid fare five cents found no letters of any importance and Emmie there at work– went to see Jode [Joseph S. Wells] the Sec. of Street Railway company but he gave me no encouragement <about a pass> and I felt depressed– he gave me a book however which I accepted but felt sorry afterwards that I had.

This is George Q’s2 birthday he is 17. today and I am very glad to say he is a fine boy and I pray he may be a good man, and keep the faith of his parents and grandparents in the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints; Aunt Zina came to see me and we had quite a long talk about matters, <and many things past & present> she gave me her membership to the N.A.W.S.A.3 1.00 and paid for Mrs. [Ellen Battelle] Dietrick’s book4 <’75 cts> and 25 cts towards Sister [Sarah Granger] Kimballs present for her 79th birthday– I spent 10 cts. for Ladies’ Home [p. 43] {p. 9} Journal for Em. and the girls and ’85 for book for George Q. a birthday gift, <Peter Stuyvesant> and five on something at Savage’s for Lucile [Sears] (a picture mat). I went to the P.O. and got two orders one for three dollars Mrs. Dietrick’s book for which I spent 1.50 of my own money and 9 cts. for the order besides stamp for the letter– four. copies in all one for R. B. Pratt & E. B. Wells Z. D. H. Young and J S [Jane Snyder] Richards– Dr. Pratt came to see me and we had a social chat about books & Hephzibah,5 Sister [Josephine Bunnell] Hardy came for her book of poems and paid 75 cts & took the leather binding– I had some other callers and went to Annie’s for dinner and spent the evening happily– came home 1/2 past eleven wrote two letters etc and sent away the P.O. Orders to Rachel Foster Avery <Philadelphia> and Harriet Taylor Upton (Warren Ohio George Alder died today at three o’clock [p. 44] {p. 10}

5 January 1898 • Wednesday

Jan. 5. 1898

This morning I was late in going up Belle and Lucile were on the same car going to Mrs. [Celia Kent] Parker’s– I had a letter from Brigham City Fanny Graehl containing check for Sub. 3.00 answered the letter and sent Receipt. I mailed to Sister [Margaret Cruikshank] Morrison Mt. Pleasant Utah one book by Lubbock Nature & Art– a very pretty little thing, and to Barry N. Hillard Hilda Strafford by Beatrice Harridan, I also mailed to Mrs. M. M. Johnson (Ruby Lamont) a copy of my own book (lavender and white). I did some editing manuscript and went out marketing a little and waited on those who came in– news came that Ex. Gov. [Arthur L.] Thomas had been appointed Postmaster– and George A. Smith Receiver. Sister [Ruth May] Fox came to see me and we called on Dr. Pratt and all three went together to the florist and ordered a shield in flowers for Br. Alder– Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon came to talk [p. 47] {p. 12} over the Convention and her speech she is preparing– to give in Washington. Annie is going to the opera tonight to hear Scalchi–

Dr. Pratt will go with Parley [P. Pratt III] and Evelyn [Cook Pratt] [p. 48] {p. 13}

6 January 1898 • Thursday

Jan. 6. 18986 Thursday

This morning I wrote to Sister Lydia D. Alder as the representative of the Utah Woman’s Press Club a letter of sympathy and condolence and sent it by special delivery. I wanted to write on my own account but could not have time.

On reaching the office I found myself late and went almost direct to the Temple to see Pearl Russell married– I was early for the ceremony and as I had taken with me one of my books of poems “Musings & Memories” I delivered that to the Librarian. Br. [John] Nicholson gave me the Receipt for it signed by Lorenzo Snow President and himself as Recorder. Bishop [John R.] Winder officiated at the marriage ceremony of Pearl and Henry [F. Fernstrom] and the witnesses were W. [William] W. Riter and [blank space] Sisters M A [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze M W [Mary White] Musser M B [Maria Burnham] Winder and myself (over) [p. 49] {p. 14}

After dinner we went to Sister [Almira Young] Russell’s and had a fine dinner– roast turkey, shrimp salad, vegetables plum pudding– wedding cake etc. Sister [Mary Ann Huntley] Burnham the grandmother was there and Sisters Freeze, Winder and myself besides the immediate family– I came back to the office and found a note from Madame [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford urging me to come to the Knutsford– after mailing nine of my books and writing a postal to Zina Y. [Young] Card I went down) met Mrs. <Charles> Reed [Lila I. Read] there too, was introduced to Mrs. Tuttle–7 and Madame Mountford introduced me to Mr. [Richard Cope] Morgan and wife8 from London– we chatted for some time and then came up town to the choir practise– but I did not go to the Tabernacle but to the office and sent out invitations for tomorrow evening [p. 50] {p. 15} to some of our sisters to meet the Madame and Mr. & Mrs. Morgan at the office. List is

Z D. H. Young M I [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne Annie T Hyde B W. [Bathsheba Bigler] Smith E S [Elmina Shepard] Taylor– A F [Amelia Folsom] Young M Y Taylor– M H Cannon Annie W. Cannon Dr. R. B. Pratt P P [Priscilla Paul] Jennings– J P M [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth Julia Farnsworth & [Almira] Mae Taylor Annie has been to see me, she had called on Aunt Martha [Harris Wells] and Mrs. Clayton9

7 January 1898 • Friday

Jan. 7. 189810

This morning I came up and did a little work– looked over my mail and prepared to go to the opening of the new Club House11 to which I had been invited– Sister Farnsworth was not well and I felt it very much for I had depended on her help and she does not seem equal to any effort. I got ready and started [illegible] and before I reached the end of the side walk towards the car I feel [fell] flat on my back and struck my head with a crack and was covered in snow I made a great exertion to rise and succeeded in time to reach the car. I really feel that the Lord was good to me in that I had no bones broken, and though my nerves were shaken up and I felt pain in my head, neck and back, yet I was comparatively safe, and have great reason to be thankful. I went to the Club House alone and enjoyed the affair very much. I only saw four or five of our sisters [p. 52] {p. 17}

I think there are many of those ladies filled with prejudice against our people. Myself, Dr. R. B. Pratt, Augusta W. [Winters] Grant. and Susie R. [Riter] Wells, Lana [Roxylena Snow] Savage were all I saw, but there were a number of Apostates who used to be Mormons. Georgie Snow Carleton, Della Snow (spinster) Mary Vance Gilmer and daughter–12 Jennitte [Jennette] Kimball Lawrence, her daughter13 and (Julia Lawrence Kimballs daughters) Florence [Kimball] Woodruff and Blanche Kimball–

Mrs. Neldan [Sarah Stern Nelden] presided– Mrs. [Charlotte Jones] Gilchrist one of the charter members, made a sort of historical speech or rather read a paper of reminiscences. Also Mrs. [Eliza Kirtley] Royle the first President and Georgie Snow Carlton at whose house the Club was born, spoke impromptu– there was some fine music and singing by gentlemen, and instrumental music by Mrs. [Minnie Pegram] Fabian; and negro ballad reading14 [p. 53] {p. 18} by a lady very good, Mrs. <Arthur> [Isabel Cameron] Brown Ch.15 of Building Com.16 made the presentation of the building complete to the Club– and Mrs. Nelden responded in behalf of the Club. one motion to make a record of all club members present was made by Mrs. Le Barthe [Eurithe Ramsey LaBarthe] and the Ch. of the several Committees gave out appointments for Com. meetings and the club adjourned, the President giving notice that she wished the friends present and new members present <also> to come forward and meet the ladies on the platform. I was presented to Mrs. Gilchrist for the first time. Mrs. Royle greeted me affectionately. Afterwards tea was served in the basement very prettily– Dr. Pratt and myself went down together. I came home and endeavored to do a little on the writing. [p. 54] {p. 19}

Madame [Eugenie Bloch] Cleophas sent me a pen <holder> that came from Paris white metal like silver a quaint pretty thing. In the evening we had Charles [M.] Cannon’s room to receive Madame Mountford and other visitors– Sister Horne arrived first then Sister Jennings, Sister Annie Hyde <&> Laura & Edna, <her girls,> Annie W. Cannon Dr. R. B. Pratt, C [Charles] W. Penrose, and Dr. M. H. Cannon, Madame Mountford, <her> Secretary Mr. Davis, and friend Alice Reynolds. <also> Mr & Mrs. Morgan from London, <he is> the editor <of the Christian> We chatted until nearly ten then the guests departed and I came home and found Sister Farnsworth gone and the door fastened. Not having my key I was obliged to go back to Annie’s on the car which very much upset me. We had late lunch.

lunch & dinner


stamps (one cent)


[p. 55] {p. 20}

8 January 1898 • Saturday

Jan. 8. 189817

<on books>

<(Agnes Jones (50

Sophia Long (75>

(Madame Mountford gave me a lovely white rose—a very sweet gift which I appreciate)

Expense eggs



[Expense]18 Bread – tablets







one cent stamps



This morning John Q. goes to Brigham City on Military business Annie is not well seemed quite miserable– Louise [Cannon] has gone to her Grandpa [George Q.] Cannon’s to practise her song for the birthday party of President Cannon on Tuesday the 11th. inst. He will be 71 years old– Daniel [H. Cannon] is to represent “Uncle Sam.” I found a souvenir from Janie [Cussons Birkbeck] & Br. [Richard] Birkbeck when I got to the office a pretty Calendar Songs of the Sea– a very sweet remembrance. I went up to Dr. E. R. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp’s to see about my key but Sister Farnsworth had left it on the table in the back parlor so I was literally locked out of my own house, it annoyed me [p. 56] {p. 21} terribly.

<(Received dainty calendar from Janie)> Ellis had gone to see a patient even though in great pain herself. I felt very sorry not to see her. I had to go down home to see about opening the house Em. came over pryed up the window and got the key. Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] is quite sick. I worked at the city mail, and then wrote in a book for Madame Mountford and Mrs. Morgan <& Mr. Morgan Charities & Philanthropies edited by me)19> and went down to the Knutsford with them, Madame and party were going to the theatre and urged me to go but I could not nor would I have gone with her into President [Wilford] Woodruff’s box unless invited by himself or his wife. Went back to the office and worked until the lights went out. Came home and read until late– felt too weary to do much more. I presented Madame Mountford with a leather covered copy of my book & Mrs. Morgan with one in dainty cover. [p. 57] {p. 22}

9 January 1898 • Sunday

Jan. 9. 189820

oil ’25

I rose at ten the wind blowing furiously <&> had been during the latter part of the night. Em. came over & brought me breakfast, I did a few little things– and some reading then went to the Tabernacle– <& sat in the stand> Madame Mountford spoke beautifully took for her text– the 19th. Chapter of Luke and commenced with the 11th. verse– <parable> about the talents and improving them made it practical and gave much instruction about customs etc. in the <far> East. Spoke in reference to monarchical forms of government and also Republican, referred to the Roman government in Palestine in the Savior’s time and Paul going to Cesaer at Rome the seat of power, and the Jews being under them then, now the country is under Turkish government and the Arabs are in their power and [p. 58] {p. 23} must go to Constantinople for redress or justice which they term going into a far country as they did in former days in the Savior’s time: she read from the 23rd chapter of Luke commencing with the first and second verses, afterwards read others– finished with an eloquent tribute to President Woodruff and the priesthood and people, exhorted the young to go on and build as their fathers and mothers had in the past– stormed sleet and fine snow very wet and disagreeable went down to Dr. M. H. Cannon’s and stayed a little while talking her article was not quite ready and so we talked of other matters– went with her to dinner at the restaurant (Gallachers) came home Em. brought over supper and I sat writing– Lucile is sick with swelled face. [p. 59] {p. 24}

Wrote to Sister M. A. Farnsworth and to Harriet Taylor Upton sent Aunt Zina’s membership to the N.–A.W.S.A.–

Mrs. Jennings paid on books



Expense stamps city papers





sent off blanks from Des. News to Holden– Freemont and Mexico [p. 60] {p. 25}

10 January 1898 • Monday

Monday Jan. 10. 189821

Went over to Belle’s found Lucile and Dot both better– had an almost sleepless night, dreadful pain in my side– had a very sweet letter from Emily B. [Bush] Spencer, she has received my Christmas card and is very appreciative– sent off cards to Lucy Y. [Young] Taylor, Freemont to Jane S. [Smith] Coleman, Teasdale and to <others>

I saw Madame Mountford and went with her to the Deseret News office, she ordered 50 copies of this evening’s paper sent to her at the Knutsford– Dr. M. H. Cannon came and read me her paper, which she expects to give before the Committee in Washington this winter– Annie had a letter from Verona [Dunford Hillard]– Miss Farnsworth came in to see me and apologize for not coming to the reception to Madame Mountford– I have been getting off more papers: came home late– [p. 61] {p. 26}

subscribed for new Directory, to be delivered in March– Br. [William P.] Nebeker came to get me to sign some sort of protest to the President as a member of the Republican Executive Committee– but failed to come with the document– I met President Angus M. Cannon this evening and he was in a towering passion– against his brother George Q. Cannon about Temple work– declares himself the next heir and before Geo. Q’s children was going to the office to write him a letter, telling him how insulted he felt– I persuaded him not to do it–22

I went over to Belle’s and learned that Emmie had been in one of her fainting spells, had just been taken up stairs; she also had one on Saturday night– [p. 62] {p. 27}

11 January 1898 • Tuesday

Jan. 11. 1898

I have not slept well lately, I read most of the night, this morning felt very languid and scarcely able to rise– but managed somehow to get away to the office. There was a letter from Hope Smith, from Denver about Miss Smith– she has told us such exaggereated stories– she must be insane– I do not know how to reply There was to have been a meeting of the D R23 but none came in time six ladies came but as Susa [Young Gates] did not arrive and I had no new thing to tell them we simply talked Madame Mountford came to say farewell– She was ready for her journey and seemed quite elated yet sorry to say the parting words– asked us all to pray for her promised to write from Toronto to me I went with her to the carriage– she kissed me several times and seemed to feel all and more than she expressed Br. Penrose and Br. [Matthew] Noall and Bishop Whitney have all been to see me today [p. 63] {p. 28}

Br. Nebeker came with the protest to be signed and talked on and on. Ort gave me a new book Quo Vadis it is much talked of written by a Pole. I have not heard of the birthday party– I gave Br. Geo. Q. a pretty booklet the “Passion Flower”– one of Prang’s Br. [Charles R.] Savage gave me a Whittier Calendar, and Amelia sent me her picture framed ready to hang.

I wrote to Mary [Wride] John, <&> Aunt Zina and sent R.S.24 Constitution & By-Laws to Annie W. [Ericksen] Larson Emery Stake– Br. Noall took the book his wife paid for leather cover 2.00 paid in May 1896. [p. 64] {p. 29}

11 January 1898 • Tuesday

C. W. Penrose came to see me <today> Today is cold but beautiful It is the birthday anniversary of President Geo. Q. Cannon who was born in 1827. I sent him a booklet called “The Passion Flower.” It was not very suitable but the clerk made a mistake in wrapping it and there was not time to change it. John Q. Annie and all the children go to the Cannon House to a birthday party given in honor of the head of the house– I have worked all day and seem to have accomplished very little I have had several callers, there should have been a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution but so few came, it was not even called to order. Bishop O. F. Whitney presented me with “Quo Vadis” a novel of Nero’s time, it seems a very ingeniously written work. I came home earlier than usual and did some reading and writing. Madame Mountford bade me Good bye this evening, she goes to Toronto– [p. 43] {p. 35}

12 January 1898 • Wednesday

<Letter from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] this morning.> Busy all day hanging pictures and getting off mail and sending out bills– John Clark, S. [Samuel] S. Jones <Provo> C. A. Jolly [Cyntha A. Shurtliff Jolley] Mt. Carmel and a lot of Receipts Sarah Richards Smith is very ill and also Josephine [Groesbeck] Smith Lucile is not well and Emmie is suffering from heart failure. Annie has been to see me today, Amelia Young, E. J. Stevenson Kate [Catherine] Wells, M. Hughes Cannon, & several others had a letter from Mell– my hands have been so full and my heart too. So many dreadful things are taking place in the world, earthquakes, cyclones war Indian uprisings & so many terrible catastrophes it makes one fear and tremble almost– the weather is very cold Lizzie [Elizabeth Riter] Young is very ill she is going to California to see what the change will do to help her. Sister R. H. [Rebecca H. Beesley] Doolan & E. W. Hyde were her[e] talking to me this afternoon [p. 44] {p. 36}

13 January 1898 • Thursday

Went up late no letters, finished hanging pictures etc. W. P. Nebeker came with letter to President [William] Mc’Kinley asking to be Register of the land office– [J. E.] Dooley [and] [Wesley K.] Walton and Ex. Rep. State Com.25 signed. I presented one of my best books to the Historian’s office today. Called at Oregon Short Line R.R.26 and asked about transportation– was told they would know in a few days. Went to D. & R.G.27 saw Mr. Wadleigh and got pass to Provo and return– I did not expect it really– saw President Geo. Q. Cannon who spoke of Louise as being phenomenal; also mentioned Daniel. Seemed pleased with the book I gave I am so very weary I scarce know what to do. Went over to see Belle tonight. Em. has had one of her bad spells again tonight– It is painful to think of it. I am so weary I can scarcely believe I can get up in time for morning train [p. 45] {p. 37}

14 January 1898 • Friday

very cold

I slept only about three hours scarcely that time. It was still dark when I left the house to go out and piercing cold. J. [Joseph] M. Tanner was on the train and also Sam. [Samuel A.] King, Br. Tanner talked to me all the way– we spoke of Madame Mountford he thinks she is an adventurer. He has seen many of her type in the oriental countries. I went to Sister John’s and Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring had been there over night. She looked very ill. We went to the meeting house together– had a fine meeting, good reports and a good spirit– had lunch at noon in the vestry– everything nice. large attendance in the afternoon– President David John paid me a graceful compliment on my book. It is the first one who has spokin of it publicly– I went with Sister John home to supper came home on nine o’clock train [p. 46] {p. 38}

15 January 1898 • Saturday

Felt very weary this morning but started off as usual– found lots of mail– and attended to that first then prepared copy– Emily S. [Tanner] Richards came and talked about Dr. Cannon going down to Washington– she seems very much annoyed about it. Dr. Pratt came about Club meeting at Mrs. Bumnells [Esther Mendenhall Bunnell] and so goes the days and so little accomplished. I wrote to Sarah M. [Granger] Kimball and sent her membership ticket to the N.-A.W.S.A.28 & Receipt from the Treasurer– I also wrote to Rachel Foster Avery and sent her one of my best books. The day has been gloomy– Sister Sarah R. Smith is better– Annie Louise & Margaret [Cannon] have all been up– Saw Belle a minute this morning. Had letter from Dollie [Dorothy Wallin]– Rachel Foster Avery Harriet Taylor Upton & others– Came home weary and cold and set to work writing etc. [p. 47] {p. 39}

16 January 1898 • Sunday

Today I rose very late as I really was completely fagged out– tried to rest and did not go to meeting though I would like to have heard Dr. [John M.] Reiner. President Woodruff was in the stand. Emmie came over and towards evening Annie came and stayed a little while I had a fire in the parlor and it was very comfortable. Afterwards Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears and Belle & Brenton [M. Sears] came and we chatted for an hour or more– Then I came up stairs and wrote my editorial for the January paper– and read ten proofs and though too weary to sit up I could not sleep. I sent out invitations to three of the sisters for Aunt Eliza [R. Snow Smith]’s birthday [p. 48] {p. 40}

17 January 1898 • Monday

I went early to the office this morning; the elevator is not running, new machinery is being put in– dull dreary day– fixed editorial notes and got the room ready for the Club– about twelve members present, had a fine paper by Louide [Louisa Noble] Badger– and some discussion on the program for the coming year– the ladies all seemed to agree with me at first that Mexico and Central America would be suitable, but after some one suggested Rome & I added Greece– Program Committee appointed M. L. [Mary Lois Walker] Morris, C. S. Williams & Annie T. Hyde– I read all my proofs & wrote up Pearl [Russell]’s marriage–29 then went to went to Dr. Silva [Mary Pile Silver]’s office to a Trustee’s meeting of the Municipal League– I wanted to resign but could not see a good opportunity– [p. 49] {p. 41}

18 January 1898 • Tuesday

I had a very good night and felt much better, went off late because there seemed so many little things to do at home, found considerable mail waiting– A letter from the Cor. Sec. of the Daughters of the Revolution, & one from Susa Gates and others, then went over to typo, found her very dilatory– had a number of callers, wrote to Mrs. E. F. [Elizabeth Francis] Yates President Millard Stake & Mrs. Louisa [Leavitt] Haight President Cassia Stake also a line or two to Mrs. E. L. S. [Eliza L. Stewart] Udall President St. John’s Stake– and to several others, Mrs. I. C. Manchester Providence R. I. Kale [Kate Wells] came and talked about the Stayners30 and others told me Lena [Helena Fobes Wells] had been partially paralyzed last summer. Saw Lena today and she said she had a song she wanted to send to Daisie [Dunford Allen]– I am so weary tonight I can scarcely keep up at all– [p. 50] {p. 42}

19 January 1898 • Wednesday

Finished reading proofs and had paper made up ready for press. sent out some invitations to my Poet’s Evening, and sent off some other letters, had a call from L. John Nuttall and from several ladies. Aunt Zina sent Sister [Elizabeth Downs] Langton down to speak to me about not being able to come on the 21st. Hurried over my work all I could & went off to Annie’s to dinner, came in after they were all seated. Spent the night there. John Q. Annie and myself talked quite a little about topics of interest. The children were lovely though Louise is not well and Q. is suffering with his ankle he walks badly and must try to rest it more. I had a pleasant time. [p. 51] {p. 43}

20 January 1898 • Thursday

Went up from Annie’s Q. is staying home to rest his ankle– Arriving found letters waiting, and soon disposed of my mail and commenced the invitations. Mrs. [Margaret Mitchell] Caine came and took several of my books. Dooley Chairman of the Rep. State Committee came in to ask me to endorse [A. C.] Bishop for United States Attorney, which I promised to do by special letter– Hebe [Heber M. Wells] had asked me before. It is Dr. Shipps birthday, many ladies have called upon her I went to the St. Marks’ Hospital to see Maria M. [Miller] Johnson who is there undergoing an operation– also saw Nellie Cook who is there and Sister Bower I stayed two hours. Came back and had several callers wrote more letters and called on Dr. Shipp, presented <her> with one of my books and with Jean Ingelow. [p. 52] {p. 44}

21 January 1898 • Friday

A Poet’s Evening Eliza R. Snow <Born> January 21. 1804– celebrated at my home in East Waterloo suburb of Salt Lake City January 21, 1898. Friday seven o’clock in the evening– singing “O’ my Father thou that dwellest” etc. and prayer offered by Sister M. I. Horne singing Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah &c– Sister Zina D. H. Young mads a brief address, and then we commenced with quotations, from the poet in whose honor we had met. Ladies present were Zina D. H. Young <×>

Mary Isabella Horne 1 <not>

Bathsheba W. Smith 2 <×>

Rachel R. [Ivins] Grant 3 <×>

Susan [Noble] Grant 4 <×>

Elizabeth J. Stevenson 5 × <+>

Maria W. [Richards] Wilcox 6 <×>

Mary Alice [Woodbury] Lambert 7 <×>

Mary A. Freeze 8 <×>

Dr. Romania B. Pratt 9 <×>

Maria Y. [Young] Dougall 10 <×> [p. 67] {p. 32}

Priscilla P. Jennings 11 <×>

Susan P [Paul] Brooks 12 <×>

Amelia F. Young 13 <×>

Minnie J. [Ephramina Jensen] Snow 14 <×>

Ruth M. Fox 15 <×>

Phebe Y. Beatie 16 <×>

Clara C. [Moses] Cannon 17 <×>

Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon 18 <×>

Annie T. Hyde 19 <×>

Carrie S. Thomas 20 <×>

Margaret Y. Taylor 21 <×>

Lizzie S. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox 22 <×>

<not> Margaret A. [Mitchell] Caine 23 <×>

Belle M. Sears 24 <×>

Isabel S. Buchholz 25 <×>

Lydia Ann Wells 26 <×>

Susan H. [Alley] Wells 27 <×>

Mary P. [Pile] Silver 28 <×>

Emily S. Richards 29 <×>

Julia Farnsworth 30 <×>

Annie W. Cannon 31 <×>

Louise B. Cannon 32 <×>

Margaret Cannon 33 <×> [p. 68] {p. 33}

Eugene S. Sears 34 <×>

Emmeline B. Wells 35

Lydia D. Alder 36. <×>

Ellis R. Shipp M.D. 37. <×>

Invited but not present

Jane S. Richards– Ogden <×>

sent letter of regrets

Emma [Smith] Woodruff

sent letter of regrets & verse

Julia C. [Cruse] Howe <×>

sent letters of regret & verse

Phebe C. [Clark] Young

sick but sent regrets

Georgie F. [Fox] Young (could not come

Dr. M. Hughes Cannon ([could not come]31 <×>

Julia P. M. Farnsworth ([could not come]

Elizabeth [Taft] Webb <×>

Hannah C. [Free] Wells <×> <2>

Martha G. [Harris] Wells <×>

Lucile L. Sears <×>

Emily W. Sears <×>

Sarah M. Kimball (sent letter and sentiment [p. 69] {p. 34}

Emily H. [Hill] Woodmansee <×>

A L [Avira Lucy Coolidge] Cox

Helena [Einerson] Madsen

Stena [Christine] Willardson

Kitty Ann Conover [Catherine Ann Conover Hunt]

21 January 1898 • Friday

This morning I mailed two letters with special delivery stamps and sent several messages by messengers so all are invited that I could possibly have expected to invite32 Emma has been here helping me, Belle and Dot both came up. Em. has helped me buy my things went with me down street, and we got some more mementoes, booklets. The Kindergarten ladies come and Georgie [Georgianna Fox] Young told me of the serious illness of her son’s wife. Mina [Wilhelmina Cannon] Cannon has gone away South to get free from her beau Raleigh who is determined to marry her. Her father33 has gone with her. Aunt Zina came and we came down to mine together. Everything is as ready as we can make it. The ladies came in car-loads. About thirty-five– we had a pleasant time sung O, my Father Phebe [Young] Beatie played, Sister M. I. Horne prayed sung Praise to the Man. then we had sentiments and verses Aunt Zina made an address. [p. 53] {p. 45}

22 January 1898 • Saturday

Sisters Zina D. H. Young and M. Isabella Horne stayed all night with me, and we had prayers up stairs– Sister Zina prayed aloud and we joined Louise slept with me. I felt very glad to have these two Mothers in Israel with me, and my dear Louise. We went over to Belle’s to breakfast– she was very sweet with these dear sisters. Emmie is sick all broke out with German measles. The sisters Young & Horne went up with me to the office, Sister Zina went over to Phebe’s afterwards and Sister Horne to the afternoon meeting. Sister Alder’ came to see me and many other sisters– I came home about nine or half past went over to see how Emmie was. Dr. [Eugene W.] Whitney has been she is down stairs in the back parlor– very sick [p. 54] {p. 46}

23 January 1898 • Sunday

<Crowded house at Dr. [James E.] Talmage’s lecture in the Tabernacle to night about Russia–> This morning I could not sleep as I had intended so got up as early as usual; the snow storm last night was not so heavy as we had expected. I began to clear up from my party as I had no help. The day is very fine. Yesterday I had several important letters and President Cannon sent Geo. [F.] Gibbs down to me with a letter from Susa to see if I would undertake to arrange for a lady lecturer and her Secretary Mrs. Isabel Wing Lake.34 Annie was here at the time. I sent word I could not do it– Sister Taylor’s letter was very similar. She declares she will not do that kind of public duty. It was very unpleasant as I do not know any person who would entertain them free of charge, and we cannot pay as we have no funds. I was very weary but wrote to one or two people to whom letters were due– [p. 55] {p. 47}

24 January 1898 • Monday

Went up late very cold day. It is Will [William W.] Woods birthday, and was Sidney [W. Sears]’s Belle’s boy and Eleanor [Cannon] Annie’s baby– I could scarcely work at all as the cold was so intense– had a lovely letter from Mrs. [Rosetta Luce] Gilchrist Ohio to whom I had sent a dainty copy of my book– it was quite pleasing to have one write as she did– my friends here are very chary of their opinions if they have any– even Dr. Pratt whom I counted on as being delighted with it and especially with the one written expressly for herself has never so much as mentioned it; nor has Sister Horne to whom was written the poem sixty years married. However perhaps I ought not to have expected so much from people who do not know how to appreciate one’s sensitiveness, I went to Annie’s to dinner– all pretty well– baby35 fine– [p. 56] {p. 48}

25 January 1898 • Tuesday

Today was late again and very cold again. News came of Sister Ann Dilworth Bringhurst’s death at Springville– she came to the valley in 1847– a very fine woman indeed. So one by one the veterans of the Church are passing over to the other side. Susa came to see me last night and again today about these ladies who are coming to lecture here– I scarcely see how we can possibly help them. I sent one of my books to Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears]– today to San Francisco– cloth art cover (green in color) Dr. Pratt has been over– had a letter from Ellen [Woodward Fuller] in Arizona, she had received the book and was delighted with it. Terrible storms in New England and in St. Louis and other cities– fire in Spokane. United States war ship gone to Cuba and all sorts of calamities here and there in the world but here all is quiet comparatively. Wrote to Verona tonight– [p. 57] {p. 49}

26 January 1898 • Wednesday

wea.36 terribly cold thermometer 20 below

Have been really ill today and weather extremely cold– so many visitors too Kindergarten meeting in the afternoon about twelve present– decided to hold meeting in entertainment at Dr. Shipp’s if she could have it there– I wrote several business letters and did some work after the time of callers The L.D.S. Business college is moving into the Templeton on the fifth floor– Sister E. S. Taylor has been in and says Ort and Zine [Zina Smoot Whitney] are very enthusiastic about Dr. Reinar–37 There is a fascination about him I suppose though I have not seen him to be introduced. Letter from my sister Ellen in Arizona today– Later her daughter called–38 I have had two remarkable dreams lately, one of horses in the air and one of a dead woman who is living coming to life. [p. 58] {p. 50}

27 January 1898 • Thursday

wea. stormy & terribly cold–

Today I intended to go to East Bountiful to attend a Conference of the Relief Society but was too ill today so, had suffered great paid [pain] during the night and could scarcely manage to get to the office at noon. Shortly after a gentleman from Boston called a newspaper man– and stayed some little time talking with me– he knows Gov. Robee [Frederick Robie] of Maine, also Mrs. [Hannah Johnston] Bailey– Mrs. Geo. M. Cannon [Marian Morris Cannon] came and talked of the Relief Society– I have a letter from May Wright Sewall concerning the National Council & the indebtedness now pending and urging some step to be taken to render assistance. I feel how embarrassed we are and can scarcely help each other– I know not what is best. Mrs. C. [Clarence] E. Allen [Corinne Tuckerman Allen] called to ask about a meeting of the George Washington Committee. [p. 59] {p. 51}

28 January 1898 • Friday

wea. terribly cold

<Read two chapters of proof of A. S. [Aurelia Spencer] Rogers Book>39 This morning I felt a little better not quite so much pain but weak and did not hurry away as I knew Pearl [Russell Fernstrom] was at the office she looked very ill when I got up there– and seemed full of trouble– her husband40 went away last Saturday the 22nd. to Norway & Sweden We had a number of callers and I felt too ill to talk to them– my head is very painful– Annie & Margaret came and Annie told me John Q. had gone to Manti on militia business– I went to Annie’s and had supper then Margaret came home with me to stay all night– and I was very glad indeed– as it is so lonesome when one is sick– Emma [Adams] Empey came to see me and Emily [Tanner] Richards[,] Rachel [Ivins] Grant & a dozen or more– [p. 60] {p. 52}

29 January 1898 • Saturday

wea. terribly cold

Today I feel a very little better and must make an effort to get some work done. Pearl is helping with the mailing & I have many duties. Margaret came up with me to do some folding– I had only one or two unimportant letters– Mrs. [Elizabeth] Walker41 & Mrs. Allen have both been in to see me– Several other sisters were here through the day– but my head and ear hurt me so much I cannot do much. I am depressed in spirit also and though I do not give way to melancholy it is not easy for me to rise above so many powers. Sister Empey came to see me about the ladies of Rescue work who are coming to Utah. It is scarcely possible to do for all who come– came home late and very weary, nearly finished Quo Vadis– it is a wonderful book– has had quite an effect upon me. [p. 61] {p. 53}

30 January 1898 • Sunday

wea. very cold and sort of gloomy

This morning I tried to rest laid in bed late and was alone– Have finished reading Quo Vadis one of the most wonderful books translated from the Polish language by Jeremiah Austin[.] Louise & Cavendish [Cannon] came down to see me– Eugene [Sears] & Brent have both been over– I feel very nervous– Went over to Belle’s in the evening and chatted for a few minutes– wrote out eight Receipts and sent away wrote to Theron R. Woodward who is preparing Genealogy of the Woodward family and to Town Clerk of Brookfield– also to J. Torronto [Joseph B. Toronto] about the Latin term of Quo Vadis Domine– I feel very weak and nervous– Wrote to my brother Hiram [E. W. Clark] in Mass. And commenced reading the Amazing Marriage– [p. 62] {p. 54}

31 January 1898 • Monday

wea. cold but clear

Pearl was at the office during the forenoon, Reaper’s club met but I had been invited to a party given for Aunt Zina by Maria [Young Dougall] & Phebe at Mrs. Beatie’s. The ladies present were– Zina D. H. Young the guest of honor– M. Isabella Horne, Bathsheba W. Smith, Margaret P. [Pierce] Young, Julia C. [Cruse] Howe, Elmina S. Taylor, Mary A. [Cannon] Lambert, Elizabeth J. Stevenson, Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon, Emma [Smith] Woodruff, Minnie J. [Ephramina Jensen] Snow Priscilla P. Jennings, and myself– Sister Jane S. Richards had been invited but did not come, probably as it was her own birthday and she was seventy five years old. The dinner was very fine and handsomely served. In the evening I went to the Press Club at Mrs. Luther Brumell [Bunnell]’s– German evening afterwards called on the Governor and he came with me to the car [p. 63] {p. 55}

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January 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 8, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1898/1898-01


  1. [1]Maria Miller Johnson submitted poems and articles to the Woman’s Exponent under the penname Ruby Lamont. EBW used these names interchangeably. (See EBW, Diary, 3 Jan. 1898.)

  2. [2]George Q. Cannon, the son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon. He is often simply called “Q.”

  3. [3]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  4. [4]Ellen Battelle Dietrick, Women in the Early Christian Ministry: A Reply to Bishop Doane, and Others (Philadelphia: Alfred J. Ferris, 1897).

  5. [5]EBW serialized a novel, “Hephzibah,” in twenty-eight chapters in the Woman’s Exponent. The novel dramatized her own early experiences in life. (See “Hephzibah,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1889, 18:1–2; and “Hephzibah,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. 1890, 19:49–50; see also Madsen, Intimate History, 195–196, 196n11.)

  6. [6]text: EBW repeated the date at the top of pages 50–51.

  7. [7]Perhaps Laura Bishop Tuttle.

  8. [8]Wilhelmina Mazur Morgan.

  9. [9]Likely Sybella Johnson Clayton.

  10. [10]text: EBW repeated the date at the top of pages 53–55.

  11. [11]Clubhouse for the Ladies Literary Club. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Jan. 1898, 26:284.)

  12. [12]Lucille Gilmer.

  13. [13]Katherine K. Lawrence.

  14. [14]The terminology EBW used here for African Americans was standard neutral language for the time. (For additional information, see Historical Context.)

  15. [15]Chair.

  16. [16]Committee.

  17. [17]text: EBW repeated the date at the top of page 57.

  18. [18]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  19. [19]EBW, ed., Charities and Philanthropies: Woman’s Work in Utah (Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon and Sons, 1893).

  20. [20]text: EBW repeated the date at the top of pages 59–60.

  21. [21]text: EBW repeated the date at the top of page 62.

  22. [22]The six Cannon siblings—George, Mary Alice, Annie, Angus, David, and Leonora—were sealed to their parents and did ordinance work for them in the Logan temple on 15 October 1890. (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 15 Oct. 1890.) While Angus M. Cannon expressed impassioned feelings at other times on other issues (EBW, Diary, 14 Sept. 1887), his emotions in this matter seem to have eased after talking with EBW. The next day the family honored George Q. Cannon on his seventy-first birthday. “There were eighty-three sat down to dinner,” President Cannon recorded. “My brother Angus spoke to us, and I also made remarks to my family. Altogether the affair went off very delightfully. . . . It is a great comfort to me to have my family so united and feel so well as they do.” (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 11 Jan. 1898.)

  23. [23]Daughters of the Revolution.

  24. [24]Relief Society.

  25. [25]Republican State Executive Committee.

  26. [26]Railroad.

  27. [27]Denver and Rio Grande.

  28. [28]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  29. [29]“A Beautiful Marriage,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Jan. 1898, 26:236.

  30. [30]Probably Charles William Stayner and Arthur Stayner. (See EBW, Diary, 6 Jan. 1899; and Horne, Life of Orson F. Whitney, 168, 181.)

  31. [31]text: The bracketed information on this and the following line was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  32. [32]EBW and her friends celebrated the birthday of Eliza R. Snow, who was born on 21 January 1804. (“A Poet’s Evening,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1898, 26:244.)

  33. [33]Angus M. Cannon.

  34. [34]Susa Young Gates wrote, “Mrs. Isabella Wing Lake and Dr. Carolyn Geisel, two ladies from Chicago travelling in the interests of fallen women, that is, trying to establish homes for that class of unhappy creatures, are here in Utah on their way to the Pacific Coast. Their work is to compile statistics, and secure all possible facts regarding moral conditions in each city which they visit. Mrs. Lake is Superintendent of the Rescue Work in the Purity department of the W. C. T. U., and she, with her companion worker, is doing a vast amount of work in this particular field. . . . They spent a few days in Provo, looking about the town, holding enthusiastic meetings, and making friends on every side. The same work that is done in large cities is being prosecuted in Salt Lake City at the present writing.” (“What Women Are Doing,” Young Woman’s Journal, Mar. 1898, 9:140.)

  35. [35]Katherine Cannon.

  36. [36]text: The “wea.” (weather) entries are preprinted in the diary.

  37. [37]Dr. John M. Reiner was a lecturer with a Roman Catholic background. He studied the theology of the Latter-day Saints and made comparisons between the two faiths; Orson F. Whitney published Reiner’s study. (Horne, Life of Orson F. Whitney, 181–182.) EBW recorded that President Wilford Woodruff attended Dr. Reiner’s lecture. (EBW, Diary, 16 Jan. 1898.)

  38. [38]Lucy “Lutie” Fuller Davies. (See EBW, Diary, 17 Mar. 1898.)

  39. [39]Aurelia Spencer Rogers, Life Sketches of Orson Spencer and Others, and History of Primary Work (Salt Lake City: Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons, 1898).

  40. [40]Henry F. Fernstrom.

  41. [41]Mrs. Elizabeth Walker was connected with Margaret Walker Salisbury and was probably the second wife of Margaret’s father, Robert C. Walker.