May 1901

2 May 1901 • Thursday

I had been notified of a special meeting of the Board to be held at Sister Zina’s home at her request and arranged all my work and walked up there, arriving in good time, I was about the first one who came and had no idea of anything extraordinary, Aunt Zina is really feeble– in mind and very forgetful. {p. 140}

5 May 1901 • Sunday

Went early to the Temple sat next Sister Horne and Sister Smith in front. Sung “O say what is Truth” prayer by Prest. A. M. Cannon and sung “Lord we come before thee now” several brethren spoke [B.] Morris Young Frank [Y.] Taylor Jos. E. Taylor Br. Christenson, Sister [Elizabeth Irvine] Murphy Wilby Dougall then I spoke for the first time in the Temple. Afterwards Br. <Apostle> Rudger Clawson & Apostle H. J. Grant, then Bishop J. R. Winder. Mrs. [May Booth] Talmage came and read to me a sketch of Aunt Zina‒ and I went to Fast Meeting in 18th. Ward. Aunt Zina was there and spoke a few minutes, it was a good meeting. went to Hebe’s to dinner, came home and finished Woman Suffrage chapter. My heart is very sad for the way in which things are going and the loss of President George Q. Cannon1 I cannot recover from the blow for a long time I fear {p. 143}

6 May 1901 • Monday

A sad despondent feeling has come over me and I do not seem able to rise above it. Early came Mrs. [Louisa Spencer] Martindale of London England, a lady whom we met over there and who presided at the meeting on Domestic Economy at which Susa Y. Gates read her paper. She was accompanied by her two daughters one a Doctor‒2 the other inspector of Childrens institutions.3 I went with them to the Tabernacle and Dr. Pratt went to the grave of Brigham Young and I gave Mrs. Martindale a copy of my poems and Representative Women by Sister Crocheron.4 I had a day so full of work and of interesting things that I was in a state of excitement the whole day through. a letter from Mell and a lot of letters from May Wright Sewall. {p. 144}

11 May 1901 • Saturday

Today mailed to all the newspapers in the state nearly the call and address for Peace Meetings in the wards in the State, had many callers, Mrs. Mary Muir, Mrs. Samuel Woolley,5 Mrs. Emma [Smith] Rock, Mrs. Julia S. [Stringham] Woolley, Mrs. C. [Celestia] A. Snow Young, Mrs. Margaret A. Caine, Mrs. Sarah J. [Jane Steel] Chamberlain, Mrs. Julia Golightly Mrs. Eliza E. [Palmer] Frost‒ Mrs. Shalmardine Miss Stephens, Miss Kate Hall Miss Swann, Miss Cooley, Mrs. Mary E. Bassett and others. Wrote a letter to Susan B. Anthony in reply to her appeal for money and sent telegram to May Wright Sewall at Indianapolis in regard to Peace Meetings Annie and Emmeline & Louise were all up in my office today‒ the streets were very much crowded with people to night the engagement of Ida Daynes Cannon and Dr. Leslie W. Snow was announced today. {p. 149}

16 May 1901 • Thursday

Such a sad anniversary these May days are always depressing.6 I shall never be able to overcome these terrible scenes that come back to me each year so vividly. The weather is delightful and warm, and I have many blessings I know yet my heart yearns over those that are gone of my beloved ones. {p. 154}

17 May 1901 • Friday

After waiting all day for word from Vice President Jane S. Richards, at last succeeded in getting her by telephone and found she could not go to Logan as she had promised, therefore started out and secured Sister Stevenson and Sister Howe to go and purchased tickets for them and took them down to Sister Stevenson, found myself completely exhausted physically, and almost alarmed about my condition; really no one will ever know how I have worked for the good of the women of Zion, in a public way; and the ingratitude of some who are envious is unbearable. I sat up late writing in the record and trying to compose my nerves, so I could sleep. Dear little Emmeline was here with me which was a great comfort I am so fond of the children, tho’ I have them very rarely. {p. 155}

18 May 1901 • Saturday

<Margaret came down and stayed all night with me‒> Worked very diligently to get things in shape so as to go to a meeting on Peace & Arbitration in the 17th. Ward Relief Society hall‒ dressed in my grey and hurried off‒ reached there in time to hear a part of the address by Mrs. F. [Franklin] D. Kimball [Lucretia Heywood Kimball], then gave mine, and afterwards we had the Address of Mrs. Sewall read and voted upon. There were 32. present Mrs. Sophia [Taylor] Nuttall presiding, Mrs. B. W. Smith made a short speech. On my return found Julina Smith had been after me to send a representative to the Conference at Kamas for our Relief Society. Rushed off tired as I was to get ticket and some one to go‒ succeeded in getting Annie T. Hyde‒ and was so exhausted that I was almost alarmed. The hurry and worry of sending out is too exhausting, and should not be done in such haste‒ Angus Lymch [Lynch] Cannon died at noon today {p. 156}

19 May 1901 • Sunday

Stayed at home and tried to compose my nerves and to do some copying in my record. Let Lillian go home for the day Afternoon called at Belle’s and went to Annie’s to dinner. the day was very fine, I saw the new moon over my right shoulder, and it always makes me feel more buoyant. I am so anxious to get my record of the Relief Society up to date that I am willing to lay aside my own work to accomplish it. {p. 157}

20 May 1901 • Monday

<Letter from Verona– Spokane> A fine morning on reaching the Templeton was quite shocked by the sad news of the death of Mrs. Lottie [Charlotte] Claridge Young. she stayed with me the summer after Annie was married in the old home, she was quite a gifted woman leaves six children. The funeral of young Angus L. Cannon was held in the 14th. Ward Assembly Rooms at 3. p.m. John Q. Annie Louise and myself attended, speakers were Prest. Seymour B. Young & C. W. Penrose also Bishops [Heber C.] Iverson and George H. Taylor. A very long procession to the grave. Magnificent white coffin & white hearse, flowers, in great abundance & very beautiful. Belle went to the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers at Sister Hyde’s.7 I tried to get some mailing done worked hard and late. {p. 158}

21 May 1901 • Tuesday

<Fourteen years today since the sad funeral of my darling Louie [Wells Cannon].> Went up in good time Gov. [George Kilbon] Nash of Ohio is in the City arrived last evening, Hebe and his Staff are doing the honors. I have had many callers today Sister Mary E. [Mayoh] Giles from Heber City and Minnie [Evans] Grey, and Ann Woodbury Regina [Swenson] Pond & Sister Peterson from Omaha, and Zanna [Zina Bennion] Cannon Grace [Telle] Cannon Louise Cannon & Annie W. Cannon Abbie [Wells] Young Seymour’s wife and my time has been so taken up‒ then Dr. Ellis R. Shipp came and some way I was completely upset‒ my nerves would not bear any more. Miss Alvira Clark the singer and Miss Findley were visitors too and I had seven letters about Peace meetings, that were very good I sent off a letter to Mary L. [Hyde] Woolf Cardston telling of the sisters coming. wrote to Sister Annie R. [Young] Duke at Heber about their R.S.8 Conference {p. 159}

22 May 1901 • Wednesday

Today has been full of work, morning visitors Martha T. [Telle] Cannon, L. L. G. Richards Emily S. Richards, Margaret A. Caine Annie Wells Cannon Louise B. Cannon Ann C. Woodbury, Annie T. Hyde, and several others, the funeral of Lottie Claridge Young was from the 18th. Ward Chapel and numerously attended with floral offerings in great abundance‒ Bishop Whitney conducted the services and the Music was specially fine, the day was very cold and unpleasant, I tried very hard to persevere with my mailing‒ Min[u]tes of Peace Meetings kept coming in and so many interuptions one could not have time for serious thought. {p. 160}

23 May 1901 • Thursday

This morning felt very ill could not eat my breakfast, and arrived just in time to catch a lot of ladies waiting to see me and ask questions had many letters from Peace Meetings wind is furious and is doing much damage in some places North‒ Ogden and adjacent towns and in Davis County. There has been so much dust one can scarcely see, and the wind from the East is blighting the fruit and blossoms, besides doing injury to telegraph and telephone poles and wires Sister Grant and Sister Richards9 left today for Canada, to visit the organizations up there and to see their children. I secured their berth & tickets. Most of the day has been taken up with them. {p. 161}

24 May 1901 • Friday

This is the anniversary of Queen Victoria’s birthday and King Edward is having it observed with much ceremony‒ the people love the day. Here the wind is blowing furiously still‒ I had a busy day going here and there to get some one to go out to visit‒ & Sister Richards came from Ogden Aunt Zina is quarantined with two sick grand-children (scarlet fever) letters about Peace meetings, and news from McKinley President of the United States that he will return by way of Ogden, and of course the Governor and staff May[o]r Thompson and some prominent citizens will go to see him. I went to the President Lorenzo Snow’s office and two or three other places to Dr. Pratt’s and to the Journal Office. Susa has gone home to Provo. Louise came up to the office & then home with me. I was very glad the wind was so terrible {p. 162}

25 May 1901 • Saturday

Drew fifty <twenty five> dollar draft on Miss Susan B. Anthony for the Testimonial to Mrs. Avery, gave it to Emily to take to her.

Sister Richards had fallen and hurt her head seriously. Today had to look up some one to go to Heber City and to Soda Springs Ellis R. Shipp will go Heber but I could not find her without ever so much tramping about. Sister Stevenson will come to Soda Springs, have been very much annoyed and more insulted than ever before in all my life‒ I know not what course to take in relation to it. came home and wrote letters and sent off Receipts, to the following

Neils Graham Ingrid [Andersson] Graham Mink Creek Idaho Eliza Hales Robinson Lucy S. Cardon Logan Lotitia S. [Letitia Smith] Dunn College Ward Netta McClean [Nettie B. McLean] Denver, Elizabeth Delong [DeLong] Panguitch Martha [Jones] Meecham Park Valley Louisa [Leavitt] Haight Oakley Jane S. [Smith] Coleman Teasdale Annie R. Duke Heber City {p. 163}

26 May 1901 • Sunday

Little Emmeline slept here and went up with me when I went to the Temple. President Snow presided it was a lovely meeting. Sung “Now let us rejoice” prayer Levi W. Richards, sung Redeemer of Israel President Snow made some remarks about his beautiful little girl. the future, its possibilities, trials and experiences. Maud May Babcock, Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball, Hugh J. Cannon E. J. Stevenson <spoke> Heber J. Grant sang “O my Father,” Minnie J. Snow, Mary A. [Ann Burnham] Freeze, Frank H. [Franklin Richards] Snow, Mrs. Frank Y. Taylor [Elizabeth Campbell Taylor]. Dr. Margaret, C. Roberts, Julia Brixen Caroline C. R. Wells, <spoke> Jos Frank Simmons sang “O awake my slumbering Minsterels” Caroline A. R. Wells sung We thank thee O, God for a Prophet. Br. Christenson sang President Angus M. Cannon, Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, Martha H. [Horne] Tingey, John R. Winder, sung Doxology

In the evening went to 10th. Ward Primary excellent meeting very full attendance‒ {p. 164}

27 May 1901 • Monday

Went early to the office such a busy day Reaper’s Club 2. p.m. Josefa Humpal Zeman10 came and addressed the Club‒ spoke most interestingly of Hull House and its founder Miss Jane Addams: the two nurses were with her Mrs. [Ema] Zerzan and her sister Miss Humpal. Afterwards we went together to & Dr Pratt to Sugar Ward Bazar or Fair‒ by invitation of the Relief Society Sisters. Booths nicely arranged and a very nice banquet. We came home in a shower of rain and thunder & so on. In the evening I worked very hard to get my self ready to go next day to Nurses Class. Came home worn right out my feet hurting me terribly, This is Lucile’s last night home so I went over there a few minutes, she was working away in the kitchen. {p. 165}

28 May 1901 • Tuesday

This morning bid Lucile another Good bye‒ had given her a silver table-spoon for Em’s birthday‒ she packed it in her trunk‒ day flew quickly by Nurses Class, the three Bohemian women came and went up to the Lecture Hall to see the Class. Sister Horne presided Annie T. Hyde had done all the hard work. The certificates were distributed to 28. graduates, Dr. Roberts made a fine appearance and spoke well, also Supt’s [Emma Adams] Empey and Prissie Riter who had been teaching them Domestic Science After the Class I went to the City and County Building with the women from Bohemia showed them the Senate Chamber and took them up in the Silk Commissioners Room Margaret A. Caine then took them to the tower‒ bade Lucile Good bye again & went home to read & rest‒ {p. 166}

29 May 1901 • Wednesday

<Wrote to Verona today‒> Went over to see Lucile this morning she goes today at noon, her father and mother will go with her to the depot. Jane S. Richards is here and came to see me, Eugene came in he is going to give The Cardinal’s Snuff Box11 to Em. so I let him have mine. I had Miss Ida [J.] Pratt the Herald Reporter call on me this morning. Mrs. Richards want to talk of Relief Society affairs, Just after she had gone I went down to Annie’s she had gone up in town before I came‒ stayed until Margaret and Daniel came from school then met Annie & Louise at the Cars but went on up. Sent off some letters and then came home found Margaret waiting here for me, she had come to sleep with me. I was very pleased to have her. We went over to see Belle for a minute or two, she was not as lonely as I feared she would be. {p. 167}

30 May 1901 • Thursday

I laid in bed this morning to get rested, Margaret went home & Lillian and Della [G. Hooper] went out for the day, after a while I got up and bathed my feet and began to write in the Relief Society Record, kept it up most of the day until weary and exhausted I went over to see Dot & the children and finally Will came and I came home again. Mr. Sears and Belle are at the Cemetery, the boys are all out, It has been a very dull day for me, but I feel it has also been restful and I have really made some progress with my record. {p. 168}

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May 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]George Q. Cannon died in Monterey, California, on 12 April 1901 and was buried in Salt Lake City on 17 April 1901.

  2. [2]Louisa Martindale.

  3. [3]Hilda Martindale. For more information on the visit of Louisa Martindale and her daughters, see “Prominent Women Visitors,” Woman’s Exponent, June 1901, 30:1.

  4. [4]Augusta Joyce Crocheron, Representative Women of Deseret (Salt Lake City: J. C. Graham, 1884).

  5. [5]Perhaps Elizabeth Stephenson Woolley, married to Samuel A. Woolley, or Alice Rowberry Woolley, married to Samuel E. Woolley.

  6. [6]EBW’s daughter Louise Wells Cannon died in San Francisco on 16 May 1887.

  7. [7]Annie Taylor Hyde was elected president of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers on 11 April 1901 at a meeting in her home. (See “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, June 1901, 30:4.)

  8. [8]Relief Society.

  9. [9]The activities of Louisa Lula Greene Richards and Susan Noble Grant in Canada are detailed in Susan Grant, “Letter from Canada,” Woman’s Exponent, July 1901, 30:11; and “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1901, 30:21.

  10. [10]For more information, see “Prominent Women Visitors,” Woman’s Exponent, June 1901, 30:1.

  11. [11]The Cardinal’s Snuff-Box was a novel published by American writer Henry Harland in 1900. (Harland, Cardinal’s Snuff-Box, Hathitrust Digital Library.)