The Church Historian's Press

December 1913

22 December 1913 • Monday

1Yesterday was my mother’s2 birithday anniversary the very shortest day in all the year, Louis [R.] Wells was born on that d[a]y he was 51 yr.3 [p. 356] {p. 137}

23 December 1913 • Tuesday

Dec. 23. 1913.

Today I have been very much unsettled in my work hoping to see President Smith and failing in that acomplishd

I am uncrtain about writing to night there is much to do and ome [one] can scarceely decide what’s best and wisest [p. 357] {p. 138}

24 December 1913 • Wednesday

Dec. 24. 1913.

This is near the end of the year and I am sure anong the years that are past, this has been one of the b[es]t and perhaps next year may be [illegible] so even than this one. So Let It Be [p. 358] {p. 139}

25 December 1913 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 25, 1913

I slept at Isabel’s & spent the mo[r]ning the[re] hade a pleasant time Lucile Buchholz went with me to the car and I went to Emm’s to dine, all were gay and light-hearted & things passed off fime [fine]. pehaps one might might say a very good [illegible] Christmas I would have been glad to call on many friends but did not [want] to face the storm, Dot & Emm have been here also, Ort [Orson F. Whitney]. it has been quite a remarkable day and although I have not yet seen President Smith I will tonorrow [p. 359] {p. 140}

26 December 1913 • Friday

Friday Dec. 26, 1913

Today has been a great day for uss all. It is said a comet is approaching the earth, Suptdnt. [Superintendent Andrew C.] Nelson died today, it will be a very great loss. [p. 360] {p. 141}

28 December 1913 • Sunday

De[c]. 28. Saturday 1913

nearing the close of the year attended Salt Lake Stake R.S. Conference am hurying home tonight had Verona’s present today white silk jacket [p. 361] {p. 142}

29 December 1913 • Monday

Dec. 29. 1913

Dot’s wedding anniversa[r]y The day has been long and yet short– there has been so much noise and confusion heere Saw Pres. Jos. F. Smith interview very satisfactory [p. 363] {p. 144}

30 December 1913 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 30– 1913

Emm came up and we bought some New Yearr’s cards– I gave her a Journal for 1914– I was terribly disappoimted that she would not stay [p. 365] {p. 146}

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December 1913, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024