July 1896

1 July 1896 • Wednesday

Today was fine and after working busily I went to a meeting of the Relief Society in this County to consider the excursion to Saltair– at Annie Hyde’s. Went to the depot to meet Miss [Elizabeth Upham] Yates Dr. Pratt with me, found her readily– she went with us to the Club at Dr. Shipps and spoke to the Club in a very interesting way Mrs. [Isabel Cameron] Brown & Mrs. McVicker were present also Mrs. W. C. Jennings {p. 219}

2 July 1896 • Thursday

This morning is very pleasant and we went up to get Miss Yates and took her to the State Bank to sit on the platform that has been put out over the front to get a view. President Woodruff and several of his family and Presidents Geo. Q. Cannon & Joseph F. Smith and some of their families. The Governor came up and wife and children. I had a good chance to introduce Miss Yates to the people who were notables. After we viewed the parade we went to the Woman’s Exchange and had lunch– and then Miss Yates came back to the office and stayed with me awhile and we walked around and looked at the old places and I told her various things of our coming here, then we went to the concert together and she enjoyed that very much indeed– Mrs. Richards was with us at the Concert {p. 220}

3 July 1896 • Friday

This morning we were to be Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards guests and see the parade from her windows but previously to have a ride Mrs. McCune had kindly lent me her carriage and at 8 o’clock I drove to Dr. Shipps for Miss Yates, Dr. Pratt was my company I had invited her to come with me. We drove to my place and to Belle’s, Miss Yates came in to my home and we looked at my rooms and my daughter’s pictures. the life size paintings; I love Miss Yates very dearly and wished to entertain her myself, and am very sorry now that I did not undertake it. Annie’s children with the pony cart and Gipsey trimmed with roses were in the parade Louise Margaret Daniel and Emmeline; looking so sweet and lovely. at five p.m. we went to the Lake Saltair. Such a crowd, said to have been 17.000 people that day– {p. 221}

25 July 1896 • Saturday

I was very busy and all the morning expecting my sister1 at night every preparation made to receive her and we were busy in the office with mailing, when just about noon in she walked, very much upset because none of us were at the depot to meet the train– we thought her telegram meant midnight train. I apologized as best I could but she was not easily appeased– it did seem to her to be a positive neglect– and those things are not forgiven by some exacting people. {p. 224}

26 July 1896 • Sunday

This is the day of the funeral of Abram H. Cannon, my Sister went with me, but we sat near the mourners, it was a pitiful sight to see them all, the aged father2 and the young wives and little children–3 the floral pieces were beyond anything I had ever seen, so many and so beautiful. The house which holds from ten to twelve thousand was filled, there were many who were not members of our Church there, some railroad men and Chamber of Commerce men and other business men with whom he had transactions; the speakers were very tender in all they said and praised him and his admirable life– Jos. F. Smith dwelt most & longest upon his merits. The procession was the largest and the mourning the most universal ever known here. {p. 225}

30 July 1896 • Thursday

This is Sweetie [Louise B. Cannon]’s birthday & I am to go to the Lake with them, All the family and Belle and the boys too and Em. are to be of the party– the day is fine but of course Abram’s death makes some difference with us all, we cannot be quite as gay as we would like to be for Louise’s sake. I gave her one of Louise Alcott’s books “Under the Lilacs”– she had many little things given to her but when one has a party made for them as expensive as a Lake party the gifts have to be less in cost at least. {p. 227}

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July 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1896/1896-07


  1. [1]Lucy Woodward Hewlings.

  2. [2]George Q. Cannon.

  3. [3]Abram H. Cannon was married to Sarah Ann Jenkins, Wilhelmina M. Cannon, Mary Young Croxall, and Lillian Hamlin. He was the father of eighteen children and, beginning in 1889, a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.