February 1889

1 February 1889 • Friday

I have been busy all day trying to get something accomplished Mrs. [Ellen Spencer] Clawson is now ill with diphtheria taken from Ruby by waiting upon her. It is too bad. We are finishing the mailing and have had lots of strangers in and people on business errands– Had the preliminary meeting for Suffrage here to-day– Nett [Jeannette Young] Snell was quite upset [p. 16] {p. 43}

2 February 1889 • Saturday

A very restless day for me and busy one too, tried to hurry off to the depot and was feeling quite miserable rushed to the 1/2 past four train barely reaching it in time– found no conveyance waiting– took a hack– found Annie in a terrible dilemma for lack of help– servant gone and she worn out with work. Helped her to straighten up and then we enjoyed the evening together.

3 February 1889 • Sunday

Such a busy day working in the dining room tho’ I rose very late– Helped Annie some, had a nice dinner and a very pleasant evening in the parlor– supper and books songs from the children and recitations and conversation among ourselves on general topics of interest; decided to remain next day and help Annie to look up some help [p. 17] {p. 44}

4 February 1889 • Monday

This is the birthday of Elder C. W. Penrose he is 58 to-day and is in Washington assisting the Committee in trying to get Statehood. I went over to one of the Brownings took Margaret with me but it made no impression on Louise she was not in the humor of going. I left on the train sorry enough to leave Annie without help–

5 February 1889 • Tuesday

Reached home and went over for Louise [Trautwein] to come and sleep in the house– fixed some supper and did some other things– sat up until nearly morning writing and reading. besides thinking of all the beautiful and dreadful past– My darling girls that I had around me in the old home, and we were so happy especially before Emmie [Emeline W. Wells] died & now all are scattered or gone– and I am alone [p. 18] {p. 45}

6 February 1889 • Wednesday

The folks are moving in good earnest. Went out with a Committee on Hospital affairs to-day– Saw Budd [Horace G. Whitney Jr.] about Home Dramatic playing, asked Hebe [Heber M. Wells] to play for us and John Spencer and John White Mr. Weigh [Willard E. Weihe] & orchestra and had good luck. Went up to Ort’s and coming over the hill took a chill and went in to June’s Lena [Helena Fobes Wells] fixed me up on the lounge and I was there for five hours and Dr. [Seymour B.] Young brought me home.

7 February 1889 • Thursday

Emeline stayed all night with me & Joe [Joseph S. Free] slept in the further bedroom. Esther [Davey Watson] waited on me this morning, Emeline had to go over home and commence packing. Lydia Ann & Susan finish moving to-day. will sleep in Mell’s house to-night. Emeline & Lyde [Eliza F. Wells] have just begun. Went to Ogden by the 1/2 past 4 train, found Annie had a new girl [p. 19] {p. 46}

8 February 1889 • Friday

There is quite an excitement here about the Election (Ogden) It seems too bad for our folks are in the majority but the liberals are jubilant over the anticipated success. Annie and I had a pleasant day in the parlor together. I took her up a baby basket it is quite a neat one, she has her things ready. We moved the bed into the parlor on Monday children are quite well.

9 February 1889 • Saturday

I was not well enough to go to the Suffrage Meeting, but it proves to have been quite a success. Prof [James E.] Talmage made a speech and Jim [James T.] Cobb also– Mrs. Richards speech in Washington was read there. Have had many callers today, had a letter from my husband this morning. The folks in Louisa [Free Wells]’s part finished moving today. I am quite alone tonight but Dr. Pratt came after nine. [p. 20] {p. 47}

10 February 1889 • Sunday

Dr. Pratt and I had a nice visit last evening, sat up late. she made me tea this morning, enjoyed her visit very much indeed– have been looking over old files of papers to find the <Italian> Opera company’s visit here in 1875– or 1879 went to theatre and Deseret News looked at my diaries and Emmie’s Had some strangers called with Dr. Hughes. Went to meeting June & Ort preached. dined up at Mell’s house with our folks.

11 February 1889 • Monday

Was late getting up– had written to Belle & Mell both last night. Amelia Aunt Zina & others came in, a day of confusion, called on Mabel Young and Nett Snell– had called on Sister Clara [Young]’s girls Sunday evening also on Dr. Hughes. Received a letter from Dot [S. Isabel Sears] saying Belle had been sick with malarial fever, it made me very depressed. Called on Mrs. Stanford [Sandford] at the Continen<tal> [Hotel] [p. 21] {p. 48}

12 February 1889 • Tuesday

Sister Howard & Dr. Barney came today and called up and fixed the National enrollment papers. Wrote to my husband last evening and mailed it today. Paper is out for the first, have been talking to Esther about hurrying; bought some Valentines to send the children. Dr. Pratt came and read portions of a letter from Washington. Kate is here with me to night

13 February 1889 • Wednesday

This morning Kate & I had breakfast together. Sister Howard came to go over Hospital bills, stayed all day and we made some headway in assorting bills etc. Went to Sister [Julia Cruse] Howe’s in the afternoon, 13 ladies at Table, rode home with [Ann Dilworth] Groesbeck, snow storm, Sister Howard in bed Emily Richards & husband arrived from Washington [p. 22] {p. 49}

14 February 1889 • Thursday

St. Valentine’s day and a very quiet one here, Sister Howard stayed all day and we worked together on the Hospital work, did not send any valentines to the children as I had intended. feel very uneasy about Belle Amelia has been here. Emeline is here mailing, Angus M. Cannon has been here looking over my poems. Sister Howard stayed again sat up until almost morning writing

15 February 1889 • Friday

Sister Howard and I were not together, paid Bailey’s bill on bread for Hospital, Sister Howard went to Cottonwood. called on Sister Lewis she will go up to Annie’s on the 25th if not wanted sooner– Had the evening to myself, wrote & prepared copy– Kate is sick, no news whatever. Very much depressed in spirit. [p. 23] {p. 50}

16 February 1889 • Saturday

<Q. has had incipient croup> This morning went to the Pres. Office with poems to be submitted for Commissioner Carleton’s book– mailed a letter to Belle feel much alarmed about Belle’s illness. Emeline arranged for me to go to the depot in [Clara Wells] Hedges buggy Conried’s Opera company came up on the train, Found Aunt Zina at Ogden depot Went up with me, Annie was washed & anointed for her confinement

17 February 1889 • Sunday

Rose very late, Aunt Zina went off on morning train John Q. went down to Salt Lake. Annie and I were in the parlor with the children all day. John Q. came about 5 o’clock, said Alma Pratt had gone crazy on religion Q. is a little better of croup We had a pleasant evening and enjoyed as well as we could knowing how ill Belle was. [p. 24] {p. 51}

18 February 1889 • Monday

Came down to depot and had to wait nearly 2 hours in the cars before starting. heavy snow storm arrived at home late. house locked up, no fire very dismal, frightened with mice, sat up until five in the morning. Letter from Belle written under the most painful circumstances, saying the Dr. considers her out of danger. Wind blowing and altogether a wild night to be alone.

19 February 1889 • Tuesday

This morning had a very sweet letter from my husband. Preparations for the Benefit to the Hospital. Many callers. Aunt Zina talking over this and that– in the evening Sister Margaret [Judd] Clawson & Phebe [Judd] Kimball came and stayed until , then I had to begin my work. All alone again and so sad on Belle’s account– Letter from Verona about her house etc. [p. 25] {p. 52}

20 February 1889 • Wednesday

Trying to get the paper ready, made a few calls all business ones except on Bishop [Millen] Atwood & wife–1 passed my dear old home, and felt the most tender emotions. Never, never can get over it. In the evening wrote my editorial. President Grover Cleveland has given a full pardon to Geo. Q. Cannon. We all rejoice greatly in the pardon as it reinstates him to citizenship–

21 February 1889 • Thursday

This morning Geo. Q. has come from the Penitentiary, and Pres. Woodruff has also decided to come out among the people.2 Probably both will be at the Tabernacle on Sunday. Saw Br. Cannon & congratulated him. Called on Emily Richards, Phebe Taylor3 and Ellen Clawson, a fire broke out in the engine room of the Deseret News causing me much alarm. No letter from San Francisco today– [p. 26] {p. 53}

22 February 1889 • Friday

This morning John Q. came down and his father and Elizabeth’s children went to the graveyard to the grave of Mrs. E. H. [Elizabeth Hoagland] Cannon. After returning the Tabernacle Choir serenaded Br. Camon [George Q. Cannon] & Br. [Wilford] Woodruff at the President’s office and then the Konaka’s4 serenaded. Both Brs. Cannon & Woodruff spoke to them a little and then Brs. C. & W. went to the farm (Cannon’s) to dinner. John Q. came in to see me afterwards

23 February 1889 • Saturday

Busy all day long making every preparation with the paper to have it go on the press. the usual amount of callers and annoyances. Weather very fine indeed. Have so many letters to write and business for the Hospital on account of the Benefit money coming in H. [Hiram] B. Clawson left for San Francisco. Margaret [Clawson] & Birdie [Teresa Clawson] brought in the money at 10. <p.m.> [p. 27] {p. 54}

24 February 1889 • Sunday

Rose late but went to the Tabernacle and heard Br. Cannon and Br. Woodruff speak to the people there was an immense congregation assembled & manifest enthusiasm when they walked in to the House. After meeting went on the D. & R. G.5 train to Ogden– found Annie quite miserable. Ray the girl had been very ill– spent a pleasant evening with the folks–

25 February 1889 • Monday

Stayed all day, <night> had a nice rest and came down <in> at the evening <morning>– found Emeline here and the paper just off Went out to do some work for the Hospital and then a young woman came to engage a situation Miss Annie Christensen from Farmington. She concluded to stay. had a letter from Belle she is better. [p. 28] {p. 55}

26 February 1889 • Tuesday

Still going with the mailing this is Sister Elizabeth [Lane] Hyde’s birthday. She was born in 1811. pulled a handcart over the plains– Lydia Ann went down to the surprise party I went in late, but had to speak Went over to the Young Ladies Annual in the 14th Ward. had a pleasant time tho’ I had to speak again. Sister Howard came and stayed all night with me.

27 February 1889 • Wednesday

Today was an unpleasant one, but I received letters and gifts from my loved ones in Idaho. Mell sent me a linen tie open stitch her own work also combing towel her own work also. Daisie [Dunford] & Verona silk stockings. Ellen [Hitchings] painted slippers (paper) ornamental. I wanted to go to meeting very much but could not do so spent a disagreeable night. [p. 29] {p. 56}

28 February 1889 • Thursday

Today I am 61. years old or within a trifle of it as the 29th is my birthday. I went on the mid-day train to Ogden but before going I rec’d by express an elegant Amethyst ring from Belle, ribbon from Emma– and gifts from Talulah Emeline Kate & May [Wells]. John Q. & the children came to meet me at the depot and Annie had prepared a nice dinner. John Q. & Annie gave me a dress, & kid gloves Sweetie6 & Margaret a handkerchief.

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February 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1889/1889-02


  1. [1]Relief Cram Atwood.

  2. [2]George Q. Cannon completed a prison sentence for unlawful cohabitation on this date. He voluntarily gave himself up in September 1888 after spending “a long time in exile,” as EBW said in an October Woman’s Exponent article. (See EBW, Diary, 16 and 17 Sept. 1888; “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1888, 17:69.)

  3. [3]Likely Phoebe Bowthorpe Taylor.

  4. [4]Kanaka is a Hawaiian term for Natives of the islands.

  5. [5]Denver & Rio Grande.

  6. [6]Nickname for Louise Cannon.