August 1888

1 August 1888 • Wednesday

Came down in good time, had a call from Sister [Jane Huntington] Eastham Sister Richards, H. C. [Harriett Cook] Young, Elder W. H. Palmer occupied the day and afterwards went over and made a list of my poems. Wanted to go to Ogden but thought I had best wait. George Q. Cannon had another son born yesterday to his wife Martha.1 Tonight I looked over the story I wrote in the winter of or the fall of 1882 when my darling Louie was with me and did so much to help me with my office work. O how it all comes back to me now How good she was and how sweet in her every day life. O those happy days how fresh they return in the moments of quiet and rest. I am so glad for my little girl, that she was so affectionate and tender always. [p. 238] {p. 241}

2 August 1888 • Thursday

This is Fast day and although I did not attend meeting I shut the Office and tried to get a little time to think. John Q. called today, he is very lame. Martha Cannon has a son born July 31st. Apostle F. D. Richards has been in today and we have been going over the minutes of the Memorial Anniversary meeting in Ogden on the 19th. Ellen came up from Spanish Fork. Lissie [Lisadore Williams] Taylor has been in to give me some of her ideas about housekeeping. Altogether I am weary Br. George Woodward of St. George was in and brought me his Genealogical record of Woodwards. There are four branches in the United States all dating back to different periods in coming to America. Watertown Woodwards in Mass. came in 1634. They have a book I am told which I hope to get sometime ere long.2 [p. 239] {p. 242}

3 August 1888 • Friday

Loue Madsen came to Mell’s on the first day of August from Manti. Mell Daisie & Loue went to the Lake this morning and Verona & Ellen this afternoon. I am so very weary tonight I scarcely know how to exist. Have had lots to do and some annoyances. Sister E. S. Taylor came and invited me to go to Union with her next Wednesday the 8th. I have been looking up some on the genealogical question and find it exceedingly interesting. Have been looking over the story I wrote in 1882 find it quite entertaining wish I had the means to publish it. I am anxious to write another poem soon. I have it in my mind.

Annie and her children will meet Mell and the girls at Lake Park to spend the day. I trust they will enjoy it. I have been suffering so today with the intense heat. Weary, weary so very weary. [p. 240] {p. 243}

4 August 1888 • Saturday

Today I am unusually busy and the paper did not go to press as I expected it would. It is a disappointment indeed. I have struggled against the heat and the disappointments of one kind and another and I feel as though I could scarcely cope much longer against the several things that arise to thwart me in my career to obtain a subsistence by my own effort. I went to Ogden on the 7.20 train and drove up to Annie’s she was expecting me to come, and looking out for me. We had a pleasant evening together. She is not very well however and neither is Louise I am thankful to have the privilege of going as it would indeed be hard for me if I could not see her occasionally. [p. 241] {p. 244}

5 August 1888 • Sunday

Did not rise very early. Read my revise in Annie’s parlor. John Q. who does night work on “The Standard” and has extra work to do Saturday nights was up in time for dinner. We had a very delicious dinner & afterwards pleasant conversation, later Annie & I went down town, and She bought ice-cream and we had ice cream cakes & fruit on the front porch in the shade of the apple-trees, and then we had to go to the train soon after Annie went with me and stayed until the train was ready to go. Ruth Young now the wife of Dr. Healy [John H. Healey] of San Francisco was on the cars coming to Salt Lake on business and to see her relatives. I came to the house and stayed alone. Felt very much depressed in spirits. My life is sad. [p. 242] {p. 245}

6 August 1888 • Monday

This morning had a cup of tea here alone. As soon as I was up and even before messages were coming and so on Miss Harter of Denver came early and I went with her to the Printing Office & Tithing Office– The paper is out. I wrote to George E. Littlefield bookseller School Street Boston Mass. concerning the (Woodward) book of genealogy– also wrote to Mrs. [Delilah King] Olson of Fillmore about attending a Conference in that Stake the last of August. Sent Receipts to Nephi– and wrote to Sister E. S. Taylor about the party at Cotton Wood. John Q. had lunch with me today. Gen Phillip Sheridan died last night at Nonquitt Mass. flags are at half-mast have had lots of callers during the day & evening. Verona is staying here tonight. [p. 243] {p. 246}

7 August 1888 • Tuesday

Did not feel well, callers early[,] tried to write on mailing. Emma Brooks Macaulay [McAuley] from California an old acquaintance called. Helen was in today– so many recollections called up of the past, have done some inviting for the party at Sister Howards old home. The election returns are in, some Gentiles in the precincts elected. I have forgotten to make a notice of Daisie for which I feel very sorry. must do it next time. Weather not quite so hot as heretofore. I wish I could accomplish more than I do, but my strength is not equal to the desires I have to do good to others. I have been wishing for an opportunity to write a poem of late, but it is very difficult with so many questions to answer daily and so much actual work to do. I am here alone tonight. Expect Verona coming to stay. [p. 244] {p. 247}

8 August 1888 • Wednesday

Went to the Utah Central depot and took the train for Sandy. Sisters P. L Kimball and E. S. Taylor were the other visiting sisters. Sisters Susan [Noble Grant] & Rachel [Ivins] Grant and Elizabeth [Ashby] Snow were on the train going South the two first to the Temple at Manti and Sister Snow to St. George. At Sandy Br. & Sister [Thomas H.] Smart met us and we drove over to their place and took breakfast– then drove to the meeting house at Union where we held meeting. It was the annual of the Relief Society, we each of us spoke during the morning. At noon we dined at Sister [Lucy Richards] Brady’s. “thirteen at table”– Afternoon meeting we each spoke again and after meeting went and administered to a sick sister Zyrena Jeffries. Came direct home. Howard Spencer was indicted today for an old offense.3 Slept at Mell’s was very tired indeed [p. 245] {p. 248}

9 August 1888 • Thursday

Today is the anniversary of the birth of Louisa [Free] Wells. Verona is going out to the Lake Garfield Beach with Melvin. We are trying to finish single wrappers, and I have had to leave off and fix copy. Had some interesting strangers today. A lady from Palestine who is familiar with the history of Egypt; the country all along and around the Nile, Syria &c. Verona and I are working very steadily but cannot get through. In the evening I was here alone writing in my parlor on the record of the Woodward’s lent me. Some other things too I had to do & my feelings were almost to much for me. I am not contented in this house; it is not suitable for me, I felt much better when I was in my own old home or when I went to the farm. Verona came home about eleven– [p. 246] {p. 249}

10 August 1888 • Friday

We slept here last night & I am feeling badly this morning. Finished mailing today. Br. [Franklin D.] Richards brought in the copy of the memorial meeting in Ogden. Ort & Zine came from Denver yesterday feel splendid about their visit.4 Such a tedious day this has been I am so weary. Br. Levi Richards came and asked me to write a sacramental hymn for the Sunday School Hymn Book.5 I promised to write one of some sort but am not at all sure I could write on that subject satisfactorily. Verona went up home and I made ready to go to Ogden. Mell went over Jordan [River] to Mrs. [Selina Winter] Leverich’s this morning– Went up to Ogden on the 7.20 train. Annie did not expect me. Emma Lord Macaulay [McAuley] was on the train and came into the carriage with me at the depot– Annie & I were alone– [p. 247] {p. 250}

11 August 1888 • Saturday

Miss Osmond of Bloomington had just come from San Francisco where she had been staying with Belle. Came down on morning train with quite a number of excursionists. A lady and daughter from Council Bluffs named Knepper made many inquiries of me about people here in the city. They knew Park Woods, and Amelia Young and Mrs. Waring and James Hart’s family with a blind girl. Sister Jennings, Dr. Pratt, Sister [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron and others were here and I had no lunch, became very nervous, Ort, came Lydia Ann & so on, I was nearly frantic seemed to me I should go mad. Finally I succeeded in fastening the door long enough to eat a bite but by that time I felt quite ill. Wrote notes to invite to the party at Sister Howard’s Mrs. Amelia Young E. H. Goddard, Julia C. Howe, Maria Y. Dougall Sister [Harriett Thatcher] Preston– [p. 248] {p. 251} sent special delivery stamps on them.

12 August 1888 • Sunday

This morning I tried to rest but have not succeeded very well. Slept at Mell’s with Verona– Came down about 1/2 past eleven. commenced writing immediately. Went up to Mells to dinner, Daisie sung for me two songs one [blank space] the other one of Emma’s songs “The bridge,” it recalled many things to my mind of the past. Scenes once so dear and never to be forgotten. I came down again and set to work on the Hymn for the Sunday School. I completed one but do not know if it will do or not. Think of submitting it however. Wrote to Br. Stephens asking him about a song I had written long ago with a chorus.6 also to Mrs. [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon inviting her to Sister Howards outdoor party. Have felt more rested today, have tried to be composed in my feelings & nerves. [p. 249] {p. 252}

13 August 1888 • Monday

Ort came in and informed me that my husband was in town. I was much astonished, however he soon came in– had tried the gate on Sunday but found it fastened. He stayed only about an hour, and I made an appointment for the evening with him at our “old trysting place” of last winter etc. I tried to keep calm during the day but had many little annoyances. Several ladies called to make arrangements about going out to Cotton Wood.7 I was very much fatigued when evening came although I wanted to be fresh and buoyant, but failed in that, still I managed to keep my promise by a very great exertion. The interview was pleasant, but is always spoiled by having to steal away under cover of night for fear of the deputies under the Edmund’s law– such humbug– [p. 250] {p. 253}

14 August 1888 • Tuesday

This morning is bright but very hot. Drove out with Dr. Pratt after looking out for every one else. We had the party in the beautiful grove of poplars. There were F. D. Richards and wife Jane. Angus M. Cannon Dr. Ed. Isaacson, H. W. Nesbitt, Dr. M. B. Shipp, Ellis and Maggie, Dr. Barney, Mary Freeze Br. & Sister Horne, Br. & Sister Goddard, Br. & Sister Mitchell and three children, Br. & Sister St[e]venson, <& Emily> Br. & Sister James. Helen Whitney, Sisters H. A. Young Lizzie Young, L. A. Wells Zine Whitney E. S. Taylor, Jane Richardson, Emma Woodruff Angie Frink, Ida Haag, Julia Howe, Emma Bull, Bathsheba Smith, Lizzie Maiben, Lillie & Jane Freeze, Dr. R. B. Pratt E. B. Wells, Hostess E. Howard Kate Brockbank & husband [John T.] McDonald & wife, Sisters Boyes [Elizabeth Boyce] & Anderson, Fulsom & Taylor– and many more. A terrific [p. 251] {p. 254} storm came up while we were in the grove, the great tall poplars shivered and shook & groaned with the wind. The lightning flashed and the thunder roared and we had to fly to the house for refuge from the rain and wind. Driving homeward the storm was very heavy and the forked lightning something wonderful to contemplate. We were wet through to the skins, and after I had made myself a cup of tea and read a little, for I was too weary to write I went up to Mell’s.

15 August 1888 • Wednesday

This morning came down at ten to begin the labors of the day. It has been a tiresome one, raining again this afternoon heavily, terrific lightning and loud and long claps of thunder. Mell has had visitors today. Went up there very late had been writing all the evening. [p. 252] {p. 255}

16 August 1888 • Thursday

Today came down about ten went to work directly. Had lots of callers, and many hindrances. Ort was in speaking to me of his affairs and telling me his feelings about certain matters of a delicate nature. Br. [John] Nicholsen came in to see me, he does not believe in the policy business. He is right. I went to Will [J. Willard] Clawson’s studio yesterday and arranged with him to paint a picture of Louie, like that of Emma; O how dreadful it seems to miss them out of my life as I do. No one knows but me how our souls were intertwined and how close it has cut me. I have been writing almost constantly today. I have sent the poem I wrote to the Committee on S. S.8 Union and with many misgivings lest it will not be accepted. Think of going to Ogden on a night train. [p. 253] {p. 256}

17 August 1888 • Friday

<Kate & May [Wells] came home last night> Went to Ogden on the 10,20 train, woke Annie out of a sound sleep. It seemed too bad but could scarcely be avoided if I went at all. This morning Annie & I walked to the depot together. did not see John Q. at all Sylvester [Cannon] is visiting there. Have been over to see the girls. They are greatly in love with Belle and her family, feel quite exultant with their visit. Ort has been in and asked me to make an arrangement for him to see May this evening here. I wonder if they are likely to come together happily. I am very weary and feel almost disconsolate Mell thinks of going so soon and leave me quite alone in the city. Ort & May had an interview in the parlor and May walked up part way to Mells with me. [p. 254] {p. 257}

18 August 1888 • Saturday

This morning Annie came down and brought Louise She has bought a new hat a torpedo and looks so well in it. She went up to Mell’s and had dinner. It is Mells birthday. I had given her a vase extra China & Verona painted it. It is a very delicate thing and she prizes it very highly. Annie bought her a silver button hook and glove buttoner. She is busy packing up her trinkets. I had thought of spending the evening with her but had to go to see a sick woman (underground) and was late getting away. However we had a visit such as it was late to be sure but pleasant. I was very weary and could scarcely sit up. [p. 255] {p. 258}

19 August 1888 • Sunday

I tried to rest this morning felt it was imperative and so lay until late, then after breakfast and some conversation came down to the House behind the wall and read the morning paper. Then went up to Br. [James] Freeze’s in the 11th Ward and asked Sister Freeze to go with me to see a sick woman. She consented and I went back to Mell’s to dine. Had a nice dinner– she asked me to ask a blessing upon the food– and earnestly desired to have it done. Afterwards went to Mary Ann [Jenkins] Lambert’s to wash and anoint her, found her very ill. We attended to the ordinance for her. then were driven to the train. At Ogden John Q. & Annie met me at the dépot with their new horse and carriage and we had a pleasant ride to the house. [p. 256] {p. 259}

20 August 1888 • Monday

Went to the street where the Salvation Army were and also to the Camp meeting in the tent on the corner of Main Street. These last were Methodists. Had ice cream, cold chicken etc. and passed an agreeable evening. This morning John Q. & Annie came down to the train with me in the new carriage. Met Mr. Woodmancy on the train and sat by him all the way to the city. Found Verona here when I came. We did a part of the mailing. Mell came down, she is making every preparation to go away. I went up at evening and found her in bed perfectly exhausted and after some conversation we all retired. Verona was at the theatre with Mr. Olsen to see Herrman. came home late not a very profitable day. [p. 257] {p. 260}

21 August 1888 • Tuesday

This morning soon after coming down Sister Howard arrived, did a few errands for Mell and the Hospital. Went over my report. wrote to Miss Rachel Foster and to Mrs. Annie E. [Elizabeth Lewis] Fuller of Payson Arizona. Such hurrying and confusion and then report for Hospital to be made ready. Mell is quite determined on going the first of the week, and is bringing everything to bear in accomplishing the result. Had a letter from Belle yesterday, quite satisfactory and in fact more than that. Hospital meeting was held and some new measures have been drawn out. So we are not capable of all things. Trial in the Police Court with Dr. Pratt and Mrs. [Emma Clarke] Bird.9 Hope it will come out all right. Went to Mells tonight, John Toronto is bringing has taken [p. 258] {p. 261} Verona to a party at Lake Park

22 August 1888 • Wednesday

This morning Lucy B. [Bigelow] Young came very early, and I wrote two letters for her, she had lost a hand satchel containing valuables. This afternoon have been mailing and Verona has been helping all day. At evening I felt very bad indeed. John Q. came to lunch with us. Mell brought some of my things down that were up there, and the piano was moved home. Seemed as if an old friend had returned. I have been so accustomed to music, that to be without singing or instrumental seems dreadful. John W. Young arrived in the City last evening. Mell has had some disappointments today that have quite upset her and it seems more than she can possibly endure I am so hurt over it. Verona is here with me. We are quite alone. [p. 259] {p. 262}

23 August 1888 • Thursday

This morning Verona & I had our breakfast alone, then went to the mailing, had rather a quiet day, but very hot. Things came down from Mell’s it seemed so sad, but cannot be sadder than what has transpired. Bought tickets for theatre for Mell. & to take some one with her. Verona is going with Mell. finished mailing today– Mr. & Mrs. Blsodsoe [Bledsoe] called to see Daisie & her mother tonight– Daisie came in about ten o’clock– she had not been to the theatre. A sister who is in a delicate condition came this evening expecting to be washed and anointed but Sister Smith had not kept her appointment to come and as I could not keep her all night here I had to take her to the Hospital– [p. 260] {p. 263}

24 August 1888 • Friday

Have heard through Daisie that Belle thinks of moving to Southern California. Mell & family came on Thursday night, Daisie and her mother have the N. E. room and Verona and I the one next to the Office and Ellen [Hitchings] occupies the lounge in the Office. This morning the folks went up to Mell’s house to prepare for the final sale of household goods. Verona & I finished the mailing and I went up at evening for the last time O, it seems so sad that we should all leave Salt Lake City all but me even Annie go to Ogden. How strange. Daisie & John went to the theatre tonight to see “The Wife.” Such a hot day it has been. It seems nice to have all the folks here with me. Olsen was <here this evening> [p. 261] {p. 264}

25 August 1888 • Saturday

This morning Ellen went up to Mell’s early to look after the Auction and Mell and myself went for a ride in a phaeton. We went to the Park then over Jordan and to Mrs. Rushton’s for the dress for Louise Troutevine [Trautwein]. Then to the Warm Springs where I had not been before for many years. After coming home we found the auction had gone off well. 375,00 were the figures therefore Mell had for her household goods 337.00 dollars. much more than she expected. Had several letters today one from Sister [Mary Ann Price] Hyde of Spring City and one from Aunt Zina, went to Grant Bro’s and engaged a carriage for tomorrow to take Mell & all her family out to have a ride with me. In the evening we were mostly alone, went to bed about midnight [p. 262] {p. 265}

26 August 1888 • Sunday

This morning we had breakfast about nine o clock. Went thro’ my drawers and over my things somewhat & gave Mell Daisie & Verona scraps of silk & ribbon, cards etc. None of us went to the meeting and after dining about 4 p.m. we dressed for our ride, leaving home about 1/2 past five. we went to Camp Douglas and the City Park etc. and were out about 2 1/2 or 3 hours. Afterwards Mell Daisie & Verona went over to bid Lydia Ann good bye and then Mell & I went to mail letters and get soda water. John is here with Daisie, Verona has gone out with Mell. to have a ride for the last time. It is a very hot day. Mell & I brought Daisie home ice-cream. The night is almost unbearable with heat. Verona went to Forest Farm [p. 263] {p. 266}

27 August 1888 • Monday

This morning I awoke at daylight, remembering the morning when my darling Louie was born 26 years ago. How it all came back to me, my sufferings and the scenes, Poor old Br. Cast we called him up to go for the Esquire and old Dr. Dunyon and then Sister Johnson the midwife and Sister Susannah [Neslen] Spencer came and such a lot from the other house. Sarah Morgan such a nice Welch girl was living with me at the time. O my sweet darling, when shall I see you again. Mell rose early and we went to the depot to see about freight. Annie came down on the morning train & after dinner we all went to the graveyard in a carriage Mell, Annie, Daisie and I. We took some beautiful flowers white mostly. A few scarlet geraniums. Verona has had [p. 264] {p. 267} her eyes tested by Dr. Pratt She went to the theatrre with Mell to see the “Dark Secret,” Louis Morrison’s play.

28 August 1888 • Tuesday

Daisie is out riding with John and Ellen has gone to the Lake with Joe Harrison. Only Mell & I here at home. She is very tired and busy and so am I. The time of separation draws near and we shall have no more of these associations together perhaps for long years She has had a letter from Will in which he speaks very pleasantly of the woods and scenery there and one would imagine a fine, cool climate. I sincerely hope that they may be happy in the home they are about to make; things seem more favorable than formerly and if the Lord would bless them with offspring there might be a link more to bind them <together–> [p. 265] {p. 268}

29 August 1888 • Wednesday

<Verona & Mell went out riding Mell & Daisie had a buggy & went out calling–> This is such a busy day and so much to do and Mell feels she wants to hurry away. She has been buying a lot of new things and is anxious to make each of the girls a new wrap. Mell is quite thin and pale. We went over to the house last evening and had ice-cream and so on. This evening Verona has gone out awhile with Mell. Olsen came & also Geo. Reed. She has been quite a favorite this winter– Bishop Whitney is very ill with a low type of typhoid fever. Dr. [George H.] Booth is attending him. Helen & Lillie [Elizabeth Ann Whitney Paton] <& baby>10 have gone down to Florence’s [Whitney Dinwoodey] to spend a few days. Lydia Ann & Louis [R. Wells] are in Manti and it is quite lonely over there– girls are busy with their work and house almost deserted. [p. 266] {p. 269}

30 August 1888 • Thursday

This will be Mell’s last day in Salt Lake for the present. I purchased a lot of views and photo’s of distinguished people for her to take away. Also a pair of silk stockings for each of them a vail for Daisie, Verona had already bought one and I felt I wanted to give them each something Mell gave me spread for the parlor table– and bought a small plush one for Annie– The girls wraps are finished and look very nice. Emily [Thompson] Spencer sent Mell’s wrap home charged so high for it Margie Dwyer & Talulah have come and bade them good bye. In the afternoon all public places nearly were closed for the Regatta, and a severe wind storm came up. I was out with Dr. Pratt and was literally covered with dust Mell & Verona went out riding in the evening, John & Daisie [p. 267] {p. 270} were out calling on friends. Mell & I were here. Aunt Susan [Alley Wells] came over to bid Mell goodbye.

31 August 1888 • Friday

We rose early & had breakfast about 1/2 past six– every preparation had been made beforehand, trunks satchels valises’ all were ready. Mell came & took Verona to the depot and John came for Daisie Joe Harrison for Ellen– Mell & I went down in John’s buggy. The parting was a sad one. I feel that all the light and beauty of my life is going out of it & only a dreary sea of dead waters remaineth wherein one may occasionally find a shell of rare beauty that has escaped or tangled yet artistic sea weed that has withstood the wash and moan of the surging dashing waves. Went to Ogden, found Annie expecting me, had a pleasant time, slept pretty well– [p. 268] {p. 271}

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August 1888, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Collins T. Cannon.

  2. [2]Possibly Frank E. Woodward, Descendants of Samuel Woodward, of Bristol, Maine (Portland, Maine: S. M. Watson, 1887). Works published earlier include Lewis Woodward, Genealogy of the Woodward Family of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Wilmington, Delaware: Ferris Brothers, 1879), and Harlow Elliott Woodward, Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Dorchester, Massachusetts (Boston Highlands: 1869).

  3. [3]Howard O. Spencer was arrested for cohabitation. Warden Arthur Pratt then brought up murder charges against Spencer for shooting Sergeant Ralph Pike many years before. In 1859, Pike had broken Spencer’s skull when the young man tried to defend his uncle Daniel Spencer’s cattle from army rustlers, and Spencer had responded by shooting Pike. A Latter-day Saint grand jury had acquitted him. (“The Murder Charge,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 9 Aug. 1888, 8.)

  4. [4]With the permission of first wife Zine Smoot Whitney, Orson F. Whitney married Mary M. Wells as a plural wife in Mexico. (Whitney, Through Memory’s Halls, 193–194; Hatch and Compton, Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, 311, 777n71; Horne, Life of Orson F. Whitney, 113.)

  5. [5]EBW had the words to five songs published in Hymns and Sacred Songs, Designed for the Use of the Children of the Latter-day Saints. One of them is sacramental: “’Twas on the Mount of Calvary.” EBW had songs published in other hymnals as well. Her most enduring hymn, “Our Mountain Home So Dear,” has appeared in hymnals published from 1884 through 2020. (Hymns and Sacred Songs, 249, 250, 251, 253; see also Deseret Sunday School Music Book, 30, 92; Careless et al., Latter-day Saints Psalmody, 347, 350; and Hymns of the Church, no. 33.)

  6. [6]Evan Stephens wrote musical settings for some of her verse, first for “Our Mountain Home So Dear” and later for “We Lay Thee Softly Down to Sleep.” (See “Utah,” Latter-day Saints Psalmody, no. 350; Latter-day Hymns, no. 100.)

  7. [7]A description of the party, a surprise given in honor of Elizabeth Howard, is included in the Woman’s Exponent. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1888, 17:43.)

  8. [8]Sunday School.

  9. [9]The Salt Lake Daily Herald reported the following about the trial: “In the case of Mrs. Bird charged with disturbing the peac[e], Mrs. Dr. Pratt testified that on Saturday night the defendant came to the Deseret Hospital, where she had formerly been employed, and stated that she wanted the witness to retract certain statements made by her in relation to the defendant. After some talk, the defendant became excited, and attempted to assault her, but was prevented by Mr. Williams, an employee at the Hospital. She was found guilty, and a fine of $15 was imposed.” A more caustic report appeared in the Salt Lake Daily Tribune: “Emma Bird had her wings clipped for $15 in yesterday’s Police Court for disturbing the peace and quietness of her saintly neighborhood.” (“Before Judge Pyper,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 22 Aug. 1888, 8; “In Judicial Circles,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 22 Aug. 1888, 4.)

  10. [10]Joseph W. Patton.