October 1899

1 October 1899 • Sunday

Was busy all morning writing and I could not do without reading Bible etc. Wento Fast Meeting in the 18th. Ward. Apostle Rudger Clawson spoke among others– also occupied a short time in telling the Congregation about the Prophet Joseph and the British mission. Felt very much impressed with the Spirit, Elder Henry Richards spoke afterwards in the same strain. Called on Mary Jennings Wells– saw little Jane [Wells] she leaves on the occasion <20th> of October– is anxious to see you <Dot‒> will sail on a Steamer– made another report for Sister Horne, and satup very late. My feelings are wrought up to an intense degree– I know not why. I am anxious about Annie & feel she must have more assistance, I have many letters to answer and can not get them written. Conference time is very awkward. {p. 249}

2 October 1899 • Monday

Started off early called at Belle’s, then on Sister Horne She is fairly well– gave her the complete report went on and got ready for Meeting at 2. p.m. in the Assembly Hall, Aunt Zina presided, I presented business and afterwards reported my trip to Great Britain– In the evening there was a sociable at Mrs. Georgie Fox Young’s for the Reaper’s Club at which we had at least forty ladies. Sister Horne was chosen Chairman sang O, my Father prayer by B. W. Smith, remarks by Sister Ho[r]ne and Wells– music by the girls Lyle [Young] and Georgie [Young] on the piano and violin– then an address by Mrs. Wells, giving much of official receptions. Afterwards refreshments in good style and after saying our adieux, came home on 12. m. car– could not sleep, was very chilly and uncomfortable. {p. 250}

3 October 1899 • Tuesday

Felt very ill this morning, could scarcely keep from fainting, went over to Belle’s for a few minutes. Then to the office feeling faint and miserable; did some writing Went to bank with five dollars given through Sister Horne for Building Fund from Farmer’s Ward– last December. Directors meeting in my office as usual– ten members present. There was much business to be transacted and money to be voted upon. The day was cold and I was sick. The First State Fair opened to day, Governor absent, Secretary acting in his stead, Father Keelly [Denis Kiely] made the prayer– Septimus W. Sears is Secretary of the State Fair and has worked hard to make it a success. {p. 251}

4 October 1899 • Wednesday

I felt much comforted in my spirit this morning, and have no doubt it was because of the blessing I received from Sister Zina D. H. Young, and the other sisters present administering with her and uniting their faith and love with her; Mrs. M. I. Horne, Mrs. Susan Grant, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon and Mrs. Emilia D. Madsen I was promised a prophetic spirit even the gift of prophecy, and many other great promises were made to me. I was so weary I could not do much, but kept up reading and writing until very late, slept better and had a singular dream about President Woodruff. Today went to see the land of Susan [West] Smith’s and Sister Standring with me, paid the directors traveling expenses. drew one hundred and sixty dollars from the Building Fund to pay note for money loaned by Mrs. Salisbury <to Margaret A. Caine. to go to London> Conference people and Fair visitors coming in rapidly. {p. 252}

5 October 1899 • Thursday

Many hindrances to my mailing although I tried hard yesterday today I went direct to the Assembly hall and attended to my duties as Secretary of the Relief Society– Sister Zina seemed to enter more than usual into the spirit of the meeting and held out remarkably well– did not have much that was new or remarkable but many testimonies that were good from women of experience. Sister Zina herself spoke as well as she has for years, and Sister Smith bore testimony of Joseph and his visits to the Relief Society and the endowments in his day. In the evening Sister Zina spoke in an Indian tongue and Zina Y. Card interpreted {p. 253}

6 October 1899 • Friday

Today the General Conference opened in the Tabernacle at 10. A.M. and Prest. L. Snow was on hand to preside and seemed clothed with great power and crowds of people were in attendance. Also it was a wonderful day at the Fair. More people than on any other day or time. It is quite remarkable in fine serving and embroidery and silk in many varieties. Cocoons &c I went down in the evening and looked over the whole ground inside the house the music was excellent. Yesterday at our Relief Society Conference Miss Bessie Edmonds sung a solo “Eyes that are Weary” and Prof. Evan Stephens played the accompaniment on the organ. In the evening we had Mrs. Mary F. [Francis] Kelly and her choir of young girls and it was quite an addition to our musical exercises {p. 254}

7 October 1899 • Saturday

Today the Conference is still in session and much enthusiasm manifested, crowds of people throng towards the Tabernacle, and yet the Fair and Salt Palace and places of amusement are well patronized, Much interest is shown in the stock exhibit, there are some fine specimens of cattle. It should promote a greater desire to improve the animals (domestic) I have had many country people calling at the office and many questions to answer and letters to write and old accounts to look up and so forth. Emma [Leywood] Monk of Spanish Fork came and paid her respects to me; I was in hopes she could have gone to stay with Annie; she is sadly in need of help: May the Lord touch the heart of Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon to do something to make things right with his own eldest son and heir, and not leave such a beautiful family out of his reckoning1 {p. 255}

8 October 1899 • Sunday

This morning went first to Belle’s after breakfast and other duties, then up to Annie’s and had lunch, then to Meeting and took Margaret with me. The twins are lovely handsome boys and good as gold. A new girl came while I was there. The Tabernacle and Assembly Hall were crowded to suffocation almost. O my Father was sung in the services, prayer by Prest. A. M. Cannon. Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon sustained the Authorities by calling them for the votes of the people. The Relief Society officers and Board of Directors were sustained Jos. McMurrain [McMurrin] spoke a short time the[n] Jos. F. Smith, Horace S. Ensign sung Jerusalem, George Q. spoke upon prayer, choir sung Hosannah & Jos. E. Taylor pronounced the benediction. I sent Annie a box of chocolate creams. Came home alone and had dinner then went <had> callers. Edna W. Sloan & Mary J. Wells & babies– have been busy writing. {p. 256}

9 October 1899 • Monday

Today has been fine but I have had much work to do. People from the country calling and wanting to ask about business for the Society. Sister Lyman2 from Oak City and another Sister Lyman with whom I had a pleasant conversation. A letter from a broken-hearted mother in Oakland California beseeching me to help her boy who is in prison here. I gave the letter to the Deseret News. I have tried hard to finish my mailing. Sophia Hyde who lives with me intended leaving today and it was rather unpleasant to be left without help. I came home late and exhausted– read until very late and slept uncomfortable and really not soundly at all {p. 257}

10 October 1899 • Tuesday

Today is the anniversary of my marriage to Daniel H. Wells and it is 47 years. How vividly the days come back when one passed through such ordeals, those days were not like the present, few comforts and no luxuries. I have had a letter from the beautiful Duchess of Sutherland and her photo. I went with Sister Mary E. [Elizabeth Houtz] Snow to see some rooms in the Constitution Building– Aunt Zina came to see me while I was out. Dr. Pratt brought me a nice lunch. We had a little private talk about affairs in which we are both interested. Miss Lizzie Bonham of Liverpool or rather Macclesfield [England] near there came to see me with Mrs. Seth Pixton [Ellen Weaver Pixton], whose husband is over in England on a mission {p. 258}

11 October 1899 • Wednesday

This morning a letter from Mrs. Gaffney and I answered it off hand– in reference to postponement of the Executive meeting of the National Council. Annie has been to see me today– she had a talk with Prest. Cannon– he complimented her very highly. He goes to New York tomorrow & Carlie. I wrote Mrs. Gaffney also Mrs. [C. Elnora Nielsen] Wight of Canada, Mrs. Felt3 of this city and Mrs. [Alice Shelter] Dow matron of the State Prison Miss [Emily] Cates called today about Federation business and some other ladies also. Sister Stevenson came over from the Temple I have been doing copy & other office work and am very much exhausted. I am so anxious about my writing I seem so far behind especially with the poems & also with descriptions of my trip abroad. {p. 259}

12 October 1899 • Thursday

Today I have been busy and many callers as well, but in the afternoon went up to Aunt Zina’s called a minute at Hannah’s, saw Gershom [F. Wells] and the children Marjorie [Wells] and Ben [Benjamin S. Wells] also Nannah– read Hugh [Hugo D. Wells]’s letter to his Grandma. Went on to Aunt Zina’s had a cup of tea, talked with her about signing some circulars for Dr. Pratt. She seemed more strange than ever before, it is wearisome. Such a trifle to make delay over. Came home so utterly worn out could not do anything scarcely towards my editorial work. I am too nervous to keep up very long without help. Sophia ought to have been content to stay with me, I need a maid My brain work is very fatiguing. {p. 260}

13 October 1899 • Friday

Getting ready to go to press reading proofs and talking to visitors and answering telephone messages and doing regular office duty. I had hard work to get started this morning– saw Dot on her way to her mother’s. She has Mrs. Irish the nurse. Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister, the Supreme Commander of the Supreme Hive of the Maccabees4 arrived this morning and is at the Knutsford. I tried to catch her by telephone but she was out. Tonight the I.O.O.F.5 give her a reception. Aunt Margaret P. Young was in today also saw Eliza B. [Burgess Young] and many others of the ladies. Sister [Mary Sessions] Briggs from Bountiful came to see me, and promised Annie a nurse girl– Laura Briggs. Came home in wet and darkness, very lonely– {p. 261}

14 October 1899 • Saturday

Saturday morning hurried up and set to work at my proofs another dismal day, and so little to cheer one’s spirits. Tried hard to get to the hotel to see Mrs. Hollister and at last towards evening after a weary day of hard work and storms and mud I went over and called on Dr. Pratt and invited her to go with me to the Knutsford– We walked down chatting pleasantly and Dr. looking in at the windows on the way‒ a habit she has and then after sending up for Mrs. Hollister, she was out, so I went up into the writing room and wrote her a note Mrs. P. sitting waiting and rather enjoying the rest. Came home read the paper looked over the Bookman and wrote to Emily [Sears Roberts] in Detroit a long letter– telling how I missed her {p. 262}

15 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday morning ground covered with snow, looked very lovely but cold and as it thawed proved quite disagreeable. Stayed in all day and did extra things then wrote letters one to Mell Daisie Verona, Sister Pallas Elizabeth Fox, Miss Virginia S. Sterling New York Cor. Sec’y6 D. R. Louise came down to see me and I was very glad indeed as it is lonely when one has been used to so many not to see any one all day long. I did a little writing and tried to rest and get ready for another week’s work. The cold kept up and the day was very dismal out side. Rudger Clawson one of the Apostles and Prest. Angus M. Cannon followed[.] Mrs. Hollister attended and met Ann M. Cannon– {p. 263}

16 October 1899 • Monday

Monday morning hurried and attended to one or two little things– the girl came from Bountiful and then Mrs. Hollister & Mrs. Moffit [Eudocia S. Moffatt] called and I went with them and introduced them to the Governor in the Bank and then took them to see Dr. Pratt and Mrs. Hollister went with me to Call on Mrs. McCune. Then she went to Prest. Snow’s and I went back and took the nurse girl to Mrs. Cannon’s hurried back wrote some looked after the make up– and dined with had meeting of D.R. at 3. p.m. only six of us present and meeting only partially conducted. In the evening dined at the Knutsford Mrs. Hollister’s guest then went with her to Odd Fellows Hall. {p. 264}

17 October 1899 • Tuesday

This morning was really finer weather and I tried to get over to Belle’s before going she had gone up town and only saw Lucile– off to the car and to see about Sister Richards going to Franklin [Idaho] to attend the Onieda Stake Conference‒ of the Relief Society. Had so many things on hand that I scarcely knew how to manage notified members of the Committee of which I was Chairman of a meeting at 3 p.m. at the Bee Hive. Yesterday Prest. Snow sent for me and I had a talk with him about the coming of Mrs. J. Ellen [Horton] Foster who has been sent for to come and look up on the situation and is to be entertained and have a reception given to her. Seven on the Gen. Com.7 myself Minnie, Mrs. McCune, Mrs. Grant[,] Webber Ann M. Cannon & Mrs Empey8 {p. 265}

18 October 1899 • Wednesday

At eleven o’clock a meeting of the U.W.P.C.9 to transact business and prepare for Annual Oct. 31st. Afternoon poured with rain, I did some work letter writing and so on– day dismal, Miss [Bessie] Shirley editor of Mining paper came to see me, had two reporters one from Herald Miss Emily Katz and Miss Madsen Tribune, wrote to Miss Pattersen [Ada Patterson] who is on New York Journal and to two or three others and tried very hard to come home early– after having supper wrote to Mary Frost Evans New York City– then Read in the “Martian.” Wind blew tremendously and I could not sleep until four A.M. Was reading all night in The Martian by DuMaurier, and would have been glad to get up and write but the fire was out and the room cold and I did not dare. {p. 266}

19 October 1899 • Thursday

All day people, letter from Mrs. [Charlotte Perkins] Stetson’s agent giving prices which alarmed me. I scarce know how to answer because I wish her to come and dare not be responsible, and do not know how to approach other clubs and get them to share the responsibility. I worked until about 3 then went to Annie’s to see her and the babies and felt greatly depressed– there seemed no comfort without help. Annie was blue and disheartened almost, yet trying to be cheerful. Came up and went direct to the Bee Hive, and wrestled with the Committee of ladies about the Reception to Mrs. Foster of Washington D.C. After that went to Dot’s where I had some dinner and spent a pleasant hour or more came home to do more reading and writing and endeavor to rest and recruit for tomorrow {p. 267}

20 October 1899 • Friday

This morning felt very full of aches and pains & hardly could get up. Went to see Mrs. Caine, and ask her to go to Eureka and assist in reorganizing the Relief Society etc. She consented and I felt relieved and went off to the office and set to work on the mailing, have had rather a quiet day. Only one reporter, and not many hindrances, Sister Clarissa S. Williams, and Kate [Catherine Wells] & May Wells [Whitney], Margaret Caine and half a dozen or more others, still I persevered pretty well with my work, had a number of letters, one an invitation to Lehi for Aunt Zina and myself. Saw Bishop Clawson and had a talk with him about Mrs. Foster She is to be at the Knutsford at the expense of the Church. Rather remarkable proceedings. {p. 268}

21 October 1899 • Saturday

Louise has been to see me today and I have seen Emeline Wells, Cal. [Clara Wells] Hedges, Lydia Ann & Susan Wells and Sister Stevenson, Ella Hyde, Zina [Crocheron] Walker Rebecca Doolan and dozens more have called on me today. I dreamed of the old home last night– a most interesting dream. The day has been dull and heavey though I have been too busy to care much for the weather, in fact I cannot have time to admire the beautiful autumn tints and glorious sunsets– even the moonlight nights grand as they are at this season pass almost unheeded while I pore over my writing or the books I must read to relieve my brain of its tension. Business letters must be answered and as I cannot afford either a secretary or a stenographer I must needs do all myself. Sent off telegrams etc. My Sister Adeline came to see me this evening at the office {p. 269}

22 October 1899 • Sunday

This morning was very bright and I determined to try and rest on this Sabbath day. I dressed and went to the Tabernacle– so few people in attendance– for such a city as ours, two young missionaries preached then Apostle John Henry Smith, he has a fine voice and good presence and excellent delivery but is almost too emphatic. However he spoke as well as I ever heard him. Choir rendered the Anthem [“]Hallejuhah The Lord God Omnipotent Reigheth.” I went to Annie’s and had dinner, then called at Sister Horne’s, she had gone to Forest dale where the Relief Society was to be reorganized. because of Sister [Cornelia Pratt] Drigg’s death. John Q. had a telegram from his father or from Frank about his father this morning. he is ill with pneumonia, the twins are well & doing nicely. {p. 270}

23 October 1899 • Monday

A fine day the birthday of Vilate Groo Taylor, born on the birthday of Vilate Murray Kimball– one of the chief Mothers in Israel who stood by her husband to establish the principle of plural marriage in the dispensation of the fulness of times, revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith and also thro’ prayer and faith to many women by direct manifestation among whom Vilate Kimball was one of the favored of the Lord with heavenly visions. Today the Reapers Club met and made choice of representation for the State Federation of Clubs. I had refused over and over again to remain acting President but in consequence of the absence of the person chosen Dr. Ellis R. Shipp consented once more to represent the Reapers Club {p. 271}

24 October 1899 • Tuesday

Mrs. Hollister and Mrs. Moffitt called, Mrs. H. to say good bye her friend stays to organize. letters to be answered and the birthday coming on to prepare for and John Q. going away to see his father. Louise is such a little companion for me comes in from school with her sweet fresh young face like a ray of bright sunshine to gladden my heart. Mrs. Hollister having made me an Honorary member of the Ladies of the Maccabees {p. 272}

25 October 1899 • Wednesday

Appeals being made all the time for advice about voting on the President for State Federation. Opens tomorrow morning in the Congregational Church. There never was a time when I had so many ideas floating thro my brain that need to be caught and put on paper, and yet the very business of life keeps me drudging and wondering how I shall acquire means to cover daily expenses. Flights of fancy must be subservient to life’s daily toil and cares. So goes the world‒ that is why we have so much prose and so little poetry. {p. 273}

26 October 1899 • Thursday

Attended Federation convention opening and voted on main questions met the Ogden delegation and had some conversation with them about difficulties over the election of officers. Was approached by Mrs. [Mary Ferry] Allen of Park City in reference to seconding a motion she wished to make to suspend the rules while we passed a resolution– it did seem strange that one who had been such a bitter enemy of our people should ask me to help her in a matter of her devising– but much that on[c]e seemed impossible has already come to pass and more awaits fulfillment. I am not going to the evening session tho’ it is thought the papers will be for the most brilliant of all the session {p. 274}

27 October 1899 • Friday

Today is the anniversary of Daniel H. Wells one of the champions of liberty and light in this century, a man whose like we do not see in this day of the world but very rarely he would be 85 today– The <annual> gathering is held at Joseph’s house, and these are they who were present,10 <Martha> Lydia Ann Susan Hannah & myself wives, heads of families, Frank & Rubie, Belle <&> Septimus and youngest boy Brenton Rulon daughter <&> Josephine Lib, Abbie & Nannah Joseph & Annie, Alice, Herman & their other children, Emily & Heber J. Grant Dessie Gracie Emily & baby Francis Marian, Mary J. Brie’s wife Hebie, Mary, Martha & Florence, Edna & Thomas Sloan, & Lawrence May & O. F. Whitney Murray & Windell [Wendell], Kate and Louis, Steve, Charlie & Susie & two girls, Melvin & Lill and two girls & a boy, Will C. Hedges & Cal[,] Sanford [Sandford] & Emery [Emory] Emeline & Lyde, Harry Culmer & Nett, Cathie, Wells, Florence {p. 275} and Kennett, Annie, Q., Louise, Margaret, Daniel, Emmeline, Cavendish, Katharine, twins left at home Seymour B. Young & Rachel R. Grant.

28 October 1899 • Saturday

11|Today 28th. a daughter12 was born to Will & Dot‒ the second baby– weighed 8 pounds time 12. M. & 23 minutes. Dr. Pratt in attendance nurse Mrs. Irish. Federation closed today. Mrs. [Mary Geigus] Coulter of Ogden elected President Miss [Sarah] Whalen Cor. Sec’y. I am wild almost because of so much to do and strangers coming. Temperance women and also equal suffragists. Everything seems to conspire to hinder my going up to see my girls. It is undoubtedly inopportune that both the W.C.T.U.13 and N.-A.W.S.A.14 came at the same time. Went to see Annie today and the babies John Q. has gone on to New York to see his father at the Hotel Plaza {p. 276}

29 October 1899 • Sunday

Rose very tired expecting to go up to meet W.C.T.U. ladies when messenger came for me to tell me Mrs. [Carrie Chapman] Catt & Miss [Mary] Hay had arrived at the Knutsford, sent message immediately to Mrs. Emily S. Richards and then to the Knutsford where I found both parties had head quarters. Also met Mrs. Hannah J. [Johnston] Bailey of Winthrop Center Maine, who was very glad to see me. and I went to the Tabernacle with the party about 30 in all. Br. C. W. Penrose preached a Gospel sermon and a glorious anthem was finely rendered a “Hallelujah”– after which select pieces of music were played on the great organ for the visiting ladies. I was the guest of Mrs. Bailey at dinner at the Knutsford where six were seated with us at table. Saw Mrs. Bailey and others leave for Denver. {p. 277}

30 October 1899 • Monday

This is the eventful day on which we calculated to have a Committee Meeting in my office to meet Mrs. Catt for her to talk to them about working for other states. I had sent out letters of invitations and asked those myself who lived in the City and at the time there came, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt & Miss Mary G. Hay, Emily S. Richards, Lucy A. Clark and Mrs. Tanner & Mrs. Clark–15 Mrs. E. J. [Elizabeth Jardine] McFarlane, Mrs. J. Fewson Smith [Christina Vernon Smith] Mrs. E. M. [Elizabeth M. Ferguson] Price, Mrs. E. W. Hyde, Ruth M. Fox– P. P. Jennings. J. P. M. Farnsworth and a few others. Mrs. Catt talked and Miss Hay also myself and Mrs. Clark & Mrs. Richards‒ also Mrs. Fewson Smith. In the evening tired as I was I went to the Knutsford to see the ladies, it was pouring with rain {p. 278}

31 October 1899 • Tuesday

This is rather an important day there are to be many Hallow e’en parties, and it is the anniversary of the founding of the Utah Woman’s Press Club of which I have the honor of founding and organizing and being its first President and sort of foster mother ever since. Tonight I am to speak there at the gathering tonight. Mrs. H. [Hyrum] S. Young [Lucy Fox Young] offered her house for me to give a talk on the 2nd of this month before the Reaper’s Club and now Mrs. C. [Charles] F. Wilcox [Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox] has opened hers for the Press Club. We are to present Mrs. Hyde the retiring President with a pretty picture, and I must make the presentation. I dressed in my ribbon silk and made my talk and the presentation speech. I have had very peculiar dreams of late seem significant. I have seemed to be with the late Presidents of the Church and Prest. Snow {p. 279}

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October 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1899/1899-10


  1. [1]John Q. Cannon was the oldest son of George Q. Cannon. At the request of Annie Wells Cannon, the wife of John, George Q. Cannon agreed to meet with John, likely on family financial matters, but President Cannon noted in his journal, “his wife telephoned that he was not very well; he had started to come down, but had given out.” (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 1 Oct. 1899.) EBW could see that Annie was “sadly in need of help” to care for their family of nine children. (EBW, Diary, 7 Oct. 1899.) Annie herself talked with President Cannon a few days later to express her concerns and was received in a kindly way. (EBW, Diary, 11 Oct. 1899.) John Q., in turn, later traveled to New York to support his father, who was being treated for pneumonia in a New York hotel. (EBW, Diary, 28 Oct. 1899; George Q. Cannon, Journal, 15 Oct.–3 Nov. 1899.)

  2. [2]Perhaps Caroline Partridge Lyman.

  3. [3]Likely S. Louise Boulton Felt.

  4. [4]The ladies’ auxiliary of the fraternal society of the Knights of the Maccabees. (Stevens, Cyclopaedia of Fraternities, s.v. “Ladies of the Maccabees,” 154–156.)

  5. [5]Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

  6. [6]Corresponding Secretary.

  7. [7]General Committee.

  8. [8]“Gardo House Reception,” Deseret Evening News, 14 Nov. 1899, 8.

  9. [9]Utah Woman’s Press Club.

  10. [10]Members of the Daniel H. Wells family who were present included Wells’s surviving wives, Martha Harris Wells, Lydia Ann Alley Wells, Susan Alley Wells, Hannah Free Wells, and EBW. Daniel Wells’s children, their spouses, and Wells’s grandchildren present included Frances (“Frankie” or “Frank”) Wells and daughter, Ruby Naylor Wells; Isabel (“Belle”) Whitney Sears and husband, Septimus W. Sears, with son Edward B. Sears; Rulon S. Wells and daughters, Josephine and Elizabeth (“Lib”); Abby Wells Chapin and daughter Hannah (“Nannah”) Chapin; Joseph S. Wells and wife Anna Sears Wells with children Alice, Herman J., and others, namely Byron S., Richard H., and baby Geneva Wells; Emily Wells Grant and husband, Heber J. Grant, with daughters Martha Deseret (“Dessie”), Grace, Emily, and Frances Marion; Mary Jane Jennings Wells, wife of Briant (“Brie”) H. Wells; the children of Heber M. Wells, namely son Heber D. and daughters Mary, Martha, and Florence Wells; Edna Wells Sloan and husband, Thomas W. Sloan, with son, Lawrence W. Sloan; Mary (“May”) Wells Whitney with husband, Orson F. Whitney, and sons Murray W. and Wendell W. Whitney; Catherine (“Kate”) Wells and brother Louis R. Wells; Stephen (“Steve”) F. Wells; Charles H. Wells with wife, Susan (“Susie”) Riter Wells, and daughters Edith and Louise Wells; Melvin D. Wells with wife Ann Elizabeth (“Lil” or “Lillie”) Young Wells and children Louisa, Miriam, and Melvin D. Wells Jr.; William S. Hedges with wife, Clara (“Cal”) Wells Hedges, and children Sandford W. and Emory M. Hedges; sisters Emeline Wells and Eliza (“Lyde”) Wells; Henry (“Harry”) A. L. Culmer with wife, Susan Annette (“Nett”) Wells Culmer, and children Catherine (“Cathie”) H. Wells, Florence, and Kennett A. Culmer; and Elizabeth Ann (“Annie”) Wells Cannon with children George Q., Louise, Margaret, Daniel H., Emmeline, Cavendish W., and Katharine Cannon. Seymour B. Young and Rachel R. Ivins Grant were related to the Wells family through marriage.

  11. [11]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was likely intended to indicate the start of a new entry.

  12. [12]Lucile Buchholz.

  13. [13]Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.

  14. [14]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  15. [15]Perhaps Annie Clark Tanner, married to Joseph M. Tanner and residing in Farmington, Utah; and perhaps Mary Stevenson Clark, married to Ezra T. Clark, also living in Farmington, Utah.