April 1917

1 April 1917 • Sunday

Belle & I went together to the temple fast meeting and enjoyed it very much Pres Smith presided and June among others spoke. In the eve[n]ing Bud sent his son Frank [M. Whitney] to take Belle & myself up to the meeting in the 18th Ward. We went to Clarissa’s to dinner The meeting in the 18th Ward was a musical service of old time songs and recitations. Prof. Geo. Careless & Prof C. [Charles] J. Thomas were present also Prof Evan Stevens [Stephens] and other composers I was on the stand and introduced as having been a member of the choir in Nauvoo [Illinois] & the first choir in the Valley. “Ort recited I walked down the valley of silence.” Belle at night. [p. 91] {p. 95}

2 April 1917 • Monday

It was quite a stormy day and I am always more or less depressed with bad weather. Margaret, Dot, Maria Dougall, Mrs Kohlmetz, Jennie Hyde Lucy Clark were callers, Hattie Harker came to get Belle to show her some crochet work, Annie had a meetin[g] of state republican committee but came up later & stayed at night I attended a meeting of all the auxilliaries over in the new Administration Building pertaining to the reform in dress & social affairs among the young.1 In the evening June bro’t his son Hugo [D. Wells] from New York to see me Bud came in also Jno. Q. [p. 92] {p. 96}

3 April 1917 • Tuesday

This Afternoon Margaret came up & bro’t her little Sarah [Clayton]. It is Margaret’s birthday she is 31. Annie went over to find articles about Red Cross for Mrs [Priscilla Jennings] Riter and Mrs Ferry & Mrs White of New York called on me, to enlist my interest in getting the Historians office for Red Cross workers. I had a rather quiet day. Mrs Relf sent me roses. In the morning I went over to the R.S. headquarters for a few moments. but they are still cleaning and I did not stay long. Belle came up in evening and stayed at night. [p. 93] {p. 97}

4 April 1917 • Wednesday

To day the annual conference of Relief Society went over to Assembly Hall at 9.30 with Amy & Annie. The building was packed full and there was a wonderful spirit present I made the greeting & Sister Steven [Agnes Herrick Stevens] of Weber Stake responded beautifully. Ida made a beautiful talk and Sister Valentine and Janie W. [West] Herrick spoke Sister Valentine was especially fine telling about conditions in Germany.2 In the afternoon Pres. Smith and Bishop Nibley came and spoke to the sisters. Aunt Julina & Clarissa were the other speakers. I made the benediction and presided. Belle stayed at night. [p. 94] {p. 98}

5 April 1917 • Thursday

Gen’l officers meeting of R.S. at Bishop’s building at 10 A.M. Annie came and went over with me. Had a great deal of business, attended to. The report of Genl-Sec.3 was quite marvellous. Both sessions were quite long. Emily Richards reported her visit east and Mrs Riter came in and spoke about Red Cross work. In the evening the R.S. held a reception at the Bee Hive House Belle went with me and stayed again at night. There were a great many people there [p. 95] {p. 99}

6 April 1917 • Friday

I went to the Genl. Conference all day. At noon Ida came over to the Hotel with me and we had lunch in room. At noon Mrs Riter also called, Pres Smith made a very remarkable sermon followed by Pres Lund. June closed the meeting In the Afternoon Heber Grant & Pres Penrose spoke, Julina bro’t me home in her car. In the evening Annie & I went down in the lobby. The Bonneville club were entertaining Admiral [Robert E.] Peary who spoke about Aerial service in the army There was a great crowd in the hotel. Annie stayed at night. [p. 96] {p. 100}

7 April 1917 • Saturday

Went at ten o’clock to general conf. Had not had a very good night, at noon had <no> lunch with came over to office and took a dose of paregoric for pain went back to tabernacle and then to R.S. rooms to telephone Belle could not get her house nor Dots but Belle had been there and told the folks she was going to New York tomorrow Am very worried & nervous. tried several times to get Belle’s phone Annie & I went out for a short walk then sat in lobby and talked with some strangers until quite late. Annie stayed at night. [p. 97] {p. 101}

8 April 1917 • Sunday

Sunday Easter. went over to tabernacle after a very trying conversation about my girls, Am so worried about Belle. The meeting was very fine and at noon I came over to my room and got myself something to eat. The afternoon session was very long and the house crowded to suffocation Bro [Hyrum W.] Valentine of the Swiss & German [mission] [illegible] was the principle speaker and he made nearly every one weep when he told about the war.4 Bud came to see me. Olive Wallace of Ogden and Lucile also Rich & Louise were here in the evening Annie stayed at night I had dinner alone but Mrs Nibley came in to see me. [p. 98] {p. 102}

9 April 1917 • Monday

Before I was dressed. Mrs Ellen Nibly [Ricks Nibley] of Logan and Maria Dougall came in to see me, then Amy and Mrs Loofborrow [Nettie Johnson Loofbourow] and Mrs Davis called on Annie. I went over to the R.S. rooms about eleven o’clock and stayed until one. Then came back to the hotel to dress for the Republican women’s reception. Went up to the roof garden to the reception about four in the meantime Belle came in also Sister [Georgina Geertsen] Marriot of Ogden <Mrs> Hugh [W.] Dougall, [Ella Smith Dougall] Abram, Teddy and Jno. Q. The reception was very nice indeed. At night Annie & I went to the party given by the general authorities in the Bishop’s building. There was an interesting program of pictures and refreshments. [p. 99] {p. 103}

10 April 1917 • Tuesday

This has been a very busy day. Many callers and telephone calls. Leslie Laney of Luna, Socorra Co. New Mexico (Hattie [Harriet Fuller Laney’]s boy came. He is going on a mission to the Northern States & leaves tomorrow afternoon. It is quite a rainy day. This boy of Hatties is 34 yrs. old. Annie went down home about 4, o’clock and later Belle came up. I went over to the office for a little while and after going over some papers came back to the hotel. expecting Hatties boy to come in again. [p. 100] {p. 104}

11 April 1917 • Wednesday

There were quite a number of interesting visitors today Hortense L. [Lang] Jones of Richfield Mrs R. A. Smith of London Mrs [Jane Wilson] Critchfield of Oakly [Oakley, Idaho] Grand daughter of Old sister [Catherine Davies] Wilson who used to live with us Mrs Riter, Em, Miss Eddington Eugene & Sep Mrs Dougall and Bro Howard of Idaho. At 1 o’clock went up to the roof garden to the luncheon given by the Daughters of the Pioneers. There were 99 guests and it was a very delightful affair. The toasts were given by Lucy W. Smith, Mona W. [Ramona Wilcox] Cannon & Mrs [Amelia Hansen] Flygare of Ogden. Zina Y. [Young] Card was toast mistress It was quite patriotic. In the morning Dr Middleton came and took me for a ride. Bell was here after temple and stayed at night [p. 101] {p. 105}

12 April 1917 • Thursday

At noon I went up to Mrs Hugh Dougalls to a luncheon given in honor of Rye [Maria Young Dougall] there were Phebe [Young Beatie] & daughter Jote [Josephine Beatie Burton] Hattie [Harriet Hooper Young] & Nerve [Minerva Richards] Young, Em [Emmaretta Whitney] Pyper, Mrs Ed. Jenkins August [Augusta] Grant and Alice [Kimball] Smith & Mrs [Emma Nield] Goddard Phebe & I came down together to our meeting, which was quite long and a great deal of business. Belle stayed at night [p. 102] {p. 106}

13 April 1917 • Friday

Brent & Sep came up in the morning and Amy & Jennie came in. Belle went down home after temple work & Annie came up to stay. I went over to the office in the afternoon but did not stay long. Annie went to the theatre in the evening and Louise and Rich stayed with me until she came back. [p. 103] {p. 107}

14 April 1917 • Saturday

Seymour came in in the morning to invite me to his 50th wedding Anniversary. Belle & I went down at 6, o’clock. We did not see Lizzie [Elizabeth Riter Young] who is very sick but we saw the girls and Seymour & many friends. I went to the matinee with Louise to see Cyril Maud [Maude] in Grumpy. We were invited by Alice Smith into the Presidents box. The day was very full of things but very interesti[n]g Belle stayed at night. [p. 104] {p. 108}

15 April 1917 • Sunday

It snowed this morning and really seemed most dreary but later it cleared and I went to the tabernacle. Dot & Will and their daughter Lucile, and Sep and Brent all called during the day. Rye Dougall came in the evening and stayed for a very long time we had a most pleasant evening. Belle stayed at night. [p. 105] {p. 109}

16 April 1917 • Monday

Louise came up to relieve her Aunt Belle so that her mother need not come up so early. Susie & Rye were here and Brent came in morning. Armire Robinson Kroeson Clarissa & Sep. Richard came up and brot their twin boys on their way to the capitol. Dr [Gustavus A.] Gamble called on me This is Arbor day and all the banks and offices are closed Annie came up at evening and stayed at night. [p. 106] {p. 110}

17 April 1917 • Tuesday

Louise came quite early and her mother went home to put her bread in oven Mrs Lyman and Sister Farnsworth came also Armire R. Kroeson again Had a pleasant call from Hattie Young. Justin Bergstrom Mrs Dougall’s grandson and Rye were in also Brent and Richard A. Beele was here at night. [p. 107] {p. 111}

18 April 1917 • Wednesday

Maria Y. Dougall, Brent & Dot and Sister Alder were my visitors today. I gave Sister Elise Alder a blessing which seemed to please her very much indeed.

19 April 1917 • Thursday

April 19. I had a very full day Mrs Empey came also Ida Dusenbey [Dusenberry] Amy, June, Jno. Q. Dot & Brent and Mary Murdock. Mrs Kate Stewart brought me a beautiful bunch of carnations Belle was here after the temple and at night. [p. 108] {p. 112}

To day we had a most interesting meeting of the Genl Board and I repeated to the sisters the wheat mission and what is means most emphatically. It is Jno. Q. 60th birthday and I went down to their home with Sister S. J. Cannon. The party was very interesting. Annie had besides all their own children all of Jno. Q’s brothers & sisters with their wives & husbands and his fathers wives. Cavendish came from Hyrum just for the birthday The children gave Jno Q. a very elegant leather chair. I came back about 12 o clock. Belle was here [p. 109] {p. 113}

20 April 1917 • Friday

This afternoon Ort made me quite a nice visit and we talked over many interesting things. Hattie Young also came in to see me. In the afternoon Em & Lyman and the baby were here. Lyman read me the paper while Em went shopping. Annie came up to stay at night and Kate came in and had supper with us. She was quite reminiscent and we went over some very unpleasant family matters. Alice M. Horne was here for a whil and she & Belle talked of growing things. [p. 110] {p. 114}

21 April 1917 • Saturday

About eleven Annie and I went over to the office and among my mail I found a letter from Pres. [Elmer G.] Peterson of A.C.5 appointing me on the executive committee of the state conservation work. We went to a meeting at the Capitol held to discuss the food supply question. I spoke briefly about the wheat storing and bean planting. In the afternoon Sister Nibley came in at seven I attended another meeting at the hotel about the same work. Belle came up to stay at night Mary Murdock came in to say good bye. Lyman’s birthday. [p. 111] {p. 115}

22 April 1917 • Sunday

I went to tabernacle in afternoon It was conf. of Liberty stake and Rule & Jos F. Jr. were the speakers Rule came home with me. Aunt Litha Smith died last night. Em came to see me and Brent came also. Belle was with me and stayed at night. A very quiet day. [p. 112] {p. 116}

23 April 1917 • Monday

Jennie & Amy entertained the R.S. Board at luncheon and I went up in Richards car. We had a very nice time and stayed quite late in afternoon. Hattie Young invited me to her home to lunch but I had already this engagement. Annie came up in afternoon and we went over to office for awhile then had supper in our room. Em & Baby came up but I did not see them. Rye was in, in the evening. This is Percival’s birthday and Annie wrote to Mell. [p. 113] {p. 117}

24 April 1917 • Tuesday

Rye came in quite early to invite me to ride with her down to Sister Taylors party. I had arranged however to go with Julina who was called suddenly to California to Wesley’s wife6 who was very ill. Bro [Guy C.] Wilson of the L.D.S.U.7 came in to ask me to speak to his theological class at 11.30 about the mantle of Joseph [Smith Jr.] falling on Brigham Young. Before going there I went to see Seymour about filling in a pension blank.8 At 2 I went with Rye to Sister Harringtons party for her mother9 and then came back to the office, Annie went to Aunt Litha’s funeral then to the Daughters of Pioneers. In the evening we <went for a walk. Very tired. Annie stayed at night Mrs Relf sent box of candy and flowers.> [p. 114] {p. 118}

25 April 1917 • Wednesday

Went over to Seymour with pension application. Called on Pres. Penrose and had talk with Belle stayed at night [p. 115] {p. 119}

28 April 1917 • Saturday

Annie went over to building with me in time for the second day of our convention preparatory to the seasons visits to conferences. She went down home and I had lunch at noon in hotel with the sisters of the Genl. Board. Katharin came up to stay with me. I went in evening to Margaret Whitney’s wedding. Horace [B. Whitney] & Rhea [Rebecca Nibley Whitney] took me Ort was in splendid spirits. The reception was at Helen Trinson [Whitney Timpson] home. Katharine at night. [p. 118] {p. 120}

29 April 1917 • Sunday

This is the day of the Pioneer Stake Conference Katharine stayed last night and after she left I went over to the Tabernacle to afternoon meeting. Annie sat by me. Bro Roberts was the speaker. After meeting Annie and I came over to Hotel and had some dinner then we went to the Assembly Hall to the evening meeting. Hyrum Smith and Bro Roberts were the speakers. The music was particularly fine. Sylvester Cannon presided. Anni stayed at night. [p. 119] {p. 121}

30 April 1917 • Monday

Went over to office quite early, learned that Bishop Nibley was going away and hurried down to him with our wheat receipt.10 He was not willing to sign it without first going over some back accts. and so said to wait until his return. I was greatly disappointed and much upset. After lunch I went back to the office and stayed there during afternoon. Belle came up in good time and Annie went down home Louise was also here. Went up to call on Horace and Rea[.] Maria Dougall and Brent were the other visitors. [p. 120] {p. 122}

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April 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1917/1917-04


  1. [1]The Church Correlation Committee recommended that all auxiliary organizations adopt a “central thought or slogan” for the year, which in 1917 included “Modesty in dress and dancing” as well as economy at home and spirituality in teaching. Although the Relief Society general board previously spoke in favor of setting its own emphases for the year, members moved to accept the recommended slogans. The meeting EBW attended appears to have focused on the first of these themes—dress reform. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 19 Apr. 1917, 110–111.)

  2. [2]Amy Brown Lyman summarized the messages from Relief Society stake and mission leaders in “General Conference of the Relief Society,” Relief Society Magazine, June 1917, 4:305–314.

  3. [3]General secretary Amy Brown Lyman.

  4. [4]The First World War began in Europe in August 1914. The United States declared war on Germany on 6 April 1917. (“President Proclaims State of War,” Salt Lake Tribune, 7 Apr. 1917, 2.)

  5. [5]Utah Agricultural College. (“New U. A. C. Head Chosen,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 18 Feb. 1916, [1].)

  6. [6]Mary Smith Smith. (Elias W. Smith and Mary H. Smith, Marriage License, 8 Dec. 1910.)

  7. [7]Latter-day Saints’ University. (“Guy C. Wilson Is New Head of Latter-day Saints University,” Salt Lake Telegram, 24 Apr. 1915, second section, [1].)

  8. [8]On 19 August 1913, EBW had signed an affidavit about her husband Daniel H. Wells’s service in the Indian War. Seymour B. Young was still trying in 1918 to help EBW secure a pension based on Daniel’s military service. (Emmeline B. Wells, Affidavit, 19 Aug. 1913; EBW, Diary, 18 Jan. 1918.)

  9. [9]Margaret Young Taylor. (“Society,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 25 Apr. 1917, 5.)

  10. [10]This receipt may have been for local Relief Societies’ sale of the wheat they had been storing. Due to problems with wheat spoilage, the Relief Society had put a program in place to store grain in modern facilities or commercial grain elevators where possible. Where there was not a good storage option, local Relief Societies could sell their wheat and send the money to the Presiding Bishopric’s office, where it would be kept in a separate account. (Embry, “Grain Storage,” 15, no. 4: 62.)