September 1881

1 September 1881 • Thursday

Today 37 years ago my first baby was born Eugene Henri [Harris], O those were dreadful days so full of pain and misery how I ever endured it I cannot imagine. It seems ages ago as if it were in another world, at evening Annie & I. called upon Eva Fay her baby is sick [p. 145] {p. 149}

2 September 1881 • Friday

Worked hard all day to get ready to go to Logan we had a fearful time, the carriage never came to take us to the depot and we had to rush down and got just in time to start off. We got on the train and came to Ogden and found Belle so bad we could not go on. staid all night.

3 September 1881 • Saturday

Went on to Logan and had a good time. Staid all day at Belle’s she was a little better, but very sick indeed, Louie talked to Mellie in Salt Lake it seemed very wonderful indeed1 At evening took the Northern train and arrived in Logan just after 10 at night. Went to Miss Ida Ione Cook’s [p. 146] {p. 150}

4 September 1881 • Sunday

Went to Conference the large Tabernacle was filled spoke for 3/4 of an hour, went to George [T.] Benson’s to dinner, administered to one of the twins a little girl only 2 years old.2 did some organizing in the afternoon Y.L.M.I.A. & P.A.3 Stake Associations

5 September 1881 • Monday

Went over to Hyde Park met with dear old friends and washed and anointed a sick woman, Ellen [Hyde] Woolf retuned to Logan after dinner & then went to Wellsville and organized a Primary Association, came back and staid at Sister Clara Mc’Allister [Clarissa Snow McAlister] [p. 147] {p. 151}

6 September 1881 • Tuesday

Started before daylight came to Ogden & returned home by the morning train, found all well & set to work eagerly preparing copy. Annie had a bad cold & was not feeling in very good spirits, The Esquire has sold his farm to Malloy & Walker.4 Miss Ida is very anxious to have Louie go to Logan.

7 September 1881 • Wednesday

All day hustle and confusion, no word from John Q. and Annie low-spirited and gloomy Louie is in Ogden and we do miss her sadly Annie does not like me to go to Ogden but I feel as if I ought to do so. Belle is sick perhaps I can do her some good, and if I can it will be a good thing [p. 148] {p. 152}

8 September 1881 • Thursday

Went to Ogden found Belle better, attended conference & spoke Aunt Eliza was with us, Sister Howard was down from Logan had a pleasant time with Belle & Louie and the beautiful children, Weather most magnificent, sunshine and moonlight glorious Louie went home when I came–

9 September 1881 • Friday

Dr. Pratt & Mrs. Felt came up. Dr. Pratt lectured in the 2d. ward meeting house The Conference was very interesting. Mrs. Richards spares no pains to make all feel comfortable. Belle is not at all well I am very anxious about her: she seems very excitable and the children are troublesome. Sister Shipley has no faculty to make things harmonize [p. 149] {p. 153}

10 September 1881 • Saturday

The P.A. Conference which was a great success. Dot went with me & so did little Sep. This is was Emmie [Emeline W. Wells]’s birthday and we feel keenly the loss we have sustained.5 Belle came out to dinner and Mr. Sears came home feeling ruffled and a scene ensued not very pleasant. He will go to the city tonight and I shall stay until Sunday evening

11 September 1881 • Sunday

A very nice day, Sisters Howard & Richards both came to see me, I had a pleasant time Belle was feeling better. Mell arrived on the train in the afternoon with Cathie [Catherine Wallin] intending to send her on to Chicago– She staid all night at Belle’s and in the morning I went home but she staid till evening. [p. 150] {p. 154}

12 September 1881 • Monday

Came home on the early freight train, found all well, news from John Q.) and baby well. Went to work as usual and although pressed with business got through admirably, had a nice visit with the Esquire & begun to arrange for my journy to Sanpete. Weather very hot and a great deal of sickness in the city.

13 September 1881 • Tuesday

One incessant hurry all day long Rob has promised to help the girls with the paper. I am not feeling very strong or well but think it will be a good thing for me to have the change of riding and talking instead of writing. Went up to Mells in the evening. Fixed everything packed up my valise etc. [p. 151] {p. 155}

14 September 1881 • Wednesday

Went off by the train at 2 o’clock. Sister Pratt took Aunt Eliza & I in her buggy. Such a flurry when we went Annie felt dreadful and it was quite depressing to me. We got to Nephi safe and sound and were met at the depot by Br. [Henry] & Sister [Amelia Hallam] Goldsbrough Went to Pres. [George] Teasdale’s & had tea thence to meeting where I had most of the talking to do

15 September 1881 • Thursday

6|Went on through the caňon, most delightful scenery and took dinner at Bishop [Robert L.] Johnson’s where we met Sister M. A. [Mary Ann Price] Hyde & E. [Elizabeth Price] Bently. Went on to Moroni arrived in time for supper rather tired. Went to bed early. Aunt Eliza & I slept together, Mrs. Goldsbrough was with us. [p. 152] {p. 156}

16 September 1881 • Friday

Conference of Relief Society Pres. [Canute] Peterson from Ephraim and many others came from different places. We had four meetings one at 10 A.M. one at 2 p.m. one at 1/2 past 5. p.m. and one at 1/2 past 7. p.m. at all of which I spoke, feeling well and happy. Sister Eliza seemed a little tired and did not attend in the evening.

17 September 1881 • Saturday

We went on to Fairview where we had a meeting with the children & were feasted and questioned as is usual in these country places. The wind blew considerable the meeting was a full one and all who took part were interesting. Sister Hyde & Goldsbrough slept together Aunt Eliza & I. we had always good beds. [p. 153] {p. 157}

18 September 1881 • Sunday

A large party went up to Indianola in wagons and carriages. held meeting a very large audience, took dinner at the Bishop’s,7 in the afternoon with Aunt Eliza helped to effect a Primary Association with ten little Indian children enrolled as members: five Indian babes were also blest in which we assisted.

19 September 1881 • Monday

Last evening encountered a severe storm of hail returning from Thistle Valley. In the evening had a very large congregation in the meeting house– I had to do most of the speaking as Sisters Eliza & Hyde were both tired. Went on to Mt. Pleasant and held two meetings staid at Br. [Peter M.] Peels all night. [p. 154] {p. 158}

20 September 1881 • Tuesday

Drove to Spring City in the morning P.A. met at 10 A.M. at noon we heard the President of the United States had died the evening before. held meeting afternoon and evening. Went to Judge [James A.] Allred’s to supper quite a party of us. Staid all night had a good visit there, saw some old friends & visited some sick

21 September 1881 • Wednesday

Started for Ephraim, a lovely day. At that place flags were at half mast and gave the town a gloomy appearance We were cordially welcomed by a large party, to a grand dinner and then went to the new meeting house where we found a large congregation in waiting. P.A. met directly after– [p. 155] {p. 159}

22 September 1881 • Thursday

Next morning went on to Manti house crowded full when we arrived. I was the first speaker. in the afternoon children’s meeting and then went to see the Temple,8 climbed to the very top of this grand structure in the mountains. Slept at Sister [Rebecca Atwood] Wareham’s and had a good visit in the evening.

23 September 1881 • Friday

This morning it rained was dismal and cold and disagreeable. went on to Ephraim and had dinner at Pres. Petersens [Petersons’]. Sister Petersen9 gave me a cheese to bring home as a present. The storm raged until we got to Moroni, staid all night there. called on Mrs. Oliver [Mary Ann Draper] Kimball and got rested somewhat. [p. 156] {p. 160}

24 September 1881 • Saturday

This morning we drove to Fountain Green & held meeting with the children; took dinner at Br. Crowther’s.10 Started on through the Caňon, stormed part of the time but we arrived safe at Nephi before dark. Here we found daily papers telling all the particulars about Garfield. We spent the evening in reading them–

25 September 1881 • Sunday

We started to the train long before day-light and commenced our journey homeward.11 It was not a very fine day dark & threatening a storm Got home at 10 oclock A.M. The city was dismal with draped flags and the insignia of mourning for Garfield. Found my girls well and went to meeting in the aftenoon [p. 157] {p. 161}

26 September 1881 • Monday

Memorial services for Pres. James A. Garfield were held in the Big Tabernacle, which I attended.12 It was a day of thought and solemnity, everywhere one turned, there was black and flags at half mast all over. Tabernacle all in mourning. In the evening we had a family ta[l]k over home affairs.

27 September 1881 • Tuesday

Working away to get copy for October 1. The girls have written during my absence and so has Rob and now I must finish. There is still an opportunity to see the Primary Fair.13 Weather rather cold and no stove in the Office Have been to see Mellie & children, so many things to make one’s heart ache. [p. 158] {p. 162}

28 September 1881 • Wednesday

Although very busy have been to the Fair & look upon the productions of work etc. as very creditable indeed. There is much there to encourage us and all Zion to perseverance There are many things one finds to do when just returning from a journey. my husband is always delighted to see me.

29 September 1881 • Thursday

Ort expects to go to Europe on a mission. He seems greatly delighted with the idea, I do hope he will develop into as great a man as we anticipate. Good news from John Q. Annie is more satisfied Mrs. Ferguson & Aunt Zina have both written to Aunt Eliza & myself Sister Pratt went off Monday morning last to New <York>14 [p. 159] {p. 163}

30 September 1881 • Friday

Well this is the last day of the beautiful month of September. Conference is approaching. Weather seems cold and cheerless indeed. Paper lags after all. I feel sorry for I want to go to Conference and hear all the instructions given there am very anxious to have Louie go too Baby is well and getting so very fat.

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September 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]This is an example of an early use of the telephone in Utah Territory for long-distance communication. Telephone exchanges were licensed in Salt Lake City and Ogden in March 1880. The following year, the Salt Lake Tribune applauded installation of more telephone connections. (Jay M. Haymond, “The Telephone in Utah,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia; “City Jottings,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 26 Aug. 1881, [4]; “City Jottings,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 28 Aug. 1881, [4].)

  2. [2]Adeline Benson or Florence Benson.

  3. [3]Primary Association.

  4. [4]Daniel H. Wells owned a farm in the Sugar House section of Salt Lake City near 2100 South Street and 700 East. He sold this property in 1887. (Wells, Defender, 144–145, 413.)

  5. [5]EBW’s daughter Emeline Whitney Wells, commonly called Em or Emma, died on 8 April 1878.

  6. [6]text: This bracket seems to separate the 15 September entry from the 14 September entry.

  7. [7]John Spencer was bishop of the Indianola Ward, Sanpete Stake. (“Spencer, John,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:550.)

  8. [8]Brigham Young broke ground for the Manti Temple on 25 April 1877. EBW would have seen the building under construction in 1881. It was dedicated by Wilford Woodruff privately on 17 May 1888 and by Lorenzo Snow publicly on 21–23 May 1888. Daniel H. Wells supervised the last stages of construction and served as temple president from 16 May 1888 until his last illness in March 1891. (“Manti Utah Temple,” Deseret News 2003 Church Almanac, 502–503; “Wells, Daniel Hanmer,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:65; Wells, Defender, 414–415, 419.)

  9. [9]Perhaps Sarah Ann Nelson Peterson, first wife of Canute Peterson.

  10. [10]Perhaps Thomas Crowther.

  11. [11]EBW’s thorough review of this trip, including its meetings and key people she saw, appears in “Visit to Sanpete,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Nov. 1881, 10:84.

  12. [12]The Woman’s Exponent memorialized the death of President Garfield by outlining its columns with heavy black lines. (“A Whole Nation Mourning,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1881, 10:68.)

  13. [13]The Primary fair, which was held in Salt Lake City’s Social Hall, featured exhibits from children all over the county. EBW reviewed the event and praised its leaders Ellen C. S. Clawson, Camilla Cobb, and Annie D. Watson in “The Children’s Fair,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1881, 10:68.

  14. [14]EBW described Romania B. Pratt’s study tour to New York in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Oct. 1881, 10:68.