September 1889

1 September 1889 • Sunday

Today I went to Verona’s and spent most of the time. Last night I had a note from Mr. Hussey where I stayed at Spokane Falls, and two papers from home. Mr. Mann came in during the evening Daisie sung for us again Verona & I went down street [p. 122] {p. 149} for a walk– saw the new moon behind the pines at the top of the mountain. A lovely picture.

2 September 1889 • Monday

1|This morning do not feel very well. Mr. Heyburn left town yesterday for Spokane Falls. Every thing much the same, Mr. Hawkins in the evening We are invited to go to Mrs. Cone’s to luncheon on Thursday next. Today Mrs. Johnson called upon me she is a Denver teacher and a great talker Her husband is the bank cashier.

3 September 1889 • Tuesday

Mell and I went out to return calls up here they have a great idea of social etiquette and one must observe it or be ostracised. We had very pleasant calls indeed and Mell seemed quite satisfied & as she was the only one I cared to please I felt better– Pleasant evening [p. 123] {p. 150}

4 September 1889 • Wednesday

We went to the Mother Lode a mine far away up the road towards the houses in cluster called Littlefield. An old miner Killy King explained to us the processes of the finds and showed us the quartz and how they ground with the big rocks and water-wheel. also the drain or drift wher[e] is ising glass [isinglass].

5 September 1889 • Thursday

Thursday morning spent in talking and in the afternoon went to the luncheon at Mrs. Cone’s. We had five courses and all handsomely arranged. table beautifully ornamented, Mrs. Ingalls, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Kline Mrs. Caulter, Mrs. Johnson, Mell & myself– [p. 124] {p. 151}

6 September 1889 • Friday

Tiger Gulch we paid a visit to this burnt up place today– the girls say it was the most beautiful of all the ravines before the fire. After the hardest walk imaginable we reached a <narrow> hollow where the fire seemed to have crossed or missed on account of the water and damp mosses ferns and fanciful fairies dwelling places were there concealed under rocks & in water

7 September 1889 • Saturday

Picnic up in the woods supper and all given by Mrs. Garrison. thirteen sat down to the lunch & it was noted, we decided to all rise together but one more defiant rose first yet we all took hold of hands and rose simultaneously We had recitations and questions propounded and answered. It was a lovely afternoon–2 [p. 125] {p. 152}

8 September 1889 • Sunday

Rode out to Eagle in the afternoon Will & Mell, Barry Verona Ellen & myself the fragrance of the pine roads was very pleasing to me & the blue birds and other varieties came near. Will killed two and Ellen who can shoot as well as a man shot one.

9 September 1889 • Monday

Made parting calls, with Mell– went to Mrs. Cone’s Garrison’s Cline’s and Lucas’s but she was not at home– also to Mrs. [blank] the German man’s wife– in the evening Harry Allen and Mrs. Cline called he sang some with Daisie– had quite a rest and change [p. 126] {p. 153}

10 September 1889 • Tuesday

Mell and I went out for a walk had a nice time and went with Mr. Hawkins to see his mine in the hills a real placer mine such a tiresome tramp though after we came home had lunch and champagne so weary I had to lie down in the evening Daisie sung for me several songs.

11 September 1889 • Wednesday

Spent the day in talking over pleasant matters several ladies called. We dressed quite elaborately and went to the Club Rooms and dined at Major’s Hopkins the dinner was very stylish but not so well cooked as at home. 2 negro servants3 for waiters besides the cook [p. 127] {p. 154}

12 September 1889 • Thursday

Mell had a tea for me, ladies Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Garrison Mrs. Cone Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Scofield Will came home from Wallace4 & took the ladies home between nine & ten We had fried pheasants & other delicacies at ten and music & singing in the evening.

13 September 1889 • Friday

Miss Geesson came in <to say Good bye> We were alone all day until afternoon then we talked of taking a walk to gather wild flowers & so on & before we started Mrs. Cone called & stayed so long to bid me Goodbye then Mrs. Garrison & afterwards Mr. Hawkins Daisie was sick & Ellen did not come in Verona was at her mother’s– & we sat up all night– [p. 128] {p. 155}

14 September 1889 • Saturday

We had breakfast at Verona’s, all of us. Took the stage a 1/2 past 8– ran through burnt forests mostly, Littlefield [Idaho] a village near there then dined at Mountain home on again arriving at about 1/2 past 6 at Thompson’s Falls, [Montana] Allen’s hotel. the smoke from new fires is something like what they had in Murray for weeks–

15 September 1889 • Sunday

This morning we had breakfast and then arranged for ticket, checked the trunk through Ogden and bought ticket to Garrison [Montana]. train lat[e] 2½ hours so we walked to the Falls and found a pretty grove and rocky cliffs, falls must be beautiful in high water enjoyed the sight & sound very much, train did not arrive until [p. 129] {p. 156}15 minutes to one bade Mell goodbye at the depot– came on Northern Pacific– it was a sort of pathetic parting and very like when I left Belle last year. It is sad to part from those we love and not know what may happen ere we meet again.

16 September 1889 • Monday

Here at Garrison all day. Arrived at ten last night– have written to Belle and Mell & telegraphed to Annie

17 September 1889 • Tuesday

Left Garrison on the Montana Union R.R. about 1/2 past 6. and arrived at Silver Bow [Montana] 1/2 past ten– great crowd there & armed men expecting train robbers. Went on the Union Pacific and took berth– went to bed about eleven and had no fears. Pocatello at breakfast met Mell [Nettie Thatcher Sloan] and Rob [Robert W. Sloan] at Logan– reached Ogden about . Carriage– [p. 130] {p. 157} waiting at depot all the folks in.

18 September 1889 • Wednesday

This morning started down home having remained with Annie all afternoon and night– found all well– went to see Zine– new baby named Margaret [Whitney]– went to see Jote & Maille [Marion Beatie Whitney] and L. [Lydia Ann Alley Wells] & Susan – went down to look at my old home– so glad to be in Salt Lake again & read over all my mail which I am not sure I can go thro’ today– Memorable day 18th.

19 September 1889 • Thursday

Time flies, and I get very little accomplished Hanna & Abbie & Nanna [Hannah Young Chapin] have gone on to San Francisco met them in Ogden went off yesterday. Must go on with copy for the 15th– of September– revising my story of Hephzibah– callers all the day long, must write at night or not at all. Sad are my thoughts & dreary <Went to Mrs. Dougall’s to an evening meeting> [p. 131] {p. 158}

20 September 1889 • Friday

<My husband stayed here on Wednesday night> These September days bring fresh to my heart those times of sorrow and suffering in the ever living past. I cannot see what there is around me but ever that which was in the long ago Strangers are coming in and out almost incessantly my time is constantly occupied with duties that demand recognition and application

21 September 1889 • Saturday

I went to Ogden and felt I really must as I had not taken up the children’s presents– so in the afternoon I wandered off Caroline [Raleigh] came here and stayed with— some one in my bed. Annie and I had a nice evening with the children they were pleased with the presents from Murray[.] Elise [Gasser] is not able to work on account of her feet– [p. 132] {p. 159}

22 September 1889 • Sunday

Had the morning with the folks left on the noon day train arriving here at meeting time closeing and soon dressed and went up to 20th Ward to dine at L. A. [Lydia Ann] and S [Susan]– with my husband and Martha [Harris Wells]– he called me to him privately and said he wanted to stay here to-night I went to the Ward meeting with Ort and Sol [Solomon F. Kimball] came home found him here waiting–

23 September 1889 • Monday

This morning my husband and I had breakfast in the dining room alone. Such a pleasant interview except some one else is wanting me every few minutes– Anniversary of Bishop [Newell K.] Whitney’s death worked awfully hard today– Esquire goes home in the morning to Manti case not yet decided5 [p. 133] {p. 160}

24 September 1889 • Tuesday

Francelle Pomeroy was born on this day in Nauvoo 1845– What a day it is– Esquire went off early in the morning. & I felt gloomy knowing he was on a tedious journey & not knowing how long we might be separated– He will write me though I know that very well.

25 September 1889 • Wednesday

Today I tried to go to the meeting in the 13th Ward but could not leave the office long enough to do it. However I shall be able to manage it without going to the meeting I have no doubt– I have not much strength or vitality left so exhaustive is the brain work I do. [p. 134] {p. 161}

26 September 1889 • Thursday

Today I have been told that Sir Julian Goldschmidt [Goldsmid] and his wife6 were in the city guests of John W. Young and in the afternoon I was invited to meet them and about dressed in my black silk velvet and best laces etc– I went with Mrs. Zina Young to Mrs. Dougall’s to meet them. Was introduced by Junius

27 September 1889 • Friday

Have been thinking over in my mind the great honor conferred upon me in the opportunity of meeting great people, have had some rare chances of that sort. There are none who can be all they desire without contact, with older, wiser and perhaps more influential and more cultured people than surrounds them on every hand. [p. 135] {p. 162}

28 September 1889 • Saturday

I feel as though I must try to get my paper out on time as others are beforehand so many comments every one who undertakes to write or publish must be severely criticised and so I cannot expect to escape– Margaret has had croup been very sick such a frightful disease– Q. and Sweetie are not very well. Annie has her hands full with the little flock–

29 September 1889 • Sunday

Went up to Ogden Saturday night and left the house alone Minnie was in Farmington it rained somewhat– Aunt Zina is down at San Juan Stake– had all day with Annie & the children– she does not feel very well– came away before dinner– found Minnie here & everything in good order had to go to work at copy [p. 136] {p. 163}

30 September 1889 • Monday

The month is fast sailing away– autumn leaves are falling and the gardens & orchards as well as the mountains show the change. Again we are nearing the Conference and this one will be an important time. I wish my paper was ready for tomorrow– The Young Ladies Journal7 is to be prompt– I have heard.

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September 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 8, 2025


  1. [1]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  2. [2]This outing was described in Woman’s Exponent. (EBW [Aunt Em, pseud.], “Luncheon in the Pine Woods,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1889, 18:75.)

  3. [3]The use of the term Negro when referring to African Americans was standard neutral language for the time. (For additional information, see Historical Context.)

  4. [4]Wallace is twenty-four miles from Murray by way of Dobson Pass. (“Historic Wallace Idaho,” accessed 12 Dec. 2020,

  5. [5]Although the case of “Emma G. P. Wells vs. Daniel Hanmer Wells” was reported on the court docket in September 1889, it was not argued until the following June. Emma was married for a time to Daniel H. Wells Jr. At issue was “the title to a lot on Third East street.” As Daniel H. Wells sold real estate to pay off business debts, he apparently had to make a settlement with his daughter-in-law. (“Third District Court,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 24 Sept. 1889, 4; “The Supreme Court,” Salt Lake Times, 10 June 1890, 8.)

  6. [6]Virginia Phillipson Goldsmid.

  7. [7]An announcement described the purpose of the new magazine: “Containing the highest thoughts, brightest fancies, and the most elevating ideas of the Daughters of Zion.” Susa Young Gates was its editor and wrote for many of its departments under the pseudonym “Homespun.” (“The Young Woman’s Journal,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1889, 18:55.)