The Church Historian's Press

October 1912

3 October 1912 • Thursday

O[c]t. 3, 1912 Relief Society Conferen[c]e in the Taber◊cle [p. 276] {p. 208}

4 October 1912 • Friday

Friday Oct. 4.1 first day of Genral Conference Prsident Smith made the ope[n]ing addresses referred to the situaton of public questions and gave excellent advice to all [p. 277] {p. 209}

5 October 1912 • Saturday2

I wnt to the Conference and sat alone none of the Boa[r]d came– several of the Apostles spoke also one or two of the Council of Seventy– this has ben a succssful Conferrence Althogh the tr[e]nd has been much in the direection of the coming electioon– Naturally when a President is to be elcted there is more anxiety and excitements [p. 278] {p. 210}

6 October 1912 • Sunday

Oct. 6, 1912 Sat all day in the meeting and [p. 279] {p. 211}

7 October 1912 • Monday

October Monday 73

Today presided at 2 meetings– officer’s meeting in the morning and Quimquennial [Quinquennial] in the aftenoon Susa made quite a sensation introducing Resolutions that were very unwisee– it was very hurtful to me and indeed made confusion and division– such incidents are very unfortunate and it ought not to be tolerated– I feel it very deeply and hope to be wise and careful enough not to allow it to hurt me to the heart too much [p. 280] {p. 212}

10 October 1912 • Thursday

10 1912 October

My wedding annversary 60 years ago– hov [how] long it seems, and indeed the great chngees that4 have takn place since that time [p. 283] {p. 213}

14 October 1912 • Monday5

Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman came today Annie and nyself called upon her at her brother’s home 6th. South Ea[s]t T. [Thomas] A. Perkins had a pl[e]asant conversation enjoyable she goes to Logan tmorrow & neext day to Provo [p. 287] {p. 214}

15 October 1912 • Tuesday

October Tusday 15 1912 [p. 288] {p. 215}

16 October 1912 • Wednesday

<Little Winnifred [I. Woods]’s birthday> The Genral Board of the Relief Society held its meeting here at eleven A.M. as per previous appointmnt had an excellnt meting and a good spirit Julia made a report on Temple clothing Jennie Hyde read it etc. she retu[r]ned one hundred dollars of the anount borrowed Sister Amy B. Lyman acted as Secretary mnbers [members] prsent were E. B. Wells C. S. Williams J. L. Smith A. B. Lyman S. J. Cannon J. P. M. Farnsworth E. S. Richards, Susan Grnt [Grant] R. N. Nibley E. D. Davis A. M. Horne C. S. Thomas Cannon [p. 289] {p. 216}

17 October 1912 • Thursday

October Thursday 176

Today I wnt over to call on Clarissa & up to the Bee Hive to see Julina barely had the chance to bid her Good Bye– Th[e]y are going to attnd Union Stake Conference & the Portland Mission [p. 290] {p. 217}

18 October 1912 • Friday

Friday 18 October7

Today has been pleasant but cold and we have been busy as we always arre Anni [Annie] came up f[r]om her meeting and read and talked mostly about her nomination. I hope she may be elected for she is certainly the most capable of any of the wonen noninated8– This was Coryden Ganger [H. Coryden Granger]’s birthday, he was young whn killed in the war at Bull’s Run– his fathr9 was also killed later– husband and son of my Sister Lucy M. Gangerr [Granger Hewlings] [p. 291] {p. 218}

19 October 1912 • Saturday

October Satuday 19 1912

<Dot’s birthday went there to dinnerr gave Dot a book The Marshall> Today is John Q. Jr.’s birrthday and I went over to Annie’s to dinner & spent the evening came home very late and felt quite comfortable– before going there I wote an editorial for the October paper– that is the second one I was late getting up the day is bright but very cold Autumn weather but cool for the season Postal card from Clarisa they reached LeGrande [Oregon] safe and Brother Geddis [Archibald S. Geddes] met them & took them to a hotel. Barry Hillard’s brithday [p. 292] {p. 219}

20 October 1912 • Sunday

20 1912 October

<Emline [Emeline] Walker Rollins dead at Lyman Wyoming 89 [illegible]10 old> Today has been very full of this and that Em. was copying my editorial– Kate Wells came for the verses that Annie had rewriten and Cavndish & Abram both called in from schol– Emnm. and nyself went to F[r]anklin’s to lunch– and we had letters that were not impo[r]tant She went to the Gym. tonight– John Q. & Annie wnt to the Orpheun Theatrre– Mrs. Anne Danielsen [Nilsdotter Danielson] came here tonight intending to stay. I wrote to Mell & sent her 2 more copies of the Septmber paper [p. 293] {p. 220}

21 October 1912 • Monday

October Monday 1912

<wrote to Meell today> Went off early and found very little news, only the usual people– a very fine day with lots of work and nothing very interesting. People coming for Temple clothees and Kate and June about the birrthday– very little done to help my work along– half a dozen or more about Temple work not very successful in my writing did not get it corrected so as to send it over umtil too late to be set– Miiss Danielson came to the house far past– [p. 294] {p. 221}

22 October 1912 • Tuesday11

Went off early and found all things right– no nwss [news] of any consequence– nothing comforting– the day is fine, so many things to be done it seems inpossible to get th[r]ough Louise came and Junius and several strangers The preparations for the birthday are elaborate– semingly too much for those who have so many children; No special n[e]ws from my folks several letters from frinds, Emm had to go early to Mutual12 [p. 295] {p. 222}

31 October 1912 • Thursday13

Presidnt Wells 98th. birthday celebrated at Junius F. Wells homee– living pictures of girls and children. Poem read by Heber J. Grant written by Henry W. Naisbett [Naisbitt] at the time of his decease– also remarks by Junius and Aunt Hannah and nyself All Annie’s family were therre nearly except Gorge [George] Q. & Margaret and children [p. 304] {p. 225}

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October 1912, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024