February 1876

1 February 1876 • Tuesday

Feb. 1, we held a meeting at the office of Woman’s Exponent and cut the cake and divided it that was given us for the benefit by Mrs. [Elizabeth Murray] Townsend. also to arrange in regard to paying up bills.

5 February 1876 • Saturday

Feb. 5th. Mr. [Newel K.] Whitney’s birthday I was invited to dine out but did not do so as I could not very well leave the office.

6 February 1876 • Sunday

Feb. 6th. George and Carrie [Granger Snyder] with baby1 came to spend the day a few days with us. Em. & I went to meeting.

7 February 1876 • Monday

Feb. 7th. Allie [Alice R.] Young run away and got married to Charlie Hopkins. Rev. Mr. Welch married them. Em. was taken with one of her sick spells. Feb. 8th.

9 February 1876 • Wednesday

Feb. 9th. Em. went to the Wasatch, was still very ill could not get up all day at evening just had her bed made

10 February 1876 • Thursday

Thurs. Feb. 10th. Gracie [Grace] Groo’s birthday. We were invited to dine at Miss [Mary E.] Cooks Mother [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney Sister Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. [Huntington] Young Mary Jane [Whitney] Groo, the Esquire and myself. We had a pleasant time; came home rather late.

11 February 1876 • Friday

Friday Feb. 11. Alice Young went home to her mother.2

12 February 1876 • Saturday

Sat Feb. 12. They had the court in regard to <the affair>3

13 February 1876 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 13. Joshua [K.] Whitneys birthday Em. and Lou. [Louise Martha Wells] went to meeting, In the evening a part of the Wasatch met here. Miss Cornelia Cook came and spent the evening [p. 59]

14 February 1876 • Monday

Feb. 14. Valentine Day, and Election for the new Mayor Feramorz Little, A general stir and excitement. The girls received lots of Valentines most of them comic ones; In the evening we had some friends.

15 February 1876 • Tuesday

Feb. 15. Tues. Sister [Elizabeth Anderson] Howard came home with me to lunch, Sister [Margaret McMeans] Smoot called. Sister Staines4 brought me a nice little present of cake etc. In the evening I went with Mary Jane to make some calls and then around to Mrs. Zina D. Young’s. Em. & Lou. went to the theatre Nabbie [Howe] Young was <married today5 held a grand reception at the Bee Hive>

16 February 1876 • Wednesday

Feb. 16 we were mailing and very busy went down to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s to dinner. In the evening Miss [M. A.] MacLean came and called upon me: staid sometime in the office with me. and we came home together. Em. went to the Wasatch. Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells] and Louie to the theatre.

17 February 1876 • Thursday

Thursday Feb. 17. I visited the Legislature in company with E. R. Snow, B. [Bathsheba] W. Smith, L. A. [Lydia Ann Alley] Wells, M. Smoot E. [Elizabeth Anderson] Howard, L. G. [Louisa Lula Greene] Richards and some other ladies. We went into both houses. There was very little excitement yet one might see it was nearing the end of the session by the amount of business before the members. In the evening we had visitors to dine and entertain after– we received Wedding Cards of Will. Perks [William H. Perkes] and Mathilde Jensen [Johannisson] for Tuesday Feb. 22d. Em. went to a meeting of the Exhibition Committee.

18 February 1876 • Friday

Friday Feb. 18. We went again to the Legislature and did not visit but one house: it was more lively being the last day. In the evening went again with sister Howard and staid until after twelve; it did not adjourn until after four. in the morning.

19 February 1876 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 19. John W. Young called at the office a few minutes. he is looking very well; [p. 60] Em. Went to the party in the Court House in the evening with Frank [Franklin D.] Kimball. I wrote to Mr. [Isaac] Groo.

25–27 February 1876 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 29<8> [27]. <George Harris went home> Mell invited us up to take dinner, her father and myself, we went and had a pleasant visit, her father blessed the baby and named it Winniefred Isabelle [Winnifred Isabel] Woods.

The Wasatch Exhibition Feb. 25. Miss Cook’s Feb. 26.

28 February 1876 • Monday

Mon. Feb. 28. We were busy preparing for my birthday. cooking arranging inviting etc.

29 February 1876 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 29. The guests came we had a very nice selection of people many of them brought me presents of different kinds. My husband gave me a book-case with a desk: it was the first one I ever had and it came so unexpectedly, I was entirely taken unawares.

We entertained over thirty persons, most of them came and went in our own carriage. My sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] composed some verses for the occasion and read them at the supper table. the guests dispersed just before midnight after a pleasand day. The dinner was both elegant and profuse.

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February 1876, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1876/1876-02


  1. [1]Scott Leslie Snyder.

  2. [2]Catherine Spencer Young.

  3. [3]Alice’s father, Brigham Young Jr., charged Hopkins with kidnapping. Hopkins, in turn, leveled charges against Young. The case was dismissed when Hopkins’s attorney withdrew charges. (“City Jottings,” Salt Lake Tribune, 13 Feb. 1876, 4.)

  4. [4]Probably Lillias Lyon Staines.

  5. [5]“Married.– Yesterday Mr. Spencer B. Clawson, son of H. B. Clawson, Esq., and Miss Nabbie Young, daughter of President Brigham Young, were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by the father of the bride.” (“Local and Other Matters,” Deseret News, 23 Feb. 1876, 56.)