The Church Historian's Press

December 1912

1 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 1. 1912 rose early and went to the Salt Lake Templ to Fast Meeeting– my cold was very bad but I persevered and sat through the meeting Presidents Jos. F. Smith Anthon H. Lund & C. W. Penose were there, the speakers were President Jos. F. Smith– Apostle Amthony Ivinss [Anthony W. Ivins] President F. M. Lyman Jose. E. Taylor and Dr. S. B. Young. Very excellent meeting; went to 18th. Ward in the aftenoon called to see Hannah Wells, din[e]d at Joseph Wells and spent the evening with Susan Wells [p. 335] {p. 238}

2 December 1912 • Monday

Monday Dec. 2.1 Dot came to help me with my accounts and stayed all day we had a pleasant day and Emm. stayed all night– we went out to supper and she read to mee from the Bible magazines etc. [p. 336] {p. 239}

3 December 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec. 32 Dot came to help and I went off to Centerville to a meeeting to inrtoduce Gnealogy into the Relief Socieety Clarissa Williams went with me and Susa Gates & Anna Lynch– we had a good meeting but very tiresome to me because of my cold [p. 337] {p. 240}

21 December 1912 • Saturday

Today Saturday Dec, 22. [21] 1912 Emery [Emory M.] Hedges and Emma [blank] [Haueter] were marrried at the home of father and motherr of the bridegroom,3 Joseph S. Wells perf[o]rming the ceremony, Annie & Daniel and myself were present had a fine time Emm had gone to the Hotel Utah with Martinea◊ [Lyman R. Martineau] [p. 355] {p. 247}

22 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 23. [22] 1912

Rose late and dressed to go to Miss Maude May Babcock’s dinner party a very pleasant affairr Jacob Gatees and wife som and daughter were to be therre but Susa did not come Prof [Jakob] Bolin & wife4 and sisters5 were guests a pleasant party, fine dinner & happy evening in conversation [p. 356] {p. 248}

23 December 1912 • Monday

Monday Dec. 23. 1912

This is the birthday of the Prophet Joseph Smith born in 1905,6 in Sha[r]on Ve[r]mont [p. 357] {p. 249}

24 December 1912 • Tuesday

December 24, 1912

Tuesday we were busy in the officee and at last Emm. and myself started off to the Cannon Home– bitter cold [p. 358] {p. 250}

25 December 1912 • Wednesday

Monday Wednesday December 25 1912

Went to Anniee’s was there all day, children nearly all at homee Cavendish went to the Park7 to spend Xmas with Gorge [George] Q. and family, Margaret and David and Billie came over Louise & Richard came later, had a fine dinnerr and pleasant evening afterward’ss [p. 359] {p. 251}

26 December 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 26, 1912

The birthday annversary of Elizabeth Ann Whitney & Sarah G. [Griffith] Richards Emm and myself stayed at the B[i]shop’s Building weather extremely cold we were very late retirring– reading and talking [p. 360] {p. 252}

27 December 1912 • Friday

Friday 27, 1912 May Earl [Mary Earl Cross]’s birrthday she is 53 today just 20 days younger than Anmie– had a busy day in the office was not very well– several deaths not much news but a number of callerss Emm has gone with Daniel to the Missionary hall at Hoteel Utah John Q. and Anmie are at the theatrre [ms. misnumbered p. 261] {p. 253}

28 December 1912 • Saturday

Saturday Dec. 28. 1912

Wemt up early found that Annie was not will & had a weary day wrote to Mrs. Adeline B. [Adelina Brunson] Smith of Millard Stake Sent off several cards & booklets had no important letters Commttee from Pioneer held meeeting here about celebration came home usual time Emm. went to Party in Granite Stake [p. 362] {p. 254}

29 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 29. 1912 Dot’s wedding day– have not heard from them. went to Tabrnaclee, Salt Lake Stake Confernce, Nephi Morrris [L. Morris] presiding, Elder Jos. McMurrrim [Joseph W. McMurrin] preached & Andrw [Andrew] Jenson (historian) also fine musicc, went to Anmies and had dinner she is sick– bad cold and has hurt her side– came home late [p. 363] {p. 255}

30 December 1912 • Monday

December Monday 30, 1912

Have had a bad night, this moning the wind blew a heavy gale, and salt covered the windows, housse shook, but it passed off and I went to the office as usual, a very disag[r]eeable day in many ways, Em. fixed her papers for the D.R. and at last we read and copieed ny [my] editorial, no impo[r]tant n[e]ws for meee several letterrs Kate Wells Julina L. Smith Sarah Mc.Lelland Mr. & Mrs. Carlson Libbie [Elizabeth Rich] Pratt and others were here on business, Abran Cannon David [A.] Smith & others. [p. 364] {p. 257}8

31 December 1912 • Tuesday

Tusday the last day of 1812 [1912] and the good year is about to vanish Emme [Emma] Lucy Gates Concert will be in the Tabenacle and no doudt will be a success in all ways [p. 365] {p. 256}

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December 1912, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024