July 1875

1 July 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. July 1, It is a very hot day indeed Emeline Young is not expected to live all seems excitement, the new paper is out Mr. Hendrie spent the evening here, [p. 14] Miss Cook called on me at the office I went to the Relief Society meeting had a splendid time.

2 July 1875 • Friday

Friday July 2d. Been mailing papers all day did not get through the Wasatch went to Calder’s farm,1 the Esquire has a friend from Tennessee. Em. went over to supper. I called on Miss Cook and bid her Good Bye. Mr. Hendrie was here, and staid some time

3 July 1875 • Saturday

Sat. July 2<3>. Em. & Annie Emeline [Y. Wells] too went to Ogden with Miss Cook came down on the train with Willard Young Spencer Clawson and Joseph [Smith] Richards who were returning home from the East, Willard Young has graduated from West Point second Lieutenant and is put on the Engineer’s staff Joseph Richards has come home as a full-fledged M.D..

I went very early to the office afterwards went over and took breakfast with my husband. Mrs. Telitha [Free] Smith has come in from Coalville with three little children. on account of her sister’s illness (Mrs. Emeline Young[)]. I have been very busy all day, staid at the office until very late. then I took the children up to get ice-cream.

4 July 1875 • Sunday

Sunday July 4. I never saw such a strange fourth of July in all my life, every now and then a sound of fire crackers in defiance of the law and the Sabbath day; I was not feeling well, and did not go to meeting but Em. and Lou. went Belle and little ones came down in the buggy. Em. went there to dinner at six. Aunt E. Hyde came over here and had dinner with us. Mrs. E. Young is no better; such lots of little folks around this evening. Em. is preparing to go out on a picnic. Mr. Hendrie came down and went with Em. to Mellie’s. [p. 15]

5 July 1875 • Monday

Mon. July 5th, Today people are celebrating the fourth excursions pleasure parties etc. Mellie and Emmie went to Lake Point by the one o’clock train and returned by the ten o’clock, were out a short time in the boat, Louie went to a party in the Twelfth Ward with Fred. Gardner [Frederick Gardiner]. Em. Patterson is very sick, Emeline Young is still very low. sisters Lucy and Adaline have both called on me to day; I have been resting my mind considerably. indeed it has been quite a change for me.

6 July 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. July 6th. Mr. & Mrs. Richards Georgie [Georgina M.] Calder Mr. Dr. Levi Richards and Miss Horne and myself all went to see the iron font and oxen which will support it that are cast for the St. George Temple. They are of very heavy workmanship, and are to be bronzed after they get there the font is in six pieces, and will have to be taken all apart to be taken there in wagons.

I took dinner at Louisa’s had several callers in at the office. Met Joseph Richards the newly-fledged M.D. he is wonderfully improved. Rule, Harry, Jim, and Ort all called on Em. There was quite a little shower of rain today and the wind is blowing this evening.

7 July 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. July 7th. I was alone all day except callers, Mrs. Goddard, Sister Eliza, and several other ladies came in to see me, I was very busy indeed: Em. went to the Association in the evening. I purchased some under clothing for the girls.

8 July 1875 • Thursday

July 8. Onie came down this morning in her new blue dress she looked lovely; have been so very busy all day long, went on the street cars to Sister Richards house this evening; Em. went to ask her father to let her go to Soda Springs [Idaho]. No company this evening at all. I am not feeling very well. there are many disagreeable things one has to endure; but if there is a determination to succeed no obstacles [p. 16] however opposing in their nature can hinder one. Emeline Young still lingers as if upon the borders of death.

9 July 1875 • Friday

Friday July 9. Still very busy Mrs. Ward Mary’s aunt came to the office and told me Mary wanted to go home; I gave consent as soon as we could get another girl. Belle is quite sick engaged another girl today Eliza Jane Young from Mill Creek

10 July 1875 • Saturday

Sat. July 10. Have been all day in the office Lula went to meeting; Cornelia only staid in the morning, Belle is real sick Em. went up to help her brought Dot down to sleep with us. the little crowd of boys were here.

11 July 1875 • Sunday

Sunday July 11. Emmie took very sick in the morning. Belle came down and although sick herself rendered every assistance. for some time she suffered extreme agony, seemed to obtain no relief at all until in the evening. Was rather restless and suffered considerably through the night. Mr. Hendrie came to see us in the evening, sat a little while on the porch with us. A large party of Editors are in town2 went to the Tabernacle in the morning to hear the. Mon children sing. in the afternoon attended divine service.

12 July 1875 • Monday

Mon. July 12. This is the most delightful weather except it is rather too warm. Em. is a little better. can sit up some. Mrs. Richards came down towards evening Louisa invited me to supper. I have not seen my husband yet to have any private conversation since his return. Elvira was here in the evening until very late.

13 July 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. July 13. This has been an excessively hot day I have been so very busy Dr Mary J. Safford Blake3 called on us at the office, we had an interesting time, I called on Sister Eliza [p. 17] with her, she was much pleased with the interview. I gave her some papers and books which would to explain to her some of our doctrines. In the evening I had a most delightful interview with my husband.4 A day ever to be remembered by me, one which it will be impossible to forget, for my whole affection went out to him in the strongest torrent of passion; the moonlight only served to enhance the beauty of the occasion, and nature seemed to have put on her divinest costume to welcome in the new and all absorbing love dawning upon my soul. It was like a bridal tribute.

14 July 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. July 14. Went to the office unusually early and worked very diligently all day long. Mrs. Richards was there in the afternoon. The association met here, to adjourn for the summer. Camp Douglas band was playing over at the Walker House, the music was enchanting.

15 July 1875 • Thursday

Thursday evening July 15. After a fatiguing day when coming from the office at evening I met Mr. Tanner who walked home with me, and spent the evening, found George and Carrie here; later on Mr. Hendrie came, to let us <know> he was going out to Parley’s Park5 to spend a few days. bade us good-bye.

16 July 1875 • Friday

Friday July 16. I was busy as usual, seeing after mailing etc. had lots of callers went up to Belle’s in the morning. found her a little better. Lou. came home having been there eight days. Dot came down with her. Mrs. Richards made me a present of a parasol. [p. 18]

17 July 1875 • Saturday

Sat. July 17. Emeline Young, died this morning, she has been a terrible sufferer; it is a most happy release for her, but she leaves a large family to mourn for her; it is a most terribly sad affair; there was a refreshing shower of rain this evening, and afterwards the wind blew furiously. the air was much purer and more bracing, the moon light is lovely. Mrs. Richards is going to Grantsville for a week to rest her eyes. Louie went out to the point of the mountain to Spencer’s to spend a few days.

18 July 1875 • Sunday

Sunday July. <18> I was not well this morning the day was rather oppressive, Mellie came down and brought Leslie and Onie, I went to the funeral of Mrs. Emeline Young.6 Prrsident Wells preached then Br. [George] Goddard and then President Young. the funeral was very solemn and impressive. it was conducted at the Bee Hive.7

in the evening we had some callers.

19 July 1875 • Monday

Mon. July 19. It was a most particularly sultry day was busy all day long preparing copy. Mother came down.

20 July 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. July 20. This is certainly one of the hottest days I ever experienced, so fatiguing. Mother is still here

21 July 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. July 21. Today the girls got their new white dresses, shoes etc. Annie will represent the territory of Wyoming. she has been to the tabernacle helping them in the decorating.8 we had a letter from little Louise. she is so homesick. Em. went to the association in the up at uncle Joseph Young’s Mr. Thurs. July 22. Hendrie has returned from Parley’s Park and came to see us for a few minutes. Emma Taggart was married this evening to Lieut [T. S.] Mumford. [p. 19]

22 July 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. July 23<2>. Preparations are about completed for the Jubilee. My husband came to the office to see me, and we had a very pleasant interview, in the evening he came down home and we had a most interesting interview; all pleasant and happy associations. Mr. Hendrie called, and staid a short time.

23 July 1875 • Friday

Friday July 24<3>. Louie came home today. we are all nearly tired out; The Danish Emigrants arrived today. I have had so many callers. the day has been fearfully hot.

24 July 1875 • Saturday

Sat. July 24, We all went to the celebration of the Jubilee it was a grand sight the loveliest feature except the faces of the children was the fountain in the center surmounted by water lilies and at each corner a lion crouching with a child upon their backs. representing Europe Asia Africa and America the recitations were not the most choice selections that could have been made. yet tolerably good the two original articles were The Jubilee by Eliza R. Snow and A Tribute To The Pioneers by H. [Henry] W. Naisbutt. the day passed off pleasantly and a quiet spirit seemed to attend the proceedings.

25 July 1875 • Sunday

Sunday July 25. This is Horace Whitney’s birthday. Em. and I went to the tabernacle it was still ornamented. Orson Pratt preached.

26 July 1875 • Monday

Mon. 26. Was all day in the office getting copy etc. Mrs. Richards is not well her eyes are very weak. Mr. Hendrie was here in the evening. [p. 20]

27 July 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. July 27. The weather is intensely hot, no signs of rain, Mr. Hendrie called at the office this afternoon. My husband was there quite a while

28 July 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. July 28. It rained quite a little shower, we felt refreshed, I was rather low-spirited and had a severe nervous head-ache.

29 July 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. <July 28 9.> This has been an exciting and fatiguing day bustle and hurry all day long, in the evening I wanted so much to see a friend and have some little comfort, from them but all was denied me, later on in the evening my husband came but his greeting was unquestionably one of cool indifference a few kisses a caress or two and that was all. I had been to a meeting in the afternoon and was most fearfully tired and nervous but we poor women must not expect aid or succor from our husbands in affairs of the heart: my first wedding-day9

30 July 1875 • Friday

Friday July 29. <30.> My husband my dearest10 friend called at the office for a few minutes. and O how pleasant for me to feel any one interested in my happiness. At night he called again we went for a walk and had a pleasant interview. one to be recorded in memory’s tablets forever, something entirely unlike any other experience of mine. President Young went to Provo to hold Two Days Meeting.

31 July 1875 • Saturday

Sat. July 31. I have been so busy to-day we were mailing papers etc. I never went even to lunch, Mellie went out to Parley’s Park for her health. Will has gone too and so has, Ned and Lile, Milton [H.] Davis and wife.11

Lou. went to stay with Salina. Mr. Hendrie came down and took Em. to have ice-cream. brought me some oranges. The Esquire went to Provo to-day. [p. 21]

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July 1875, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1875/1875-07


  1. [1]Calder Park, or Farm, located on 2700 South between 500 East and 700 East, was an amusement park with boating, dancing, and concessions. It became Wandamere Park and then Nibley Park Golf Course. (Sillitoe, A History of Salt Lake County, 96–97.)

  2. [2]The Tribune announced the three-day visit of about forty correspondents and editors from religious and general newspapers in the New England, mid-Atlantic, and east-central states. (“Eastern Editorial Excursion,” Salt Lake Tribune, 10 July 1875, 4; see also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1875, 4:29.)

  3. [3]Mary Jane Safford (1834–1891) founded and taught in elementary schools financed by her banker brother Albert. An Army nurse during the Civil War and later a physician, she was named a professor of women’s diseases at Boston University School of Medicine from 1873 to 1886 and participated in women’s suffrage work. She married James Blake, later divorced. (LeRoy H. Fischer, “Safford, Mary Jane,” in James et al., Notable American Women, 3:220–222; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1875, 4:29.)

  4. [4]text: In addition to the double underlining here, two similar emphatic lines appear above “husband”.

  5. [5]Early name for the mining town of Park City, Summit Co., Utah.

  6. [6]“Obituary,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1875, 4:37.

  7. [7]As was customary, the memorial service was held in the home of the bereaved, in this case the Beehive House, which was the principal residence of President Brigham Young. The Beehive House is located on the northwest corner of South Temple and State Streets (then 100 East). (Dixon, “Beehive and Lion Houses,” 124.)

  8. [8]The 1847 arrival of the Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley was commemorated with festivities in Latter-day Saint communities on the twenty-fourth of July each year.

  9. [9]EBW had married James Harvey Harris in Vermont on 29 July 1843. (See Madsen, Intimate History, 36n39.)

  10. [10]text: In addition to the double underlining of “husband”, two similar emphatic lines appear above the word; in similar fashion, a single line appears above both “my” and “dearest” (although “my” is not underlined).

  11. [11]Evelyn Young Davis.