July 1901

4 July 1901 • Thursday

No public celebration in the City but all resorts filled to overflowing Saltair, Lagoon, Liberty Park, Calder’s and private parties, flags flying, hot weather here but extreme heat in the east and south. Stayed home all day and started to write a sketch of my life for the History of Utah. {p. 195}

5 July 1901 • Friday

This morning explained to Lillian about the new girl and asked her to stay with Mrs. [Isabel Whitney] Sears until I wanted her back, she was agreeable. May [Mary] Bigelow came late and helped a little with the mailing, went home and showed her about things, very tiresome, my work in the office all day is quite a strain upon me and I have no strength to throw away when I reach home on ordinary matters, I feel every day that I must write a poem and am continually hindered by inferior considerations. So time goes on and one longs to accomplish literary work that takes time and thought, but that will be of lasting endurance after all, and it is too bad such a sacrifice This morning met at the Bee Hive at eleven Entertainment Committee M. J. Snow, A. T. Hyde, R. B. Pratt E. S. Richards, A. M. Cannon A. J. Grant and myself, afterwards went to the office and worked and had callers, Sister E. H. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard & M. [Maria Banks] Francis & others. {p. 196}

6 July 1901 • Saturday

Went to the office early and did all my errands and finished mailing, Had many hindrances and people calling, felt very weak and faint about noon, and could scarcely keep up. Several ladies came about the Saltair excursion, J. L. Smith E. S. Woodruff spent some time then Annie came she had been to see the Base Ball game, and was about going home I wrote a note to Sister Farnsworth explaining all the affair about refreshments etc. also called upon Dr. Pratt with the same messages, fixed a little copy for new paper. So many notices to be made in the papers for the Relief Society excursion to Saltair and Mrs. Sewall’s coming and all questions to answer that pertain to our association with the Council and other organizations, and what we do and expect to do. It seems hardly credible that our sisters should not know that there are benifits to be derived from our connection with the Council {p. 197}

7 July 1901 • Sunday

This morning felt very weak but rose early and prepared to go to the Temple to Fast Meeting. Sister Horne was on the car and we talked over the Conference at Bear Lake, Sister Minnie H. [Permelia Horne] James will go with her and leave here before Sister Stevenson. At the Temple President Snow presided and there were of the Twelve Apostles Heber J. Grant Owen Woodruff & Rudger Clawson also Bishop J. R. Winder, Sisters M. I. Horne, B. W. Smith, E. B. Wells, Minnie J. Snow, Emma S. Woodruff and others, of note. Meeting opened by singing “An Angel from on high,” prayer by Bishop Winder Singing from notes [blank] then Prest. Snow made opening remarks about our improvement in spiritual matters and overcoming weaknesses etc. Sister Horne, J. R. Winder, Ruth M. Fox Br. Christensen, <Owen Woodruff> Lucy Grant, then Prest. Snow called the Japanese missionaries who sung a hymn, Minnie J. Snow then Br. Kelch [Louis A. Kelsch] spoke <next> Rudger Clawson Sister [Elizabeth Snow] Ivins of Mexico, also Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze who sung in tongues at the {p. 198} <close A song of Hosanna,> sung “The Shining Shore” Hossanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest, Glory and power and honor; angels watch round the Temple by day and by night, and cry Glory to God, and shout Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Heber J. Grant, [blank] Van Dyke Lysander [Lycurgus] Wilson, afterwards Prest. Snow and Heber J. Grant dismissed with prayer after singing “Hark ye Mortals,”

8 July 1901 • Monday

1|Monday <July 8.> we are so near the time of the Saltair excursion that all that can not be done now must go, the papers have been gracious, and I know I have worked hard for it, sending out letters and telegrams and urging the people to patronize it for the object in view. When we have a Bureau of information, things will be easier than now. We really need commodious headquarters. Prest. Snow’s address has been prepared,2 I gave her some figures of the Society at large. LeRoi [C. Snow] is to read the article {p. 199}

9 July 1901 • Tuesday

Well the day seems unfavorable Sister Snow had planned for a number of us to ride in Prest. Snow’s car so all the Committee came in to it, or nearly all. We have a fine lot of refreshments, so our lunch will be a success. After getting to the Lake a storm came up and we had to wait for the wind & rain to abate, before we could have the exercises; we set the table for sixty people, Julina L. Smith Dr. Pratt & Sister Stevenson were very efficient in getting things in shape. The wind was so high the brethren had to keep their hats on. We had President Lorenzo Snow <Apostle> Brigham Young Patriarch John Smith Editor C. W. Penrose and L. John Nuttall and LeRoi C. Snow, and several distinguished ladies, Bathsheba W. Smith Jane S. Richards M. Isabella Horne, Sarah J. Cannon Carlie Y. [Caroline Young] Cannon and others. The address was fine Brigham {p. 200} <Young offered prayer.> LeRoi C. Snow read the address & John Smith closed with the benediction‒

10 July 1901 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 10. had a telegram saying Mrs. Sewall would be here on the 12th. and we have all the details fixed,3 have been holding meetings in reference to Saltair on Saturday the 13th. and Ann M. Cannon will give a Lawn Party at George M’s on Friday evening. The newspapers have made frequent announcements of her coming. The invitations to 20 Gentile ladies including five Jewesses are sent out tonight‒ so there will be no excuse‒ I have a list of them in this Journal on another page. Mrs. Sewall has been so desirous of meeting women not of our faith that we are making this positive they are to be our guests, I hope it will all turn out well, for the Committees have been diligent in getting things in shape {p. 201}

12 July 1901 • Friday

Took Mrs. Sewall some very lovely roses from Belle’s rose garden presented them at the station after we reached the carriage. Quite a few of us called in at the Gardo House we who went to the depot.

At evening went to the Lawn Party at George M. Cannon’s it was a most delightful affair‒ music ice cream cake punch out under the trees, the house too was decorated there were musical numbers & recitations. {p. 203}

13 July 1901 • Saturday

The first thing this morning sent Mrs. Sewall a box of carnations and ferns. She went out riding with Jack [Charlotte Jacketta] McCune, at 2.15 we were on board in the special car of Prest. Snow’s and were trying to pay Mrs. Sewall every attention[.] when we arrived it was decided to bathe first, and then the sun was too hot, so after some delay we had the lunch. I had taken out a great box of nasturtions, and they set off the table quite handsomely; we retired to a room afterwards to have our toasts and sentiments and Augusta W. Grant did the honors of Toast Mistress or Master of Ceremonies Ann M. Cannon gave the greeting I gave the National Council Minnie J. Snow Music & LeRoi’s wife4 whistling. Mrs. Emma Mooney a Jewess gave Equality. Mrs. Sewall responded last and gave us half an hour or more of Internationalism. {p. 204}

14 July 1901 • Sunday

This morning looked after some important matters and dressed to go to the Tabernacle with Mrs. Sewall as we were to sit in the stand with her Mrs. McCune and myself. Met them just coming as I had been detained by callers. and we went together, I sat next Mrs. Sewall– the singing was fine and an eloquent prayer was offered by Elder David McKenzie then Prest. Angus M. Cannon introduced Mrs. Sewall to the large audience, galleries well-filled as well as the body of the house she spoke about 3/4 of an hour‒ then Dr. J. [James] E. Talmage of course her subject was the New Internationalism and his the Gospel‒ the Choir sang From Afar He has gathered the His people. After Afterwards dined at Mrs. McCune’s and then Mrs. Sewall came home with me and spent the evening‒ a night I shall never forget {p. 205} We stayed until there was scarcely time for me to take her home and get the 12 o’clock car‒ I gave her a good many incidents in my life that were rather remarkable.

15 July 1901 • Monday

5|July 15. Monday Morning I passed in going over the city looking up a lady Miss Ada Patterson was anxious I should see but did not succeed in finding her and at 3. p.m. went to the reception at Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards given by herself and Mrs. Jennings. Soon after I had arrived I fainted, and after partially recovering fainted the second time, I had two or three Doctors officiating and finally Mrs. McCune took me in her carriage to the office where I fainted twice again Dr. Snow & Richards6 came and gave opinions, at last Dr. Pratt and Sister McCune came home with me and Dr. Pratt stayed all night‒ {p. 206}

16 July 1901 • Tuesday

This morning after breakfast Dr. Pratt went home telling me to lie in bed. I rose after noon however and went up town and took a carriage, drove to Sister Farnsworths where Mrs. Sewall was holding a parlor meeting and waited for her, many of the ladies came to express their sympathy to me‒ and caution me about working too hard. Mrs. Sewall Dr. Pratt Mrs. McCune and myself drove to the Cannon Farm where we were to have 5 o’clock tea, had a lovely afternoon and evening, Belle came home with us and I stopped at Mrs. McCune’s to bid Mrs. Sewall Good Bye, came home 12 o’clock car again, she felt very much wrought up when saying Adieu yet declared herself hopeful of seeing me again, I do not feel sure of it, I am very glad Belle, has taken so kindly to her also Annie‒ I love her very deeply indeed {p. 207}

17 July 1901 • Wednesday

Today sent away draft to Mrs. Sewall‒ George [B.] Margetts who took the money at the door brought it over to me & there was 13.55‒ and a Bread Ticket which I gave to him and I added 1.45 making it fifteen dollars, and procured a draft on a New York Bank and sent it off‒ I have been better today and hope soon to be well again. {p. 208}

18 July 1901 • Thursday

Today {p. 209}

19 July 1901 • Friday

This morning Brenton came running over with the glad news that Emmie had a little girl born yesterday in Detroit. It was such a great surprise as we knew nothing of it at all. Lucile is there she has a trained nurse and everything comfortable, so we have no apprehensions, and trust all will be well. {p. 210}

24 July 1901 • Wednesday

During all these days I have been very dizzy headed, and feel wretched as I cannot accomplish what I wish in a literary way. it is a grief to me as there is so much to do, and so little time to do it in I stayed at home all day and kept in bed late trying to recuperate. Read some and wrote just a little‒ it is hard for me to be like this with my ambition to reach the highest attainments possible at my time of life. The day is not being publicly celebrated here, but it is in many of the country towns. We should be particular to observe it as a tribute to the pioneers and an example to posterity The hot spell of weather is very fatiguing and tonight there are fireworks visible all round {p. 215}

25 July 1901 • Thursday

Went to the office in good time and worked at the mailing Sister Elizabeth [Taft] Webb Emma [Howell] Jenson Kate Wells, Rebecca H. Doolan Jane S. Richards Dr. Pratt, Mrs. Mervin Pack [Cora Knowlton Pack], Br. [Edwin D.] Harrison from Pocatello Idaho & Emeline Wells have all been to see me through the day. Weather very hot almost suffocating‒ and my head was very dizzy, I had to lie down part of the time‒ no news of any consequence‒ the festivities of the Street Carnival are still in progress. Belle has been ailing to day similar to myself. Tonight Emily Grant & the little ones came in Grace Emily & Frances. Staid awhile a thunder storm came up and a great deal of lightening also wind, I called over at Belle’s. She has had a letter from Emmie or Lucile {p. 216}

26 July 1901 • Friday

Went to the office and commenced work, felt very queer & went to Dr. Snow who gave me some tablets, and then Sister [Amelia Woolley] Wardroup came and she stayed and fanned me for awhile, Belle came up with Marian’s invitations, and Dr. R. B. Pratt came over and took me to lunch‒ Br. Penrose was there and I had very peculiar sensations during the dinner hour. Found Sister J. Fewson Smith [Christiana Vernon Smith] and Lydia D. Alder on my return, lay down for a while‒ Committee of the Primary Association met Kate Wells Chairman, Mrs. Bassett Mrs. Cobb Miss Jeremy Miss Pixton Miss Chamberlain Mrs. Woolley and perhaps one or two more, fixing for the Saltair excursion. I came home earlier than usual and May went off to a party. I would be thankful to get over these fainting sensations, Letter from Mell & Susa today. {p. 217}

27 July 1901 • Saturday

Went to the office in fairly good time, had to go out soon to buy presents for the twins Abram & David bought rings and had their initials put in, almost fainted in Leyson’s jewelry establishment. Came up street heard Annie was in town and hunted for her & finally we went up together, Annie Hyde and Augusta Grant were looking for me and we talked over Saltair receppion reception to Mrs. Sewall‒ I had many callers thro’ the day John Q. Annie & Cavendish Grace Cannon & Mrs. Alice [Mitchell] Steele of Am. Fork and Ella Hyde Emma Jenson Br. Harrison of Pocatello and no letters from any one worth mentioning. Sister Carrie R. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas & daughter At evening I fainted and Br. Ekle [Eccles] & a lady helped me after going home I had Belle and May and passed a dreadful night {p. 218}

28 July 1901 • Sunday

This is a very hot day and I stayed late in bed then made ready to go to Annie’s as it was the twin’s birthday Margaret & David came over for me and the ride over was very pleasant indeed, had roast chicken lemon jelly etc. Spent the afternoon saw Sarah J. Cannon a few minutes and Annie drove me home with Cavendish‒ a beautiful evening but felt queer after getting home managed to pass it off and had a comparatively good night. The twins were delighted with the rings. Dear little fellows I hope they will grow up to be splendid men. I had some reading and did a little writing. The nights are glorious‒ and the heavens seem more superb than ever before We have good news from Emmie and baby. Dot is not so well has had a chill & fever after‒ {p. 219}

29 July 1901 • Monday

Today 58 years since the day Jim [James H. Harris] and myself were married and he has been dead 42. years too‒ very strange that he should have died on the anniversary of the marriage. How remarkable all the circumstances seem in looking back upon them. I worked all day at my mailing and did so little after all. Took Sister Mary F. Kelly to lunch at Beardsley’s Tavern had a pleasant time, and had a few callers only. Salt Lake Primary at Saltair benefit Woman’s Building. A large crowd went out. Annie came up town & John Q. to finish Sweetie’s party preparations. I called at Journal office Dr. Pratt with me, and came home on the car‒ saw Mrs. [Mary Vance] Gilmer who talked of Boston and the East. I feel very weary sorry not to do more. {p. 220}

30 July 1901 • Tuesday

Louise’s birthday and she is seventeen‒ how well I remember the day she was born, how happy we were then and how we all rejoiced‒ how lovely she was and how glad all the folks were‒ I am not well enough to go down, yet must make the effort. I have bought her a chair this morning‒ have many things to do today‒ and it is very hot. I went down in fairly good time John Q. was putting up the Chinese lanterns and there were a few had gathered; the evening was very fine and the company very merry and a few presents were given by the young people, it does not seem possible that Louise is seventeen, but it is true enough. Ann & Em. serveed punch & there was ice-cream & cake etc. {p. 221}

31 July 1901 • Wednesday

Today has been a busy one for me and O, so hot‒ trying to get in copy and get my things straight and feeling so miserable all the time, wrote some letters too and sent off Went in the evening with Sister Annie Hyde for a ride and saw the fire in Midway went home very late and very weary. These are most dismal days when I am not equal to my work, and feel there is so much to be done– I have so many poems commenced that ought to be finished and my own life to be written yet and time flies on so rapidly‒ We must husband strength and wait on a little perhaps, but O it is so hard not to feel equal to one’s own favorite work, and when one has such high ambitions and expectations of the future before them. {p. 222}

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July 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1901/1901-07


  1. [1]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  2. [2]See “President Snow’s Address [Given at Saltair, July 9, 1901],” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1901, 30:17.

  3. [3]For details, see EBW editorial, “Mrs. Sewall’s Visit,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1901, 30:20.

  4. [4]Maud Ford Snow.

  5. [5]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  6. [6]Likely Leslie W. W. Snow and Joseph S. Richards.