December 1910

5 December 1910 • Monday

1A fine letter from Mrs. Edward H. Evans [Julia Pearsall Evans] of Minneapolis, Minnesota, very glad she likes the paper [p. 339] {p. 122}

6 December 1910 • Tuesday

Louise B. Cannon Andrew had a little girl2 born this morning, had black hair a very small babe– Dr. Wm. [T.] Cannon was the physician

3Louise B. Cannon Andrew had a little girl born at 6. A.M. very small– pretty tho’ with black hair went A very fine letter from my cousin Wm. A. Woodward [p. 340] {p. 123}

7 December 1910 • Wednesday

Today is Annie’s birthday I went down arrived late and had a fine dinner gave her a dress of serge, Margaret helped me to select the goods

4Today is Annie’s birthday a fine day and all is well– I hurried and went down to see Louse [Louise]’s baby and stayed a few minutes all is well there a nice nurse Miss Youngberg Later I went to the Cannon House, we had a fine dinner and a pleasant evening, stayed all night [p. 341] {p. 124}

8 December 1910 • Thursday

Today have been miserable {p. 110}

5Came to the office really ill, had a very bad night– Letters from Rena Bradley Fairview & Flo Jamison Miller Wilmington Ill. Cor. Sec. N.C.W. Xmas card from my niece Cecilia [Woodward] Thurman, this should have been <Dec. 20.> This is Cordelia [Woodward Holden]’s birthday she is 86 today living in Mass. and is well as usual [p. 342] {p. 125}

9 December 1910 • Friday

I was invited to a party at Sister M. Y. Dougall’s it will be her birthday tomorrow but the girls preferred the party today, there were a large number of ladies present dreadful cold could not speak a loud word

6Went over to Temple and gave Isabel the name of Susan Brownell Anthony to be endowed for today, she was baptized for 2 years ago last March– [p. 343] {p. 126}

10 December 1910 • Saturday

This is May Wells birthday she was born in 1854 was busy all day with regular duties

11 December 1910 • Sunday

<Amelia Folsom Young died this morning> Verona’s birthday born in 1869 forty one years old it does not seem possible, I could not even write her a letter, attended tabernacle service and then went to Waterloo ward to speak on the subject of Joseph Smith the Prophet sent for at noon to go to Amelia {p. 111} was asked to speak at funeral

12 December 1910 • Monday

Today is quite a day of days every one asking questions about Amelia {p. 112}

7to Frank [Frances Folsom] Wallace & Louise [Louisa Folsom] Brown Amelia’s sisters City & to Mrs. H. A. [Harriet Thatcher] Preston City & to Postmaster A. [Arthur] L. Thomas

check 3.00 on mailing ’59. cts <owing>

[check]8 4.55 Utah Light & Railway Co. <Nov.>

[check]9 2.00 Telephone House Nov. [p. 346] {p. 127}

13 December 1910 • Tuesday

Letters to Presidents of Six Stakes in Salt Lake Co. & to S. E. G. [Susan Greene] Homer Elba Idaho sent poem Josephine Spencer [p. 347] {p. 128}

14 December 1910 • Wednesday

10Alta Pond. Margaret Dus. [Dusenbery] and Mary Peck. X-mas cards [p. 348] {p. 129}

15 December 1910 • Thursday

This morning dark and disagreeable and felt reluctant about speaking not knowing what could be said that would be acceptable to the family or to the public or the Youngs for I am fond of the Young family and would not hurt them

11Mrs. Alice Pinock [Pinnock] (Letter)

Sugar City Idaho

Anna H. [Larson] Van Leuven

Box 87) Mapleton Utah [p. 349] {p. 130}

16 December 1910 • Friday


To Sarah P. [Peters] Stohl R.S. Brigham City

Mrs. Clara Stuki [Clara Spori Stucki] R.S Paris– Idaho

Louisa Gooch.– Ex.13 Preston– Ida.

F. L. [Frances Harris] Jones– Beaver Ut. for 3 subs Ex

Mary A. [McFerson] Layton Ex Clearfield Ut

Mrs. Kate Stevans [Kathleen Kenny Stevens] Ex. Aurora– Utah [p. 350] {p. 131}

Undated Entry

14Miss E V. Jenkins

c/o Messrs Emms Hall

508 Phelan Building

Market Street

San Francisco–

California [loose leaf between pp. 352 and 354] {p. 134}

17 December 1910 • Saturday

Meeting of Stake officers from six Stakes {p. 113}

18 December 1910 • Sunday

Today I wrote to Mell then went to the Tabernacle, Dr. S. B. Young spoke on the Savior’s birth etc. John Henry followed went up to Jode Wells and to 18th. Ward Conference came home cold and hungry {p. 114}

20 December 1910 • Tuesday

15Was very ill all night– heart only barely beating– [p. 354] {p. 135}

23 December 1910 • Friday

Vermont party in the Social Hall16 was really a great success [p. 357] {p. 138}

24 December 1910 • Saturday

All day cards letters and presents coming in many callers, and telephones, a very cold day

25 December 1910 • Sunday

Down at Cannon Farm at the home of Annie a fine Xmas tree for the children and a fine Xmas dinner Happy family {p. 115}

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December 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  2. [2]Elizabeth Andrew.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  6. [6]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  7. [7]text: The material from this point to the end of the 14 December 1910 entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  8. [8]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  9. [9]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  10. [10]text: This entry is not in EBW’s handwriting.

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. This entry is not in EBW’s handwriting.

  13. [13]Exponent, meaning Woman’s Exponent.

  14. [14]text: This undated entry, not in EBW’s handwriting, is written on a loose leaf of lined paper inserted into volume 37 of the diary. The editors have placed this entry with other entries for 1910, but it is possible it originated in a different year instead.

  15. [15]text: This and the next entry come from volume 37 of the diary.

  16. [16]Those who traveled to Sharon, Vermont, to dedicate the monument and celebrate the centennial of the birth of Joseph Smith in 1905 held a reunion in the Social Hall in Salt Lake City five years later. (“Observe Birth of Joseph Smith, Ogden Morning Examiner, 25 Dec. 1910, 7.)