August 1895

1 August 1895 • Thursday

Had a letter from Will [Woods] giving me his war record. I wanted to go to fast meeting but could not on account of the paper, I am extremely anxious to have it go to press and must stick to it necessarily. Newspaper work is not done by looking on– and really I do as much work as seven other women I firmly believe. I have answered some letters today and have tried to to my very best in all the interests with which I am connected or associated. I have desired with all my heart to do those things that would advance women in moral and spiritual as well as educational work and tend to the rolling on of the work of God upon the earth {p. 242}

2 August 1895 • Friday

Worked very hard indeed so as to go away by afternoon train to Willard and succeeded by going about five times up and down the stairs. at the Des. News– office in getting the revise in time to correct it. I was nearly worn out by the time I was ready to go Belle had a reception and I went down there about half past three and saw the floral decorations & the guests who had just come– then flew off to the train, arrived in Willard in time for the delicious supper and attended the W.S.A. meeting in the evening and enjoyed it very much especially the singing. Aunt Zina spoke a short time and then I spoke about 40 minutes– Bishop [Abraham Zundel] a few words & Call [called]– {p. 243} <Meeting of County Committee but I had to go away–> Such an unpleasant day scarcely anything could be accomplished

3 August 1895 • Saturday

We rose very early and had prayers & breakfast and got ready for meeting. Relief Society in the morning. Sisters Widirborg [Widerborg] [Emilie Dahlgren] Madsen & [Mary Loveland] Snow came over from Brigham City. The Bishop was present Sister Hubbard presided– We had fine singing and a good spirit, we both talked considerably Aunt Zina & myself. Took dinner at Sister [Mary Jones] Hardings had a pleasant time. After noon Young Ladies & Primary a full attendance some gentlemen present Sisters Snow, [Maria E.] Zundell Madsen Widerborg [Jane] Chandler talked. Also Sister Zina and myself– I came home on evening train.1 Sister Zina went on to Logan {p. 244}

4 August 1895 • Sunday

I got ready and went to the Tabernacle and though the weather was hot yet I was much interested. Apostle F. D. Richards preached upon the Book of Mormon its authenticity, and its comparison with the Bible in all essential points of doctrine & teaching At close of meeting went with George M. Cannon Territorial Committee Chairman to Sister Sarah F. Smiths to see and talk over some matters, and stayed there and had dinner, then went to my office and wrote some letters and then came down to Annie’s but found she was in Ogden, stayed until she came home & spent the evening there– {p. 245}

5 August 1895 • Monday

This has been such a busy day– went with Sister J. [John] H. Smith [Sarah Farr Smith] to see Sister Freeze about going out to speak– she was very pliable and consistent Lizzie [Elizabeth Liddell) Felt was there who is about half converted. I did not think we could convert her but was surprised to learn that we also had Louie [Sarah Louise Bolton] Felt & May Anderson on our side. The Reaper’s Club met in the afternoon and as Mrs. Grant was absent I was chosen to preside. the first paper was George Edward Handel by [blank] and then a lecture on Political Science by Laura [Hyde] Miner on very excellent– except the last part which was too democratic and made some present almost too demonstrative to be respectful. Current items were interesting {p. 246}

6 August 1895 • Tuesday

We had some special work in the morning and in the afternoon went to the 8th.Ward Relief Society Annual meeting. Sisters Zina D. H. Young, B. W. Smith, M. I. Horne & Elmina S. Taylor were present and each of us addressed the meeting & we had refreshments at the close. I came back to the office and found the Utah Kindergarten meeting in session and quite a number were present among them were Aunt Zina and Sister Horne. A wind storm came up and dust blew terribly. I went to the Territorial Ex. Com. in the evening Mrs. Pardee’s appointment as Secretary was confirmed. {p. 247}

7 August 1895 • Wednesday

This morning rose very early after a very restless night and went over to Belle’s– Lucile brought me breakfast and I took the cars and reached the Garfield depot in good time Charlie [Charles S.] Burton and a party were on the train going to the wedding of their brother Heber [K. Burton] at Tooele– he marries Miss [Clara L.] Herman today and the reception will be at his father’s2 tonight– We went direct to Br. [Francis M.] Lyman’s house and were very cordially received by Sister [Rhoda Taylor] Lyman & family. I wrote some letters & copy in the library, the girls Lois [Lyman] & Lucy [Lyman] sung for us and played the guitar and part of the time the organ some friends called on us. {p. 248}

8 August 1895 • Thursday

<Decorations at Tooele very fine> Sister Lyman who went to the City yesterday to attend the party at the Cannon Farm came home this morning and said Annie & John Q. were not there– Belle she did not know– & so I felt very low-spirited and went to the store & spoke to the Des. News through the Telephone. John Evans said baby was not very well– I wrote to Annie and sent some copy– we had a full meeting brass band– guitar and Mandolin club & some solo singing & short speeches were moderately good Mrs. Pardee always does well and I did much better than I had expected We organized a woman’s Club– Miss Lois Lyman President– and in the {p. 249} night we had a fine serenade, several songs with musical accompaniment.

9 August 1895 • Friday

<Annie’s Lake party car fare and supper–> Br. Gordon3 took us over to Tooele and Grantsville we enjoyed the ride I saw Sister [Mary Whitesides] Hunter– we drove to Br. [William] Spry’s and were entertained there by Miss Jennie Wrathall and her sisters Helen & Lucy in the absence of Mrs. [Mary Wrathall] Spry. Mr. P. [Parley] P. Christensen came and talked with us and told us of the arrangements– We went to the meeting in the Social Hall and found a very full house lots of flowers and people. We succeeded in organizing there as well as in Tooele Miss Durfee Chairman other officers and Ex. Com. of nine– bouquets showered upon us in abundance decorations exquisite. {p. 250}

10 August 1895 • Saturday

This morning we rose very late and after breakfast we drove round town & I called on one or two people then went to C. [Charles] L. Anderson’s where we lunched including Christensen; afterwards we drove to Br. T. Clark’s where we had a fine dinner– & I received word from Sister Hunter that she wanted Sister Zina and myself to come to Grantsville to the Relief Society Conference on the 12th. & 13th. of September next. Br. Wm. [William M.] Rydalch, P. P. Christensen and myself with Mrs. Pardee went to Stockton from there arrived at 7. p.m. at the hotel kept by [Thomas J.] Conner. Meeting in Methodist Meeting house– good attendance– fine speech by Christensen left at eleven p.m. for {p. 251} Tooele drove over by moon light– awakened Br. Lyman’s folks and they took us in. Slept in the same room we occupied before–

11 August 1895 • Sunday

this morning breakfasted and had some talk with Br. Lyman showed us his safe and treasures. His own and his father’s4 journals and his father’s love letter to his mother5 when he asked her hand & heart in marriage. Drove over to Garfield with Br. Gordon, took the train for the City and came home direct. Found several letters, one from Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Catt and Mell and others. Took a bath read in my bible– Belle came over and Sweetie Daniel & Emme– and Ed. [Edward S.] Pilcher Gene [Eugene S. Sears] & Brent. Finally John Q. & Annie came and baby he looked quite ill– Mr. [John H.] Hamlin came about the boys– {p. 252}

12 August 1895 • Monday

Mrs. Pardee entered upon her duties as Sec. of the Ter. Com. of the Rep. party today. It is quite a card6 for the women of the party and a most graceful compliment to them from Republican men– we are having so much work to do and so few workers or speakers that we scarcely know how all is to be accomplished– {p. 253}

16 August 1895 • Friday

Mrs. McVicker went with me to Heber City, we left on the U.P. to Ogden– Frank Cannon was with us until we reached Ogden City– we arrived at Park City about noon & lunched at Snyder’s Mrs. Snyder was Lizzie Wells [Elizabeth Wells Snyder]– talked about a meeting as we would be coming back on the following day– went over in the stage to Heber City we went direct to a hotel– met several of the Hatch family, and others– meeting was large and many Democrats were present– had a hand President [Abram] Hatch was there Mrs. McVicker spoke first we had some difficulty in getting officers for the League, slept at the Hotel each in separate rooms {p. 257}

17 August 1895 • Saturday

This morning we left after an early breakfast and having several gentlemen callers and a few ladies, and drove over to Park City in the Stage– the morning was fine and we had a very pleasant journey the scenery was fine and the day delightful. At Park City we lunched at Mrs. Snyder’s with several other ladies. We had a meeting in the Court House and succeeded in appointing a Committee on organization and came away pretty well satisfied– came home Park City train and felt very weary after our rather hard though pleasant trip– {p. 258}

18 August 1895 • Sunday

This is Mell’s birthday and I presume they will be celebrating it with a family dinner and presents. I sent a silver souvenir spoon– Equal Suffrage & Miss Anthony’s picture cut on the handle– also wrote a birthday letter– she was born on Sunday and now at 45– she has the same day of the week– had dinner at Annie’s feel much fatigued with the trip to Heber. It was very enjoyable however and the people we met were very hopeful of Republican majorities in the County. I spent the evening writing copy & fixing up Correspondence {p. 259}

22 August 1895 • Thursday

I was a Delegate to the County Convention and was appointed Temporary Chairman with George L. Nye for Secretary & after the opening in the Old Federal Court Room and a stirring speech by S. [Samuel] H. Hill the retiring Chairman of the County Committee I also had to say a few words & to do some other work & then we went to the Theatre after intermission I was on a Committee on Resolutions at the noon hour– we met in Stevenson’s office, Scott Auerbach Building. The Convention lasted all night until four in the morning C. S. Varian was Chairman and I was Vice Chairman also Edna L. Smith. {p. 263}

23 August 1895 • Friday

I was nominated for the Legislature by Reuth [Ruth] M. Fox and Mrs. Lillie R. Pardee for the Senate– I went to bed about five and was up and off at 8– and at half past two in the afternoon we were on our way to Sanpete– Mrs. McVicker went the day before to Mt. Pleasant where she joined me on my way– I saw Nora [Eleanore Smith] Reynolds, she brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers– we arrived in time though it was getting dark and after seeing some of the ladies, I went to the hall where we had a band of music and fine decorations and we spoke to a large audience, slept at Sister [Abigail Tuttle] Shoemakers had a nice room each of us alone {p. 264}

24 August 1895 • Saturday

This morning took the train for Ephraim and arrived in time for the Convention but first called on President J. [John] T. D. McAllister who sung for us Hearts & Homes in his own peculiar way– Mrs. McVickers went on home and I attended the Convention– spoke at some length in the Convention of Sanpete County– had ice cream in the gardens by invitation of Br. [Canute] Peterson’s son– in the evening we had a meeting of women and succeeded in getting an organization quite a good turn out not withstanding Judge [Henry P.] Henderson had a meeting of Democrats the same evening– we did well– slept at Br. [Christian] Willardson’s– {p. 265}

25 August 1895 • Sunday

This morning slept late and after breakfast Miss [Dorothea Christine] Willardson went with me to Sister [Sarah Nelson] Peterson’s and we had a little chat and then she went down to the train with me, and Maria Willardson and others were on the train coming to Salt Lake to attend the State Convention– the journey was very tiresome and the cars so crowded one could scarcely stand it– reached home before dark and went up to Annie’s and spent the evening– Annie came to the street cars with me– she feels much exercised because I am a Republican, and cannot help finding fault with me– I am sorry she takes it so hard as it hurts me very much– {p. 266}

26 August 1895 • Monday

This morning was in good time for my work and had to attend to meetings of several Committees. Went down to the Utah Press Club Rooms in Atlas Block with some of the girls and waited for the Committee on badges and decorations. I had my badge presented to me– I had so much to do in reference to the Convention tomorrow– and to the paper as well– we are all in commotion scarcely know how to get through it all it has been very exciting for me and quite new too– we are all beginners too– What an experience this has been for me– really one could scarcely credit what I have done this year– {p. 267}

27 August 1895 • Tuesday

Today is the Editorial Convention and the first thing is the parade, we had three carriage loads of the Utah Woman’s Press Club– the visiting editors arrived about half-past one we went to the theatre where President Geo. Q. Cannon was chosen Chairman. I had a meeting that I was obliged to attend so had to leave the theatre where we had assembled– but went to Saltair later on– and took part in the banquet– which was quite an elaborate affair. Judge [Orlando W.] Powers was toast master C. W. Penrose and others responded– this is the anniversary of Louie [Louise Wells Cannon]’s birthday a very solemn day to me– overwhelmingly so– more than words can tell– more almost than heart can bear– {p. 268}

28 August 1895 • Wednesday

State Convention in the theatre today– Very large assembly Jacob Johnson of Spring City temporary Chairman– Committees appointed and other work done– Convention adjourned for recess– Afternoon permanent chairman, C. S. Varian and one lady appointed Secretary Miss Lillian Rowberry Grantsville– The ticket was very successful Heber M. Wells Governor J. [James] T. Hammond Secretary Judges of the Supreme Court [Charles S.] Zane [James A.] Miner & [George W.] Bartch– the evening session was quite subdued not nearly so much enthusiasm as the afternoon, I had supper at Emily Grant’s and drove home with John M. [Cannon] & George M. Cannon– {p. 269}

29 August 1895 • Thursday

Last night I was really quite ill with weakness or light headedness– I had nothing to take but I managed to pull through by exercising faith in the Lord and being determined to keep my mind and not faint. So many letters to answer have kept the directory busy– drove to Edna L. Smith’s with Georgia Young and talked with Edna & saw Aunt Zina & Sister B. W. Smith, both seemed very feeble– went to Annie’s John Q. had gone to the Democratic Primary he came home before I left I think he is a little better– tomorrow I am to go to Brigham City and Sister Fox will go with me I see the Democrats have nominated several women Delegates– {p. 270}

30 August 1895 • Friday

This morning have been very busy– Annie & Bob [Margaret Cannon] came up in the buggy missed John Q. Mrs. Pratt (Doctor) brought me a fine dinner– I went on some errands with Sister Horne– had some letters written which I dictated and sent off lots of Catechisms– went to the depot to catch 4.45 train for the North– Sister Fox was in time, and we reached Brigham City a quarter to eight– went in a carriage direct to Br. [John T.] Rich’s and had supper of grouse– and then to Opera house– fine large audience– Mr. [Elijah A.] Box spoke a few minutes then Sister Fox and then myself Br. Rich wound up– the flowers on the table were very beautiful and quite a number of handsome young men were on the stand {p. 271} <Mandolin club played two selections–> Madame [Ada Young Rich] Collett Br. Rich’s daughter just returned from Europe sung in French two fine selections.

31 August 1895 • Saturday

Today I have been talking to Mme. Collett and hearing her sing and Miss Sarah Rich played on the piano for us as well Sister [Ann Jackson] Wixom who presided at the Opera House Meeting last night called to see us and we went with her to see Sister Widerborg, and called on Sister Emilia D. Madsen on the way, who joined us also– we had a pleasant time– after lunch went to Court House to a meeting of women and succeeded in effecting an organization of a County Committee and Precinct Chairmen for the 4 wards caught the five o’clock train at Ogden we heard of the decision of the Supreme {p. 272} Court against women voting on Statehood and State officers–7

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August 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 9, 2025


  1. [1]EBW, “Visit and Meetings at Willard,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1895, 24:44.

  2. [2]Robert T. Burton. (Burton, Death Certificate, 14 Sept. 1949.)

  3. [3]Perhaps John B. Gordon. (1880 U.S. Census, Tooele, Utah Territory, 60D; 1900 U.S. Census, Tooele, Utah, 265B; Gordon, Death Certificate, 2 Aug. 1926.)

  4. [4]Amasa M. Lyman. (“Lyman, Francis Marion,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:136.)

  5. [5]Louisa Tanner Lyman. (“Lyman, Francis Marion,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:136.)

  6. [6]EBW uses the term card in the sense of a personal statement or announcement published in a newspaper. (Funk & Wagnall’s New Standard Dictionary, s.v. “Card,” definition 3; see also EBW, Diary, 1 Nov. 1895, footnote.)

  7. [7]A test case on the voting eligibility of women was brought in Ogden in August 1895. “Judge H. W. Smith of the Ogden district court . . . ruled that women were eligible to vote not only for state officers at the next election but also on adoption or rejection of the state constitution.” On appeal, the territorial supreme court reversed the judgment of the lower court. (Madsen, “Schism in the Sisterhood,” 258.)