May 1911

1 May 1911 • Monday

As rare a day as could be in May– indeed a perfect day the air redolent of sweetness of limb & blossom, all about Annie’s home was beautiful, she came with me to the car and I was soon in town and opened the office no satisfactory mail, all ordinary, a very fine day and much more than usual accomplished callers in abundance new girl for situation1 Martha Elizabeth Hellewell of Hubert [Rupert] Idaho, very competent Emma came to the house to show her &c [p. 121] {p. 73}

3 May 1911 • Wednesday

This day I felt very keenly the change of affairs and would have had a gathering if others had agreed to my wishes– purchased some small books in variety and wrote a sentiment giving them to members of the Board new and old that is those who served when Sister B. W. [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith came in and those who served during her administration– it is a little simple thing but with the sentiment will be a keepsake when I am gone– we used to be so jolly together on her birthday and now– it seems as if it has actually changed the day to a sombre hue– but all is well with her undoubtedly [p. 123] {p. 74}

4 May 1911 • Thursday

I have been doing a lot of work sending off packages and writing sentiments [p. 124] {p. 75}

5 May 1911 • Friday

W.C.T.U.2 & Relief Society joined forces in working for prohibition met in Relief Society Rooms and talked matters over Mrs. [Warner A.] Wight [Virginia D. Wight] elected Chairman & Mrs. A. W. Cannon Secretary– another meeting of Woman’s Store Committee was held at 4. p.m. then the Sat– Today is Ida [Smoot] Dusenberry’s birthday and she is very young comparatively speaking– yet old in experience of trouble and anxiety. She has acted very strange since I have been in the Presidency– it is not my fault that she is not in office3– [p. 125] {p. 76}

15 May 1911 • Monday

This is Katharine [Cannon]’s birthday 14 years old today and Margaret had a son4 born this morning early– it is good that it is over with for we have all been somewhat anxious for some time [p. 135] {p. 77}

16 May 1911 • Tuesday

<Anniversary of Louie [Louise Wells Cannon]’s death in San Francisco 1887> Came up early and went off to Jordan Stake Clarissa and Julina with me, called at President H. H. [Hilda Ostlund] Larson’s and had some refreshment fine strawberries, I spoke in the morning but gave Clarissa the most time as she was going away and could not speak in the afternoon, however it came about that Julina had to go too– Afternoon Julina spoke a few minutes & I had all the time. News came from Holland that Lester [J.] Cannon had died– and it is the anniversary of Louie’s of Louie’s demise in San Francisco– the saddest death in my family. how have I lived I know not it seems impossible that anyone could pass th[r]o’ such sorrows as mine and wear a smiling face ever again. [p. 136] {p. 78}

17 May 1911 • Wednesday

President Angus M. Cannon’s birthday 77 today the family are celebrating [p. 137] {p. 79}

18 May 1911 • Thursday

Today Martha Elizabeth Hellewell left here to go home to Heyburn Idaho– I bade her Good Bye in the morning and she left while I was away also May the girl who is staying here [p. 138] {p. 80}

19 May 1911 • Friday

This week has been very trying– anxiety in regard to the coming meeting, am preparing legal notices5 for all, who have been called and all old members as well 22 in all. Have tried to get copy ready as well and so many interruptions. [p. 139] {p. 81}

20 May 1911 • Saturday

Have had an interview with Julina on the question of Secretary and have told her plainly a few things Amy [Brown] Lyman came by my request and consented to act as Assistant Secretary for a year at least. I have prepared notices for 22 people for next Thursday’s meeting and they are all sent out that is one step taken towards the reorganization to get settled under the rules of the Incorporation, have had many callers Dr. R. B. Penrose, Hattie C. [Critchlow] Jenson, Annie W. Cannon & Katherine & gentleman several, am very weary tonight Alberta Barton and others. I felt sad when I saw that R. [Richard] K. Thomas had failed– he is a good man [p. 140] {p. 82}

21 May 1911 • Sunday

<Anniversary of Louie’s funeral in 1887. such horrors it calls up6> Went to the Tabernacle to the Temperance meeting a mass meeting Joseph J. Cannon opened with a few remarks explaining the work done & contemplated and introduced Reve. C. E. Niel [C. R. Neal] of [the Central] Christian Church Paster to the Audience– who spoke very well and also Mrs. [E. E.] Shepherd [Lula L. Shepard] spoke eloquently, then Nephi Morris singing was interspersed excellent music– 6th. Ward S.S.7 sung The Gushing Rills, Prayer first by Rev. Stuart closing prayer John Henry Smith of the First Presidency, Annie was with the Sunday School children, they carried banners that were very effective This is the anniversary of Louie’s funeral, that dreadful day– when all seemed lost to us Alas, we had to go on living still. [p. 141] {p. 83}

22 May 1911 • Monday

<Junius came in to see me today & told me he is going East again> This has been a busy day and one of confusion, the first thing this morning circus parade and crowds of people– in the streets everywhere Sister Louie [Louise Boulton] Felt and May Anderson came to see me and we talked about Olive Derbage Christenson [Derbidge Christensen] being made Secretary for the Relief Society while she was already their Secretary– however we cannot change things. I had Bishop David A Smith up here to talk about matterss pertaining to the Building– and the coming Confereence of the Y.M.8 & Y.L.9 No very satisfactory mail– but heard John Q. was not well– it grieved me very much indeed– [p. 142] {p. 84}

23 May 1911 • Tuesday

<This morning Adeline [Adaline Knight] Belnap formerly Knight came to see me> The wind is very fierce today and I am due at Granite Stake– to a select affair of the Relief Society, both my Counselors invited also but Julina could not go, Clarissa and myself went but the wind was awful– I spoke at the gathering the banquet was very fine and music also– Clarissa spoke too I invited Sarah Jenne Cannon to go as Julina could not, she also spoke a few words– the wind was terrific all day– Orpha Roberts Walker who has always been fond of me was there and played the piano Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor and her daughter Lennie [Leonora Taylor] Harrington were there Emily Burton and many others– [p. 143] {p. 85}

24 May 1911 • Wednesday

The Queen of England & Empress of India Victoria’s birthday Anniversary, formerly observed with great ceremony and pomp– it has been a very important day here in the office– so much going on, and finally Edna L. Smith came to take me for a ride– we were out for hours Isabel was with me and we had a pleasant time– In the evening went to Whitney Hall and 18th. Ward Chapel to the Graduating exercises of the Nurses. It was quite a brilliant affair a great quantity of flowers which made the scene more beautiful. Bishop Nibley presided– Annie & Emmie <were there we came away together–> [p. 144] {p. 86}

25 May 1911 • Thursday

This is a very important day for me– we are to have a legal meeting at the Headquarters in the Bishop’s Building in our Relief Society rooms. John M. Cannon attorney at Law to put us in legal form. We were already organized in part– no secretary or treasurer. I had great anxiety over the matter but after all it passed off fairly well– It was the first real meeting of the Board of Directors since I had been called to preside– and I maintained fairly good order– and things passed off without any friction In the evening the Central Committee of the Anti Saloon League met in the Relief Society Rooms quite a number of ministers of churches & W.C.T.U. Women [p. 145] {p. 87}

26 May 1911 • Friday

This has been an exciting day Heber J. Grant came to see me I had sent for him, and we had a long and confidential conversation– then soon after Susa Young Gates came and talked and May Anderson, Alice L. Howarth, Sarah M. McLelland with an immense bouquet of Peony’s Mrs. [Anna K. Gaarden] Widtsoe with wildflowers, and Annie came & made me a visit of two or three hours, Oscar Hunter’s wife10 & Eliza [Palmer] Frost & Isabel from the Temple & Lula Greene Richards who stayed for hours.

I went to the Post office about two International Money Orders that had never been paid & had lunch in the Felt Building opposite. Amy Brown Lyman came today too– [p. 146] {p. 88}

29 May 1911 • Monday

11Monday, May 29, 1911

Sent postal to Sarah F. [Fielding] Burton Afton Wyoming about Conference in Star Valley [Wyoming] June 13, 1911– Letter to Eliza A. [Thornton] Hall Portage about Malad Stake Conference– Letter to Alice [Bryson] Sessions & F. [Forthilda Iverson] Funk Pres & Sec’y of Cassia Stake about Conference

After going home wrote nearly 3. pages in Record R.S. [p. 149] {p. 63}

30 May 1911 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 30, 1911

Wrote letter to Cor. Sec.12 Louise [Rogers] Tueller Paris Idaho about R.S. Conference Bear Lake Stake.

Sent postal to Mrs. Eliza J. [Jones] Dixon Payson about Conference visitors for June 23. 1911 at Spanish Fork Postal to Ann T. [Boyes] Walker Rigby Idaho about Conference on June 9. at Lorenzo [Idaho]

John Q. Cannon called at noon said Budd [Horace G.] Whitney was very ill

wrote pages in R.S. Record [p. 150] {p. 64}

31 May 1911 • Wednesday

Wednesday13 May 31. 1911

Bought Groceries & linen from Z.C.M.I.14 Em. went over there for me wrote to Eliza A Hall Portage new Sub.15 for Woman’s Exponent A. S. Guthre had a ride this morning with Julina L. Smith read proofs fixed copy wrote to [blank line]

wrote pages in R.S. Record [p. 151] {p. 65}

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May 1911, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]EBW regularly hired a young woman to live with her, handle housework, and prepare meals.

  2. [2]Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. In April 1911, the Woman’s League of Salt Lake City had joined forces with the WCTU “in the effort to make Salt Lake City a dry town at the special election June 27, 1911.” (“Woman’s League Holds Interesting Meeting,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 Apr. 1911, [3].) Additional officers and supporting groups were listed in later articles. (“Women Form Anti-liquor League Here,” Salt Lake Telegram, 11 May 1911, 3; “Women in Fight for Prohibition, Salt Lake Tribune, 11 May 1911, 12.)

  3. [3]When called as Relief Society general president, EBW did not choose her counselors. She asked the First Presidency to do that for her. President Anthon H. Lund said they picked the next two women in line from the suggested preferences of the board members. They were Clarissa S. Williams and Julina L. Smith. Ida S. Dusenberry served as second counselor to Bathsheba W. Smith from 1901 to 1910, then remained on the board. (EBW, Diary, 2 and 3 Oct. 1910; Derr, et al., Women of Covenant, 435, 437; Jenson, L.D.S. Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:183.)

  4. [4]David W. Clayton.

  5. [5]The organization was incorporated as the National Woman’s Relief Society on 10 October 1892, and its board of directors met regularly. At the transition between the presidencies of Bathsheba W. Smith and EBW, additional papers needed to be signed. EBW explained in her diary entry of 25 May 1911 that attorney John M. Cannon met with them. (EBW, Diary, 10 Oct. 1892; 24 Nov. 1893; 8 Apr. 1895; 27 Apr. 1898; 23 July 1910; 19 and 25 May 1911; 27 Mar. 1912; Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 144–146.)

  6. [6]Recalling the funeral of Louie Wells Cannon stirred painful memories because members of EBW’s family were offended by the remarks made there by stake president Angus M. Cannon. (See EBW, Diary, 21 May 1908, n12.)

  7. [7]Sunday School.

  8. [8]Young Men.

  9. [9]Young Ladies’.

  10. [10]Mindwell Chipman Hunter.

  11. [11]text: The entries for 29 May through 8 June 1911 come from volume 37 of the diary.

  12. [12]Corresponding Secretary.

  13. [13]text: It is not known why EBW deleted the first three letters of “Wednesday”. She may have temporarily forgotten the correct day of the week, particularly since she was making this entry in a diary preprinted with 1910 dates.

  14. [14]Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution.

  15. [15]Subscription.