January 1900


29 January, 2 March

EBW composed a peace pamphlet for the Committee on Peace and Arbitration of the National Council of Women, to be translated into French for the Paris Exposition.

5 February

EBW and Zina D. H. Young commissioned Emily S. Richards and Lucy A. Clark to attend the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) meetings in Washington, DC, and carry a dress length of home-grown silk as a gift from Utah women to Susan B. Anthony for her eightieth birthday.

23 April–4 May

EBW attended meetings of the Daughters of the Revolution in New York City. She also visited her brother and one of her sisters in Massachusetts and spoke briefly at the Domestic Household Science National Conference in New York.

2–3 October, 1 and 8 December

Latter-day Saint women were promised church property on which to construct a general women’s building. EBW served on the building committee, which met often to choose an architectural plan. In December, plans to lay the building’s foundation were postponed because of the lateness of the season.

13 October

EBW began researching and writing a history of women’s suffrage in Utah to be published in a national NAWSA volume.

12–16 November

EBW and Elizabeth C. McCune attended meetings of the National Council of Women in Minneapolis. EBW read a paper and participated in business meetings as the second corresponding secretary.

1E. B. Wells Christmas George Q’s Gift {p. 3}

1 January 1900 • Monday

Sat up for the dawning of the New Year with John Q. [Cannon] & Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] and George Q. [Cannon]2 the whistles blew as the clock struck‒ we wished a happy new year and soon after retired for the night, did not sleep well‒ babies Abram [Abraham H. Cannon] & David [W. Cannon] cried much thro’ the night. Stayed at Annie’s all day, with her and the children did not do any sort of work‒ came home at seven p.m. after taking dinner turkey and plum pudding. Louise [B. Cannon] came with me and we went first to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s‒ saw only herself Lucile [Laura Lucile Sears], Eugene [S. Sears] & Brent [E. Brenton Sears]. After half an hour or so we went over to the house and had a fine evening together‒ of course one forms many new resolutions in the new year, and some times one’s resolves prove effectual. I have many sad feelings every holiday‒ longings for my loved ones departed and my old home and associations. {p. 37}

2 January 1900 • Tuesday

This morning was dark and gloomy, fog perfectly awful burned my hands with hot grease‒ Louise and myself had breakfast here together‒ she had to hurry home and I lingered fussing with my hands. I was very low spirited all day long and could not work‒ mailing dragging on and on. Several callers, Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury, Mrs. [Rebecca Beesley] Doolan & several more. Annie has the children practising the operatta at her house today‒ quite an undertaking for her. Margaret [Cannon] came down tonight to stay with me. I was never more delighted, it was like a sunbeam coming into my room‒ we had a fine evening and enjoyed it very much indeed. I love to have my own dear little folks come, it brings to mind when mine were round me‒ all gone now‒ {p. 38}

3 January 1900 • Wednesday

<Presented Sister Minnie J. [S. Ephramina Jensen] Snow with a vase (Bohemian) and flowers‒ wrote her a note too.> This is a foggy day, and so heavy that one cannot help feeling oppressed. Mary Alice [Cannon] Lambert came and invited me to go to the Relief Society Annual in the 7th. Ward the next day‒ and really I felt glad, as I had not been to any of the city wards recently. Several sisters came to see me and I spent most of my time more in talking of the present situation in Congress, which to me seems an unnecessary trouble and one that ought to have been avoided. Many people think it has been providentially brought about for the Lord’s purposes concerning the nation. The war of England and South Africa is very terrible, great loss of life and destruction of property. What the end will be one cannot tell or foresee had a quiet & lonely evening. {p. 39}

4 January 1900 • Thursday

A very unpleasant day in regard to weather, felt very miserable and low-spirited, went up late and soon went to the Seventh Ward Annual meeting of the Relief Society 32 years since its organization and we had an enjoyable time I spoke 55 minutes. We had a very fine supper quite a feast‒ I went direct from there to Annie’s‒ took Geo. Q. a gold ring for his nineteenth birthday‒ Annie and the children all gave him presents. I spent the evening with them Annie Q. and myself alone after the little ones retired. John Q. was late getting home‒ and of course I had already decided to sleep there. The fog is so dense one is not safe scarcely to be out late or to try to catch a street car. Everything seems prosperous at present, the children are learning the operatta {p. 40}

5 January 1900 • Friday

This morning the fog has lifted and the sun shines. I went up in good time to the office and worked at the mailing continuously until evening‒ then determined to go and see Mrs. Salisbury who had called on me three times and failed to see me. I met several people during the day who called on me Miss [Bessie L.] Shirley the editor of the Mining and Stock Journal of this City‒ and others‒ Miss [Emily] Katz society editor of the Herald, and so on and so forth. Found Mrs. Salisbury in bed and Mrs. [Elizabeth] Walker suffering from a severe cold. Had tea up stairs with Mrs. Salisbury and talked over the George Washington Memorial Affairs. the new President General & so forth[.] came home alone and did some writing and also reading‒ Inez [Earl] Godbe came today {p. 41}

6 January 1900 • Saturday

A very very busy day, trying to get on with my regular work could not attend either of the meetings I wished to‒ the Primary officers‒ the State Council or the Semimonthly meeting in the 14th. Ward. After the close of each of these meetings the ladies some of them called upon me and asked advice etc. reported progress in their work. The Utah State Council decided to give Miss Susan B. Anthony on her birthday Feb. 15. 1900 a hundred dollars and a bag made of Utah silk and embroidered with the sego lily in colors. I worked on until nearly ten‒ came home too weary to go over to Belle’s. Read some after which I felt very nervous and depressed. Tonight the Alta Club gives a banquet to which John Q. and Annie are invited. {p. 42}

7 January 1900 • Sunday

<John Q. Annie and all the children were vaccinated to day except the twins> This morning much as I wished to go to Fast meeting I really felt I must stay at home and rest. I really am very much fatigued with my daily labors‒ so little help of any kind. I do miss Em [Emma Sears Roberts]‒ very greatly. Lucile is not well and Belle has no other help‒ Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] has her two babies3 and Annie has Katharine [Cannon] and the twins besides her numerous family who are older. I wrote a long letter to Mary Lowe Dickinson and finished my article for the Club magazine of New York City. Then I rested and read except to write in my journal and read over many of the old ones to find certain things. The first Sunday in the New I have generally gone to the meeting‒ it was the Young Ladies Conference in the evening‒ {p. 43}

8 January 1900 • Monday

Soon after getting to work in the office‒ who should walk in but Mrs. Laura G. Fixen of Chicago‒ she had looked for me all day Sunday‒ I went with her to call at the Deseret News and then to President [Lorenzo] Snows and had a very pleasant time. Mrs. Fixen invited both Mrs. Snow and myself to dine with her at the Kenyan and then go to the theatre at the Grand. After we had separated and I had barely begun my work again‒ Mrs. Snow came to invite me to go for a ride with her and we went for Mrs. Fixen and had an hour’s ride or more then to dine then to the Grand theatre. I was very much annoyed with the play‒ came home about midnight alone‒ {p. 44}

9 January 1900 • Tuesday

Today worked in the forenoon and after noon Mrs. Fixen came we went to call on Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. [Susa Young] Gates‒ Mrs. Pratt went with us to the City and County Building and had a pleasant afternoon‒ we parted from Mrs. Fixen at the Knutsford corner and I felt very gloomy about her. She has been much impressed with our people. She leaves here tonight for Denver and then for Chicago. I hope she may do us good in speaking of us and not become prejudiced as some tourists and visitors do. I worked awhile in the office then came home called over at Belle’s and then came home and looked over many volumes of the paper to find certain articles {p. 45}

10 January 1900 • Wednesday

This morning was at Belle’s Annie and Dot both came up town very cold day but sun shining‒ went over to Journal office then to Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor’s 14th. Ward‒ then back to go on mailing. Kindergarten meeting at 3. p.m. Belle and Lucile both came in. Mrs. Joanna [Jamison] Melton came to see me about going to Scotland. Annie is getting the children ready for the birthday of Prest. [George Q.] Cannon‒ the operatta she has written is going to be quite a success evidently. I hope all will go well and happy on the day and evening. War news very terrible and delay over the [Brigham H.] Roberts case in Congress seems uncalled for. I had a letter from Emmie today Detroit Michigan‒ also from Henry B. Blackwell Boston. {p. 46}

11 January 1900 • Thursday

This is President Geo. Q. Cannon’s birthday 73 years old, Annie John Q. and all the children have gone over in a three seated carriage with a span of horses. Annie wrote the Operratta for the children to sing. I hope all will be well with the affair. I was invited but did not feel like going. I heard bad news from home in the East‒ a fire where my niece lives and my sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] was staying with her, a fearfully cold night. Sister [Maria Richards] Wilcox came to see me also Sister [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson who said she would go to Provo with me. Kate [Catherine] Wells and May [Mary Wells] Whitney spent an hour or two in the evening with me. The news of the war is very disastrous Roberts is making his case more and more hopeless {p. 47}

12 January 1900 • Friday

Did not feel well enough to get up and go to Provo went over to Belle’s then to Annie’s and Margaret with me to the office. Isaac Sears daughter4 Mrs. W. [William] H. Pitt Jun. was buried today. Belle went with Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears to the funeral a young woman 23 years old. Dot and baby went up to see Mary Jennings Wells. I did quite a little mailing, Margaret folded papers for me Margaret [Mitchell] Caine came and stayed on and on. Had a letter from Katharine B. Gallison, Sec’y of the General Society D.R.5 about a jeweled pin for the President Mrs. Snow‒ have not yet answered it, but intend to give something towards it. Mrs. Caine spoke before the Ladies’ Literary Club on silk in Utah today. She came to see me at the office this evening. Margaret stayed here all night {p. 48}

13 January 1900 • Saturday

This morning went up late as I seemed scarcely well enough to go at all. The day was dismal, Annie came up and purchased new things for Geo. Q. to go to Provo to school. I had quite a few callers and hindrances and did not get my mailing done as I had hoped to finished city papers however. My heart is sad over many things I cannot speak of and I am much more melancholy than usual I am not given to sadness generally Sister Stevenson has been to report her visit to Provo. The weather is heavy with dampness. I shall try to rest tomorrow I have worked hard all this week more than I am accustomed to. I have nearly always had help. {p. 49}

14 January 1900 • Sunday

I really felt ill and stayed in bed until late, then Lucile came over to see me‒ she goes to the Hospital St. Mary’s tonight to have a lump taken from her hand tomorrow morning‒ and that only depresses me more. Q. goes to Provo tomorrow morning‒ he came to see me today I made a fire in the parlor grate, the first time this winter Eugene came over with Q. then Louise and Katharine, after that Dot and then Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears]. So I have had callers. I have not tried to do any writing have gone over many old letters and diaries trying to find items of the first organization of the Y.L.M.I.A.6 but did not succeed. In the evening after Belle came back from the Hospital I went over a little while‒ felt very uncomfortable. {p. 50}

15 January 1900 • Monday

Last night I was really ill woke with the wretched heavy feeling and had to get up and stir around for a little while, and put on my things to go over to Belle’s but over came the feeling and after taking a heavy dose of cayenne and repeating the multiplication table twice and all the poems I know at last fell asleep for a few hours. Rose early feeling very ill and went off to the office with proofs etc. had a busy day and at evening went down to Annie’s and slept there. We heard from Lucile that the operation was successful and she was resting. Annie seems in a very cheerful mood and so is John Q. Prest. Cannon has spoken highly of Annie’s ability about the operatta‒7 means to have it repeated–{p. 51}

16 January 1900 • Tuesday

Went up to the office in fairly good time and worked very hard all day long‒ Louise came up in the Meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution at 3. p.m. and had nine members present‒ did some business and decided on another meeting in February 16th. Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber stayed after the meeting adjourned to tell me her troubles or her mothers8 more particularly‒ all about the treatment her mother received from the Richards family at the time of the death and funeral.9 She was very much wrought up while going over the details. evening and we worked awhile at the mailing and then we went down home and over to Belle’s to see her and Lucile. Came home and had supper and did some reading and spent a pleasant hoar [hour] before retiring. {p. 52}

17 January 1900 • Wednesday

Louise went home early and I was much later in going up. found a letter from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] feeling annoyed because no one had written, sat down and began a letter to her without waiting to do any work at all. Sister Hyde10 came then Br. Reid, than [then] Annie T. [Taylor] Hyde then Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne and several others. Then Kindergarten meeting Utah, and finally Sister Stevenson Lula Greene Richards and so many interruptions however I finished the letter at last also sent bill to George M. Cannon Zion’s savings Bank and Trust Company‒ Florence [Alder] Schettler and Emily [Wells] Grant <called>. Heard of the sudden death of Julia [Ivins] MacDonald one of the charter members of the Press Association I was much shocked, Annie came up a few minutes. {p. 53}

18 January 1900 • Thursday

This morning I really set to work to finish my mailing made a desperate attempt‒ worked like a Trojan Went down to Annie’s for a short time. Had several letters that were pleasant‒ worked so hard that I could scarcely keep from trembling‒ after going home wrote to Emmie‒ it is such an undertaking to get out one paper while mailing the other‒ read my proofs and finished all my work Completely exhausted could not rest even when there was time, on account of the over-exertion‒ the sickness in the city is very annoying and seems to retard every thing. A young girl cam[e] to see me today and talk about staying with me‒ Mabel Tamson Mc’Bride, she is sort of alone in the world and has no position at present. {p. 54}

19 January 1900 • Friday

This morning Miss Mabelle Biggart came up to see me I had told Josephine Spencer she could meet her in my office, but that I could not come up in the forenoon. She left her card but was alone Josephine did not come at all. However she left a message for me to come to the Knutsford at evening. Dr. Pratt asked me to dinner, I went over after Br. [Charles W.] Penrose had gone she had kept mine warm. I invited her to go with me to the Knutsford. She did not come however. Belle went to the Kensington11 at [Winifred Clawson] Ellerbeck’s. I called at the Knutsford had a long talk with Miss Biggart. came home late and cold sat up reading feeling dismal and unhappy Went up to see Martha [Harris] Wells after being at the Knutsford {p. 55}

20 January 1900 • Saturday

<John Ruskin died to day in England aged 81 neext month> This is Dr. Ellis R. [Reynolds] Shipp’s birthday. I came up early to meet Miss Biggart and introduce her to the Governor,12 he was hurrying off to the Board of Pardons‒ went down to the Hotel and we went to the Governor’s office later‒ I came back to work and sent off mail new paper came over. Mrs. Caine came up and we went to Miss Biggarts lecture in the Ladies Literary Club Building. Her rendition of George Elliot’s Adam Bede was very vivid and real. Annie T. Hyde was with us‒ we three came back to the office and looked at the silk which the ladies of the silk commission had decided to send to Susan B. Anthony, elegant black brocade‒ it took the cash prize at the Utah State Fair‒ went home alone worn out and cold as could be. {p. 56}

21 January 1900 • Sunday

Aunt Eliza R. Snow’s birthday‒ she would have been 96. had she lived. Worked all morning on matters of moment to give Miss Biggart‒ then went to the Tabernacle and sat by her and Miss MacDougall13 Prest. Cannon preached after two missionaries, on the broad doctrine salvation taught by Joseph Smith. I introduced Miss Biggart to Br. [John J.] Daynes the organist and to Prof [Evan] Stephens the choir leader. Br. Daynes played by her request The Pilgrim’s Song of Hope by Battiste I went with Miss Biggarte to hotel and arranged some business matters then down to Annie’s and spent the evening, stayed all night there, babies doing nicely‒ {p. 57}

22 January 1900 • Monday

Went up early banked my money 66.75‒ Mabel McBride came to stay with me. I came down home left her at the office went over to see Belle & Lucile‒ then back to the office; the club had begun the meeting‒ Sister Horne and Smith were there‒ we had a sort of Memorial of Sister Eliza R. Snow‒ each one spoke or recited in her praise as a tribute to her memory. Present were 1 M. I. Horne 2. M. A. [Mary Ann Price] Hyde, 3 B. W. [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith, 4 M. Y. [Margaret Young] Taylor 5 S. J. [Sarah Jenne] Cannon, 6 A. T. Hyde 7 M. A. [Mary Ann] Romney, 8 Julia [Jinks] Druce 9 J. A. [Julia Ann] Druce 10 A. W. Wardoup [Amelia Woolley Wardrop], 11. Clara [Horne] James, 12 M. [Mary Gardner] Gardner 13 Mary [Pile] Silver, 14. M. L. [Mary Lois Walker] Morris, 15 Chrsting [Castina Johnson] Trescott 16 E. J. Stevenson, 17. M. T. McBride 18. May W. [Wilcken] Cannon 19. E. B. Wells‒ signed petition for James Clive as P.M.14 Provo {p. 58}

23 January 1900 • Tuesday

Rose early and went to see Belle then to the office and found letter from Rachel Foster Avery inviting me to take part in Miss Anthony’s celebration and telling me a seat would be reserved on the platform for me‒ also tickets for the reception in the evening. I had word from Miss Anthony to prepare Letters to Congress Senate & House and to day the matter was properly attended to and documents sent away to Riggs House Washington. Miss Walty came to see me, she is going to be baptized tomorrow Br. Benjamin Goddard will perform the ceremony. I have had several annoyances today‒ but on the whole did very well‒ as the work was being done by the girl, and it was a relief Came home tired but am feeling rested because of the work. I must write something for the paper {p. 59}

24 January 1900 • Wednesday

Went up to the office in good time day very cold, after being there a few minutes, went up to the News office etc & found they were tearing down the old place behind the wall where the gold dust was coined in the early days in Utah. and where for the past six years and a half our type for the Exponent has been set. Sister Smith came at 12. we were to go and wash and anoint Sister M. H. [Martha Horne] Tingey who is suffering from a weakness of some sort‒ we left about two‒ found her better than we expected‒ Sister Horne Minnie and Clara were there. Had a time of blessing and supper before returning. Went to Br. J. M. Sjhodal [Janne M. Sjodahl]’s to the wedding of Elise Gasser to Hugh Conner had wedding supper‒ great profusion of flowers. Ceremony by Justice Wilson‒ met many strangers. {p. 60}

25 January 1900 • Thursday

Today is extremely cold and raw wind‒ went down to Annie’s and had lunch. She has a new girl came today‒ feel very thankful. Aunt Zina [Huntington Young] came to see me, had a long talk with her. Sister Adeline [Woodward Earl] also came & told me some of the news she had from the East. I am trying to instruct the new girl in mailing. C. C. Raleigh [Caroline Raleigh Wells] brought a woman from Snowville to see me Sister [Martha Roberts] Arbon. I worked very hard and felt very weary, worried too‒ it is the night of the ball at the Alta Club‒ Annie & John Q. are going. they invited Will [C. William Buchholz] and Dot but they are not going. Dot has decided not. Lucile is better News from Congress all against Roberts being admitted‒ Boers fighting terribly {p. 61}

26 January 1900 • Friday

Today went up early‒ bought Sep a handsome handkerchief white with letter S. embroidered. Roberts has not been allowed to be sworn in or take his seat. Went up to Sister [Eleanor Jones] Toronto’s to wash and anoint Sister Clare [Clara] Jane Seegmiller Toronto previous to her confinement, had a satisfactory visit Sisters Zina D. H. Young and E. J. Stevenson were there. Had supper afterwards then I went home with Aunt Zina & then to the office and down to Belle’s to dinner, had turkey and plum pudding and other delicacies‒ Dot & Will & babies were there‒ This Stake of Zion is being divided in three on the South & West Jordan Stake and now several wards including Farmer’s the Granite Stake. We will feel lost however I belong to the 11th. Ward Salt Lake City {p. 62}

27 January 1900 • Saturday

Today a meeting was held in which officers were chosen for Granite Stake, Frank Y. Taylor President, and others. Tomorrow the Stake will be more fully organized. I was at my office quite early and commenced work. Letter from [Wesley K.] Walton Chairman Central Com. Rep.15 notifying me of a meeting <Cullen Hotel> on Tuesday. <4. p.m.> Miss [Mary C.] May telling me of a meeting of the State Kindergarten Association on Tuesday 2. p.m. at Nellie [Rebecca Mantle] Little’s. invitation to Mrs. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings Kensington‒ Feb. 1. Sister E. S. Taylor came and we had a long talk. Also Emily S. [Tanner] Richards and others & Mrs. H. H. Larsen [Hilda H. Ostlund Larson] & Agnes [McGregor] Cutler about the new Stake Jordan. Louise is at Juvenile office today selling Valentines. Letter from Belva [Bennett] Lockwood in the afternoon very friendly in reference to Peace League‒ more names wanted Sister Stevenson called and others Mr. John P. Tate from Tooele is here this evening. {p. 63}

28 January 1900 • Sunday

This is a beautiful day and I made up my mind to rest, I had a fine bath and soon came some of my little folks, Louise Emmeline [Cannon] & Katharine, stayed a short time only. I went to the meeting, Dr. James E. Talmage was the first speaker then President George Q. Cannon. Miss Judith [M.] Anderson sung a solo “Flee as a bird to the mountain”, she has a wonderful voice full of melody and clear. Came home and did quite a lot of writing and reading. I am some better in my health and not quite so worried as when I was alone. I feel happier with someone in the house. Yet I am so far behind with my work that I cannot rest much yet. Today a meeting in Forestdale to complete the organization of the Stake and to sustain those chosen Relief Society Emma [Smith] Woodruff Mary P. [Pratt] Young Kathaine [Katherine Howard] Brockbank {p. 64}

29 January 1900 • Monday

Went up to the office to work at mailing and had Mabel come to assist in the work. Terrible news from the seat of war in South Africa and calamities in all parts of the earth. It seems that Prest. [Wilford] Woodruffs words in regard to the unsheathing of the sword are coming to pass with a vengeance wrote letters tonight and yesterday to Dr. M. C. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, City‒ Hannah J. Bailey Pinehurst North Carolina where she is enroute to Southern California telling her I would prepare the Peace pamphlet to be translated into the French language for the Paris Exposition, also to Belva A. Lockwood about the Peace League and to Cynthia Westover Alden in reference to Press Committee Work for the National Council. There seems to be many requests to work and but few privileges in return‒ yet when one desires to do good one need not complain {p. 65}

30 January 1900 • Tuesday

Still hard at work at mailing yet was called to attend a meeting to consider the question of the Kindergarten at Sister Nellie Littles, there were present Mrs. Hannah [Keogh] McCornick Mrs. [Olive Youngman] Dart, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Little Miss May five in all. only decided on the Annual Meeting in March‒ called on Mrs. [Maria Banks] Francis & Dr. Pratt. had some important letters from the East, and many visitors some unpleasant matters and plenty of opportunity to cultivate patience. The times are full of events tragic enough to satisfy the most romantic. The war in South Africa is at its height and hundreds of brave men are falling daily and still the terrible scenes are being enacted. {p. 66}

31 January 1900 • Wednesday

This is a glorious day of sunshine and is Sister Zina D. H. Young’s birthday anniversary, also Mrs. Jane S. [Snyder] Richards & Mrs. Goodbe [Annie Thompson Godbe] & Mrs. [Margaret Thompson] Mitchell twin-sisters. Mrs. [Phoebe Young] Beatie gave a dinner party in honor of the 79th, anniversary‒ there were present Mrs. Naamah T. [Twiss] Young Margaret P. [Pierce] Young Harriet B. [Barney] Young Eliza B. [Burgess] Young Amelia F. [Folsom] Young E. S. Taylor E. J. Stevenson and E. B. Wells P. P. Jennings and Maria Y. [Young] Dougall Bathsheba W. Smith M. Isabella Horne, besides the honored lady herself she seemed unusually quiet‒ we had a pleasant time and came away early. I drove in Mrs. Jennings carriage to the Templeton I took Aunt Zina a book Dews From Heaven Frances Reidley [Ridley] Havergal. She seemed very much pleased. {p. 67}

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January 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-01


  1. [1]text: EBW inscribed this on the first blank page.

  2. [2]EBW’s grandson, the son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon. He often was referred to simply as “Q.”

  3. [3]Marian Buchholz and Lucile Buchholz.

  4. [4]Etta May Sears Pitt. (“Sudden Death of Young Wife,” Salt Lake Herald, 12 Jan. 1900, 5.)

  5. [5]Daughters of the Revolution.

  6. [6]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  7. [7]“I sat filled with wonder as to who of my family could have had the ability to do this, because the rhymes and the tunes were so appropriate. I made inquiry about it, and learned that it was John Q.’s wife. It was surprisingly clever, and I was deeply touched by it.” (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 11 Jan. 1900.)

  8. [8]Charlotte Fox Richards.

  9. [9]Franklin D. Richards died 9 December 1899.

  10. [10]Perhaps Ellen Wilcox Hyde.

  11. [11]Kensington tea party.

  12. [12]Heber M. Wells.

  13. [13]Perhaps Flora McDougall.

  14. [14]Postmaster.

  15. [15]Committee Republican.