May 1912

1 May 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday 1 1912 May

This mroning felt very unfiit for duty having had unpleasant dreams and not knowing scarcely hov [how] to rise and dress to go– wind was fierce & altogether the day forbidding howvere [however] I persevered and reached the office in good time. Lot Smith meeting in my reception room. 50 years to day since company was strated [started], Em. went with me to see Eugeme & Elanor before they left I gave them a book of poems called Violets, we had lunch at Isabels, storm of wind furious all day John Q. came and some ladies and other callers. Went to Salt Lake Theatre with Br. & Sister Penrose to see Maude [Kiskadden] Adams in Chantecleer came home late [p. 121] {p. 123}

2 May 1912 • Thursday1

This morning went away early feeling very low-spirited and on arriving found people waiting who were in great sorrow young Brother [Charles A.] Sperry of Nephi had died at the Hospital had died and his brothr and some of the family ca◊me for the burial clothing I called up Jennie Hyde and Sarah McLelland and they came and attended to the matter. Regular monthly meeting at 2. P.M. and [p. 122] {p. 124}

3 May 1912 • Friday

Friday May 3. 1912

had peculiar experience with a strange girl name Helen [D.] Thomas, also Mr. & Mrs. Roberts bought clothees for the mother 95 yaers old [p. 122] {p. 124}

Friday 3 1912

Susan Wells birthday went to H. [Henry] L. Culmer’s to dinner fine service and style enjoyed it very much, thn later went a party given in honor of Louie Felt [p. 123] {p. 125}

4 May 1912 • Saturday

May Saturday 4 1912

I had a strange dream last night– or really this morming– that I was standing on an old-fashioned stage coach and there were threee span of horses and I was carrying a banner of some sort, have had very many annoyances today, Emm went to the theatre matnees and Kitty [Katherine Cannon] went to Empress, David went over to the news with the revise, Annie came up in the aftenoon and we went to the Waldorf to su◊pper Fred Lamborne [Alfred Lambourne]s’ mother2 died last might, Lulu B. [Lula Bryan] Call came to see me today from Brigham City, [p. 124] {p. 126}

5 May 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 5 1912 May

Went early to the Temple President Penrose presided Heber Grant was there President Smith in Califormiia President Lund in Sanpete, a very good meeting– went with Kate to Aunt Susan’s to dinner thn to the 18th. Ward Fast Meeting very good testimonies, thn to Isabell’s and spent rmainder of the day Lucile was sick– came home usual time to try again on my poem Hanilton J. Park funral in the Assmbly hall H. J. Grant one of the speakers, Charles W. Penrose after him on the resurrection most eloquent [p. 125] {p. 127}

6 May 1912 • Monday

May Mo[n]day 6 1912

A very wretched day had a bad night– extrmely low– in spirits President Smith and Julina arrived home this mroning had just received her letter written at Ocean Park [California], Jennie Hyde came down to see after clothing for a sister in the 24th. Ward Sister Chistensn came to see mee and we had many callerrs. Wrote letters to Fillmore and other places sent telegram to President Himckley [Alonzo A. Hinckley] telling him sisters would go– Reapers Club to day Edna Tibbetts read paper on Tyre [Lebanon] ancient city very good indeed.

Went to hear Elbert Hubbard in the evening Em. & David also very amusing speaker [p. 126] {p. 128}

7 May 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday 7 1912 May

Clarissa Julina and myself went to dedcation 19th. Ward Relief Society hall– services of Annual held in meeting house– then went into the R.S. Hall where exercisses were held Bishop [Osborne J. P.] Widtsoe offered the Dedicatory prayer– Prima[r]y children sung “Nearer my God to thee” Refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed among old friends, Mary P. [Pile] Silver a dental nurrse and sort of Doctor is very low no hopees of her recovery, A fine number just out today [p. 127] {p. 129}

8 May 1912 • Wednesday

May Wednesday 8 1912

Today has ben very full of events– Julina came & Jenniee Hyde and Sarah MLelland [McLelland] thn cane Emily S. Richards thn Edna May Davis, then Mr. & Mrss Reytt,3 thn Isabel and sveral otherrs, we had schemes and forms wanted Cornel Horne and one after another meeting passes Mrs. [Orpha Roberts] Walker of Granite Stake and Mrs. Lemnie [Leonora Taylor] Harrington & Amy B. Lyman and letterrs and forms wanted evening thn the Utah Woman’s Press Club held its meeting when Dr. June Sk◊olfeld wanted to resign and have a change but I would not consent to it until Oct. 31. Alice M. Horne called me and told me of Gorge [George H. Horne] being dropped etc. [p. 128] {p. 130}

9 May 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 9 1912 May

A beautiful day of sunshine and yet wearisome in other ways p[e]ople coming with wants of various kinds, Mrs. Walker and Miiss Corey [Edna H. Coray] her cousiin and six people for temple clothing for the dead. Emm and myself went a long ride with Olive Christnsen in her Auto. Aftrwards she read to me awhile then went home and I was alone, tried to write on my poen [poem], Mrs. Gallop came also Miss Eaton Julina L. Jenne Hyde Alice Horne Beth Kmball [Elizabeth Knowlton Kimball], Miss Croay t[u]ned our piano– no letters worthwhile, n[e]ws from the East not encou[ra]ging, floods and other forms of discouragemnt, Current Literature de[c]lares Titanic disaster the most terrible in all hisstory [p. 129] {p. 131}

10 May 1912 • Friday

Friday May 10, 1912

Have been very low-spirited all day sent off letters to Fillmore called at Dr. Lund’s Josephine [Young] Young died last night– have had many callers today [p. 130] {p. 132}

4Friday, May 10, 1912

Emily S. Richards & Edna May Davis to Fillmore Mullard [Millard] Stake Conferences went Wednesday night 11.50 [p. 130] {p. 58}

11 May 1912 • Saturday

Saturday 11 1912 May

Went very early to the office Julina & Jennie came and a sewing machine, they had spoken for– they were working on Josephine Young’s clothees for burial. Annies boys came to help with the mailing, and Sister [Samantha Brimhall] Foley bro[u]ght Sister McBride who5 is going back to Scotland and Br. Ephraim [P.] Jensen came and some other gentlman Telephone messages from Sisters Fansworth [Farnsworth] and [Julia Farnsworth] Lund and Abram read the paper for me and Jode read some from books Em. went to her Saturday Club I am most anxiouus to get on with my poem for the Academy [p. 131] {p. 133}

12 May 1912 • Sunday

Sunday May 12, 1912

Went to the office early on account of opening the door outside– Jennie Hyde and Sarah McLelland came and prepared for 2nd Ward Sisiters then went to Amnie’s and stayed, John Q. was not very well and it made things gloony [gloomy] Daniel went to 30th. Ward to preach Em. & Kitty to evening meeting and Magaret & baby and David came over– Annie read from Aunt Sanantha’s funny books. [p. 132] {p. 134}

13 May 1912 • Monday

Mondany 13 1912 May

Emm went to th office with me wind blew furiously– found some mail not very important, we had many callers and somee were very interesting, tried to get some mailing done, more people came for suits etc. one party of stangerrs [strangers], answerd 2 or 3 letterrs, went to a meeting in Hotel Utah in the evening, the meeting was miixed m[e]n and women of all churches, Doctors Professorrs, Dr. Gowen [Ephraim G. Gowans] presiding– no conclusions reached, Committee appointed to look up on matterrs sociologicical, R. [Richard] R. Lyman went home with me to the office [p. 133] {p. 135}

14 May 1912 • Tuesday

Tusday May 14, 1912

A very busy day many people wanting this and that very unsatisfactory [p. 134] {p. 136}

15 May 1912 • Wednesday

Friday, May 15, 19126

<Margart’s baby’s7 birthday8 one year old I was in Washngton Belles9> <Have had an unhappy day at the office>10 [p. 135] {p. 137}

16 May 1912 • Thursday

Thursday May 16, 1912

A very important meeting of the Boa[r]d not so good as we would have liked, but much business transacted– things accumulate so fast I am worried [p. 136] {p. 138}

17 May 1912 • Friday

Friday 17. 1912

Meeeting of the D.R. Kate Wells Regent presiding pleasant affair, much busineess transacted all pleasant. Sisters [Phebe Young] Beatie and Hyde leave for the northern stakees, we have so much to do now with the Charrities for Churc◊◊ famine & Flooods in our own country– not much accomplished, Angus M. Camon [Cannon]’s dirrthday annversary 78 years old Emm went with me to dinner at the Waldorrf, Logan and Manti Temples dedi[c]ated on this day yearrs ago [p. 137] {p. 139}

18 May 1912 • Saturday

May Saturday 18 1912

Went up early found Mrs. O. J. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury & Miss Raybould in the court yard trying to find the brushees made by the blind they came up and went thro’ my roomss and thn I went with them to B.Y.11 College and to Br. Reddingtn [Reddington]– Emm came and a telephone message came from Bhebe [Phebe] Beatie that she was ill and must return, got Alice to fill the appointment and and she left at 4. P.M. had to return about ten word came that the train had to turn back because of an accident on the road how unfotrunate it seemss, cannot tell what is best to do [p. 138] {p. 140}

19 May 1912 • Sunday

Sunday May 19. 1912

Stayed at home all day and tried to rest– Emm came over and we went th[r]ough a lot of books and old letterrs, and copied the poem and had quite a good time, no news of any kind had dinner down stairs for the first time in many months– a wind storm came up and I went over to Thomas Woodbury [H. Woodbury, Jr.]s cam[e] home late [p. 139] {p. 141}

20 May 1912 • Monday

Monday May 20. 1912

Had a cold day Reaper’s Social met and Mrs. [Alice B.] Locke of the Macabees came and others Miss Whatcott spent the evening [p. 140] {p. 142}

21 May 1912 • Tuesday

May 21. 1912 This forenoon I was busy with getting money reeady to report and finding out particulars etc. Word came from Alice about trip North etc. Sister Crismon came and went with me to Granite Stake took Em. & myself to lunch at Keeith [Keith] O’Briens12 Annie W. Cannon & Sarah J. Canmon & Mary Alice Lambert were at the Conference it was well attended and we enjoyed it [p. 141] {p. 143}

22 May 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday. May 22. 1912

some ladiees called early to see me and will call again– I have had a dreadful day of pain and low spirits– at evenng Br. Penrose came & his wife and we went together to the Tabernacle to a concert [p. 142] {p. 144}

13May 22– 1912

Margaret Manning

(B[e]ar River Stake

Elvira C. [Crompton] Steele

(Bingham Stake

Mrs. S. A. Davis

(Blackfoot [Idaho] Ido

Mrs. Farthilda [Forthilda Iverson] Funk Oakley–

(Cassia Stake

Maria R. [Reddish] Hyde

Pocatello Stake

Eliza A [Hibbard] Hawkins

Nebo Stake

Mary L. Welch

Big Horn Stake [p. 364] {p. 145}

letter received May 22– ’12 from Lyman– Wyoming $10 for flood suffeirers. $1 regarding Exponent. [p. 365] {p. 146}

23 May 1912 • Thursday

May 23. 1912 Board meeting rather unpleasant in some ways but in otherr things agreeable. Ida came again– Sister Chisistensen [Christensen] was there and Emma Empey we did quite a little business vry little accomplished with the po[e]m– no particular news [p. 143] {p. 145}

24 May 1912 • Friday

Friday May 24. 1912– <had> a vry difficult day Jennie Hyde came to sew on Temple clothing strangers called several of them– Pioneer party in the evening on the 4th. floor Annie & Emm. both in it– I was Guest of Honor came home late Miss [Josephine] Danielson not here suffered with cold and hunger [p. 144] {p. 146}

25 May 1912 • Saturday

May 25. 1912

Joseph S. Wells 50 years old to day Sister E. S. Wilcox gave a party in honor of her mother Elzabeth [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevensen Ma[n]y old frriends present quite a few Richads [Richards]’s fine affair– Hannah Wells was theree we wnt from there over to Jode’s and had a pleasant time was much disappointed in not seeing Emm after I came back David came home with me [p. 145] {p. 147}

26 May 1912 • Sunday

14May 26. 1912 [p. 146] {p. 148}

27 May 1912 • Monday

15May 27– 1912

Mrs. Anna [Lundmark] Stranquist

concerning W. Ex.16

Brigham City

Bessie S. Weston

concer[n]ing W. Ex.

Capetown Receipt Sen $3

Annie [Boren] Bigelow

Wallsburg– Utah

concerning Wo. Ex. $1.

Receipt [p. 363] {p. 144}

31 May 1912 • Friday

Friday 31 1912 May

This morning Anniee and myself left Brothers Allen’s at Provo to return homee, had a fine day, B[r]other Maeserr [Karl G. Maeser]’s daughter, [Helen Maeser] McAllister was on the train, found all well at home, had a pleasnt surprrise when coming in all is well however [p. 151] {p. 153}

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May 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]text: EBW did not modify the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page. However, it appears the date of this entry should be 2 May 1912, based on handwriting and context.

  2. [2]Martha Wernham Lambourne.

  3. [3]Perhaps George O. Relf and Grace Fleming Relf.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. Other than this date, the entry is crossed out with a large X.

  5. [5]text: The h and the o are conflated.

  6. [6]text: This entry was misdated as Friday when May 15 was actually a Wednesday.

  7. [7]David W. Clayton.

  8. [8]text: The half-erased word birthday appears below this line.

  9. [9]It is unclear what EBW means here since she was not in Washington, DC, nor away from Salt Lake City, on 15 May 1911, one year before this entry, when her granddaughter was born. (EBW, Diary, 15 May 1911.)

  10. [10]text: These entries are written above and below the entry for 15 May 1910 on the same page.

  11. [11]Brigham Young.

  12. [12]Keith O’Brien department store moved into a new building in Salt Lake City in 1912. A lunchroom was one of its features. (“Handsome New Store,” Dry Goods Economist, 14 Dec. 1912, 67:19, accessed 10 May 2022,

  13. [13]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. This entry is not in EBW’s handwriting.

  14. [14]text: There is no content in this entry other than the date.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. This entry is not in EBW’s handwriting.

  16. [16]Woman’s Exponent.