November 1895

1 November 1895 • Friday

This is a finer day than yesterday and everything seems propitious– I have been to do lots of little errands, Aunt Zina came in, and we talked of the political situation. President Geo. Q. Cannon has another letter in the paper in explanation of his remarks at Brigham City.1 It is causing considerable stir. At five o’clock the Wells family came down in an open car chartered for the occasion– I went over about the same time We had a fine gathering there were of the sons, seven of daughters ten besids sons in law and daughters in law and wives five Martha, Lydia Ann, Susan Hannah & myself– lots of grand children– about 75 in all– incidents and experiences in Gen. Wells life– music & recitations <my> poem of 1890– read again– {p. 334}

2 November 1895 • Saturday

This is Belle’s birthday & it is a pretty fine day Belle is busy clearing up after the company– Mr. Sears is still in Cache Valley lecturing on Republicanism– I gave Belle a handsome glass vase for carnations, Annie gave her a cut glass stand for carving knife & fork and Sep. is painting her a picture so is Emmie– I have been to headquarters, Mr. Salisbury was there and told me of the treachery of [John E.] Dooley one of the Ex. Com. [Executive Committee of the Territorial Republican Party]2 I have had lots of callers today. Letters from Mrs. C. C. Catt Rachel Foster Avery and Harriet Taylor Upton. Sep and Belle went to the Theatre to see Trilby– Lucile and Em. went to the matinees The wind is awful tonight {p. 335}

3 November 1895 • Sunday

This morning the wind was still high, it had been furious all night long, and my bed fairly rocked. Em. came over to help me and we succeeded in getting things ready. Miss Kate Field came according to appointment to lunch and we went over to Belle’s where we stayed a short time Annie and Daniel came, they came back to the house with us, and in a few minutes Annie had to go as she had promised to go to the Cannon House at the Farm to dinner. Rain came down late in the evening and the wind died down. I prepared some history for the Woodward book and wrote to Susan B. Anthony and to Emma [Barrows] Brown of [Charleston] Utah. These are indeed historic times– I go to Farmington tomorrow– {p. 336}

4 November 1895 • Monday

An awful snowstorm this morning the ground is white and still snowing I went off to go to Farmington early but Mrs. J. S. Richards came and Aunt Zina came in to speak of the representation at Mrs. Stanton’s birthday in New York and we decided to make some extra provisions for Br. [Franklin D.] & Sister Richards and for decorations, colors etc. Afterwards we went to Farmington at least I did and met with some of our sisters, went to Sister Lucy A. Clark’s and dined there saw Judge Haight3 and had some talk about the Election, the meeting had been given up on account of the storm. I came home quite wet and miserable had taken cold and was very lonely & depressed {p. 337}

5 November 1895 • Tuesday

My sister Ellen [Woodward Fuller]’s birthday she is 64 to day it does seem quite remarkable that we should all be long-lived. My Sister Lucy [Granger Hewlings] will be 78 on the 3rd of December. Pallas [Woodward Clark] was 76 in June last. Manson [J. Woodward] 74 in April last. Today is the election and the returns are coming in, the women are serving lunches in all the precincts both Rep. & Dem. and no doubt Populists as well. One cannot tell what the result will be both parties think they are ahead. I hope there will not be any great demonstration and exultation. I believe in a quiet dignified course Mr. Sears went to South Jordan to speak last night. came home on midnight train, I came home early and was here alone Sep came 12 o’clock car {p. 338}

6 November 1895 • Wednesday

The morning papers say Hebe [Heber M. Wells] is elected but not so sure of [Clarence E.] Allen–4 others are doubtful at least some of them– for Mayor Glendenning– but what seems most propitious is that the Constitution is carried by a large majority and gives us equal suffrage– no distinction on account of sex. It is a source of gratification to women here and elsewhere– we sent off the Ballot Box to Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton today– for her 80th. anniversary– it is made of Utah onyx and trimmed with silver engraved with her name and date Nov. 12. ’95 and Presented by Utah Women I am writing the letter to accompany it– which is an undertaking {p. 339}

7 November 1895 • Thursday

Today I wrote to Susan B. Anthony and to Mrs. Catt also and sent off the three letters mentioning the carrying of the Constitution by a large majority. It seems almost too good to be true that we have equal suffrage. I paid for my type writing today– it is Mell’s wedding day 21 years married to Will– I presume they would observe it in some way– I recall the time, and the guests, and the opening of the parlor in the old home– The day is fine and there is much exultation over the election. Junius has been in and several others of my friends, and all seems secure and no permanent ill feelings I trust. A letter from Mrs. Catt speaks of my appointment on Plan of Work Committee {p. 340}

8 November 1895 • Friday

Another fine day we are busy with the mailing Aunt Zina came and we talked over the State Table affair– Kindergarten meeting decided on a sociable in the Social Hall– it is to be a Chrysanthemum tea or cocoa affair– quite a pretty idea. Mrs. [Julia Page] Stewart of Provo was here and talked to Aunt Zina and myself about the Relief Society down there and urged us to come and visit them. I went down to Annie’s to dinner and spent the evening– John Q. seemed in excellent spirits, did not mention his father’s letter– but the people are very much up in arms about it nevertheless– it has caused much dissatisfaction and is disapproved {p. 341} I think it a serious matter–5

9 November 1895 • Saturday

Not many people in today expected Aunt Zina wanted very much to see her about Br. Samuel W. Richards letter which came this morning. I did not feel as if I could go to hunt her up unless I was sure of finding her & it is too late to write him in reference to money, I can promise nothing without Aunt Zina– Annie invited me to go to the opera with her tonight. John Q. goes to Spanish Fork to inspect the troops there– Louise Margaret & Daniel went to the matiness also Lucile & Em. Dr. Syntax was the comic opera. I went with Annie Mr. Sears & Belle went to the Grand– I slept at Annie’s again, Belle has a letter from Mell written on her birthday– {p. 342}

10 November 1895 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed very late– and came home about eleven– read for awhile and then prepared record for the Woodward genealogy– wrote to Mrs. Matilda M. Ricker, Afton, New Hampshire and a note to Jode Wells– Belle came over for a few minutes– with Sep– I have finished Miss Wentworth’s Idea & think it quite an interesting book– went to Belle’s to dinner. Intended doing very much more than what I have accomplished, still I have enjoyed the rest and the quiet. The day has been cold and yet pleasant. I have written several pages of manuscript this evening– I am not in the best of health or spirits Many of my friends have died recently {p. 343}

11 November 1895 • Monday

This morning is very fine Belle is not well has a severe cold– taken on Thursday when she went in a buggy to Sandy to attend Br. [John] Cushing’s funeral. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Bennett have both been in this morning. A letter from Mrs. Catt about Plan of Work Committee. Annie came up– Club met but Dr. Shipp did not give her paper. Annie Hyde who has just returned from abroad was present. the Kindergarten ladies met after the Reaper’s Club to complete arrangements for the Sociable in the Social Hall– Mrs. [Sarah Estabrook] Barney is dead born in 1811– lived to a good old age– joined the Church in 1831– funeral tomorrow from 8th. Ward. Dr. M. E. [Mary E. Kennedy] Greene is dead Evan F. Greene’s wife I am very weary tonight {p. 344}

12 November 1895 • Tuesday

<Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s birthday 80 years old> Came up town early and after some work at the office went to depot– Mrs. E. S. Richards came and Ort & Zine [Zina Smoot Whitney] and Arthur Stayner were all aboard for Bountiful. We talked of books principally George Elliott [Eliot]’s. Mrs. Richards and myself went on to Farmington, dined at Mrs. Clark’s and went to the Convention of the W.S.A. of Davis Co. Officers were elected for the coming year Mrs. Davis6 who has been President already five years. I officiated in the election, and addressed the meeting afterwards Mrs. Richards followed. There were also other speakers– after dinner I took the train for home, and rode up with Br. [William W.] Riter– came home and wrote until one o’clock. Mrs. Stanton’s birthday is being celebrated in New York City and elsewhere {p. 345}

13 November 1895 • Wednesday

This morning I was to visit the Sugar works at Lehi and Mrs. McVicker, I rose before daylight and went to the depot, Mrs. McVicker did not come, the storm was quite severe heavy snow. I went back to the office– wrote an article for the [Deseret] Evening News, about Mrs. Stanton and called on Mrs. McVicker– Miss Moore died in Chicago after undergoing an operation– she used to teach some of our children. Executive Meeting of Rep. Com. bills considered and so on– George M. [Cannon] suggested to me that I should speak to the State Senators about a woman for Secretary and do some lobbying for one– We talked of Mrs. Pardee. Belle & Lucile have gone to the Grand tonight I have finished the 49th. Chapter of my story.7 had a letter from Mell today and little Martyn [Allen]’s picture– {p. 346}

14 November 1895 • Thursday

This morning went up in good time and spent the day in work, had a few callers– & went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s towards evening & had dinner with the family– received a letter of congratulations from the Colorado Equal Suffrage Club to the newly enfranchised women of Utah– the first official recognition from outside the Territory– the day has been quite pleasant and promises to be so for a few days to come– News of Wars rumblings in the East talk of Don Cameron, <Penn> Mc’Kinley of Ohio, Allison of Iowa and Morton of New York as candidates for the next Presidency, silver men will be recognized in the West Tom Reed of Maine is another & Harrison of Indiana for a third term {p. 347}

15 November 1895 • Friday

This morning I was very late– and not very well– Sister E. S. Taylor was the first one to call, and I set to work on my accounts and succeeded in getting up the last few months, into the Cash book. Yesterday Dr. Pratt went with me to select a book for Dr. Shipp in recognition of her services as President of the Club for two years– We decided on a Dictionary of Thoughts– Kindergarten this afternoon final arrangements for the sociable tomorrow night. Press Club at Dr. Shipps election of officers for the ensuing year and refreshments very nice decorations fine– Cards had been prepared for each member with a verse of Sister Shipps composition–8 the Sixty Society ladies minstrel show in the theatree9 {p. 348}

16 November 1895 • Saturday

This is a promising day, I am very busy with getting ready to go to press and wanted very much to go to the 14th. Ward meeting but could not– I tried to do extra work and really did do some but was as usual very much hindered Yet I know I have much to be thankful for and would not be ungrateful of the many blessings I have enjoyed and do still enjoy– I want so much to write something more to my own taste than I have ever done heretofore– I had lunch at Dr. Shipps and went to the Kindergarten social party at the Social Hall– it was a fine affair artistcally considered but not well patronized– I enjoyed the music went home early– {p. 349}

17 November 1895 • Sunday

I have been writing letters yesterday and last night and this morning to members of the Senate of the Legislature of Utah–10 which will convene under the new Constitution asking them to elect a woman Chief Clerk of the Senate– naming Mrs. Lillie R. Pardee as suitable for the position– she was nominated a member and only withdrew out of loyalty to the party, lest a woman on the (Ticket should injure the cause. She has acted as Secretary of the Rep. State Committee and has done her work well. Went to Annie’s to dinner & stayed over night– John Q. was very sociable and let his editorial work go by to indulge in political discussion with Annie & myself {p. 350}

18 November 1895 • Monday

I have had many callers today– it has been quite a charming day too– I received a letter from Samuel W. Richards all about the Stanton celebration and one from Mrs. Catt– and from Mrs. Upton and local people as well– I have written one or two more individual letters to Members of the Senate– and expressed my opinions freely. {p. 351}

19 November 1895 • Tuesday

This is the regular silk meeting and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Caine & myself were all that were present of the Board of Directors. We did have some business transacted however and some discussion as to future work and methods– Mrs. Caine & myself had dinner at Dr. Pratt’s and afterwards I went to the W.S.A. County meeting in the 14th. Ward Hall.11 New officers were chosen. Kate Groesbeck President Cassie Clinton Newman Secretary– and other very efficient officers– I made a speech of fifteen minutes Came home very early for me and dined over at Belle’s wrote several letters to the people in the county one to Bishop [Thomas R.] Cutler Lehi & one to C. E. Allen Representative to <Congress–> {p. 352}

20 November 1895 • Wednesday

Today is Sister [Mary Hales] Horne’s birthday she is 77. I bought her a book and went up there & presented it in person– she is a very remarkable woman & well-preserved– her husband12 who is about 7. years older is quite feeble his sight and his hearing very defective– I had dinner up there & came home direct– Louise was at Belle’s waiting to go with me home and to Lehi tomorrow. I had my revise to read and copy to prepare. Lucile is to keep the office for me. Sep came home to sleep for which I was very glad as one feels much safer with some person in the house besides children. Executive Committee Meeting this afternoon I attended– {p. 353}

21 November 1895 • Thursday

<Lorenzo Dow Young died today 88 years old.> Mrs. Mc’Vicker Louise & myself went down to the depot and found train delayed– all went back up town– and down again in time– Arrived in good time found carriage waiting and proceeded to the Sugar Factory– Bishop Cutler was exceedingly kind and polite and we went through the entire establishment witnessing the whole process. It is of very great interest. 50.000 tons of coal are burned every day and the beets that are used up in one day’s run is something appalling. We lunched at the Boarding house on the premises, where we saw fine specimens of native onyx from the caves in American Fork caňon– and heard the caves described by the man who owns them. Slept at Annie’s terrific wind-storm. {p. 354}

22 November 1895 • Friday

<A terrific wind storm all day> Such a storm as amounted almost to a blizzard last night and this morning not much better. Children stayed out of school all except George Q. I was late starting to the office and indeed could scarcely get to the car only one block East. Have not felt well my head ached fearfully– Sister Stevenson was my first visitor, Aunt Zina came over and talked about Uncle Lorenzo Dow Young who died yesterday. He is the last of the family of John Young who came into the Church at an early date and who was the father of the famous prophet & leader Brigham Young– there was a large family Kindergarten meeting this afternoon, nine members present– Dr. Shipp was called away by the death of her sister13 {p. 355}

23 November 1895 • Saturday

I was rather late going up called at the City & County Building and paid my taxes. The paper is out– and Lucile is here to help me, several sisters have been in and the electric lights were put in instead of the gas, a letter from Dr. Ellis R. Shipp informs us that her sister Ann Eliza [Reynolds Seely] died of internal injuries received when thrown from the wagon– going from Castle Dale to Orangeville– She is the wife of Wellington J. Seeley and has ten children, 40 years old. I made Thanksgiving notes for a tribune reporter Leon– Lucile & Emmie went to the Matinees at the Grand, came home in pretty good time and wrote four more letters to Senators speaking for Mrs. Lillie R. Pardee for Chief Clerk sat up very late. Sep came on the last car. Belle is quite sick– {p. 356}

24 November 1895 • Sunday

Lorenzo D. Young’s funeral from the Tabernacle today at 2. p.m. Belle is very ill I did not like to go and leave her. Took dinner over there, Will Buccholls [Buchholz] was there– Mr. [Anthony C.] Ivins called to say Good bye to Dot. After dinner I went up to Annie’s little Cavendish does not look well President Geo. Q. Cannon has gone to Omaho to the Convention. This is Hanmer Wells birthday 46 years old– Mrs. Tom V. [Pernecy Allen] Williams is dead– Mrs. [Annie M.] Westerfield near here is also dead was buried today. Mrs. [Mary Ann Bailey] Pollard widow of Bishop [Joseph] Pollard was buried today. Wrote a letter of congratulation to Hebe Wells today who has been elected Governor of the New State. Speakers at Lorenzo D. Young’s funeral were Presidents W. Woodruff & Jos. F. Smith– {p. 357} F. D. Richards H. J. Grant A. H. Cannon J. [John] W. Taylor

25 November 1895 • Monday

Today Nov. 25. Belle is no better– do not feel alarmed but think it is quite serious. No mail to speak of except papers. Reaper’s Club rather interesting tho’ not many members present, went down to Sister Kimball’s and talked over the State Table affair. She has a piece of wood quite appropriate to represent the N.W.R.S. and some lines written to accompany it. Wants me to write the Sketch and so on– took dinner there she is very feeble though active. Belle is very little changed, had fallen asleep just before I came home– The weather is very cold and frosty– I am here alone– praying for Belle to be spared to her family. {p. 358}

26 November 1895 • Tuesday

This morning Dot came and said her mother was no better however I think after seeing her that she is a little easier– I do not feel much like working when she is suffering so but what can I do if I stay at home– only moan and groan. My heart is very heavy and yet I think she is going to get better, and very soon too– how weak we all are when it comes to any great struggle with nature. I went to the office but felt too sorrowful to do much of anything Susa came and we talked of celebrating Aunt Zina’s 75th. birthday she thought the Social Hall the best place and I agree with her– I wrote to Sister [Ruth Welton] Tyler of Beaver today and tonight I wrote to Mell about Belle’s illness and also wrote to Mrs. Catt about Plan of Work for National Suffrage Association {p. 359}

27 November 1895 • Wednesday

Belle had a better night tho’ she does not seem much better– I went to the office as usual– it is a very disagreeable damp day. I wrote to Emma Paff Vermillion– and cards to Sister Tanner San Francisco and Br. Richards Brooklyn14 have been mailing as many papers as we could. Emeline [Young Wells] came to see how Belle was. I had a letter from Geo. M. Cannon thanking me for services rendered and Rob. [Ashmore] Campbell came to see me about a ball some young people wanted we should have– but I said no. 1. if we are to have an Inauguration Ball we do not want this one– Belle does not seem any better tonight. Will [Buchholz] is over there– how much one thinks of New England on Thanksgiving day– {p. 360}

28 November 1895 • Thursday

This is a very fine day & not very cold– Belle is a little better. Louise came down this morning and invited me to dinner– I went over to Belle’s a few minutes then came back, and commenced writing, an article for my paper– Thanksgiving Half A Century Ago– there are three sets of foot ball games to day I do not approve of the custom it is too brutal. A company of young men have gone out rabbit shooting– for charity. but what good it will do when they might far better have given the money and saved the time. Annie had an elaborate dinner turkey plum pudding, mince pie and chicken soup with all the condiments and table decorations. Spent part of the evening came home found Belle some better and all feeling happy– {p. 361}

29 November 1895 • Friday

Today I am hard at work on copy and must do my best to be ready for the meeting of the Ladies Literary Club this afternoon. It is raining too, the ladies are to meet here many of them to go up together, I am not feeling very well either.

The Club was pleasant Mrs. Allen invited myself and Mrs. Druce to sit on the platform, I was also made a member of Resolution Committee– after the Club we had tea and cakes served I was introduced to two ladies from Mass. the Misses Chase15 coming from my own state I invited them to visit the Press Club tomorrow evening Kindergarten meeting after the Ladies Literary held in the office {p. 362}

30 November 1895 • Saturday

All day long raining & dismal not very promising for the Club– We worked on at the mailing Lucile and myself, and finally sent off a sack full– Mrs. Alder came early and a few others soon after– later the strangers. Aunt Zina and came and Lula Richards– they seldom ever come nowadays the exercises were fair, and the ladies conversation entertaining. It was my first meeting for the year and the attendance was very poor, but probably the storm prevented some from coming– {p. 363}

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November 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]George Q. Cannon was accused of verbally attacking Judge Orlando W. Powers, chairman of the Democratic Party in Utah Territory, by innuendo if not by name, during a church address in Brigham City, Utah, on 28 October 1895, which he initially denied. When Elder Brigham Young Jr. confirmed hearing such statements in the address, President Cannon and his son John Q. Cannon drafted an apology that was published in the Deseret Evening News. (Cannon, Journal, 28, 30, and 31 Oct. 1895; 1 Nov. 1895; see “A Card,” Deseret Evening News, 1 Nov. 1895, 1; “Mr. Cannon Acknowledges,” Salt Lake Herald, 1 Nov. 1895, 1; “Judge Orlando W. Powers,” 45–51; see also EBW, Diary, 8 Nov. 1895.)

  2. [2]EBW, Diary, 18 Mar. and 29 Apr. 1896; 10 Nov. 1896.

  3. [3]Probably William Van Orden Haight. (1900 U. S. Census, Farmington, Utah, 113B.)

  4. [4]Clarence Emir Allen served as U.S. representative from Utah, 1896–1897. (“Allen, Clarence Emir,” Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.)

  5. [5]See EBW, Diary, 1 Nov. 1895.

  6. [6]This is probably an error for Lucy Rice Clark, president of the Woman Suffrage Association of Davis County. (“Notable Utah Women: Mrs. Lucy Clark,” Deseret Evening News, 15 Sept. 1900, 14.)

  7. [7]Chapter 49 of “In Rural England” appeared in Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Nov. 1895, 24:73–75; chapter 50 concluded the series in Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1895, 24:85–87.

  8. [8]After thanking Ellis R. Shipp, the women elected EBW president of the Utah Woman’s Press Club for the next year. For details of this meeting, see “U.W.P.C.,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1895, 24:82.

  9. [9]Local society girls formed a minstrel group “in blackface” to raise money for the Woman’s Exchange charity. Newspaper reviews called it a “complete success,” but such depictions created humor by disparaging the intelligence and dignity of African Americans. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns and renounces racism of any kind, as does the Church Historian’s Press. (“Woman’s Exchange,” Salt Lake Herald, 23 Nov. 1895, 5; Nichols, “Minstrel Shows Proved Very Popular”; Nelson, “Let God Prevail”; “Racial and Cultural Prejudice,” Gospel Topics, accessed 30 Nov. 2021,

  10. [10]See names listed in EBW, Diary, 1895, Memoranda, 402.

  11. [11]For details of this meeting, see M. E. Irvine, “Woman Suffrage Column: Salt Lake Co. W.S.A.,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1895, 24:82.

  12. [12]Joseph Horne. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 93D.)

  13. [13]Anna Eliza Reynolds Seely. (“Anna Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Reynolds Seely,” Find a Grave, accessed 3 Oct. 2019,; 1860 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah Territory, 357.)

  14. [14]EBW had been corresponding with Samuel W. Richards. (EBW, Diary, 22 Oct. 1895; 9 and 18 Nov. 1895.)

  15. [15]EBW met socially with Lucy and Sarah Chase from Massachusetts. (EBW, Diary, 5 and 8 Dec. 1895.)