The Church Historian's Press

October 1876

12 October 1876 • Thursday

Thursday Oct. 12. 1876, I went early in the morning to the Endowment House to be baptized for my dead.1 I was baptized thirteen times and got through it much better than I had anticipated. In the afternoon went again to perform the sealing ordinance2 with Ort. who stood for Bishop Newel K. Whitney. I was very weary in the evening– and could scarcely keep up.

13 October 1876 • Friday

Friday Oct. 13. I went over to Sister Eliza R. Snow in the morning and asked her if she had prepared the article for the paper I expected to publish– she declined and of course I myself was obliged to go ahead alone. I wrote the article3 and had it set up in type. I worked very hard all that day reading proof writing etc. at night weary and sad |I came home very late and with such an aching heart– feeling that my dearest friends did not understand me; and that there was a void in my heart that none of my friends filled though I had so many of them. On every hand I receive kindness and attention courtesy and all the chivalrous respect I could wish for perhaps more than I deserve yet over my spirit comes such an indefinable yearning for some demonstration of delicate tenderness– O that I had ever known that peculiar phase of intimate companionship which in my fanciful and idealistic imaginings I have pictured as the ecstacy of the supreme realization of complete Elysium. Lou had her endowments today.

14 October 1876 • Saturday

Sat. Oct. 14. Another day of anxiety and toil– Mellie came up and told me she had sold her lots, and wanted me to advise her [p. 95]

[Lines of verse on a loose sheet]

Our lives without friendship would be incomplete;

The trust of affection is sacred and sweet.

The beauty of nature in every scene

Would pale and grow bleak were it ever so green

Without those true <loving> friends so near and so dear,

Whose presence enchants even honors that seemed drear

In whose

Whose hearts every day some new charm reveal

Which [modesty self they fain] would conceal

Which their

Which to our finer natures with true north appeal

[p. 1]

Our lives without friendship would be incomplete

The ties of affection are sacred and sweet

The beauty of nature in every scene

Would pale and grow drear

were green

Were it not for true friends the near

And the dreary

Whose presence enchant every

Who enchant by their presence

Who enchant and enliven even hours that are dreary

Who almost enchant the hours

[p. 2]

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October 1876, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024