May 1914

1 May 1914 • Friday

This moning left 8. A.M. for Carey Idaho we had a fine trip nine miles in Auto– birds singing landscape b[e]autiful, wnt to Sister Geroge [George] F. Harris [Martha Brown Harris]’s and were warmly welcomed– hade an officer’s meeting in parlor same afternoon excellnt spirit evening went to the entertainmnt Saturday morning we had Bishop [Orrin P.] Miller at the meeting and he was very gnerou◊s, spoke so appropriately and we received it with open armss [p. 121] {p. 74}

2 May 1914 • Saturday

Saturday moning Bishop Miller met with us and we were very anxious had excellent reporrts & good music Bishop Miller was very sweet and gave good advicee– Apostle Talmag[e] met with the brethrn in the foreno[o]n and Bishop Miller with us– good attendance and good spirrit– Afternon Confrence all togetheer Prof Talmage took most of the time, evening meeting again <and> enjoyed the spirit thereof Evening Meeting for all Counselorr McKnowland [p. 122] {p. 75}

3 May 1914 • Sunday

Sunday cold and co◊uld not dress up as I had expected excellent sermons and all bright went out to Br. Admson [John R. Adamson]s to dinner crossd many bridges, furows dinner, turky and chicken and all othr vaietries [varieties], young woman there very [illegible] name was Mary Smith Evening Meeting Prof. Talmage left Sunday night Monday for Shoshone had meeting there and had trouble about truths [p. 123] {p. 76}

4 May 1914 • Monday

Arrived in Boise [Idaho] 3 AM I slept on find we had but we succeeded in getting to Boise went to Br. Winkley [Carl O. Winkler]’s home h[e] marri[e]d P. [Parley] P. Pratt Junior daughter1 had breakfast and all day long we were2 [p. 124] {p. 77}

5 May 1914 • Tuesday

Arrived in Boise Tueesday moning had our meeting in the evening and wnt on our train arrived in tine to meet with the sisters that aftnoon and had many [illegible] and done about times meeting in the evening but we realiezd a great outpour of the Spirit while there [p. 125] {p. 78}

6 May 1914 • Wednesday

Arrivd home this morning or aftrnoon at 4 P.M.– Annie c[a]me up and we wnt to dinner at Hotel Utah I had a long and wonderful letter from my sister Codelia M. [Cordelia Woodward] Holden wh[o] will be 90 next Dec– [p. 126] {p. 79}

7 May 1914 • Thursday

Today had a very impo[r]tant meeting all the Board nearly were given a trip to visit the Stakees Today had a lettr frm a man in North Durn, it is wondeful that one who was only fifte[e]n when teaching and leaving that vicimity [vicinity] where I was born should have had so muche notoriety [p. 127] {p. 80}

8 May 1914 • Friday

No particular nws but renenbered [remembered] that Jethro [H. Whitney] was born on the 8th of May at Winter Quarters [Nebraska] and we could not leave until his mothr Ann Houstn [Houston] Whitney was able to travel, we never see hiim nowadays he lives in Park City but has no faiith in our Church– we have hade a tiresomee day trying to arrange for visit Conferences [p. 128] {p. 81}

9 May 1914 • Saturday

Today Sister Martha H. [Horne] Tingey is giving a party for her mother’s3 old friends, anniversary of her marriage 75 years ago, we had about 20 present and rejoiced in the heavenly There were present Mary Alicce [Cannon] Lambert, Eumice [Eunice Neslen] Foster Margaret Morrris,4 Maria Y. Dougall Romania B. Penrose, <Aurelia S. [Spencer] Rogers> Magaret C. Roberts Carriee S. [Stockdale] Thomas Mary O Hornee,5 Minniee Jamees [Permelia Horne James], Corneil [Cornelia Horne] Clayton Clara B. [Moses] Cannon & otherrs fine dinner [p. 129] {p. 82}

10 May 1914 • Sunday

<A red-letter day in memory> Slept at home last night was very weary, but lay in bed and ressted although there was a severe thunder storm vivid lightning &c. was up in time to get ready and go to Gran[i]te Stake Conference, a very large congrgation– Br. Bwmn6 one of the Mexican brethrn spoke at lngth on the trouble in Mexico– I spoke a short time Bishop [Elias S.] Woodruff took me in his Auto to see Louise Cannon Andrw and th[e] ladies spnt the evning [p. 130] {p. 83}

11 May 1914 • Monday

This moning came early afterwadrs Amy B. Lyma [Lyman] came and thn Jenny Hyde– later Isabel and we read the letters and talked matters over later Sisterr Smith and daughter from Carey Idaho and a number of others we Isabel & I had dinner at th[e] Mission and read frm old magazines Sister Nibley came and reported her trip to Emery Stake thn Elizabeth Wilcox her visit to Wernal [Vernal] etc. [p. 131] {p. 84}

12 May 1914 • Tuesday

<Beautiful day quite a number of visiitors> Morning vry beautiful and commenced with early callers continued all day long– Isabel was late and no one of the Board came early at last Amy Lyman no n[e]ws from Rome Clarssa [Clarissa Smith Williams] had written from Naples– Kate Brockbank cane with her woes, finally Jennie and Sarah came and Isabel went out to dine with Eugenee & Elanor [Eleanor] Sister Parkinson & daughter & Carrrie Thomas [p. 132] {p. 85}

13 May 1914 • Wednesday

I have had an uneasy night and feel melancholy this moning and my own people have not come in, the Author’s club is in the parlor but is is a business meeting the closing session of the year Isabel is in the Tenple and my mail is not opend We left by midnght train and Mrs. Hyde with me We had good berths and a fine porter, slept cold found my alcohol bottle had sp◊ilt on my silk dresss and other things dreamed I climbed a high Mnt. Annie stayed until time to take the train [p. 133] {p. 86}

14 May 1914 • Thursday

This moning early I was wide awake and found we wer[e] nearing Idaho Falls, train moved slowly we had a fine dining car and enjoyed our breakfast, Jennie ate well I had tea and [illegible] very pleasant traveling passed many b[e]autiful beatituds and later had a fine dinner have been thnking of home and what is going on there, Jennie tol[d] me that President Smith is in California Sarah Richards Smith went with him also his daughter Emily [J. Smith] Rachel [Smith] is soon to be married we left on midnight train for Teton Stake [p. 134] {p. 87}

15 May 1914 • Friday

This morning we were on our way to Teton Stake and had thing arrived at Ashtn [Ashton, Idaho] had a pleasant house in Ashtn hea[r]d many reports. [p. 135] {p. 88}

16 May 1914 • Saturday

Saturday meeting <Press>7 early today delighted with every8 [p. 136] {p. 89}

17 May 1914 • Sunday

Gorge F. Ri [George F. Richards] had come yest[erday] had an opportunity to be9 [p. 137] {p. 90}

18 May 1914 • Monday

We left Driggs [Idaho] today for home by way of Ashton Gorge F. Richads [George F. Richards] Amy Lyman and myself– arrived at Ashton and found our satchelss all right Sister Cap◊◊◊◊◊ was with us– towards evening we went out together and had dinnerr no diner on traim after dinner talked some togethr th[e]n dispersed for the night w[i]shing pleasant dreams [p. 138] {p. 91}

19 May 1914 • Tuesday

Reachd home Today from Driggs Stake f[o]und out that Orson [A.] Hyde was married in Farmngtn to a girrl10 whose mothr was moved from Blanche Woods Fuller– Jenny is in distrress aboout it naturally Jennie is to go with me to Big Horn Stake, Sarah Mclellend will go to Young [New Mexico] Stake Alice Horne to Panguitsh [Panguitch] Sarah J Cannon & Lizie Wilcox to San Luis [p. 139] {p. 92} and other will be right

20 May 1914 • Wednesday

Left tonight midnight train for Big Horn Stake Eli◊◊za D. Snell presiding over the Relief Society– Preesidnt everything very agreeable All going to [blank] it is at11 [blank] [p. 140] {p. 93}

21 May 1914 • Thursday

<arrived at Butte Montana> This morning we were in northrn Idaho and Mon[tana] called this afternoon at Buutte wnt to a hotel and sent word to Sister Bohm & Bertha Andrews who came over to see us, went on the train just about ten at night– had a meeting appointeed for our retu[r]n trrip, feelt pleased to meet [p. 141] {p. 94}

22 May 1914 • Friday

arrived here at Billings Montana this moning Jennie Hyde and nyself are here in the Hotel at Billings Montana and have been out for a car-ride a[r]ound the City and called at the Chmber of Commrce where we saw beautiful specimns of our wheat Oats, rye etc. had lunch in a café‚ she is now resting and I am t[r]ying to do a little to my diary [p. 142] {p. 95}

30 May 1914 • Saturday

home last night slept late this morning and aftrwards Emn. came over and we went over to see Isabel Dot and Will [William W. Woods]– Eugeene and Eleanor were all there, afterwards we wnt back and Emm. wnt home I called on one or tw[o] people [p. 150] {p. 96}

31 May 1914 • Sunday

Sunday stayed in bed late again thn wnt to th[e] Tabernacle and Nephi L. Morris preached, Mrs. Winn from Nw York City [New York City] was there and sat by me; a man and wife from Keokuk Iowe [Iowa] named Wanless were there also in the galle[r]y Went up to Bee Hive and Julina went with me to 2nd Ward Where I was to speak [p. 151] {p. 97}

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May 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]Cora Pratt Winkler (1877–1948). (“Cora May Pratt,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021,

  2. [2]text: EBW stopped writing in the middle of a sentence without completing her thought.

  3. [3]Mary Isabella Hales Horne.

  4. [4]Perhaps EBW meant Mary Walker Morris.

  5. [5]Perhaps Mary Shepherd Horne.

  6. [6]Probably Henry E. Bowman Jr. (1886–1933). (“Henry Eyring Bowman Jr,” FamilySearch, accessed 30 Nov. 2021,; “Henry Bowman Dies in Provo,” Milford News, 19 Oct. 1933, 1.)

  7. [7]text: This word is written directly on top of meeting.

  8. [8]text: EBW stopped writing in the middle of a sentence without completing her thought.

  9. [9]text: EBW stopped writing in the middle of a sentence without completing her thought.

  10. [10]Jessie Fuller (1896–1943). (“Jessie Blanche Fuller,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021,

  11. [11]text: EBW stopped writing in the middle of a sentence without completing her thought.