June 1911

1 June 1911 • Thursday

Thursday June l. 1911

Read proofs then wrote to Mary M. [McAdams] Robertson Lewisville Idaho about Rigby Stake Conference

wrote page in record R.S. [p. 152] {p. 66}

2 June 1911 • Friday

Friday June 2, 1911

Wrote to Eliza A. Hall answer to her letter just received <about Conference at Malad>, also to Aggie H. Straus Ogden answer to her letter about Conference in Weber Stake, Annie came up– [p. 153] {p. 67}

5 June 1911 • Monday

Monday, June 5

Susa Gates came in for a minute or two had not much to say Edna L. Smith paid me a call was very pleasant [p. 156] {p. 69}

6 June 1911 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 6, 1911

President Oleen <N.> Stohl Box Elder <Stake> came to see me also Apostle C. W. Penrose, Nephi Anderson Brother [Achilles A.] Ramsayer, Daniel H. Cannon Brother [Herman] Valker and Brother [David H.] Clayton, Elizabeth C. [Cain] Crismon Elizabeth McCune [S.] Adelaide [Okey] Devey Miss Serrine and Miss [blank] Mrs. Anna Pratt Annie Wells Cannon & Emmeline Cannon, Allie Howarth [p. 157] {p. 70}

7 June 1911 • Wednesday

1Wednesday, June 7

Felt very ill and wrote <1> Mrs. Elizabeth [Hoskins] Salisbury Wellsville Utah, <2> Mrs. Mary A. [Huntington] Halladay Grantsville Tooele Stake Stake <3> Mrs. Celestia Y. Paok [Celestia Young Pack], at night wrote in Record R.S. [p. 158] {p. 71}

8 June 1911 • Thursday

Thursday June 8. 1911

<Bertha Hoyt paid $ 3.00 phase> Meeting of Board of Directors the first meeting after, the member had qualified according to law singing Lord we come before thee now prayer Julina L. Smith, Carrie S. Thomas Sec. by appointment, singing Come let us anew &. tickets and berths for missionaries to go away. [p. 159] {p. 72}

17 June 1911 • Saturday

This morning my sister Ellen C. [Woodward] Fuller arrived from Arizona and her daughter Zilpha D. [Fuller] Earl with her– stayed at the office all day with me, after having breakfast here at the house Of course it brought up many memories, and we conversed entirely of what had transpired during the eleven years since she was in Salt Lake, I was very busy and could not do very much Belle and Annie both came as well as many others, some whom Ellen had known they were very weary Belle took them home with her to have a good visit and to rest and talk over Temple work and I thought it was better than I could do. [p. 168] {p. 89}

22 June 1911 • Thursday

Today Mrs. Virginia Metcalf from Ohio came to me to live at the home [p. 173] {p. 90}

24 June 1911 • Saturday

Wrote to Mrs. [Harriet Vaux] Sanford Treasurer of International Council2 & sent my Dues for the year draft on New York Bank & Susa’s paper five dollar bill. This morning Ellen & Zilpha arrived in this city and came direct to my home & we came up together to the Office Ellen & Zilpha went to Belle’s to sleep and Ellen was sick and could not get up [p. 175] {p. 91}

25 June 1911 • Sunday

Went up to the office and dressed there to dine at Hotel Utah as the guest of the Governor– first time I had been in except in the I S.L. office [p. 176] {p. 92}

27 June 1911 • Tuesday

Walked to the polls and voted today for closing the Saloons in this City, it is to be hoped all the women in the City vote today. We have tried very hard to have a better condition here and more sobriety and yet it seems the opposition is strong, men are very determined to keep saloons open and even Hotel Utah had a Saloon put in or a bar [p. 178] {p. 93}

28 June 1911 • Wednesday

3Wednesday, June 28

wrote to Christina Wahlgren [Christina Nilson Walgren] Glencoe Mink Creek Idaho Sophia McFarlane Cleveland Utah Pauline [Bryner] Pace Price Utah Mrs. I. [Isaac] C. Manchester [Maria Lewis Manchester] 111. Ocean St. Providence Rhode Island [p. 179] {p. 76}

29 June 1911 • Thursday

Wrote to Mrs. I. C. Manchester of Providenc Rhode Island– [p. 180] {p. 94}

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June 1911, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1911/1911-06


  1. [1]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1911 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  2. [2]International Council of Women.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1911 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.