October 1904

1 October 1904 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of the birthday of [A.] Maria Whitney Hall and of Catharine Spencer Young. Ria would be 68 & Mrs. Young 67. It is a charming day but I am so full of work and cannot get thro’ even a little because of interruptions. {p. 183}

2 October 1904 • Sunday

Went to the Temple meeting President Smith presiding both his Counselors were present and of the Quorum of the 12. F. [Francis] M. Lyman J. [John] H. Smith Rud. [Rudger] Clawson Hyrum M. Smith George A. Smith C. W. Penrose Patriarch John [Smith] Seventies S. B. Young Geo. Reynolds Angus M. Cannon Junius F. Wells a wonderful gathering of celebrities Went to Annie’s and had dinner in the new house, the dining room is not completed and the table was set in the kitchen which seemed with so many rather crowded. I do wish Annie had some help because it really is too much for the girls and hard on her to have so much care My heart is full of sympathy for them all and I pray constantly that the way may open to obtain help. {p. 184}

3 October 1904 • Monday

Lucy B. Young’s birthday and I was invited to spend the afternoon but our Business meeting had to be held at 2. so some of us went early Sister B. W. Smith Dr. Pratt Julina and myself and came back to meeting expecting to go up when the meeting was over, but I could not on account of the arrival of Mr. Gerretsen [Gerritsen] and Dr. Jacobs from Amsterdam. However Sister Smith Dr. Pratt and Julina went up‒ others there were Rachel R. Grant, Eliza B. Young, N. Twiss Young, Sarah Richards Smith and a few more Sister Grant gave some of her experiences in the days of Nauvoo.

I invited several ladies to come up to my office to meet these distinguished visitors to our city and afterwards dined with them at the Wilson and they came with me to the Dramatic rendering of Adam Bede by Miss [Mabelle] Biggart of New York Belle & Lucile attended and Dr. Pratt. It was very good and they all met Miss Baggart after it was over {p. 185}

4 October 1904 • Tuesday

This morning the strangers came to meet President Lyman but he did not appear as promised. The Board of Directors met here at 3. p.m. meantime Sister Jane S. Richards and others came in and talked with the visitors. Board of Directors meeting only 12 present, the same as in April six months ago. 1|I am anxious to do something more towards entertaining the people from Holland We were invited to Mrs. Sal [Sol] Siegel’s [Rachel Ulman Siegel] to spend the evening myself to dinner and the Hon. C. V. Gerretsen and Dr. Jacobs to the evening with other guests– I had a fine dinner and during the evening we had a very elaborate supper, young Mr. [Roscoe M.] Breedan was there also Mrs. [Sarah Stem] Nelden etc. We then came home together commenting on the conversation upon the woman question {p. 186}

5 October 1904 • Wednesday

Our R.S. Conference today and the Dutch visitors are to go to Cannon Farm and have luncheon at Sylvester [Q. Cannon]’s Annie and the two girls were there Louise & Margaret I was invited but could not go. I am very glad Annie consented to see them as I am sure she can help to interest them in Utah affairs and make a good impression. The Hon. C. V. Gerretsen has promised to address the Peace meeting and I am very glad indeed.

Peace Meeting in Barratt Hall, Governor Wells presided and did so in the most delightful manner– Richard W. Young the first speaker Dr. [W. H.] Fish prayed had Quartette and Miss Barkhoel [Agatha Berkhoel]– sung Mr. Gerretsen gave a fine idea of the Interparliamentary Congress Dr. Jacobs was too weary to come I had to read the Resolutions {p. 187}

6 October 1904 • Thursday

Went to the Lake to Saltair to day with Dr. Jacobs and her distinguished husband and we had a very pleasant time– Mr. Gerretsen went in bathing–

Called on Gov. Wells with Dr. Jacobs and husband and spent a little time in his office then went through the Building {p. 188}

7 October 1904 • Friday

Went to the depot this morning to see Dr. Jacobs and husband off on their journey. took some lovely roses and sweet peas from Belle and gave them some literature and let them take as a loan to be returned “Representative Women of Deseret” by Sister Augusta Joyce Crocheron. I did this to give Mrs. Jacobs an idea about life in plural marriage. Called to see our President who is not very well and stayed about two hours, talking over old times and concerning the Society {p. 189}

8 October 1904 • Saturday

Spent the forenoon with Sister Smith who has been not very well {p. 190}

9 October 1904 • Sunday

Went up to Lyde’s to have lunch Was in Tabernacle all day went in the morning and enjoyed the preaching and music also in the afternoon and heard the reports from Presidents of Stakes and the President Jos. F. Smith and the sustaining of all the <General> authorities of the Church– after meeting came home had dinner at Belle’s and tried to go on with my poem on Progress– which has been a very unpleasant thing, do not like to have a subject given me or to be restricted to the number of lines. Do not like poetry measured– needs perfect freedom {p. 191}

10 October 1904 • Monday

Took Sister Cornelia [Decker] Mortensen & Lorette [H. Laurette Mortensen] Peterson up to Lyde’s to have lunch– very pleasant & fine dinner really roast beef and all the other eatables served at a dinner– left the visitors. Officers meeting at 3.30 in Room of B. Y.2 Memorial Hall. A good attendance Belle went for which I was very glad as I am anxious she should understand the Society work {p. 192}

11 October 1904 • Tuesday

Went on with mailing and finished it up. Went down to Annie’s to dinner and electric storm came on and pouring rain so stayed all night {p. 193}

12 October 1904 • Wednesday

Came up this morning from Cannon Farm and found people waiting for me at the office {p. 194}

13 October 1904 • Thursday

Was in good time and went to work at poem for the Utah Woman’s Press Club I have labored under such difficulties with it– the subject is not practical & I do not like to be told what to write. {p. 195}

14 October 1904 • Friday

Went up in good time, looked after some Relief Society bills and dined with Dr. Pratt & Apostle C. W. Penrose, conversation very interesting. She is about to move to Ninth East where my Sister Adeline used to live– in fact built the house and occupied it several years before going to Los Angelos California. In these apartments I have often dined with Dr. P. and have had many good times with her. She is a true friend and now her husband is an Apostle, she will have still more advantages than formerly; Well we who live shall see many changes yet no doubt. {p. 196}

15 October 1904 • Saturday

Reached the office in time for the Business Meeting of the Utah Woman’s Press Club– Sister Maria Francis came first then Sister Rebecca H. [Herrod] Doolan who is always faithful to the Club– then Sister Maeser a new member– Estelle Neff a bright young woman‒ and Emma H. [Howell] Jenson– afterwards Ellis R. Shipp making seven with myself– we discussed the Club in all its phases and after hours spent in talk made some nominations for officers for ensuing year– and planned some of the features of the annual festivities on Oct. 31. I had my poem type-written– three times and very unsatisfactory– and with many misgivings handed it in– Today have heard that my dear girl Margaret is very much afflicted has strained herself in some way and I feel very bad about it indeed‒ {p. 197}

16 October 1904 • Sunday

This is little Winnie [Winnifred I. Woods]’s birthday, Mell’s beautiful delicate fragile little angel-child, whose life was a martyrdom here below. One cannot think of her sweet face without a touch of sorrow. It is also Mamie Cannon’s birthday 36 years old. Soon after getting up I went over to Annie’s to see how they were‒ found Margaret better but having a sore throat apparently Tonsilitis. Annie seemed fairly well. John Q. went to the Tabernacle and I learned that George Q. had gone on a hunting trip to Bear River I passed a pleasant day tho’ Louise was cooking dinner and it made me feel rather unhappy as she seemed not very well. It is quite impossible to get help and therefore some one must work in a large family. Gertrude went to Ogden Thursday and has not returned. Sep is sick over it. {p. 198}

17 October 1904 • Monday

This morning snow and cold very unpleasant weather, had to go out for coal and wood. Went up late found letter from Mrs. [Ida J.] Weaver in Boise Idaho and others not important. After some business and answering telephone calls made ready to go to the D.R. at Mrs. W. [William] H. King [Louisa Lyman King]’s. Several other ladies on the same car– a long ride– pleasant meeting and good instructive paper by Mary A. H. Cannon story Emily H. C. Willey and incidents of travel by Lucy Woodruff Smith. Saw Louis [R.] Wells and heard Mary [B. Wells] was very sick. It is quite alarming. Cold night and lonely for me, thinking of all my dear ones and no one to speak to. Next D.R. will be at Mrs. Farnsworth’s. {p. 199}

18 October 1904 • Tuesday

Went up early no news from Mell yet much to my regret. I have been getting off orders and had some one here all day long. Sister E. F. Yates of Scipio and Sister L. A. [Lydia Coombs] Penniman of Wisconsin and Miss Weiler, Miss Heath, Mrs. Kelley June Wells, Emily S. Richards Kate Wells, Margaret Cannon Emeline Wells, and others– I sent to Mrs. Gordon Cor. Sec’y3 of International Council for Printed letters of proceedings and for 2 copies of Madame to Indianapolis– I am asked to write a sonnet on October for the birthday–4 do not see how I can take the time. I seem to have too much now. I am really much overworked. Mary Wells is very sick. {p. 200}

19 October 1904 • Wednesday

<Sister E. [Eulalie] A. Walden came to see me today‒> Today is little Barry [Barrymore Hillard]’s birthday and the weather is charming. Mellow October, this morning I went over to Dot’s it is her birthday and I remember well the rejoicing when she was born. How delighted we all were, after our mourning for Herbert [W. Sears]. I gave her a Book of Poems entitled “This Is For You” containing one song Bishop Newel K. Whitney her grand-father and some of us used to sing in the long ago, entitled The Fireside and commencing, Dear Chloe etc. by Nathaniel Cotton. After being in the office all day talking to people I went down to Dot’s to dinner‒ and enjoyed the Wild Ducks very much. Will was home and Lucile came over and we walked home together. A beautiful moon-light night. I wrote my editorial for the September paper and read some in Magazines {p. 201}

20 October 1904 • Thursday

This morning Sep. came to tell me Belle wanted to see me, but before I was ready to go she came over and told me the shocking news from Mell that [name and identifying information redacted] had shot himself and was dead. Cruel fate– for her and the children and for him‒ but no doubt he was crazed with losses. Brilliant handsome and fascinating An overwhelming catastrophe on little Barry’s birthday. I had dreamed last night that I was lost in a great city and was feeling very dreadful– some one was trying to show me the way. Telegram came to Bishop Whitney and he telephoned to Belle– he has written a letter & I have sent telegram {p. 202}

24 October 1904 • Monday

Sep and Gertrude moved some of their things and commenced fixing up– found the bedstead needed the foot tightened up and so on. {p. 206}

25 October 1904 • Tuesday

Today they came over with more things the closet is cleared of books and papers and given up to them. {p. 207}

27 October 1904 • Thursday

President Wells birthday 90 years since he was born family celebrated at the residence of Lyde Wells– many present, besides the family Sister Rachel R. Grant– Sister [Phebe Watts] Sloan & Louie [Louisa Watts] Sloan, Telitha [Tilitha Free] Smith and Preston Free. Colonel Sam Merritt, Maude Freeze I wrote a Sonnet on October for the Tableaux of young girls grand-daughters Catharine Culmer now Roberts Josephine [L.] Wells, Louise & Margaret Cannon Alice [F.] Wells, Abbie [H.] Wells Hannah Young Florence Culmer and Margaret Whitney, Rulon made the opening address, June read letters from those who were absent Emily [Wells Grant], Dessie [Deseret Wells Read] Grace [Grant] & Sandford also Heber J. Grant {p. 209}

28 October 1904 • Friday

Dr. R. B. Pratt is moving from the Constitution Building today into the house my Sister Mrs. East [Earl] built on 9th. East it will seem lonely she has been near me so long and we have been very intimate. To be in sorrow and no one to go to is just as well perhaps for one does not like to confide too much and yet one is apt to do so and perhaps regret it afterwards. These are days of deep trials for me. I long to see my loved ones yet cannot for my work is such I dare not leave it to go away. {p. 210}

29 October 1904 • Saturday

Went up to Bee Hive House with Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and had a talk with President Jos. F. Smith and he gave me a badge he had worn of President [Theodore] Roosevelt. The Press Club celebrated its 13th. Anniversary with an entertainment at Sister Francis residence on Second Street. The ladies took characters and all had to give some description or sketch of the person represented I could not attend my heart is too full of sorrows to enter into any festivities, it fills me with anxiety for the living and then the fate of those who go out into the unknown way alone for it seems they have no guide when uncalled. {p. 211}

30 October 1904 • Sunday

I went to the Tabernacle had risen very late and missed going early, Ben [E.] Rich from Southern States Mission was the first speaker followed by David McKenzie both are good speakers but talked too loud, came home direct to get on with my work went over to Belle’s all the children were there, and had dinner with them, then home to do some of my work that seemed as if I must get through with yet never seem able to finish Prepared my minutes for the regular monthly meeting in November. {p. 212}

31 October 1904 • Monday

Today Sister Grant came down from Bountiful and we had a carriage and went for Sister B. W. Smith and to the new L.D.S. Hospital on 8th. St. a handsome structure in a very sightly place. Then we drove to the Cannon Farm and to the home of John Q. & Annie we had lunch fried chicken etc and dessert a pleasant affair‒ Afterwards into Annies South East chamber a lovely fire burning in the grate, we knelt down and had prayer offered by Susan Grant then the washing and anointing Sister Grant washing and Sister Smith anointing. We all joined in the confirmation of sealing the anointing– looked at the pretty baby things, we soon came away carriage had been ordered for four o’clock. I came back to the office and did a little work on copy and sent off two or three letters. then came home {p. 213}

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October 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1904/1904-10


  1. [1]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  2. [2]Brigham Young.

  3. [3]Corresponding Secretary.

  4. [4]The birthday of Daniel H. Wells was celebrated by the family each year on or near the day of October 27. (See, e.g., EBW, Diary, 27 Oct. 1899 and 27 Oct. 1900; “Local Briefs,” Deseret Evening News, 28 Oct. 1901, 8; “Society,” Salt Lake Herald, 28 Oct. 1902, 4; and “Family Reunion,” Deseret Evening News, 27 Oct. 1903, [1].)