April 1898

2 April 1898 • Saturday

The 14th Ward meeting today and the officers Primary meeting was full and running over I was sort of upset as we were mailing and trying to get ready to go to Conference– [p. 124] {p. 114}

3 April 1898 • Sunday

Today I rose late had a restless night– the snow lay deep on the ground & the weather seemed severe for April. Em. came over with biscuits etc. she looked sick– Margaret’s birthday went up there about 3. P.M. had dinner– took her a muslin dress pattern– stayed and spent the evening– after coming home wrote to Mell and one or two other letters– had a nervous time at night– felt very wretched repeated all the verses I could remember. I have always been in the habit of repeating poetry at night ever since I could remember anything [p. 125] {p. 115}

10 April 1898 • Sunday

This is the last day of the General Conference and I had fully intended to go all day but felt too weary– got ready and went in the afternoon– President George Q. Cannon preached the most inspirational sermon I have heard since the days of Brigham Young– Prest. Woodruff also added words of inspiration and the entire service was very exalting in tone and sentiment–

In the evening I went to the Sunday School <Union> Con[f]erence– Br. George Goddard was presented with a medal engraved and purse of money– Br. Eggerston of Utah Stake made the presentation speech– [p. 132] {p. 116}

11 April 1898 • Monday

Belle’s wedding day, and she always keeps it in some fashion, but it will be plain this time I think [p. 133] {p. 117}

13 April 1898 • Wednesday

This is Emeline [Young Wells]’s birthday she is forty one I would like to have seen her but could not get up there very well. She is one of the sweetest women and just fit to put in a book– such a fine spinster character better than novelists themselves make to order out of their own brain [p. 135] {p. 118}

14 April 1898 • Thursday

Mrs. Margaret B. Salisbury birthday I think she is forty years old she looks even older than that– I wanted very much to go up but could not in the morning and had been told I would not see her in the afternoon as she expected to dine out– She is a rare exceptional woman– in many ways superior but what one might call more an extra ordinary woman than one intellectually gifted or even spiritually endowed. It appears to be a rareness and remarkable tact and a knowledge of people. [p. 136] {p. 119}

15 April 1898 • Friday

This is my brother Hiram’s birthday and it is a beautiful day as far as weather here though one cannot tell what it may be in New England. I am busy with copy and have been trying to go to Aunt Zina’s but many things hinder [p. 137] {p. 120}

16 April 1898 • Saturday

Today there seems more positive information of the Cuban Resolution–

Late I went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s and took her a little book of poems called “The Heart of Life” also three copies of mine she is sick in bed and does not see every one. [p. 138] {p. 121}

17 April 1898 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle had Mssionaries to speak and afterwards Dr. Seymour B. Young came home and wrote some letters had several callers Annie and baby among others. Came home and wrote some letters one to Miss Virginia L. Sterling Cor. Sec’y of the Daughters of the Revolution in reference to Belle’s application papers for admission– they were sent on March 15.th. and the Receipt for the money was received some time ago, and yet the papers have not been sent [p. 139] {p. 122}

18 April 1898 • Monday

This was Dessie Wells Read’s birthday– she would be forty five if she were living– Belle thought of it this morning I recall the day she was born very well indeed– she was a beautiful baby and a beautiful woman as well. Her daughter Emily [Read] is in California (Mimmie) What changes have transpired since that time– so many of our family have died War news grows very exciting Congress wrestles with Cuban Resolutions– Senate & House do not exactly agree & do not know what the President [William McKinley] will sign & conflicting reports come from Cuba and Spain & one scarcely knows what to believe or how matters stand. [p. 140] {p. 123}

19 April 1898 • Tuesday

This is John Q.’s birthday and Annie has given him a very fine opal shirt stud or collar rather– All day the streets have been lined with people expecting the troops from the Fort to march to the depot– some difficulty about a sufficient number of cars hindered causing the delay. I went to Annie’s but John Q. did not get home to dinner– all the children had given him presents in the morning– they were disappointed however– they simply adore their father– Annie thought he ought to stay at the Fort and see the packing and all the preparations– that he might be posted in the methods. I went home on the eleven o’clock car very much excited my nerves <unstrung> [p. 141] {p. 124}

20 April 1898 • Wednesday

Today I have been to see Aunt Zina and stayed some hours I took her a dozen red carnations she is far from well has very bad spells of pain– she seemed glad of my visit. It rained quite a little and the wind blew in the afternoon very heavily, the Templeton seemed to shake– yet I had the courage to go home and be alone I wrote five pages to Madame Mountford and did some reading. The 24th Regiment left the City today having received orders from Washington– there were crowds of people in the streets and a display of patriotism flags and music. Annie & the children came up and John Q. went with the Governor to Thistle Station with them. Later it is a fearful night wind and thunder and storm terrific no sleep. [p. 142] {p. 125}

21 April 1898 • Thursday

This is my brother Manson’s birthday and he is 77– today, and is in such delicate health– I am surprised that he has lived so long with the continued weakness he has upon him. More war news of a startling nature– Spain refuses <to make> any concession. Nothing definite is known of the intention of Congress concerning volunteers. I mailed a letter to Madame Mountford to the City of Jerusalem today– the first I had ever sent to that far off country– I hope it presages good for me, but perhaps nothing. I wrote to Verona [Hillard] this afternoon & gave four letters of introduction to Sister [Hannah] Sorenson to Washington she goes to attend the Mother’s Congress– [p. 143] {p. 126}

22 April 1898 • Friday

This morning the war news is of a more decisive character and the Spaniards have offered a gross insult and outrage by attacking Major Woodford’s train and even though the Major was enabled to ward off the attack and they did not do any great damage, yet it was a most unpardonable thing considering his position and the laws of nations.

The bill providing for a call for 100.000 troops was passed in Congress today and it is expected the President will sign it tonight. Signed at 3.06 P.M. Wrote to Nancy Peel Arizona & Mary E. Griffith Idaho. Louise is here sleeping with me tonight. I have been to see Annie today. [p. 144] {p. 127}

23 April 1898 • Saturday

Our darling Percival [William Percival Woods] would have been twenty today– such a day of excitement it has been troops coming from the North– to go on to the seat of war and bulletins of news from the East every hour all day long. In the midst of it so many callers & one is not likely to be too calm– of such a nervous temperament. Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor Sister Grant, Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne, Sister Richards, Sister Zina D. H. Young have all been besides Sister Silver Sister Barrow, and so many others, it is indeed a time confusion. I try to keep a good balance and preserve my equaninimity and not give way too much to any thing excessive the weather is very fine and the air is exhilarating here at home I have written all the City papers today and have prepared copy as well. Annie and children have been up to see me. [p. 145] {p. 128}

24 April 1898 • Sunday

This was a beautiful morning sun bright and nature in her most lovely apparel– Em came over and afterwards Belle I felt determined to rest & after one or two unavoidable duties I read awhile and then dressed for the Tabernacle I arrived in time found George Q. my grandson was there– Brigham Young the Apostle occupied the afternoon he did not favor our people indulging at all in the spirit of war– he read from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants the predictions made there and spoke against argument. After meeting I went to Annie’s where we had dinner John Q. was at home and all the family were together at table– there seems to be no further news of the war– the Sabbath has brought relief from excitement <John Q. had a letter from telegram from Frank [J. Cannon]> [p. 146] {p. 129}

25 April 1898 • Monday

The Reeapers Club met today after adjournment over Conference quite a good number and good papers, Ella Hyde on Book of Mormon subject and Julia [Ann Jinks] Druce on Andrew Jackson– current items were mostly of the war. I have been quite stirred up about the boys from Utah– John Q. has the mustering of special rifle men mounted etc 85 in number– good riders and good marksmen– he will go out to select them Dr. Penrose will accompany him Tonight the East Indian will lecture on South America in the L.D.S. College Hall in the Templeton– students and others invited– I was too weary to attend– I was also invited to the Hygienic Class in the Second Ward who give an entertainment for Sister Hannah Sorenson who goes to attend the Mother’s Congress in Washington. [p. 147] {p. 130}

26 April 1898 • Tuesday

Today I had my silk waist fitted– the one Belle’s girls gave me on my birthday. More war news and exciting dispatches– Sister Richards is down from Ogden and wants a meeting of the Central Board or a quorum of them for business. I notified Sister Smith and four of us met at Aunt Zina’s at four o’clock and discussed some matters of importance. Came home earlier than usual and copied Conference minutes in Relief Society Record– I feel very anxious about the war news– there seems to be more and more excitement prevailing and Spain accuses the United States of cruelty etc. [p. 148] {p. 131}

27 April 1898 • Wednesday

I stayed home all morning copying in record as I had so much to do of meetings. Sister Richards came again and also several others– Mrs. Salisbury who has had German measles & Mrs. Allen who wanted to talk Federation business, and I had to telephone the Presidents office about Kindergarten Concert in the Tabernacle and look up on women missionaries– wrote to Mrs. Sarah J. Cannon of her appointment as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Woman’s Relief Society1 and sent out cards to members of the Daughters of the Revolution– heard of Sister Hannah [Todner Blench] Pidcock’s death in Ogden–. [p. 149] {p. 132}

30 April 1898 • Saturday

Daughters of the Revolution met here and went over lists of members but there were not enough to organize a State Society much to our regret–

The Press Club met in my office and I read a paper on Frances E. [Elizabeth] Willard– [p. 152] {p. 133}

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April 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1898/1898-04


  1. [1]With the help of church attorney Franklin S. Richards, the Relief Society and Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association officially incorporated on 10 October 1892 in order to align with the legal status of the National Council of Women. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 144–146; EBW, Diary, 10 Oct. 1892.)