March 1876

1 March 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 1st. The Wasatch met here. Kit Heywood brought her cousin from Boston and introduced him more than to our young people. Em. went afterwards to the theatre.

2 March 1876 • Thursday

Thursday March 2d. Belle sent for me before I was up, she was taken in labor; she had been suffering since Sunday. Dr. Mary H. Barker was in attendance we were there all day, she suffered greatly; but was partially relieved by chloroform: about ten her babe was born a sweet little girl.1 [p. 61]

3 March 1876 • Friday

Friday March 3d. All day in the office mailing papers; in the evening Em. An. & Lou. went to the Sunday School party in the 13th. Ward.

4 March 1876 • Saturday

Sat. March 4th. A severe snow storm gloomy and miserable out, no business scarcely but plenty of work and annoyance. In the evening Em. went to the club parties with Frank Kimball.

5 March 1876 • Sunday

Sunday March 5th. Em and myself went up to Mell’s to dinner, and had a very pleasant time. In the evening we had lots of young folks.

6 March 1876 • Monday

Monday March 6.<th.> Em. was very ill I sent for Dr. [Washington F.] Anderson and consulted him.

7 March 1876 • Tuesday

Tues. March 7th. Em. is still suffering very severely, her father came down and administered to her; we had a pleasant visit, together.

8 March 1876 • Wednesday

Wednes. March Em. was a little better to-day. she was not able to keep up however. Annie and Louie went out in the evening.

9 March 1876 • Thursday

Thurs. March 9. Today Em. went to school but looked very pale and seemed very weak and languid.

10 March 1876 • Friday

Friday <Mar. 10> Stormy and disagreeable; everything to depress one’s spirits, no comfort for those who expect to have the companionship of friends in this world, always something to disturb their calculations Anne got five dollars for teaching. her first money earned for any such pursuit.

11 March 1876 • Saturday

Sat. Mar. 11. Such a disagreeable cold snowy day Visitors arrived from the country. I was late returning from the office, Em. did not go to the party as usual. [p. 62]

12 March 1876 • Sunday

Sunday March 12. I went to Mell’s to dinner met Dr. Brunschweiler, he is a Swiss, and is doctering Mellie’s eye: he expected to have performed an operation on it to day but postponed it as she was not feeling well. In the evening Frank Kimball & Harry [Henry A. L.] Culmer called.

13 March 1876 • Monday

Mon. March 13. The paper was out and I was very busy, there had been a severe snow-storm in the night, and everything looked cold and dreary.

14 March 1876 • Tuesday

Tuesday <14>. We were folding papers etc. all day long there are so many children dying of scarlet fever. it is quite distressing. Went into see Frankie [Wells Naylor].

15 March 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday <Mar. 15> I was invited to a Surprise party at Br. Goddard’s for sister [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard’s birthday went over to mothers and invited her, also sent notes to Sister Howard and Sister Musser, called on Sister [Relief Cram] Atwood and invited her. Sister Lula [Richards] came down and helped a short time: left the office early and went down to Belle’s Em. went to Mary [Cravath] Whitneys to the Wasatch.

16 March 1876 • Thursday

Thurs. Mar. 16. I succeeded in getting through mailing and afterwards staid to visit with Sister Eliza called with her upon Mrs. [Susannah Ferguson] Tullidge.

17 March 1876 • Friday

Friday Mar. 17. St. Patrick’s day. Mrs. Levi [Sarah Griffith] Richards spent the greater part of the day in the office. Went towards evening to Sister Goddard’s, found a large company staid until about ten. Mother Whitney came home with me. I have passed the day very pleasantly. Mother came home with me for a few days,

18 March 1876 • Saturday

Saturday Mar. 18. A fearful storm. My husband spent the day and evening with me. We had a very pleasant time, and conversed freely. Em. went [p. 63] to the party with Frank Kimball’s, Ort [Orson F. Whitney] came in from Bingham.

19 March 1876 • Sunday

Sun. Mar. 19. Went to the funeral of Mrs. Delila [Lila Childs] Clasb[e]y: A young lady friend. In the evening had a house full of folks.

20 March 1876 • Monday

Mon. March 20. A pleasant day went to make some calls. Mother Whitney went over to Sister Youngs’2 to stay a day or two.

21 March 1876 • Tuesday

Tues. March 21. Today is very stormy indeed, rain drizzling down, went to Lile’s to dinner, wrote several letters, Louie is not well, Belle’s Herbert [W. Sears] would have been five years old to-day.

22 March 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 22. Went with Mother Whitney to the 20th, Ward Retrenchment meeting, after the close of the meeting to see Mrs. Levi Richards and had tea with her; she presided over the tea urn with all the true aristocratic English style, Silver tea service etc. Came down with mother to Sister Young’s and home, Em. had gone to the Wasatch. I wrote to Rulon. [S. Wells] & Sister [Louisa Barnes] Pratt. Carrie Granger [Snyder]’s is 23. to-day

23 March 1876 • Thursday

Thursday March 23d. Went in the morning to the Eleventh Ward to call on Mrs. Judge Royal [Eliza Kirtley Royle], afterwards on Mrs. Myers & Mrs. Gantzlay, from there to call upon the Congregational Minister who received me most kindly indeed.3

24 March 1876 • Friday

Friday, March 24th, Today we were invited to dinner at Ludia [Lydia] Ann [Wells]’s, Ned [C. Edward Wallin] and Lile [Wallin] Will and Mell [Woods], Em. and two or three; we spent the evening.

25 March 1876 • Saturday

Sat. March 25. A very beautiful day, been in the office nearly all day. at evening we had some company among them Dr. Brunscweihller [Brunschweiler]. Anne went to the theatre to see Tullidge’s play of “Ben Israel.” He [Edward Tullidge] has returned from New York. [p. 64]

26 March 1876 • Sunday

Sun. March 26. Em. & I went to meeting John Taylor was preaching, I was taken with some nervous affection in the theatre <meeting> and had to come out; went back after a while and staid until meeting was out. After returning home and while eating supper, I was attacked again and this time with a nervous chill that lasted four hours, palpitation of the heart, and coldness of the extremities. Br. Goddard & [Francis] Platte came and administered to me, and afterwards my husband came; I revived and became gradually calm.

27 March 1876 • Monday

Mon. March 27. This is Martha [Harris] Wells birthday she is forty-four today I was trembling excessively all day. Went home early in the evening.

28 March 1876 • Tuesday

Tues. March 28. This is Katie [Catherine Wells]’s twenty-third birthday, I am much better to-day. Mrs. Staines and several others called to see me; went to see Sister Eliza and talked to her of my health.

29 March 1876 • Wednesday

Wednes. March 29. Busy all day long, lots of callers. Mrs. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne is very ill. This was the

30 March 1876 • Thursday

Thurs. March 30, A fearful snow storm; Went to Relief Society in the afternoon, had my picture taken on Wednesday; got the proofs to-day. In the evening had company. and went to Lile’s to tea. Annie Palmer came here to live for three dollars per week

31 March 1876 • Friday

Friday March 31. All day waiting for papers come just at evening. Annie and Louie went to a surprise party. Annie Palmer came to live with me.

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March 1876, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed January 25, 2025


  1. [1]Laura Lucile Sears.

  2. [2]Probably Mary Ann Angell Young.

  3. [3]Reverend Walter M. Barrows was the Congregational minister in Salt Lake City in 1873–1881. (Gordon Harrington and Mary Paulson Harrington, “Congregationalism in Utah,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia.)